Riverside's Perfect Murder

By addenon1

9.8K 1.2K 675

Detective Rita Rawlins got the ten-sixty-five call "Armed Robbery in Progress." Rita arrived at the Riverside... More

The Crime
The Detective
Meet The Teller
Meet Joe
Let's Profile
Dimethyl mercury?
Crazy like a fox
The Nightmare
Riverside Bank
A White Hat
Meet Ollie
Mike Craig
Ollie Round Two
Picnic in the Cemetary
Meet The Professor
Dave's Not a Nice Guy
Hold Me Ollie
Mrs. Wilkes Lied
Tony's Dead
The Captain
Ollie's Spa
Who Is Ollie?
Let Us Go For A Drive
Detective Joe?
Nick's Missing
Meet Jasper
Nick's Apartment
Nick's Letter
Nick's Files
Three Months Later

The End

220 27 1
By addenon1

Ollie came to Rita's door twenty minutes early. "You're early," Rita said.

"I couldn't wait to see you. I want to get going," Ollie replied.

"All right then let's get moving." Rita hesitated before closing the door. She looked around the apartment like she had forgotten something.

"Are you alright?" Ollie asked. "Let's go."

"Yes, I just..." Rita hesitated, "I have a funny feeling I forgot something. That's all."

"You don't need anything, so there's nothing to forget."

Locking the door, Rita said, "You're right. Let's go."

Rita looked at Ollie. "I have never seen you in shorts and a golf shirt. You look good. I mean relaxed and casual."

Laughing, Ollie said, "Thanks, I think."

"No, I mean it. You have nice legs. And your ass isn't bad either." Rita stopped.

"What's wrong."

"I thought we were going for a drive. Where is the Alpha Romeo?"

"Oh, I changed my mind. I have a different trip in mind for you today."

Why do I feel so uneasy, Rita thought? "Where?"

"Now that's a surprise. I can't tell you yet, but it will be a trip of a lifetime."

That didn't make Rita feel any better.

Ollie stood holding the door to the black town car open for her. "Coming, my dear?"

It didn't sound like a question. What's gotten into him?

Rita smiled. "Yes, of course."

Before getting into the car, Rita looked up and down the street. The hairs were standing up on her neck again, and she couldn't figure out why.


Joe looked at his phone, blocked number. "Hello?"

"Joe, it's Ollie."

Joe hesitated. "Yeah."

"Joe, I do not have a lot of time to explain, but someone kidnapped Rita, and I believe she only has hours to live."

Joe sat up straight in his chair. "What?"

"Rita is in danger, and I need your help," Ollie said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I don't understand, but how can I be of service?"

"Can you check CTV cameras around Rita's apartment? You are looking for a fancy car. Probably black, like a town car. He likes those."

"Who likes them?" Joe asked.

"No time to explain now. I will explain everything later. Can you help?"

"Yeah, I can, but why should I help you?"

"Because Rita's life depends on us finding her in the next hour or we will never see her again. And I cannot let that happen."

The last line was in a voice that made Joe shudder.

"I will get right on it. If I can see the car, then what? Do you want me to put out a BOLO for it?"

"No. No one else can know about this. He will be listening."

"Who will and how do you know?"

"Because I would be listening," Ollie said simply.

"Ok. Assuming I can find the car, then what?"

"There are seven airports in the area he can use. I need to know what direction the car is headed to be sure which one he is using."

"Who is he?"

"Never mind that now. I have sent you a list of the airports. I am heading to Smiths Airfield twenty miles north of here. Call the FAA and see if a flight plan has been filed from there heading to Mexico. It would be a small private jet."

"Mexico? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I believe the Gonzales crime family has contracted to have Rita brought to them."

"Oh shit."

"We do not have much time. Can you do this?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm on it. Why not call the towers of all the airports?"

"He would only use airports with no staffed towers and very specific runways. I am headed to Smiths because it is the one I would use. Call me if you find out anything. I sent my number." Ollie disconnected.

"Shit," Joe said. "Who is this guy? And who has Rita? Damn." He dialed Frank.

"Frank. You still at central?"

"Yeah, sure why?"

"I need you to drop everything and..."


Rita sat in the back with Ollie. The car was headed north on route eighty-one. She kept looking at Ollie. Everything was the same, but different somehow. Was his hair a little longer? It was the same silver/white but cut different? Stop being an idiot, she thought.

"Everything alright, my dear."

Rita lied. "Yes. I am wondering when you are going to tell me where we're going, that's all."

"Soon. Do you know the migration route of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird?"

"No, why?" Rita said.

"As it turns out, we are going to take the same route. Won't that be lovely?"

"I guess so. You're acting strange."

"I am? I'm sorry. I guess I'm just excited. It's not every day I can take off with my girlfriend."

"Oh, is that what I am? Your girlfriend?"

Ollie laughed. "It sounds cheesy when you say it. I only want to hold you and feel your pulse while I can. Life can be so very short."

Rita turned and stared out the window. What's that supposed to mean? What the hell is wrong with him?

When she looked back, Ollie was facing straight ahead and had a smile on his face. It wasn't the soft smile he so often used around her. It wasn't even the cat ate the prized bird smile. It appeared he was savoring a thought. Something only he knew and didn't want to share.

The car turned into a small airstrip. The sign read "Smiths Airfield Alt eight-eight-five feet."

"Why are we here?" Rita asked.

"To catch a flight, of course."

After Ollie got out, Rita shrugged and got out of the car. There were a few single-engine planes, and one twin-engine but all seemed to be tied down.

"Do you fly?" Rita asked.

"Yes I do, but I won't be flying today. We are waiting for the plane. It should be here soon." Ollie looked at his watch.

Rita froze.


