I Am Dragonblood: Fury's Frie...

By FlittLocke

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When Hiccup begins to feel a tingling in his back, he doesn't realise his life is going to change forever. (I... More

Authors Note
Chapter One - Pests
Chapter Two - The Fury
Chapter Three - First Flight
Chapter Four - Shiftability
Chapter Five - Training
Chapter Six - Capture
Chapter Eight - Defeating Death
Chapter Nine - A Different Kind of Berk
A Note Y'all

Chapter Seven - Through the Fog

5K 137 62
By FlittLocke


Things were going from bad to worse, or maybe from worse to horrendous. Hiccup had been chained to a slab of wood, two curved metal bars arched over him and a collar of oak locked around his neck. He didn't dare Shift, knowing the situation would probably go from horrendous to horrifyingly bad if he did. 
    Only about twenty minutes after he'd been locked in the cell, a handful of Vikings had come for him and dragged him to the docks, where they'd put him in these chains. He'd then got lowered onto a ship, the lead ship, the one his father would usually sail in. He'd given up struggling, there's was no getting out of these shackles. His only hope now was that Astrid would come for him. 
    He was awoken from his thoughts by a bright blue flash to his left. He strained his neck around and saw, to his horror, Toothless galloping towards him, a set look on his face. Vikings all around had also seen and were readying nets and spears. 'Toothless! No!' Hiccup screeched as best he could through the muzzle. His friend fired again, only a warning shot, but still it brought half of the people there to the floor. 'What are you doing, bud! Get away!'
    Toothless roared his defiance to the nets that were spinning through the air towards him. 'I am not leaving you!' He dodged the first two nets, but the third tangled around his wing and front legs, bringing him to the ground with groan. 
    'Nooooo!!!' Hiccup yelled, struggling ferociously at his bonds. 'Toothless!!' The Night Fury snapped at the hands reaching for him, but there were too many, tying him up, dragging him onto a boat, chaining him to a similar contraption as Hiccup's. 
    'What is going on here?' A voice boomed. Stoick had arrived. Hiccup's father saw the commotion and stormed down the walkway, pushing aside Vikings that were in his way. When he saw Toothless his small green eyes widened. 'Another one?'
    'It charged us while we were loading the boats, Chief,' a man by the name of Spitelout, Snotlout's father, spat. 'It must have come looking for its friend.'
    Stoick eyed the saddle and tail Hiccup had made. 'That girl has some explaining to do,' he muttered. Then to the waiting Vikings; 'we move out in ten minutes! Get everything ready!'
    Hiccup watched as his father came over to him. 'You, fiend, are going to lead us to the nest.'



'Ok guys, no weapons.'
    'You'll see.'
    Astrid took a deep breath, wondering why in Thor's name she was doing this. I'm crazy, she thought. With hesitant steps she walked over to the cell holding the dragons, she'd already raised the bar blocking the door from opening and the metal hinges creaked as she pull the door. Remembering what Hiccup had done she had laid her axe against the wall and made the others do the same. With her hands loosely at her sides, showing that she was unarmed, Astrid approached the Nightmare, thinking that it'd be most likely to work on it that than the others. It cowered back at first, then it got curious and came forward, pupils dilating. Astrid raised her hand, making the dragon flinch. But then it seemed to get the idea and it pressed its snout to her palm, its yellow eyes fixed on her. 
    Astrid breathed a sigh of relief and backed out slowly, the Nightmare following. She grabbed whoevers hand was closest and pressed it to the dragon's snout in place of hers. Snotlout, who was the one now with the Nightmare, looked terrified. 
    'Wait, where are you —?'
Astrid had moved away to a box and was rummaging inside. 'Your gonna need something to hold on with.' She looked back at the cell, the other dragons, Nadder, Gronckle and Zippleback, were peering out into the bright daylight. 'We're going to rescue Hiccup.'



