I Will Remember You. (Sequel...

By transferingworlds

18.9K 778 151

Frank, I just want you to know; this hole you put me in, wasn't deep enough, and I'm climbing out right now... More

I Will Remember You. (Sequel to TWABTSBTHATP)
(Chapter 1) For what you did to me, and what I'll do to you..
(Chapter 2) You get, what everyone else gets.
(Chapter 3) You get a lifetime.
(Chapter 4) Do you remember that day when we met?
(Chapter 6) Been holding on forever
(Chapter 7) Promise me that when I'm gone, you'll kill my enemies.
(Chapter 8) The damage, you've inflicted temporary wounds.
(Chapter 9) I'm coming back from the dead.
(Chapter 10) And I'll take you home with me.

(Chapter 5) You told me this gets harder, well it did!

1.3K 64 7
By transferingworlds

~~Okay, I wrote this in Algebra today and was going to make it longer but my laptop's been changing all my documents and erasing everything for some reason so since I need to get off the computer now to go dye my hair, I'm just going to post this now instead of risk it being erased. Yeah, so sorry about the shortness~~

Alice's POV

I don't know why I thought I'd just burst through the trees and pop up in the middle of an intersection. 

But really, how the fuck did Frank even find this place? 

Across the road was an open meadow that stretched on as far as I could see in every direction, while to the right and left of me was mass amounts of trees that did the same. Thankfully, there were clouds covering every bit of the sun, letting me step out of the forest's darkness.

I turned right and started walking alongside the trees. I decided that if I walked for long enough, I'd have to reach a town sooner or later.

I went over and over my plan in my head while I walked, memorizing each part. First, I'd go to a library and try to find out some stuff on vampires (yeah, I probably wouldn't find anything, but I've got to at least try). Then, I'd go back to the cabin that Gerard took me to the first night we met. Hopefully I can find my way there.

Surely someone would be there, Frank thought I was going to die, so he has no reason to run.

I wonder what happened between Gerard and Frank once Frank came back, well, that is, IF Frank came back. They probably got into a huge fight. they could've even left the cabin, then what do I do?

Well, one of them probably claimed the cabin and the other would've left. Since I need to find them both, I guess it's good no matter who stayed behind. Maybe the one who stayed will even know where the other one ran off to, though I doubt if Frank's there he'll tell me where Gerard is.

God, do I hate that kid. No matter what, I'll always hate him. I don't even know why, but I feel like even if we were to have met some other way and he was the nicest guy ever, I'd still hate him. There's just something about him that makes me want to take a chainsaw to his face.

I looked up and squinted my eyes. I must have been walking for about 20 minutes now. I could see a few blobs in the distance, maybe houses? They might be houses...meaning I've found a neighborhood...neighborhood=town!

I picked up my pace and holy shit, was I not ready for the speed increase. I kind of forgot about my whole "super-fast" situation and freaked out, causing myself to stumble over my feet and faceplant into a pile of rocks...yay. 

I got up and wiped all the dirt off of me, smearing some blood on my clothes in the process. That's weird, I still bleed? Well, I guess I still have a human body...but that's kind of weird to drink blood and still have it inside of you. Ugh, this whole vampire thing is annoying. Why don't humans have any accurate knowledge on them? There must be some sort of book containing actual information...well, whatever book that is, I need to find it, and quick. I could smell my blood strongly and surprisingly, it smelled like normal blood to me. Not appetizing at all.

Well, no duh. Did I really think my OWN blood would be appetizing? Doesn't matter if I'm a vampire or not, that's sick. I wonder if I'll find other vampires' blood delicious...

Alright, I need to stop thinking about drinking blood. I'm trying to push that situation off until when I really need it. I don't think there actually is a way I can DRINK blood. That's just nasty. Ugh, well, I guess I should've known this would get harder, especially with me being a tiny, little girl, someone who rarely survives the transformation. I can't just think I'm going to become a vampire and nothing's going to change. Oh well, I guess someday I'll get used to it.

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