Harrison & Sylvia: Crossroads

By StevenMeehan

475 1 0

Harrison is the eldest son of a powerful nobleman of the Isles. And he would rather tinker than learn how to... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve

Part Four

47 0 0
By StevenMeehan

Sylvia stalked into Kameron's chamber and demanded, "Why did you summon me Kameron?"

Sitting down behind his desk, Kameron replied with a groan. "Hello, Sylvia. You are aware that you have it a little backward. I'm the one who gets to be annoyed when I'm summoned."

"My job is to ensure your safety," Sylvia said letting a glare slip as she took purposeful steps towards the king. "And it's a job that I can't do while I'm here with you."

Kameron dropped his head into his hand as he replied curtly. "Yes, but you have to know about the gala I'm planning so you can protect me."

As her eyes narrowed into slits, Sylvia growled. "How big is this gala going to be?"

"It's going to be a city-wide celebration, Sylvia."

Sylvia stood in front of Kameron with her mouth wide open. She was so silent and so motionless that Kameron wondered if one of his wizards had petrified her. The king let the silence hang in the room for another moment, "Sylvia, are you okay?"

Sylvia shook her head ever so slightly as she forced her mind to work once more. After a moment she was able to push a single word past her lips, "Okay?"

"Yes, are you okay my dear?" Kameron repeated.

Sylvia fixed her eyes upon her employer's, "You just told me that you're planning an enormous celebration for people who hate your display of opulence."

"Yes, I'm planning a celebration."

"A celebration where you will allow anyone from the city to enter your castle's courtyard, and you want to know if I'm okay?"


She read the seriousness behind those eyes, "Are you mad?"

Kameron closed his jaw, and then he drew in a breath as he closed his eyes. He took another moment to right himself in his seat as he began, "Sylvia..."

"No Kameron, there will be no way that I can guarantee your safety with this event you're planning. It just cannot be done."

"What are you going on about, Sylvia?"

"I can't cover that entire area, it can't be done." Sylvia retorted quickly, and as she saw a contrary response form upon Kameron's lips, she added. "I thought I was very clear, Kameron, it can't be done."


Silencing her employer with a swift gesture of her hand, "No Kameron, I'm still talking here..."

"Sylvia, I'm your king..." Kameron growled as his mirth disappeared.

But she did not care about the vanishing mirth. "No Kameron, you're not my king, you're my employer."

"Very well then I'm your employer, and you've crossed a line," Kameron said as a scowl crept onto his face.

"I've crossed a line?" Sylvia asked. She was not a member of his cleaning staff, a worker in the kitchens or one of his sycophants. She was a gifted individual.

The scowl deepened, "Yes, you have Sylvia. As your employer..."

She placed one of her fingers on his chest and practically shouted at him. "You have been paying my fees and charged me with making sure you didn't die or do something else just as stupid and silly. And right now, you're dangerously close to doing something that would qualify as either, with this foolish notion of yours."

"Well yes, I did..."

"Well, then why aren't you listening to me, Kameron?" Sylvia asked.


"No, you can't do this. I can't protect you..."

Too irate to contain himself, Kameron utilized the little bit of magic he was capable of wielding. And silenced her objection with a small motion of his right hand. Once she was forced into the stillness, he locked into her eyes and exclaimed, "Sylvia my dear you are not my only means of protection." He paused for a moment to ease scowl before going on. "You are simply another layer in the protection I have wreathed around myself, you are there to put my protection over the top."

Kameron could see the churning behind her eyes. And as the spell that held her tongue and body still melted away as he leaned close to her saying; "I will silence you again if you press me, Sylvia."

Straightening her shoulders, Sylvia looked him squarely in the eyes as she said, "But no one else knows about me Kameron. How can I work with them to protect you?"

"That's very true," Kameron replied. He lifted a hand forestalling an objection. "No, do not say another word, I have heard your objections, and I will hear no more. This celebration is going to happen so you will have to figure out a way in which you will be able to accomplish your task reasonably. Though, if you are not up to the task, tell me now, and I will find someone else to spend my money on. Someone who is up to this particular task."

