Give Me Your Heart {Book One...

By Liamsnewbf

884 31 10

Michael Melbourne is a guy in college with his sisters Sophia, Caitlin and his two best friends, Tara and Ale... More

Two: The Kiss
Three: Mine
Four: Closer
Five: Enchanted
Six: Haunted
Seven: Sex, Drugs, and Going Home
Eight: Christmas
Nine: Caitlin
Ten: Great Oblivion
Eleven: Want
Twelve: Goodnight & Goodbye
Thirteen: Everlasting

One: Senior Year

173 5 2
By Liamsnewbf

Michaels POV

Caitlin jumps up in the air and squeals. "WE'RE HERE." "Yes Ya little mushroom. We're here." Sophia says. I laugh when Caitlin hits Sophia in the arm.

"Knock it off you two.Caitlin -" I turn to her. She looks at me and smiles. "-good job mother fucker." I give her a high five. She giggles in the back seat. "MICHAEL LOOK WHO IT IS." Caitlin screams.

I see one of my best friends Alex in the door way. She was the tallest one of all of our friends. I park the car and run over to her. "Alexandra." I say. "Michael. Where's the Caitlin ?" She asks.

"IM RIGHT HERE ALEXANDRA." She screams. She starts to run but trips on the curb and lands on the ground face first. Alex and I start laughing hysterically. She gets up and laughs with us. "Y'all are a bunch of children." Says Sophia.

"Well technically Michael is the older twin so fuck off."Caitlin flips her hair. I see her infinity sign on the back of her neck. "Hey hey hey. When did you get that?" Alex says. "Oh. Um. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Um. I got it when on Mikey's birthday.....but I'm not going the only one! Mike and Sophia got one too. Well I got one. Mike got another one." Great she threw me under the bus. "Two? Two tattoos?" She looks to me.

"Heh yeah." Alex looks at me and laughs. "Well. Let me see. C'mon." I lift up my sleeves and show her. I revealed my "Stay Strong" tattoo on my right wrist and my "Everything is not what it seems" on my left wrist.

"Did it hurt?" Alex says. "I've dealt with worse." Alex puts her hands on my back and smiles. "I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it. It was years ago."

"It" is the car accident that killed my parents. My parents weren't strict. They were laid back. And they let us drink and party and do whatever we wanted. All we had to do was don't be an asshole, and to stand up for yourself and others.

They were the best parents ever. And then comes the night of mine and Sophia's sixteenth birthday. We were all in the car, Coming home from a movie and some person was on the wrong side of the road, and he hit us dead on. Sophia, Caitlin and I were okay.

But my parents were far from okay. My mother was ejected from the car. She snapped her neck when she hit the ground. My father was also ejected, but then impaled by a telephone pole.

I've never seen Caitlin cry so much in her life. The first person I called when it happened was oddly my math tutor, Grace. She was a year older than I was. And I panicked but weird enough she came and helped Sophia, Caitlin and I get home and settled.

Grace only knew me. When I got to her house her boyfriend was there and I broke down in front of the both of them.

"Mike. Mikey." I didn't know I was staring off into space when Becky tells me. "Sorry. Just," I sniffle "thinking about it."

"Hey Mike, you're gonna wanna see this." Sophia turns her black and dyed red hair away from me and towards the five boys packing their things into the little house on campus. boys. "I like the curly one." "I like the one with all the tattoos. And the five o'clock shadow." I say. But I'm going to be honest, the one with dirty blonde hair, and the muscles, oh GOD THOSE MUSCLES, I can feel myself drooling because of him.

Then the one with the tattoos and five o'clock shadow comes over and introduces himself to me and Sophia. His accent was strong and it made me shudder. "Hello, I'm Zayn Malik. My four mates and I just moved to this campus and well we just wanted to get to know people on campus."

I step in first. "Michael Melbourne, But you can call me Mikey. And these are my sisters Sophia, and Caitlin, and the tall one over there Is Alex." He smiles at me. I don't know what to do so I smile and look down at my feet. My big ass feet.

"Er.....let's....let's meet your friends." I say. Zayn runs his hand over the top of his head. "Mates! Come meet my new friends!" He says. "Caitlin, Alex. TARA." I run over and hug Tara. She just got here I guess. "Dibs on the blonde one." She says.

