Life in high school

By EsiAlimi

458 57 25

Hey guys, if you want to know about it then....... Just read the book people, but it is still about high sch... More

First day of school ( chapter 1)
First day pt. 2 ( chapter 2)
Mackenzie Ziegler
THE BOYS ( chapter 3)
( chapter 4)
At the mall ( chapter 5)
At the mall pt 2 ( chapter 6)
Monica's origin ( chapter 7)
New chapter
Monica's origin ( chapter 8)
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

9 1 0
By EsiAlimi

Hey long time no see, well as you have noticed, I changed Michael to Adrien. Why,  because, I based Michael on my school crush, but I am slowly losing interest in him, he just doesn't care and he is a player soooo yeah, welllll, enjoy the chappie!!!!

Nobody's POV:-
As the guys got to the car, they drove off to cold stone creamery ( for ice cream, don't forget)
Nica's POV:-
When we all got there we ordered for ice cream, of course, I got bubblegum, cottoncandy and white chocolate flavored ice cream with chocolate chips and waffle toppings, in a big cup. I know, too much sweets, but I can't help if its so good ( a/n actually that is exactly how I normally take my ice cream, try it, its so amaizing, well on with the story) Lili ordered, coffee and strawberry flavors, with waffle toppings in a big cup. Lizzy and Joan ordered chocolate, mint and vanilla flavors, with sprinkles and gummy bears in a big cup. The boys got the same freaking thing, they all got aquaman and cottoncandy flavors, with waffles in a big cup. I was creeped out cause they said it at the sane time, but I just let it slide cause they have done weirder things than that, trust me. So after I wanted to pay for any of the boys caught me they would pay, so I wanted for once. I know I am not the kindest human being in the world, but I am humble and I pay for my things. Just as I was about to pay, here comes the devil him self..... Adrien.
Uhm, what do you think you are doing, Adrien asked
Are you paying for all of us, he asked
No shit sherlock, I said annoyed
I mean, you can clearly see me with my credit card, why you still asking dumb question, cause boy I know you ain't blind, I say still holding my credit card
Don't sass me Missy, I said I was gonna pay, he said
I'm no you didn't I say
Weelll, I am saying it now, I'm paying, he said dropping g his credit card on the counter, the cash register lady was about to take it until I snatched it away quickly
Can't I pay for once, please, I pleaded
No, he says
Oh come on I said please, you know how much I hate saying please, so can I? I say hopefully
OK let me think about it uhm..... No way, I'll pay and that's final, he said snatching his credit card away from me,  and paying quickly
Why you gotta be so rude, I sing
( if you guess the song I'll give you a shout out)
Done, come on let's go back to the guys,  he says, dragging my arms and its painfully if I may add.
Boy, I can walk, stop pulling me, I have legs you know, I say snatching my arm away.
Well,  you're not using quickly, he says and takes my arm again, and pulls me towards them, did I mention we ran there.
Dude,  they're right here,  can you let go of my arm now, I think I can see my blood a few steps back, I say in pain
Ohh sorry Nica, he say apologizing
No prop,  just sit yo ass down so we can talk and eat our ice cream, I say, looking at him still standing.
Oh sorry, he sits down and smiles sheepishly
( Adrien whispers something to the boys and now the boys are glaring at me, now that's creppy)
Nica, the boys say, still glaring at me
Girl what the hell did you do, the girls whisper-yell
Not a clue, I whisper back to them
What, I answer the boys,
We told you that we will be paying, Danny says sternly
Its one of the rules,  Tom says
To hell with your dumb rules, so I can't pay, is it a crime for a girl to pay,  I say
Yeah, is it a crime, because I don't see it in the constitution, Lizzy says, backing me up
Its not a crime per say, but we want to pay for the gir-
For the what, Lizzy and I interrupt Tony
For the young independent young women, Tony changes it quickly
Same thing, I and Lizzy
Look you guys help us alot, and we just want to repay your kindness, by paying for you guys whenever we go out, Adrien says
Aww you don't have to repay us,  we do it cause we care,  you really don't have to repay us,  Gigi and Joan say ( Lizzy and I still eating our ice cream)
Right Nica, Lizzy,  Lili says
Well, I and Lizzy say
Girls, Gigi and says in a high pitch voice,
Fine fine, calmetè, calmetè,  I say smirking
Don't use Spanish on me,  Missy, Joan says
Pûta, Lizzy and I mumble
What did you say Gigi says
Nothing yeash, I say
I caramba, Lizzy says
OK, what happened when we left you guys that night,  again so sorry Tom says