Sylvia had a scowl of her own forming as she muttered. "You know perfectly well that you won't ever find anyone better than me."

"Then do your job," Kameron replied. "You just need to make sure I'm safe during this celebration. It needs to go on because the people seem to be growing frustrated with my rule. They need something to kindle their joy."

Sylvia scoffed at Kameron's temerity to use the people's unhappiness as a reason to put on this celebration. But before Kameron could retort, she said, "You know a better way to placate the people would be to have more audiences like you gave last month."

Kameron narrowed his eyes as his scowl intensified. As he stalked towards her, he forcibly said, "Absolutely not. That will not have the same impact that this celebration will."

Closing her eyes Sylvia began, "Why do you say that Kameron? You'll reach fewer, and the celebration won't actually help any of them."

Kameron raised his right hand and held it in front of her face for a long moment. Sylvia swallowed a sudden lump, knowing that he could do some magic. But she kept her eyes locked upon his. Kameron took a deep breath as he clenched his fist, "Sylvia that is enough complaints from you on the subject. Either do your job, or I will find someone else to do it for you, is that understood?"

Sylvia bit her upper lip as she drew in a few breaths through her nose. Once she had her frustration in check, she looked at him and asked, "Fine Kameron, when is this suicide attempt of yours supposed to take place?"


But Sylvia spun around and started to leave, yelling over his objection, "When is this gala supposed to take place?"

"In two weeks," Kameron answered with a slight shaking of his head.

Sylvia opened the door and spat her response to the king, "Then I have work to do to prepare for this escapade. I'll be in touch, Kameron." She slammed the door and climbed out the first open window. She stood on the ledge and let the breeze wash over her before she used the climbed up to the roof. Still annoyed she stood on the roof and looked out towards the city. After taking in the sights, she transformed into a small cat and made a dash into the city.

When she reached the city, she climbed to the rooftops and altered herself to become a black panther. Despite the increase in size, she had better senses, but she was still stealthy enough for the work at hand. So, as she crept along the rooftops, she occasionally peered down at the milling mass of people below. While she stayed hidden amongst the shadows, she managed to study them. Even when she approached a rooftop's edge, her black fur and a lifetime of stealthy motions ensured that no one below would see her. Straining her ears, Sylvia tried to catch anything said about Kameron. Unfortunately, after an hour of this behavior, she had heard nothing of any real value. Unlike her employer, she mingled with the ordinary people from time to time. In fact, those were the very whispers that caused her to argue with Kameron. Despite having a better read on the peoples' true feelings, she was out here searching for any clue to try and save her employer's life.

As Sylvia hunted for any rumors, she leaped from rooftop to rooftop with her keen ears listening to the whispers emerging from the streets below. Suddenly she heard something other than whispers below. So Sylvia silently stalked to the edge of the current rooftop. And when she peered over, she caught sight of one of Kameron's special patrols. She immediately backed further into the shadows, laying down as she waited for the patrolling wizard and escorts to pass her by. These special patrols were seeking rouge practitioners, but they only found ones who weren't careful about their craft.

The magic users who lived in the city were all aware of these patrols, and the cautious ones took the necessary precautions to avoid them. According to the ones she trusted, such protections took the place of special wards that contained the practitioner's art. Either that or wards that alerted the practitioner to an approaching patrol. The ladder only worked because the patrolling wizard worked magic as they constantly stumbled through the city. Sylvia idly wondered how much success they had as they sought rogue practitioners. Sylvia had implied the uselessness of the patrols to Kameron on more than one occasion. But that infuriating man never listened to anything she had to say on subjects like that. In fact, in an area where she was the expert, like being able to secure a party like the one Kameron was planning, the man never listened to her. The scale of this celebration was foolish and utterly stupid.

Sylvia tensed up as she lay on the roof, waiting for them to leave. When she was satisfied they were gone and that no one was watching her, she returned to her human form and opened the trap door that led into her storage room. Sylvia stepped onto the ladder and descended into her hidden cache and pulled the door closed. She quickly sparked a small candle into life and went through all the equipment she stored there. When she finished looking through all her belongings, she kicked at a small pile of gold coins as she screamed at the ceiling, "Kameron, you fool."

