TMNT: Sweet Little Sister (Un...

By AnimeKokoroLover100

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So, I'm making a tmnt story based on the 2012 series and im starting off from season 1-5 and I will put my vi... More

Chapter 1: Profile And Beginning
Chapter 2: How they met
Chapter 3: Rise Of The Turtles Part 1
Chapter 4: Surface of New York
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 5: Myra's Sick Day
Chapter 6: Kidnapping And Rescue Mission
Chapter 7: Turtle Temper
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 8: Meditation Gone Wrong
Chapter 9: New Friend, Old Enemy
Chapter 10: Mikey's New Friend
Chapter 11: Mikey's In Trouble
Chapter 12: I Think His Name Is Baxter Stockman
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 13: 4th Of July Celebration
Chapter 14: Baxter Stockman Has The T-Pod
Chapter 15: Metalhead
Chapter 16: Donnie's New Friend
A/N: In A Sweet Memory Of A Heavy Heart
Chapter in 17: Monkey Brains
Chapter 18: Donatello's Lesson: Fight Without Thinking
Chapter 19: Never Say Xever
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 20: The Full Story
Chapter 22: The Gauntlet
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 23: Nightmares
Chapter 24: Panic In The Sewers
Chapter 25: Mousers Attack
Chapter 26: Mouser Chase
Chapter 28: I, Monster
Chapter 29: New Girl In Town
Chapter 30: The Alien Agenda
Chapter 31: World Wide Genome Project
~Special Chapter~ Chapter 32: Training With Leo
Chapter 33: The Pulverizer
Chapter 34: T.C.R.I
Chapter 35: Cockroach Terminator
Chapter 36: Raph Faces His Fear
Chapter 37: Baxter's Gambit
Chapter 38: Enemy Of My Enemy
Chapter 39: Trusting Karai
Chapter 40: Karai's Vendetta
Chapter 41: The Kraang's Secret Plan
Chapter 42: Stopping The Kraang
Chapter 43: The Pulverizer Returns
Chapter 44: The Pulverizer's Mutation
Chapter 45: Parasitic
Chapter 46: Oberation: Break out
Chapter 47: Showdown part 1
Chapter 48: The Technodrome
Chapter 49: The Showdown Part 2
Chapter 50: A/N

Chapter 27: It Came From The Depths

148 2 0
By AnimeKokoroLover100

Myra pov

We were all doing our own thing until Mikey walked in, grabbing our attention.

"Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza, we all love milkshakes, so I combined them."

"Ok that couldn't be any less appetizing"
." Donnie said.
"I call it a P-shake." Mikey held out a cup that looked unappetizing.
"I stand corrected." Donnie looked away.
"You guys just have no sense in adventure." Mikey drank some but spit it out as we groaned in disgust.
"Where did I go wrong?" Mikey drank the whole thing as we looked away and Leo put on Space Heroes.

"You gotta be the only person who likes this show." Raph stated.
"No way, there are millions of spaceniks out there." Leo said and Raph grabbed the remote and changed the channel to the news.

"I'm Joan Grody, with a super shocker. City worker attacked by mutants?" She said as we had a confused look.

"It was like part man part reptile, and all monster. Came out of no where and attacked me!" The guy on t.v. said as we all looked at Raph.

"Wasn't me." He said.

"Take a look at this horrifying footage." The lady said as she played the video.

"So, some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but-" the guy got cut off as he was being attacked by a giant mutant and ran away screaming.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Donnie said.
"No doubt." I mumbled.
"The last thing we want is some mutant causing trouble in the sewers." Leo stated.
"Or some news crew down here looking for em." Raph said.
"We gotta track this guy down and stop him ourselves." Leo said.
"Wait, lets rewind this. I think I saw a tunnel number." Donnie started rewinding. "There, tunnel 281."
"Let's go!" Leo called out and we made our way into the tunnel but we saw something strange in the ground.

"Whoa, check it out. What the heck made these footprints?" Leo examined them until we heard roaring and laser gun shots.

We came across a giant alligator mutant fighting off the kraang as he was getting electrocuted.

