Sinner VS Saint

By cyanbinoo

342 23 1

To be a sinner , you must commit a sin. Which is doing something wrong according to a religious or moral law... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

94 4 0
By cyanbinoo

Songs For Chapter 1

Don't You Worry Child (Cover) - Conor Maynard

Doing It Wrong ( Feat. Steve Wonder) - Drake

{Chapter 1}

"Mr.Bieber.... Mr.Bieber, are you even listening to anything I'm telling you?"Her sharp tone snapped me back instantly.

"Huh?"I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her confused. Her big sigh was the only thing heard in the silent hospital room.

"Mr.Bieber if you won't listen to me, I don't think I will want to pursue you any longer, and you can get another doctor."She shook her head standing up.

"Liz, I will listen.... just don't get me another doctor, I only trust you."I smile at her. I knew she wouldn't leave me, I mean I am her favorite.

"Mr.Bieber, how many times did I tell you , call me Doctor Mantez.I just can't believe I have cared for your butt for almost 6 years, and I still fall your tricks Mr.Bieber."

"I can't believe it either Liz. " I smiled.

She rolled her eyes.

"Mr.Bieber now listen, I am gonna put you on some new depression pills, but if you overdose you will be in some deep-"

"Shit, yes I understand that Liz."I smirked seeing her get aggervated with my actions.

"Yes, now please Mr.Bieber I'm gonna take this seriously. When you take your medicine every day, I don't want you to throw your life away like you try to do yesterday. You are a special kid, I don't want to see you gone, so please don't ever do this again.Don't be the one to end your life so quickly, be the one to live a long happy life doing what you love kid."She smiled at me. I stared blankly at her until a small smirk formed on my face. 

"Liz stop treating me like a human, I'm a monster."I said.


"I lost control and turned myself into a monster."I spoke strenly staring at her as she gave me a look of sympathy. My smirk was no longer there and it turned into my normal thin lined lips. She shook her head at me and I just knew she was gonna feel bad for me, which honestly I didn't need.

"Mr.Bieber you aren't no monster, now don't you deny and fight with me!I want you to know that you can leave after I give you your things."She spoke sternly,  and her wringled face got even more wringled by her mad face expression. 

"I'm sorry Liz."I sighed.

She rubbed my shoulder, and smiled at me before leaving the room.I grabbed the covers and swung the over me so I could get out of that uncomfortable bed. When she walked back in I stood there with my white converse chucks squeaking on the tile floor as I rubbed them on the floor repeatly, and I looked at her as she came in with my pills.She stood in front of me and handed me my things, and put her hands in her pockets.

"Now Mr.Bieber before you go, what are you gonna do when you get home?"She asked sternly. I chuckled at her possessive self. 

"I'm going to get home,take my daily medicine,relax,and all that shit."I said.She laughed and shook her head. 

"You are a special one Mr.Bieber."She said as we walked out of the hospital room into the hallways. As she walked out to the main lobby, I waved her off.

"Bye Liz, I will see you next week!"I yelled at the door.

"Mr.Bieber call me Doctor Mantez."She playfully said back.

"Doctor Mantez call me Justin!"I yelled before running out of the hospitial doors.

"I'm Home."I whispered to myself as I threw my keys on the table ,and I kicked my chucks off my feet.I grabbed my medicine,and made my way to the bathroom.

"Don't overdose."I said to myself. I laughed.

"Let just see."I smirked to myself.


The events that happen in this book might be explicit, and offinsive to some. I caution all readers now because I will not hold back what happens in the book. THIS IS MY ONE WARNING.This book contains drug abuse, heavy sexual events, physical and mental abuse. All rights go to me the author (Jerry_Twerking_) do not copyright my writings or idea's. If copyright has occured it will be reported,and forced to be taken down if so. I caution all young readers reading this story, I highly don't advertise for the young audience. I hope you enjoy my book.


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