𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑢𝑘)...

By xxxlejindaryxxx

133K 7.4K 1.7K

In which Jeongguk finds himself falling for a witty vampire who seems to understand him more than anyone else... More



4K 238 80
By xxxlejindaryxxx

"Hey Jimin! I'm almost done with getting everything set up" Jeongguk said, holding his phone up to his ear.   

It was Saturday, and Jimin and Jeongguk had planned a movie night. Once a month (and every Saturday) the two friends would have a movie marathon together. It was a friendship tradition that they had formed throughout the years, and Jeongguk was also happy since, for the first time in two weeks, he was going to have Jimin all to himself.

"Yeah, hey Ggukie?" Jimin spoke through the phone "I think I'm not going to be able to make it tonight."

Jeongguk stopped himself from getting the popcorn out "what, why?! Did something happen?"

"No!" Jimin exclaimed "actually, Namjoon asked me to come over tonight, and it completely slipped my mind that we were having a movie night. Actually, I think we're going to finally do it and I'm so nervous that my hands can barely stay still!"

"Oh," Jeongguk said, feeling his heart shatter inside of his chest "oh, okay."

"I'm so so sorry!" Jimin replied "really, but I just can't say no now and we can always redo it, right?"

"Yeah, yeah we can," Jeongguk said "have fun and remember to use protection."

Jimin let out a giggle "I will. Bye! Love you Ggukie!"

"Love you too" Jeongguk mumbled.

But not in the way you do. 

The older hung up, and Jeongguk let out a sigh, placing his phone on the kitchen counter. He knew he didn't want to watch the movie all alone now, but he had no idea what to do instead.

So, he grabbed his keys and a jacket before he left his house.

Jeongguk had no idea where he was going, but he let his feet carry him wherever they wanted nonetheless. He ended up by a streetlight, and it wouldn't let pedestrians cross since the green light was still on and cars were driving by.

The young boy began pushing the button, but it wouldn't budge. He continued pushing it until eventually, he was just taking his anger out on it.

Jeongguk hated Jimin for abandoning him, but he also hated Namjoon for taking him away from him. But most of all, Jeongguk hated the universe. Because it never seemed to make him happy.

"Hey Cherry, what are you doing?"

Jeongguk turned to be faced with the infamous asshole, Taehyung.

"Don't call me that," the younger said, continuing to push at the button.

"Hey-" He took his hand away from it "are you okay?"

"Don't touch me" Jeongguk snapped, pulling his arm away from the older's grip "and I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood for games today."

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked, genuinely sounding concerned "because you seem really off-"

"-I said I'm not in the mood, okay asshole?" Jeongguk replied, "you don't have to pretend to care about me."

"I'm not pre-"

"Bye asshole!" Jeongguk said, beginning to walk out into the road, though he wasn't aware that there was a car on its way "hope you have fun annoying other teenage boys with real problems!"

"J-Jeongguk, watch-"

"What? I can't hear you?' Jeongguk said, smirking. He was walking backward in the middle of the road, enjoying the look on the older's face.

Then, everything else happened so fast.

Jeongguk saw lights and just right when he thought he was about to get hit by a car someone pulled him out of the road. He couldn't decipher who it was, though. All he knew was that arms were around him and he almost felt like he was being picked up.

Once he ended up on the opposite sidewalk, he heard the sound of a car honk as he looked up at Taehyung. His arms were still around his waist, and the older took them off, placing them by his sides awkwardly.

"H-how did you get there so fast?" Jeongguk asked.

"I'm a fast runner" he replied "anyway, are you okay? And be honest."

Jeongguk looked at the older, and for the first time since they met, he noticed that Taehyung had gray eyes. He stared at them for so long that he almost forgot what he was going to say.

"I don't know," Jeongguk told him "honestly, I don't know anymore."

"Well, is there anything I can try and do to help?" Taehyung asked.

"You've already done enough" was what the younger wanted to say, but before he could answer he felt his stomach growl.

"Um, can we get something to eat?"


Jeongguk devoured the food on his place, forgetting that Taehyung was sitting right across from him, watching.

The two boys had decided to go to a small Korean restaurant nearby. It barely got any business, so the two boys were pretty much the only ones there. They haven't talked about the incident, and to be frank - they haven't talked about much of anything.

Jeongguk, with his mouth full, looked up at a grinning Taehyung. He then realized he was making a fool of himself and tried to swallow the rest of his food without choking.

"I'm sorry," Jeongguk told him "I was just really hungry."

"Don't apologize," Taehyung told him "eat as much as you want, I don't care."

Jungkook took a sip of his water, relieved that Taehyung wasn't embarrassed to be out with him.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Jeongguk asked, looking down at the empty spot on the table on the older's side"you don't have to just watch me eat."