He kept smashing and destroying the robots as he smashed one into the wall.

"Never thought I'd feel sorry for the kraang". Donnie said.
"Well I don't". I said until the mutant started getting electrocuted again.

"Tell kraang in what place can we find the power cell that kraang wishes to find the place of." A droid said.
"Never!" The mutant roared but kept getting zapped.

"We gotta help him!" Mikey pulled on Raph's arm.
"Think 'gotta' is a strong word." Raph pushed his hand away.
"Mikey, we don't know anything about that guy. He could be way more dangerous than the kraang." Leo said.
"That gator dude needs our help! I can't wait around you cowards!" Mikey said before rushing off to help the mutant.
"Do you know what you're getting into?" Donnie asked.
"BOOYAKASHA"! Mikey ran to help the unconscious gator as he started fighting off kraang droids.

"I guess that settles it. Let's go wack some piñatas!" Raph smirked and we ran into battle but some kraangdroids started taking the gator gator away but Mikey stoped them.

"So what do we do now?" Donnie asked.
"We get outta here before more kraang droids show up." Leo sated.
"We can't just leave him." Mikey ran by the gator's side. "What if the kraang find him?"
"Well what do you wanna do? Take him back to the lair?" Leo asked as Mikey gave the puppy dog eyes.
"Oh no. Oh no! D-did you see what that he did to those kraang droids?! We are not bringing that monster home with us!" Leo yelled.
"He not a monster! He's a giant kraang crushing mutant alligator monster! I said monster, didn't I?" Mikey asked nervously.

"Sure did."
"Correct." We all said.

"Well you know what I meant!" Mikey said.
"I thought you meant monster." Raph said.
"Fine, I'll just take him back myself." Mikey tried pushing and pulling him but he wouldn't budge. "Um Donnie, you don't happen to have a fork lift, do ya?" Donnie just looked at him.
"No? Ok." He started pushing again as Leo sighed and pointed, telling us to help out as we dragged the mutant back to the lair.

"I can't believe we let him talk us into this." Raph groaned.
"Aww look at him." Mikey layed a teddy bear next to him. "He's so peaceful."
"That's because he's out cold." Leo stated as Donnie walked in with chains.
"Whoa, what are those for?" Mikey asked.
"We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big." Donnie said.
"That is so wrong! He's not gonna hurt us, we're the ones that saved him." Mikey said.
"See, he's perfectly calm. I bet the first thong he's gonna do is thank-" Mikey was cut off as the gator woke up roaring in Mikey's face as he ripped up the teddy bear. "Or maybe the second thing!" Mikey said nervously.

The gator kept roaring as it grabbed Donnie by the face and started shaking him around.

"GET HIM OFF ME! GET HIM OFF ME!" Donnie yelled.
"I'll help you, Donnie!" Mikey wrapped the chains around Donnie's back and started to pull.
"NOT LIKE THAT! NOT LIKE THAT!" Donnie yelled as we were flung to the wall.
But Leo electrocuted him with a ray gun and the gator fell unconscious.

"What is all this commotion?!" Father walked in.
"Sensei, Mikey made us bring a monster back to the lair and attacked us!" Raph explained.
"It needs our help!" Mikey stated.
"It's a dangerous monster!" Raph yelled.
"Raphael! There is no monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion." Father said until the gator growled in its unconscious state. "My mistake."
"We're doing to him what everyone does to us. Judging him by his looks." Mikey stated.
"And. The fact the he had me BY THE FACE, MIKEY!" Donnie said.
"But he's fighting the kraang master Splinter. It's like you always say, 'the enemy of my enemy is my bro'." Mikey said.
"That is not exactly what I said. But what's this about the kraang?" Father asked.