Good ole Tara. When I bring the girls over, Zayn brought his boys. One of them being the one with the nice face and the nice ass muscles. Fuck this.

The blonde one that Tara was talking about, introduced himself "I'm Niall" he has a nice little Irish accent. Then the curly one "I'm Harry." Sophia smiles and says hello. "I'm Louis." He's pretty hot too, but not really my type.

Then came the time where I learned that studs name. The one everyone, EVERYONE, wanted to lose their virginity to. "I'm Liam." He says.

"Michael. So we all welcome you to Notre Dame!" I say to all of them. Zayn smiles, "do you want to come over tonight?" He whispers to me. "Just me?" I say. I hope not. Please no please no pleaseeeeeeee no.

"Yeah. Just you. It's a guys night." I blush. "Er......yeah definitely." I smile. "I'll see you tonight." I look down and walk towards the small apartment that we're living in. "He likes you." I scream. Caitlin stood behind me. "What the fuck?" I yell. "He likes you. That's how Chester acted when before he asked me out."

"Zayn, does NOT. Like me. I'm too fucking gay and restarted to like." I say. I know it's true. I'm a retard. Then I feel the sting of Caitlin's hand on my cheek. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

"OW." I yell. "That's what you get for being insecure." "I'm sorry." I say. Chester is Caitlin's boyfriend. "The Blonde-Haired Beauty" she calls him. Chester is in his early twenties-twenty three to be exact-but Caitlin is twenty now. But I don't think age difference matters.

At six I tell them "I'm going over Zayn's. No ones stopping me." "Fine by me but don't fuck Harry-" "or Niall!" Tara says. "Don't do the diddly-do with anyone Michael" Alex says. I laugh at her "diddly-do" reference.

"Okay mom. I'll see you when I see you." I wink and walk to Zayn's apartment. I knock at the door. Before anyone answers the door I briefly think about the night of the accident. Liam is the one who answers. He smiles and says "Michael right?"

I look up to his brown eyes that could make anyone shudder. "Yeah. You're Liam." I smile. "Welcome to our humble abode!" Liam jokes.

I giggle a little bit. Zayn walks down the stairs. "Mikey!" "Zayn." I stare at his naked arms. Holy crap this guy is hot. But so is Liam. Shit I'm a slut. Yeah no shit Sherlock. God I hate myself.

"Mike?" Zayn is staring at me. "You alright mate?" I nod. "I'm good." I lie. I'm really not alright. Alright is not a feeling for me. It's either bad or I want to kill myself.

The Irish one-Niall- comes out of his room and smacks Zayn on the back. "Ow! Oh Nialler you met Mike today right?" "Yeah! Hey Mikey-boy!" Niall said. I smile but don't say anything. I get introduced to Harry and Louis. Louis says "I'm not gonna lie, your sister Caitlin is pretty hot." "She has a boyfriend FYI." I try to sound the least bit sassy, but it doesn't really work.

Zayn laughs at me. I really like Zayn a lot. "What are your tattoos for?" Liam asks. "It's for my parents." Zayns eyes glide over to me. "Why? What happened?" He says. My hands start to shake. "My parents...they er.........d-died." I stutter.

Zayns face went blank. Then a frown erased his blank stare. "Mike I'm-" "I-it's fine." I can't look at Zayn, "where's your bathroom?" I ask. "Upstairs to your right." Liam says. I give him a quick smile and run upstairs into the bathroom. Then I break right there. In the bathroom. Someone knocks at the door. "Mike?" It's Zayn. "Ye-yeah?" I gag on my words.

"Can I come in?" He says. "Please." Now I'm saying words I don't mean. "Hey. We're all sorry about that. We were just curious. We didn't know it meant that much to you." "Don't worry about it." I sniffle "it's one of the few things that keeps me going."

"Can you add one more of those things that can keep you going, or maybe five more things." He wants to help me. I smile and he pulls me up and brings me downstairs. Where I see Sophia looking for me. "Soph. What's wrong?" I ask. "It's Caitlin . We went food shopping and...someone smashed into the side of her car." She looks up. "Mike she hasn't woken up."

I fall. But two arms. Two muscular, tattooed arms, grab me before I make impact with the ground. "I'm here." Were the last words that I heard before the black took my body and soul.



I hope yall enjoy this story as much as I'm going to.

QOTD:Steal My Girl or Fireproof?

I like both equally:)

Thanks for Reading!!

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