Fauna ❋T'Challa

By BoosCorner

27.8K 670 113

Welcome to the romantic story of T'Challa and Fauna. Fauna is the woman that every mother warn their sons to... More

Seeing Her
Another Encounter
Goodbye For Now
Needing a Friend
Hanging Out
Black Panther
The Party
Fauna Story
Feelings Arise
Royal Disagreement
Pre-Meeting Game
Welcome to Wakanda
Be With Me
Touring Wakanda
Shuri Celebration
Wakanda is Home
A Night to Remember
First Mission
Forever Changed
Sexy Panther
King T'Challa
Research Purposes
South Korea
Mystery Man
Before the Storm
He Lives
Challenge Continues


765 20 2
By BoosCorner

T'Challa and Shuri was hanging out as they walk around Wakanda. "So brotha, how bout we take a trip to the city." Shuir said casually, T'Challa looked at his sister with a surprise look, "Why do you want to go there?" T'Challa asked as he walked with his sister along the market with the Dora Milajae following them. Shuri smiled at her brother, "Come one brotha, I want to meet your friend that you went to see." Shuri said as she walked backwards looking at her brother. T'Challa shook his head at his sister, he have been wanting to see Fauna. He's been so busy with his own missions and going with this father to talk with very important people to gain nation trusts, he didn't see the harm in having his sister meet Fauna. T'Challa smirk at his little sister than nod his head causing Shuri to cheer. Okoye looked at the siblings with a concern look, "My Prince, are you sure this is a good idea?" Okoye asked. Shuri looked at the General, "Oh come Okoye, adventure is good for the heart." Shuri said. T'Challa got the plane ready for them to take to the edge of the city, "Come on Okoye it'll be fun. Don't you want to meet T'Challa mystery friend?" Shuri asked the still reluctant General. Okoye smiled at the Princess, "Ok Princess." Okoye agreed causing Shuri to once again cheer. T'Challa smiled at his little sister and the General as the border the plane to see Fauna.

T'Challa, Shuri and Okoye was walking in the city. Shuri didn't leave Wakanda often so she was looking at everything with childish glee. Okoye made sure to keep the royal siblings in her sights, more so Shuri then T'Challa. "So brotha, where is your mystery friend." Shuri asked as she looked into another shop window that had technology that to her was just simply outdated. T'Challa lead them to the park that Fauna said was her favorite, T'Challa figured if he was to find her it would be here. "Wow this is a nice park. No where near better then Wakanda but close." Shuri said as they walked around, Okoye wasn't to keen on the adventure, she was glaring at anyone that passed by making the people move out of their way. T'Challa gave her a look, which she just threw her hand up at him, T'Challa saw the familiar cloud of smoke in the distance being formed. He knew that cloud anywhere and the smell that came from, he felt himself smile as his pace picked up. The ladies looked to him then giving each other a look following him trying to keep up with his long stride, "Brotha, is he close?" Shuri asked. T'Challa chuckled at his little sister, "She's right over there." T'Challa said nodding his head at the woman that was sitting on the park bench smoking a vape. Shuri let out  a surprise holler while Okoye looked at the woman, Shuri looked at the woman recognizing her when her and her friends went out shopping.

T'Challa smiled seeing Fauna in the park looking like a beauty in every way. T'Challa felt his heart pick up as they got closer to her, "Brotha, what's her name?" Shuir asked with excitement, "Her name is Fauna. You'll like her." T'Challa answered never taking his eyes off of Fauna, Okoye was watching her Prince reaction as he see the beautiful woman and she frowned at it. Fauna was smoking, as she was off into her own world, she felt eyes on her then a nudge on her shoulder, Fauna cut her eyes at the person and did a double take seeing T'Challa next to her smiling. Fauna felt like light was back into her life seeing him, she smiled back at him putting her vape in her purse then squeezing her purse close to her, "Hi" Fauna simply said feeling giddy. T'Challa smiled at her, "Hi, I thought I told you smoking was bad." T'Challa joked Fauna nod her head bitting her lip, "Yea you did." Fauna lightly laugh along with T'Challa. Shuri silently squealed seeing her brother interact with the woman as if they were old friends. "Come on Okoye." Shuri said to the General who was glaring at the young woman who was joking with the Prince. 

Fauna spotted two women making their way over to them, "Hello" The younger of the two said with a big bright smile, Fauna smiled back at her recognizing her as the Princess of Wakanda. "Hello, i'm Fauna." Fauna said holding out her hand to the Princess, Shuri took her hand shaking it with gusto. "Should I be bowing or something." Fauna asked the royal siblings, both shook their head, "No" Both said at the same time causing Fauna to laugh lightly. T'Challa notice that Fauna had a bruise on her wrist and a light cut on her lip, he would ask about that later. Okoye also notice the injury on the woman body, she narrowed her eyes when Fauna made eye contact with her, "Hi, i'm Shuri. The brilliant sister of this buffoon." Shuri said with a smirk to her brother who glared at her, "This is Okoye." Shuri introduce the quiet woman, Fauna smiled at her nodding her head waving, Okoye glared at her not returning the greeting. Fauna frowned slightly then smiled at T'Challa when he poked her side, "What are you all doing here today?" Fauna asked as she adjusted her dress and making room for Shuri and Okoye to sit if they so choose. "I wanted to meet you!" Shuri said excitedly Fauna looked at her in shock then back to T'Challa who nod confirming what his little sister was saying. "Well I feel special. Someone of your importance will want to meet little me." Fauna smiled to the Princess.  She then notice the bracelet that they were wearing, "I like your bracelet, it's very pretty." Fauna commented while pointing at the jewelry. Shuri chest puffed out while T'Challa groaned, 'Here we go'. Fauna raised her eye brow at him, Shuri went on and on about how she made the 'bracelet'. Fauna was listening and joining in here and there entertaining the younger girl, T'Challa was watching them interact with a smile on his face.