The Alpha Romeo speedometer read one-twenty when the phone rang. Ollie pushed the speaker button, "What do you know?"

Joe's voice came on the line. "You were correct the car headed north on eighty-one. FAA says there is a small Hawker four hundred due to land at Smiths within the hour. The flight plan says it is going to refuel and head up to Montreal."

"That's the one. Where did it originate?"

"FAA says Phoenix. I thought you said Rita was headed to Mexico?"

"Diversion. Once Rita is on that plane, they will change the flight plan and head back south, probably somewhere like Laredo, Texas. Hang on..."

Joe could hear the engine whine and Ollie downshifting and then accelerate again.

Ollie's voice came back on. "From Laredo, it is a simple change to go into Mexico."

"Shit," Joe said.

"My ETA is in three minutes. Here is what I want you to do..."


Rita attempted to stay cool. She didn't have a gun. When she left she didn't think she would need one. Rita felt sure he would have a weapon, and it was all open pavement. No place to run or hide. The car.

The car started and drove off. Damn. Well, there goes my one chance, Rita thought. Like that was even a chance. Rita felt sure she would never be allowed to leave. It would have only gotten the driver killed.

Is help coming? No one even knows where I am. Rita was on her own. Think, damn it. Think.

Rita jumped when he touched her shoulder. "Oh, I didn't mean to startle you."

"Like hell you didn't."

That smile came back. What had Ollie called it? "A smile of pure evil."

"I gave you enough clues. Which one finally did it for you?" he asked.

Rita looked him in the eyes. "Your watch."

"Ah, yes. Nothing else?"

"I didn't notice the contractions at first, but Ollie never uses them, you do."

Laughing, he said, "It's from all that time he spent in England. It refined him. Made him more sophisticated. What did you call him, Ollie?"


"How quaint. Did he tell you his real name is Oliver?"

"No. Ollie said he couldn't remember his real name."

"Well, that's true. But he knows what it is. I made sure of it," Derek said.

"Does he know your name?"

"Of course he does. It's Lawrence."

Rita gasped.

"So you have heard the name?"


"Does he call me by that name?"

"No. Ollie called you Derek."

That smile surfaced again. "I killed Derek when we were much younger. I killed him for fun. And to prove a point to a larger enemy."

"Killing someone was fun for you?" Rita said.

"Killing someone is always fun for me."

"You're sick. You need help."

"Correction. You are the one needing help. When the plane gets here, we will go to Mexico." Lawrence smiled again.


"There are some people who want to... see you. To meet you face to face."

"You mean to kill me," Rita said.

"Oh, it won't be that quick. It will be days, weeks, or even months before you die. Although you will cry, no beg, for death much sooner."

Rita realized what he was talking about, torture. She quickly decided if he got within range, she would have to try to take him down. She had no chance, of course, but to die here would be better than what he described. Come a little closer, please.

As if reading Rita's mind, he took a step back. Not in fear but in preparation. "You can try. I hear you are good, but I am better," he warned.

Lawrence lifted his head like he heard or felt something. "Good, he is here. I was afraid I would miss him. I have waited a long time for this."

Rita looked around. "Who is here?"

"I am going to leave you for a little while. If you run, know I will find you before you reach anywhere that can help. If I have to chase you, I will hurt you in ways that you cannot imagine. I get a bonus if I bring you to them alive, but I have all the money I need, so I don't care. Don't move. I will be in the shadows watching you." He turned away and walked to the hanger and Rita watched Derek disappear inside.

The hanger door was open, but it was completely dark inside. Rita looked around again. She could run, but there was no place close to go. A fence surrounded the whole airport. The gate they came in was at least a thousand yards away. Beyond the enclosure to the left was a grassy hill, but there was no way she could get to it. At least not quickly.

Rita started to feel panic setting in. She could run and die or worse. She could stay and be alive but for how long. He wasn't close for her to take a chance. And what chance would she have? Sure, she knew how to take down a suspect or defend herself. But against a trained assassin. She wouldn't survive but a minute. She wasn't fooling herself.

Who was he waiting for?

Rita felt the first tear leave her right eye. Then the left. She quickly wiped her face. She wouldn't die crying or begging. Rita would wait and die trying. "Just give me an opportunity, you bastard," she said quietly, her knuckles white at her sides.

Rita braced herself and waited.

Fifteen minutes later a man dressed in a white oxford button shirt and dark pants emerged from the hanger. He had on a white Panama hat and dark glasses.

Rita's heart skipped a beat. Ollie! She took a step forward and then stopped. There was a pistol in his right hand. The man was walking directly at Rita. He got about ten feet away before he stopped and raised the weapon pointing it at Rita's face.

Rita's mind couldn't take in what happened next. The man's head exploded in a great cloud of mist, blood, and brain matter. "No," Rita screamed as she ran to the man lying on the blacktop. Her scream almost blocked out the sound of the rifle shots.

Rita frantically checked his wrists. The man's watch was on his left arm. "Ollie," she screamed.


Joe patted the arm of the nearest SWAT sniper as he rose. "Nice shot." Joe headed back down the hill to get the car. He arrived near Rita a few minutes later.

Joe parked the car and got out. Seeing the blood on Rita, he asked, "Are you OK?"

Rita looked up. Not really knowing or trusting what she saw through the tears. "Joe?"

"Rita, are you all right?"

"Joe. What happened? Ollie? Derek? Lawrence? I don't understand?"

"Neither do I Rita. The State Troopers are on the way. Let them sort all this out."


"Come on, Rita. We need to get you checked out." Joe led her to the car and gently assisted getting her in the front seat.

"How did you find me?"

"Good old fashion police work. I am a detective now, don't ya know."

"A detective..." Rita said. She looked at thebloody body as the car pulled past. "Good for you," her voice trailed off.

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