Taking a few deep breaths, she ran her hands through her hair as she muttered, "I thought I still had some barrier traps." She pursed her lips as she kicked out at another defenseless pile of gold coins. Sylvia pinched her nose as she calmed down then she climbed out of the cache and carefully closed the door before she retook the form of a black panther. And Sylvia made her way to one of her closest friends and allies, Gregor. The man was one of the best enchanters in the kingdom if not the entire land, and she would need the equipment that only he could provide. As Sylvia approached the edge of the roof, she looked down and noticed another one of Kameron's roaming patrols. She knew that these patrols couldn't locate or track her, but she had no desire to lead them to her friend. So, she laid back down and waited until she was sure the patrol was gone. It took a few minutes, but she would do the same with any of the other patrols out and about tonight.

Once the patrol left, she lifted herself up with great care not to make too much noise. After another moment of silence, she stretched her limbs then leaped to the next rooftop. She quickly continued on her journey, listening to the pitter patter of those traveling along the streets. With each step towards her ally, Sylvia tried to come up with an answer to why Kameron had decided to do this? But her mind kept circling back to another question. Didn't the fool have better things to do than to tempt fate with this ridiculous party?

But she couldn't answer that question either. When she closed half the distance to Gregor's home, she heard something that caught her attention. But when she crouched upon her current rooftop and stared at the people lingering below her, she couldn't pick up what had caught her attention. She laid there for a moment and listened to everything. But after a few moments, she rejected the little tidbits that she heard and stood back up. She deftly worked back to the opposite side of the building. And as she skulked along the roofs, she continued to watch the inhabitants milling around the sprawling city.

As the evening took hold, she listened more intently for the juiciest of rumors. However, the only thing she heard matched the common theme. When she was within a few blocks of Gregor's home, she heard part of a conversation escaping a cracked window. She stopped and listened in for a moment. "... King is a tyrant."

"Someone should do us all a favor and get rid of him."

"I would do something, but I don't want to end up like that poor soul who was executed for seeking justice for his brother."

"I know what you mean, he destroyed my family as well..."

Sylvia shook her head as she dismissed the rest of the conversation as another litany of complaints of those who had been the most ill-treated. That was the ever-present buzz, and it showcased Kameron's ignorance, in his decision. The flip side of that display was the whispers about how Kameron had pardoned a man of his debt to the crown. It was a simple gesture, but it had brought some goodwill, but Sylvia knew it wouldn't last long.

She worked her way through the last few blocks to her friend's home. Once she landed on the next rooftop, she glanced down at the streets below as more whispers reached her ears. So she decided to slow her pace to allow the floating words to reach her ears with greater ease. Even with her slower pace, she came to Gregor's home without hearing a valid rumor. Resting upon his home, she searched for any signs of one of Kameron's patrols. When she saw none, she leaped from the nearby roof and landed quietly in a silent and dark alley and stared out of it. After a minute of solitude, she re-assumed her human form and walked deftly to the door. Glancing around her she knocked upon the dull and pale door.

"Who's there?" Her friend's voice asked a little muffled.


"Ahhhhh, Sylvia, you weren't followed, were you?"


"One moment then Sylvia," the man replied. She waited for him to open his door. When it finally opened, there was a man of average height. As light from inside flowed past his spindly frame, he looked down upon her and said with a clear and gentle voice, "Sylvia, what do you need from me this time?"

"Gregor, I thought you were a little more intelligent than to discuss things like this out in the open for anyone in the world to hear."

Gregor folded his arms across his chest. "Those annoying patrols have already been through this part of the city. Thankfully I'll have some time without having to worry about them.

"If you say so," Sylvia said with a slight smile.

"So, I'll ask you once more Sylvia, what do you need from me this time?"

"Well Gregor, I need to prepare for a potential assassination attempt. I'll need the absolute best," she said as she stepped through the door walking past him into the comfort of his workshop. She added, "Which is why I always come to you, Gregor."

