Fauna ❋T'Challa

By BoosCorner

27.8K 670 113

Welcome to the romantic story of T'Challa and Fauna. Fauna is the woman that every mother warn their sons to... More

Seeing Her
Another Encounter
Goodbye For Now
Needing a Friend
Hanging Out
Black Panther
The Party
Feelings Arise
Royal Disagreement
Pre-Meeting Game
Welcome to Wakanda
Be With Me
Touring Wakanda
Shuri Celebration
Wakanda is Home
A Night to Remember
First Mission
Forever Changed
Sexy Panther
King T'Challa
Research Purposes
South Korea
Mystery Man
Before the Storm
He Lives
Challenge Continues

Fauna Story

770 18 4
By BoosCorner

T'Challa asked Okoye to take Shuri back to the Palace. Shuri gave Fauna a huge hug before leaving making a promise that she want to hang out with her again. Fauna nod her head feeling like she was living a dream, having T'Challa as a friend was amazing, adding the Princess into it was just a dream. Okoye nod her head at her which was the nicest thing the woman have done all day, Fauna smiled at her waving shyly. Okoye gave her a small smile then turned before Fauna could register what she saw. T'Challa saw the exchange and smiled at his General, "She like you." T'Challa said to Fauna looking at her sideways with a smirk. Fauna smiled at him, "I have that effect on people." Fauna joked nudging his shoulder, T'Challa laugh as the two began to walk, Fauna turned to T'Challa with a smile, "So, Shuri was telling me about your training and how much you cried from getting beat by Okoye." Fauna teased, T'Challa looked at her with a small glare, "I didn't cry." T'Challa said earning a laugh from Fauna. T'Challa smiled hearing her laugh, "I knew she was talking about me earlier." T'Challa said shaking his head at this sister, Fauna nod her head letting out a giggle, "She love you though. It's nice seeing your sibling bond. I wish I had that." Fauna said as she had a slight skip to her step, T'Challa smiled nodding his head thinking about his little annoying sister. "I love her too, even if she is a pain Bast willing." T'Challa said.

Fauna looked at him strangely, "Bast?" Fauna asked in confusion. T'Challa looked to her explaining that Bast to them was their god, their everything. Fauna nod her head as T'Challa was explaining the Black Panther Goddess without telling her the whole truth. Fauna was intrigued with the story she was so engross that she almost trip, T'Challa grab her helping her get her footing. Fauna laugh with embarrassment, "Sorry, your stories are always so good I get distracted." Fauna said as T'Challa smiled at her, he pulled away seeing the closeness, "Sorry, I never thought I was a good storyteller." T'Challa said. "Your stories are amazing. Hearing about your home seem like a dream. I hope one day to see it, even if it's from a distance." Fauna said smiling at the Prince. It took everything in T'Challa to not sweep her up and show her his true home, that smile that she give him can bend him to do anything she ask, "I would love to show you some day." T'Challa said to her wanting to stay true to his word. Fauna smiled at him, knowing that she may never see his home but she was happy that he was willing to still make her happy if with a lie. Fauna then heard his stomach rumble and laugh causing T'Challa face to go warm, "Are you hungry, we can go back to my place and eat there." Fauna said as she pull her purse close to her body. T'Challa looked to her in shock, "You're inviting me to your home?" T'Challa asked. Fauna smirked at him,"I think you proved that your not a psyco. I don't see the harm in it." Fauna said as she took the lead to her home. T'Challa smiled her without her noticing, she was beginning to trust him and that alone put pride inside him.

T'Challa looked around the small apartment building, it was cute and well hidden very fitting for Fauna. Fauna opened her door turning off the alarm system, she smiled at T'Challa inviting him in, "Welcome to my home. I know this isn't a palace but it's home." Fauna said taking off her jacket, hanging her purse on the hook. She took T'Challa jacket hanging it for him. T'Challa rub his hand as he looked around, seeing the little space and what she's done with the place. Fauna, he can tell like the contemporary look mix with some bohemian. Her place is very warm, homey and intiment, very Fauna. 

Fauna was watching as the Prince of Wakanda was looking around her apartment, she played with her fingers watching him, "Make yourself at home. I'll fix us some sandwiches." Fauna said as she made her way to the kitchen. T'Challa turned to her watching her make their lunch, "This is beautiful Fauna. Its very you." T'Challa said taking a seat on her barstool. Fauna turned to him in surprise, "Really, thank you. I thought this would be bland to you." Fauna joked as she was finishing their lunch. T'Challa wouldn't admit that her place wasn't as high tech as his home but considering, she really did have a comfortable home. 