They'd reached the fog. 
    The rattling was already getting into his head, and it wasn't long until he was looking around for the source of it. Whichever way he turned his head, Stoick would turn the ship, somehow guiding them through pillars of jagged grey rock. He heard Toothless struggling in the boat behind, and then the keel of the ship sunk into gravel, jerking all who were aboard. 
    'We're here,' Stoick said. 
    Bit obvious, Hiccup thought. 
    The Chief leapt out and crunched onto the black gravel, and immediately the rattling stopped. 
    Oh no. 
    The other ships lined up on the shore, catapults being readied. The Chief pointed, raised his hand then gave the signal to fire. Multiple boulders hit a single point of the mountain, the rock crumbling bit by bit until it collapsed in on itself, leaving a gaping black hole. Stoick went in to the entrance of the newly made passage, more Vikings, including Gobber, Phlegm and Spitelout, behind him. A fireball was launched into the blackness, revealing hundreds of dragons clinging to the walls, silent. 
    'YAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH,' Stoick, Gobber and the rest yelled, loud enough to wake Odin himself from the deepest sleep. The hundred, or make that  thousand, dragons took flight and streamed out of the mountain from all sides, easily avoiding the Vikings pathetic attempts to slash their undersides. The air cleared of their roars, growls and squawks, and they were gone. 
    'Was that it?' Gobber said, and shrugged to himself. 'We did it!' A cheer went up from the crowd, but the Chief did not join in, he was watching Toothless, who was somehow managing to struggle and cower at the same time. 
    'No. This is not over.'
    A roar that shook the ground was heard. The mountain cracked and splintered as something green and red, something massive exploded from it. 
    The enraged Queen had come. There was no chance now. 


Fog. More fog. Even more fog. Endless fog. A flash. More fog. More fog. More fo— wait, a flash?
    Astrid's mind came back to the present. A flash could mean many things; a warning of danger, a signal for help, a natural occurrence to name only a few. But this one had been a big, orange flash, like dragon fire when it's first shot. And now there was a glow up ahead, orange as a sunset and flickering like a candle. They must be close. 
    Then looming through the fog came a mountain, ships and the sound of Vikings at war. They had definitely arrived, and just in time by the looks of it. 
    'Right!' Astrid yelled so the other Riders could hear her. 'We go in, find Hiccup and — oh, my Thor.'
    The biggest dragon Astrid had ever seen had emerged from the fog.  It was green and red, the size of, well, she couldn't think of anything big enough to match the scale of this beast. 
   'What in Odin's name is that?!'
    For once, Fishlegs, who was riding a Gronckle, made no reply. 
    'Ok, ok,' Astrid muttered to herself. 'Let's do this.'
    Her Nadder swooped down out of the fog and fired at the giant beast's head, distracting it from crushing boats. The Vikings below looked up in amazement, eyes wide at seeing people on the backs of dragons. 
    'Astrid! There!' Fishlegs yelled and pointed to a ship. In the among flames she caught sight of Hiccup and Toothless, just before the massive dragon's foot came down on it. 


While all the attention was on the Queen Hiccup Shifted to human form. He slipped out of the chains and hurried across the empty vessel, vaulted over the side and onto the next boat, the one Toothless was trapped on. He tugged the muzzle off of his friend and tried with all his might to undo the lock and the chains, but his skinny arms just couldn't do it. Searing heat coursed across his skin and flames erupted around him, making his eyes water. But he didn't pause, all that mattered was to free his friend, even if that meant death by fire. 
    Toothless snarled a warning and Hiccup looked up in time to see the Queen's talons ripping the the ship they were on in half. He and the Night Fury were thrown into the cool, debris strewn water, Toothless sinking quickly, dragged down by the slab of wood he was chained to. 
    Hiccup gulped in a lungful of air and dove down, following the Fury to the murky seabed. He pulled at the chains again, but to no avail. His world darkened and his chest hurt, and with a few bubbles escaping from his mouth momentarily lost consciousness. 
    A strong hand grabbed him and hauled him to the surface, dragging him onto a rock before the bear like figure the hand belonged to dove back into the water. 'Dad?' Hiccup spluttered. Moments later Toothless burst out of the liquid, along with the Chief. The Fury landed and gestured for his rider to get on. 'You got it, bud.' He leapt on and clipped himself to the safety line. 
    'Hiccup,' the Chief said, placing a hand on his son's arm. 'Im proud to call you my son.'
    Hiccup looked at him in surprise. His father had never said anything like that before. They smiled at each other then Toothless was up and away, soaring up past the flames and into the smoke filled sky. 
    'He's up!' He heard Astrid yell and turned in the saddle to see her and the other teenagers swooping towards him on dragons. 
    'What? How?' Hiccup stuttered. Even Snotlout was on a dragon!
    'I'll explain later, first we have to stop this Queen.'
    'Ok,' he went into plan mode. 'Fishlegs, Snotlout, hang in it blind spot and make a lot of noise. Ruff and Tuff, we need some explosions. Astrid, aim for the eyes.'
    'And what are you going to do?'
    That thing has wings,' he observed thoughtfully. 'We are going to get it in the air.'

1660 words, phew, that's the most I've done XD

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