Turning around Gregor asked, "You're not leading this attempt are you?" Sylvia silently shook her head, and Gregor smiled as he closed and locked his door. Once the last bolt slid into place he inquired, "Sylvia are you planning any mischief?"

"No," Sylvia answered. But she saw that Gregor's narrowed gaze, so she sighed and explained. "No Gregor, I'm not leading any attempt, I'm trying to stop a potential one."

"Anyone, I know?"

"You know I can't answer that Gregor."

"Doesn't mean I can't ask, Sylvia," Gregor said before he asked a follow-up question. "But the question remains the same, what do you need from me to handle this potential attempt?"

Thinking about what she needed to do, Sylvia came up with a mental list then answered. "I think my usual should suffice for this. My custom netting and explosion trap. But I'll need a few sets, one won't do for the job. I'll also need a new set of shielding gauntlets, the others are starting to lose their effectiveness."

Gregor looked at her with a hint of shock coloring his face. "Those gauntlets are fairly new Sylvia, they shouldn't be losing their effectiveness quite yet," Gregor said as he shook the red from his checks.

"I have other items that show no signs of wearing out. But you and I both know that the gauntlets never last for all that long." Sylvia answered with emphasis upon the last few words. She had thought for a while now that he enchanted them with an eye upon their failure. A way to ensure she kept coming back to have new ones crafted. "Though you know my thoughts on that particular issue."

"You know just as well as I do, Sylvia, the issues of enchanting leather. Though that problem is true with anything other than metal. If you want gauntlets that last you need to find some metallic ones. Otherwise, deal with ones that don't hold enchantments for very long." Gregor responded with the hint of laughter that often came from friends teasing each other.

"I know Gregor, I just like to give you grief about it."

"I would craft some metallic ones for you, but then they wouldn't be able to do what you need them to do with your constantly shifting body. That was your requirement if you remember?"

"I remember."

"You know, for the life of me I can't figure out how you manage the metallic enchantments I've made for you."

"Well they stay the same; they just are simply moved around. It's not all that hard for someone like me to do once you master it. Just like anything else practice is all that's required."

"I assume you mastered that fairly quickly then."

"More or less," Sylvia muttered.

Seeing the urgency in her stance, he clasped his hands together, "So Sylvia, how quickly do you need these items?"

She thought about that, "I'll need them in a week."

Wincing Gregor answered reflexively, "I have a lot of other clients looking to collect their own items, Sylvia."

"I know it'll be rough on you, but I know you can handle it, Gregor."

"Of course, I can handle it, Sylvia. But it'll cost you a lot if I have to bump some of my other clients."

With a wry smile Sylvia locked her eyes on her friend and asked with a playful tone, "Has that ever been a problem for me, Gregor?"

"No, it has never been an issue for you, Sylvia," Gregor answered through squinting eyes.

Sylvia turned her head and caught sight of a window that was slightly ajar, and without looking back. "That's excellent news, Gregor, I'll see you in a week." And without another word, she turned her body and leaped towards the window she had changed into a small feline. She bowed her head towards her friend and making her way to her exit.

"Sylvia, when you come back don't forget the payment. You've gotten these things from me before both rushed and not, so you know how much to bring."

The cat stopped and meowed at her friend then she quickly left through the small opening of the window. She promptly got back upon the top of the building and almost instantly discovered a darkened area, she grew back into the black panther. She stood above her friend and thought about him for a moment before she wondered why he always went on about the cost of his work.

With what Sylvia charged her clients it had never been an impediment for her. In fact, that more than anything else, was why she charged Kameron and other employers as much as she did for any given job. Sylvia knew that the equipment she got from him would always help, but she never knew how it might help. But when she needed some magical assistance to complete a given task, she was always thankful that she padded her costs so she could pay Gregor a visit.

After her moment of reflection, she went back to skulking across the city. Letting her paws fall on the rooftops, she continued seeking any hints of possible rumors. Despite his foolishness, she would root out any potential dangers to Kameron. And she knew that before the end she was going to be spending an awful lot of time chasing any likely whispers.

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