Fauna place his plate down along with bags of chips and drinks, "I wasn't 't sure what you like but I do have choices." Fauna said smiling then coming around sitting next him on her bar stool. T'Challa open the bags allowing her first pick, "This is perfect Fauna. Thank you." T'Challa said as he took his share of food. Fauna felt her face grow hot at the Prince comment, "Do you really like it, I can't cook so I couldn't fix a hot meal for you." Fauna said as she took a shy bite of her sandwich, T'Challa taking a generous bite making dramatic sounds causing Fauna to laugh at him, "This is the best sandwich i've ever had." T'Challa mumbled. Fauna shook her head at the silly sweet Prince, "I'm happy to serve." Fauna said as she eat her food. "You you mind telling me, how is it being a Prince. Do you get anything you want and eat anything you want?" Fauna asked with a light coming to her eyes. T'Challa almost chocked when he looked into those unique eyes and seeing them gaining a spark in them when she speak to him. T'Challa gave her some details of his childhood and how he do get whatever he wants if he ask, but also how his people aren't shy at telling him no. Fauna was listening intently, everything about T'Challa intrigued her, she was beginning to fear that she was developing feelings for him. Gaining feelings for someone always lead to hurt, but hearing his voice and being around him make her feel alive, she liked that he looks at her and see her. She like that he listen and seem to want to understand her, T'Challa is a good man, 'A good man who is a Prince' Fauna thought.

The two than moved to her couch talking some more about random facts and random interest. T'Challa placed his drink down on the table looking to Fauna who returned the look, "What is it?" Fauna asked in confusion. T'Challa took a breath, "You've been asking about me all day. I would like to know about you." T'Challa said knowing that the subject was touchy for her. Fauna frown knowing it was only fair for her to share some things to him, she took a deep breath deciding to start lightly, for her own sake. "What do you want to know?" Fauna asked, T'Challa smiled at her gently taking her hand, "Tell me what ever make you comfortable." T'Challa answered making her take the reigns and control. Fauna didn't really know where to start, she figured that she might as well start with the question that he asked the last time they saw each other, "The reason why I do strip and sleep with men is because it's the only thing that I know how to do." Fauna said looking down as she played with her dress, T'Challa frowned his eye brows, Fauna took another deep breath then looked at the Prince  then moved her eyes around her apartment.

T'Challa allowed her time to tell him, he put his hand on hers letting her know that he isn't going anywhere. Fauna gave him a small smile then continue, "It started when my father owed money to some people. We never had a lot of money because he was into drugs and gambling so we just scraped by." Fauna took a breath before continuing on, "He told me to get cleaned up and to look nice because he was going to take me to the funnest place on earth." Fauna let out a sarcastic laugh. T'Challa squeezed her hand in comfort, "When we arrived, he took me to this big house, at least to me it was big at the time. When we got there the people who he owed money to greeted us, they took me from him and passed me around. I was so scared I looked to my father for comfort but he was no where to be found. I was just a child and I remember feeling so scared and confuse and lost, I just wanted to go back home." Fauna bit her lip as she was reliving everything from that night that changed her life, "The next thing I know my clothes was off and men were just all over me. I screamed and pleaded for the hurt to just stop, but it never did." Fauna took a deep breath as T'Challa tried his hardest to keep his anger down as he listen to her story. "It felt like I wasn't in my body anymore, I don't know if I just went into shock or if I just left my body i'm not sure. I remember all of them telling me that I deserve this and that this is all that you will ever be good for." Fauna squeezed T'Challa hand subconsciously.

"I just laid there when the final man was finished with me. I remember being so cold and in the worst pain of my life. The men all laugh as they gave my father the drugs that he wanted. He took them and left, that was the last time I ever saw him." Fauna said as she played with the Prince fingers, T'Challa looked to her, he wished he could go back in time and help that little girl that didn't have a chance in the world, to kill those men and her father for hurting her. "He just left me. Cold, alone, and used. For the next few years I've been sleeping with men under those men control. One day I decided to just run away with just the clothes on my back. I made it here and I've been here ever since." Fauna finished her tale keeping head low as she played with his fingers, "That was my first introduction to men and sex. I don't find pleasure in it T'Challa, I never have. Sex to me isn't pleasurable. To be honest I don't see the big deal in it. It's painful not joyful, it's  just something that I know how to do and I don't ever have to do anything. I just lay there and all of them always say the same thing, 'Wow you are amazing' that's what they say every time. Even though I just lay there like a corpse, but men don't care they just want something warm at that moment. Some want to be someone else just for that time and moment." Fauna then looked to T'Challa who didn't say a word during her whole tale, "As you can see, i'm just a person who is living day by day without an end to this cycle." Fauna finished looking at T'Challa hoping he still want to be her friend. "You're the second person I told this to. Kyo being the first, The lady that told you where to find me." Fauna clarified for him. T'Challa nod his head remembering the lady that helped him find Fauna.

"I hope you still want to be friends. If you don't I understand-" Fauna didn't get a change to finish as T'Challa pulled her to him in a hug, he squeezed her tight as he closed his eyes. "Of course I want to be your friend, i'm sorry that happened to you Fauna. I'm so sorry, I wish I was there to take you away and protect you." T'Challa squeezed her tighter. Fauna closed her eyes as the tears begin to fall she squeezed him just as tightly feeling safe for the first time ever. She let out a cry making T'Challa hold her putting her head in his neck.

 Fauna cried hard, she cried years of tears that's been bottled up. The little girl that didn't have the comfort after being hurt in the worst way possible was finally receiving it in the form of this great sweet man that came into her life one random night. T'Challa held her tight as she let loose of her emotions, he hope that one day he will run into her father or better yet those men who dared to hurt her, he made a promise to himself that he will find a way to get her into Wakanda. T'Challa kissed her head as she begin to calm down, the two just held one another while T'Challa reassured her that he was there with her.

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