First day of school ( chapter 1)

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Monica POV
Hi I am Monica Santiago, I am 15 years old. I have alot of thing about me OK first, I am freaking rich, I am also the princess of the biggest and first ever continent on the planet, so basically I am the princess of half of the world, my mum and dad own the second best company, and I am the youngest in my family I have an elder sister,  you may think I am so lucky 🍀 well.... I am so not lucky, I hate all of it, my previous school used me for my money, the people i thought were my friends, where only my friends because scince my sister is engaged to another prince, she will be queen of that country and can't rule my place I rule, I can't say it right yet, so I will choose my lady royal and they wanted to be it, so my parents moved me to another school out of my ruling district, but in another country,  ugh but I didn't tell any one about my self, so I am just a simple girl and I am so not a girly girl and not a tomboy, I am in between I love black its me , and I changed my name to Monica Crowley, I hope I make friend here, and that no one knows me AT ALL.

Amalia  POV
Hi I am Amalia Delgado, I am 15 years old, I am the oldest in my family, I have a younger brother, he is 10. I am just a normal teenager, going too west side high, and I found out that a new girl named Monica Crowley, is coming to the school, I really want to be friend with here don't know why but she looks nice and she is stunning, and she looks exactly like Queen kimila kiara Benjamin, thats so freaky, but I am so going to be her friend, she looks like she will be with my friend Adrien  but she looks like she will fit in.

Elizabeth POV
Yo peps my name is Elizabeth Warren, and I'm 15 years old, I am the only child, can you say freedom. I am a tomboy not a full one but I am a tomboy, I go to west side high, I am friends with a girl named Amalia  Delgado she is my second best friend, there is a new girl named Monica Crowley and she looks stunning and like Queen kimila kiara Benjamin, the resemblance is un canning, she seems so cool 😎, especially her dressing, I mean all black damn, she slay dude, I must be her friend she will join our small but cool group. And she looks like a girl my friend Adrien would like.

Joanna POV
Hiya world, ma name is Joanna Gaines, I am the youngest in my family, I have two older siblings a brother and a sister, I am 15 years old, I am a typical teenage girl, my bestie is Elizabeth and my second best friend is Amalia , we are a small but cool group, then we head there is a new girl named Monica Crowley and she looks exactly like Queens kimila kiara Benjamin, she slay dude, and my friend Adrien would like her and I mean like like her if you know what I mean, I hope she likes us and she joins our group.


Hi guys I hope you like this chapter cause I have never made a chapter this long for me before, so...... Yeah

Buh bye fools

( jk y'all are awesome)
See ha

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