Okoye wasn't to pleased, she was huffing to herself as the siblings interacted with this outsider so casually. "Okoye here is a good fighter." Shuri said as Okoye felt three pair of eyes on her, she turned her head seeing the outsider giving her a smile, "Oh wow, that's amazing what do you practice?" Fauna asked truly intreged at the information. Okoye huffed finally having her patience reach it's boiling point, "That is non of your business, i'm only here because the Princess wanted to meet with you. I am not your friend, now please hurry your conversation so that we can go." Okoye sneered. Fauna frown seeking down in herself, T'Challa glared at his General as well as Shuri, "I'm sorry about her, she's just a grump." Shuri said smiling at Okoye who gave the Princess a small glare. Fauna nod her head giving the Princess a small smile, T'Challa turned to his sister, "Shuri, would you mind taking Okoye and getting us some food from the cart over there." T'Challa asked handing his sister some money, Shuri nod to her brother taking the money and grabbing Okoye arm dragging the warrior away to give them time to talk.

Fauna watched the two leave then looked to T'Challa who was looking at her with his own soft smile, "I'm sorry about Okoye. She's one of our top Generals so she don't have good people skills." T'Challa joked, Fauna smiled at him lightly. "I understand, she have to protect you both. I get it." Fauna said as she tap her hurt wrist lightly, T'Challa grab her wrist softly rubbing the bruise that was healing, "How did this and this happen?" T'Challa asked as he pointed to her wrist and lip. Fauna put her head down not wanting to tell what happened, "Just a bad night. I'm ok, I told you I can take care of myself." Fauna mumbled while looking down. T'Challa frowned at her then gently lifted her chin so that she will look at him, "Don't lie to me please. What happen Fauna?" T'Challa asked as his thumb traced the healing cut, Fauna wanted to tell him, she really did, but she was to ashamed to tell him, she didn't want him to look at her any differently. "I'm ok T'Challa, I tased the guy next to his di- private area." Fauna caught herself from saying something provocative. T'Challa smiled proudly at her even letting out a small laugh, Fauna laugh right along with him, the two was stuck in their own little world with T'Challa still holding onto her hand rubbing her wrist subconsciously.

Shuri was watching their interaction with a silly smile on her face, "Awe, I think brotha have a new crush." Shuri said while eating the food she brought, Okoye sneered at the two. She would have to bring this to the attention to T'Challa when they are by themselves. "He shouldn't, he need to be interested in someone that will benefit the royal bloodline. This can not happen Princess." Okoye said. Shuri knew more than anyone what was expected from both her and T'Challa, but watching these two interact even if it was on a friend level, the chemistry was there. "I'm sure he know Okoye, but she seem nice, I think she really just want a friend out of him. He never not once said she asked for anything from him." Shuri said as they made their way to the two laughing people. Okoye wasn't so sure it was as simple as that, the Prince of Wakanda can not be interested in someone like Fauna, and the Prince needed to understand that.

Shuri ran over handing her brother and Fauna their share of food. Fauna smiled taking the treat from the Princess, "Oh my this is good, and so greasy." Shuri said as she eat the treat. T'Challa was enjoying the food as well nodding his head in agreement. "Fauna, come let's walk around the park. I want to get to know you some more." Shuri said jumping up from the seat taking Fauna hand. Fauna laugh lightly letting the Princess take her off the bench, both ladies looped arms walking side by side giggling among themselves. T'Challa smiled watching the two, it was nice seeing Fauna look happy, when ever he see her before she notice him, her eyes was just always so sad and so lost. 

Okoye cleared her throat gaining the Prince attention, "Yes Okoye?" T'Challa asked giving his General a small smile, "My Prince, this friendship cannot continue." Okoye said getting straight to the point. T'Challa looked to his General then back at his sister and Fauna, "What are you talking about?" T'Challa asked, Okoye sigh knowing that the Prince wasn't dumb. "You are to be King, you are going to rule a country someday. You being friends with the likes of her will cause problems, do she know about Wakanda, what if she tell someone about us." Okoye asked. T'Challa chuckled earning him a glare in return, "Don't worry Okoye, I haven't told her anything about Wakanda or anything about our advancement, plus I trust her." T'Challa than look to his General in the eyes, "I just want her friendship Okoye. She need friends or at least someone that don't want anything in return from her. I sense that she's hurt and lonely and want help but don't know how to get it." T'Challa said as he watched Fauna laugh at what ever his sister was saying, he was sure it wasn't in his favor. Okoye looked back to the woman, she also notice the look in her eyes, seeing the loneliness in them, but still, this have to end. "My Prince, I understand that she may need friends. You cannot be that for her, when you become King you must take a Queen someday. Fauna isn't that Queen that you need if you choose to take things farther." Okoye said hoping that T'Challa understand what she was saying.

T'Challa knew what Okoye was saying, he knew he shouldn't pursue Fauna and their friendship. He tried to ignore the pull that was there between them, but something was keeping him from ignoring her, was he attracted to her? Maybe, but right now he wanted her to know that he was there for her, from what he seen so far she keep to herself and is living in this world by herself. T'Challa knew that their friendship may never truly be, but he can't just seem to just let her go.

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