"They were trying to force to tell where they could find some power cell." I explained.
"And he refused to tell." Father said.
"Yeah, they were all 'zap zap zap'. And he was like 'ROAR NEVER'!" Mikey explained.
"You made a wise decision, Michelangelo". Father stated.
"HUH?! We all said.
"Did you really just say that?" I asked.
"Yes, I never thought I'd hear myself say that either." Father said and examine the gator. "His scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart." He stated. "When he awakens, Michelangelo, you must find a way to befriend him."
"No problemo." Mikey gave a thumbs up.
"We need to learn what he knows about the kraang. In the mean time, you four try to find this power cell before the kraang can." Father said.
"But we're still chaining him up, right?" Donnie asked.
"Of course. I am compassionate, not insane." Father stated and we made our way into the sewers and we were looking around broken kraang parts.

"I bet this is the power cell." Raph said.
"Huh? Oh." Leo got excited until he realized Raph was holding an old can.
"Quit goofing around, Raph." Donnie said as Raph threw it in a pool of sewer water.
"Hold on a second. If an alligator wanted to hide something where would he put it?" Leo asked rhetorically.
"I'm thinking under water. Alligators love to drag their prey down to the bottom- WAH!"Raph pushed Donnie in the water.
"Thanks." Me and Leo said.
"No problem." Raph said as Donnie came back up to the surface.
"Hey, this pool is deeper than it looks. It keeps going." Donnie stated.
"Well I guess we- AH!" I pushed Leo in.
"Way ahead of you." I smirked and fist bumped Raph before we jumped in.

We came up to the surface in a different area as Raph shook the water off of him.

"Sometimes it's good to be a turtle." He said before a trap was set off and a stop sign came flying over his head as he ducked. "Sometimes it's good to be a short turtle." He stated as the place started to crumble and more traps were set off as we ran for lives until we came to stop, knowing we were now safe.

Donnie started to examine the brick wall and he pushed a slab open, revealing the power cell.

"This thing's putting on some power." Donnie tried touching it with electrical rods but was ended up in being blasted into the wall.

"Why am I the one who always has to touch the weird kraang stuff?!" He yelled.
"Cause we don't wanna and you're the scientist. Plus, you did it yourself." I stated as Donnie picked it up and we went back to the pool.

"Any idea what they could use it for?" Leo asked.
"Well with the right components it can power almost anything. Flashlight, blaster canon, city on the moon." Donnie said.
"Why would the gator even want this thing?" Leo asked.
"Let's ask him and find out." Raph stated.
"Great, but who's gonna carry it through the water?" Donnie asked, looking at us as we grinned at him. "Aw man!"
"I'm sure it'll be fine. We'll let you go first, ok."Leo said.
Donnie slowly tried putting his foot in the water but Raph shook his shoulders as Donnie got scared causing Raph to laugh.
"NOT FUNNY!" Donnie yelled but Raph pushed him into the water and we made our way back to the lair.

"Hey, guys, leatherhead is totally off the chain." Mikey said. I guess he named the gator.
"YOU MEAN YOU SET HIM FREE?!" Raph yelled.
"What? No. Off the chain means he's cool." Mikey said making us sigh in relief. "And that's why I set him free." Mikey said making us scream as the gator smiled at us and Mikey waved at him.

"You let that maniac lose? Maybe you forgot that he grabbed me by the face. So I'll remind you. He grabbed me. BY THE FACE!" Donnie yelled.
"Relax, you've been hurt worse since." Raph stated.
"Mikey you shouldn't have unchained him. What if he goes berserk?" Leo asked.
"He's not gonna go berserk. He's totally mellow." Mikey said.
"Ok. So Leatherhead.... about the kraang." Leo said as Leatherhead starting roaring.

"DUDE, CHILL! CHILL"! Mikey yelled, calming him down. "What were you thinking?!"
"You said he was mellow!" Leo yelled.
"I didn't know you were gonna ask him about the you know who." Mikey said.
"Fine! What should I do?" Leo asked.
"I don't know. Maybe start with an ice breaker like 'how was your day'?" Mikey stated.
"Fine. Leatherhead, how was your day?" Leo asked.
"It started out awful." He said.
"Yeah, you were attacked by the kraang." Mikey said making him go crazy and roaring again.
"My bad! Whoa, buddy! Cleansing breaths!"Mikey chanted as leatherhead calmed down.
"You know you're in a safe place now, right?" Mikey asked.
"Yes." Leatherhead said.
"My brothers and sister just wanna ask you a few questions. Think you can handle that?"Mikey asked again.
"Yes." He said again.
"Ok. Now, what was it you guys wanted to ask?" Mikey said as we looked at Donnie who looked nervous.
"Ok, we just wanna know what... this is?" Donnie held out the power cell.