"It's fine," Taehyung told him "seriously, I don't mind. And, as I said before, I'm just not hungry."

It was silent between them again, but before Jeongguk put any more food in his mouth, he decided to ask Taehyung the question that has been burning in his throat for the past few minutes.

"Why did you help me?" Jeongguk asked, "I've been nothing but a dick to you."

Taehyung put his arms on the table, leaning over a bit "you really think I would let you die just because you've said some rude comments? No, I wouldn't. Anyways, I should be the one apologizing."

"Apologizing for what?" the younger spoke, confused.

"For what I said on the balcony" Taehyung replied, "you were right, I was assuming that you were one of those people that faked depression for attention when really I shouldn't have assumed anything at all when I don't even know you."

"Why did you, though?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung sighed, then he turned back towards the younger "because I've been through some pretty tough shit, and...I don't know, not everyone has been through what I've been through and I've met a lot of people who have faked being depressed when it's a serious thing. Anyway, I was an asshole when I should've been more considerate. I'm truly sorry, Jeongguk."

It was quiet, and the two boys just looked at each other before the younger replied: "it's okay. I forgive you."

Jeongguk wasn't sure what it was that made him forgive him so easily, but all he knew was that he could tell that he truly felt bad and wanted to make amends.

"Actually, do you think we could, start over?" Taehyung asked, "like, as friends?"

Jeongguk's eyes widened "f-friends?"

"Yeah" the older replied "if you don't mind, of course. I'm just getting sick of the whole enemies thing we have going on."

"Okay" Jeongguk grinned, "yeah, we can be friends."

"Great" Taehyung said, "so, tell me about yourself."

"A-about myself?" Jeongguk told him "ah, I don't know. I'm a pretty boring person, actually. there's not really anything that interesting about me."

"I don't believe that" Taehyung replied "come on, tell me something about you. It can be anything."

Jeongguk began to scan his mind for answers. Even though he knew it was a simple question that should have a simple answer, nonetheless he pressured himself to give Taehyung a good answer.

In the end, all that came out was: "I'm a junior."

"In High School?" Taehyung asked, "I can see that. So you're seventeen?"

The younger nodded in reply "what grade are you in, anyway? I can't tell whether you're a senior or older."

"Oh uh...I'm a freshman in college."

"College?!" Jeongguk exclaimed, not expecting the older to be two years apart from him "oh wow."

Taehyung chuckled "I must look young for my age, hm? Tell me something else."

"Um..." Jeongguk thought for a moment "I like to sing."

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Seriously?" 

"Yeah" He replied "it's just something I do when I'm bored or thinking. I don't think I could ever sing in front of people, though. I would get too scared."

"Really? But you're so confident around me" the older replied. 

"That's different," Jeongguk said "when there's one person, I can be as confident as you want. But when there are thousands...it's terrifying."

Taehyung nodded in reply, beginning to understand the situation a little more.

"Now it's your turn," Jeongguk said, "tell me something about yourself, and just like you said earlier, it can be anything you want."

"Um, I've been traveling for most of my life," Taehyung told him "my Hyung works a lot, so he and I move around all the time. I've pretty much been all around the world."

Jeongguk's eyes widened "really? Where have you been?"

Taehyung started counting on his fingers "North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia"

"Wow" the younger replied, "that's so cool!"

"Where's the best place you've been too?" Jungkook asked, "it can be a state, country or a continent. Whichever you want."

"Paris, France" Taehyung replied with little to no hesitation.

"Why?" Jeongguk asked, a bit surprised by his answer.

Taehyung shrugged "I don't know, it's just so beautiful. Everything there; the museums, food, and of course, the Eiffel Tower. It's all just so beautiful and ethereal. You have no idea how much I want to go back someday."

"That sounds amazing" Jeongguk replied, "I've never been out of the country before, and I doubt I ever will."

"Don't think like that" Taehyung told him "you might, someday. You never know."

The younger shrugged, and it was quiet before Taehyung broke the silence once again "if you want, maybe someday we could go to Paris together to go see the Eiffel Tower."

Jeongguk felt himself smile, feeling a strange feeling in his heart "yeah, maybe someday."


The two continued talking until it grew late, and Taehyung ended up walking the younger home. 

Once they reached his house, Jeongguk turned towards the older "hey, when can we see each other again? I know you probably have a tight schedule but I had a lot of fun tonight."

"I did too" Taehyung replied "and, I can meet Mondays and Fridays. But only at night."

"At night?" Jeongguk asked.

The older nodded "yeah, that's the only time I can see you. I'm too busy during the day."

Jeongguk smiled "got it, I'll see you at night, then."

"Yeah," Taehyung said, walking away from the younger's front porch "I'll see you then."

The older walked away, and Jeongguk stood there, watching him leave while a small smile made its way onto his lips.

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