Nobody's POV
( in the morning)
The guys are at burger King,  they all order milkshakes and burgers *of course*
Nica can you please stop listening to  music, Adrien says
*Nica ignores and continues*
Nica seriously, drop the phone, RIGHT.  NOW.,  Adrien says getting annoyed
*Nica looks up and looks down at her phone*
Ugh I can't deal with her right now, Adrien says finally annoyed,
So to break the tension, how about we go camping, Tom says
Yeah good idea the guys say, except Nica
Uhm, yeah, so want is camping, Nica says confused
WHAT!?!?!  They all scream
Am I supposed to know, Nica questioned
Well like duh, the answer
Well, Nica questioned
What, they answered
WHAT IS IT, Nica shouts
Ohh well camping is like when people go to the woods, build tents, camp fire, and make s'mores, that is gram crackers, chocolate and marshmallow, Tony says,
So you up for it, Tom says
Yeah sounds like fun, Nica says
Okay, I'll pick you guys up and take y'all to our favorite camp site,  Kay, Adrien says
OK, pick us up at Nica's place at 5pm, Joan says
OK, bye girls, the boys say
Bye boys, the girls said, besides Nica
Adioûs, Nica says, the guys shake their heads
************(Le Time Skip.........  To 5pm) ***************

Girls, come on the boys will be here any minute, Lizzy says impatiently
We're done, well..............  Except for Joan, Nica says * They see Joan come down the stairs with a back pack and 3 suitcases *
Girl, we are going there for the weekend, not the whole month,  Lizzy says
This is ma first time, and even I know not to carry half ma bedroom,  Nica points out
Yeah you gotta let some stuff go, Lili says
OK OK fine I won't bring my seat warmer, but I will still bring my electric curler, Joan says
Were you gonna-,  you know what, I'll remove some for you, Nica says * Nica removes some of her things and pack her pj's deodorant and all the necessities all in Joans back pack*
There that's better, Nica says admiring her work
Ugh, can I at least carry my hair dryer, Joan pleads
Where you gonna plug tha-,  you know what, no, you cannot pack anything I didn't pack for you, got it?  Nica says
Fine, Joan says defeated * honk honk *
Welp looks like the boys are here, Gigi says
Yep, let's bounce, girls,  Lizzy says

                            ( Walking in the woods)

Uhm, are you sure this is the right way, Lili says unsure
I mean we have been walking for so long, aren't we they yet, Nica says tired and a little scared
Calm down we will be there soon, Danny says assuring the girls
Hey look full moon, ain't it beautiful, hey maybe a wolf of a vampire will come out, Lili jokes but still a little scared
Wh wh what, va va vampire, no no no, Nica says shaking
(Adrien walks up to her and hold her hand)
Hey hey look at me, calm down, okay,  we will protect you, Adrien says to Nica
Yeah we will, all of you girls, the boys say
And well if they can't, because I know they are week,Adrien jokes
Hey, the boys say offended, Nica giggles a little
I will protect you, he said, kissing her nose, making her giggle a little
Okay, I'm good, Nica says scared a little
Welp let's go, uhm guys can I talk to boys for a sec, Tom says
*the boys assemble* yah what's up, Adrien says
We need to go,we  are all changing, Tom says
Yeah, Nica almost say my fangs, we need to go like now, Adrien says
Uhm well girls we gotta go, Tom says
W w why, the girls asked scared
Mother nature called, we will be back, OK, bye, Adrien says as the boys run deep into the woods
Well...  they're gone, Nica says
        ( 3 hours later)
The boys have been gone for a long time now, Lizzy says
It doesn't take this long to use the bathroom, does it Nica says
Well they are boys, we don't know, Joan says
Either way, I say we go look for them, Gigi says
Yeah, Joan and Lizzy say
I agree but, isn't that like dangerous, Nica says
Come on,  Let's go, they could be in trouble, Lizzy says ( as they are walking)
Walking around alone in the woods at night on a full moon, that's not dangerous at all, it totally safe,  I mean, what could possibly go wrong, Nica says ( note sarcasm)  the girls all roll their eyes
( half an hour later)
Ok, the boys aren't here, let's go back to where they left us, maybe they're back, Nica says
Yeah Nica has a point let's go back, Lili says
Yeah Lizzy says
Uhm guys does anyone remember where we came from,  Joan says Maybe it was..... , Or maybe..... , uh, nope were lost, Nica says
* growling*
Uhm did anyone here that, Lizzy asked * the growling gets louder and closer *
Uh-oh, Lilisays
Oh no, Nica says
Oh man,  Lizzy says
Oh come on, Joan says
Is that a..... , Lizzy says
AAAAHHHHHHH, the girls scream


Heeeyyyy, so sorry for not updating, but I made this chapter extra long as an apology so yeah, I have another two chapter in the making, and I am almost done, maybe either way, bye

Esmi out 🎵💖🎤🎶


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