Leatherhead growled as he grabbed Donnie by the face again.

"THIEF!" He roared.
"This is not my day!" Donnie yelled as we got our weapons ready and started attacking.
"Let go of my brother!" I yelled but Leatherhead slammed us into the wall.
"Leatherhead, relax it's ok"! Mikey yelled.
"Gimme!" Leatherhead roared and took the power cell away from Mikey.
"Whoa, put that down!" Mikey yelled but leatherhead pushed him away.
"STOP!" Father came behind him. "Get away from my sons and daughter!" He yelled.

Father started using his ninja skills to take down the monster.

"Leave this place! OUT!" Father yelled as leatherhead took the power cell and left.
"Boys! Myrina! Are you all alright?" Father asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, we're ok." Leo reassured.
"Where is Michelangelo?" Father asked.
"You don't think he went after Leatherhead, do ya?" Donnie asked.
"No, only an idiot would- oh boy." Leo said as we started to run after Mikey.

"Leatherhead! Leatherhead"! Mikey called out put ended up in a dead end part of the sewers where old subway tracks and trains were.

Mikey went in one to see Leatherhead sitting down with the power cell by him.

"DUDE! Leatherhead what's the big idea man?!" Mikey yelled.
"You should not be here." He said.
"I trusted you. And then you freak out and attack my entire family! I thought we were friends." Mikey said.
"I warned you that there is a dangerous force inside of me that I cannot control and that is why I must be alone." Leatherhead stated.
"Leatherhead! Get away from Mikey or I'll turn you into the world's ugliest suitcase!" Raph yelled holding a sai out.
"Please! I mean him no harm. It was the kraang that made me this way." He said. "I was raised by a kind human boy, until his parents discovered me and dumped me in the sewers. The kraang found me and took me to their dimension. They mutated me and subjected me into horrible experiments. But they could not break my spirits. Six months ago, I escaped from the portal that they used to travel to earth and I stole this." He held out the power cell.

"Wow. We relate so much." I mumbled.
"What do they use it for?" Donnie asked.
"It powers the portal. Without it, no kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from their evil plans even at the cost of my own life." He said until we heard something outside.

"Give to kraang the power cell now that kraang has come to demand that you give to kraang." A droid called out. The kraang found us!
"IT'S THE KRAANG!" Mikey yelled.
"Quick, barricade the doors!" Leo ordered but kraang droids managed to get in and we started fighting.

But some saws were cutting through the subway train making the broken parts of the kraangdroids attack us.

Leatherhead even knocked a head off into Mikey's hands.

"Kraang." The head said causing Mikey to scream.
"We're surrounded!" Raph stated.
"We'll never hold them off!" Mikey yelled.
"We gotta get outta here! Donnie, can you get this subway car running?" Leo asked.
"This track is dead, there's no electricity." Donnie stated.
"What about the power cell, can you use that?!"I asked.
"I may be able to hook it up to the motor. But I'll need time!" Donnie said.
"I will buy you time!" Leatherhead said. "My friend, you have trusted me so now I am trusting you. I will deal with the kraang." Leatherhead said handing Mikey the power cell as he fought off the kraang.

"Donnie, we're running out of time!" Leo said.
"I'm working as fast as I can!" Donnie yelled hooking the power cell inside the motor as we continued to fight off the kraang

"Donnie! Will you hurry up?!" Raph yelled.
"I GOT IT!" Donnie plugged the power cell in as it started to light up and moved at a very fast speed away from the tracks until Donnie pulled on the brakes, bribing us to a sudden stop.

"Whoaaa.... where are we?" Mikey asked as we exited out of the train.
"By my calculations... sewage plant." Donnie said.
"Whoa, it's as beautiful as they say." Mikey said in awe.

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