Jasper's Love

By EdensWriter

41.5K 1K 138

What if Jasper knew Bella was his from the start? With the Cullen's help, can he get her? There may be some F... More

Meeting Bella
Seeing Him
Rest Of The Day
Hanging with Jasper
Meeting Jasper's Parents
Spending The Day With The Cullens
Study Date
Telling My Mate
The Cullen's Stories
Baseball Game
Meeting Peter and Charlotte
First Encounter
Bella's Birthday
Double Date with Bella
The Major's Story
A look Into The Enemy
Bella's kidnapping
Jasper's weakness
Maria's Compound
Returning To Maria
Reunited with Jasper

Staying With Bella

1.4K 48 8
By EdensWriter

Chapter 11

Jasper's P.O.V

The Night after Bella's nightmare, it became harder for her to sleep alone without it waking her up at night. But when I slept next to her, she was calm and peaceful and slept without a problem. Today however, she decided she wanted to go home just for tonight. I was still paranoid about those vampires we met yesterday.

I didn't want to leave Bella unprotected, so I told her I was going to stay with her not only to spend more time with her, but so I could just keep a lookout just in case any of them wanted to try and hurt my mate.

I got in the shower and changed my clothes, I decided to wear a Disturbed band t-shirt, blue jeans that were both tight in some place and loose in other places, and my black combat boots. Bella was already dressed in what she had on last night, she was in the kitchen with Esme eating. Once my hair was brushed I put some clothes in my green duffel bag and made my way to the kitchen.

I walk in the kitchen and see Bella polishing off what was left of the sandwich Esme made her, I walk up behind her and kiss her on the cheek. I ask her if she was ready to go, she nods and I tell Esme that I'm staying with Bella for the remainder of Fall Break. Esme nods and tells me that if the family needed me they would call me.

I thank her and leave the kitchen, Bella and I make our way to my truck and head toward her house, as I drive toward her house I could feel her worry. I ask her, " What's got you so worried darling?" She looks at me and says nervously, " I'm scared I'm gonna lose you, I never told you about my nightmare. But it started out with me being attacked by one of the vampires we met yesterday, I saw you watch in horror as I was being ripped apart by them.

Then it was if we switch places, and I was watching them tear you apart and I screamed for them to stop and tried to get to you, but they didn't and I just kept screaming and watching them destroy you. It was my screaming that woke me up terrified. It scares me that I could lose you, to people who are just like you. I don't think I could live if I lost you Jaz." she started to cry and I pull over on the side of the road and hugged her and told her, " Darling the only way your gonna lose me, is if I burn to death or you tell me to go. Because you best believe I'm not leaving you. You are the light to my dark and lonely life and no vampire is going to take that away from me." I kiss her temple as I hold her.

We pull into her driveway and we both see that Charlie still wasn't home, so Bella called him and asked him if I could stay at the house for the remainder of the holiday. He said it was fine just no funny business, and also that his friends and him maybe home a day earlier. Which would be the day after tomorrow. Because there have been reports of animal attacks around our area, we told him we would be careful but it also set me on high alert. Because it could be those vampires that we ran into yesterday killing people.

She talks to Charlie for a little while longer before telling him she loved him and to be safe, she hangs up and told me she is going to take a shower, I kiss her and tell her I'm going to do a quick perimeter check and make a couple phone calls.

I told her shouldn't be long, I head out her back door and go through the woods behind her house. I sniff to see if any vampires had been around. There was a faint smell that was few days old the leads to the Indian reservation.

It smelled like the woman, Maria I think her name was, I didn't like that one but, I thought to myself ' They are messing with what is mine and I don't like that, why would they be hunting her. Also I don't know why but I feel like I know her somehow.' I made a call to Carlisle and, tell him to send Edward and Emmett to track the sent near Bella's house. He tells me that they're on their way, I thank him and hang up my phone. I go and take My anger out on some trees, I hated seeing My mate upset, my phone began ringing while I was sitting on one of the trees I took down.

My phone rang, I look at the caller ID and see that it's Peter. ' About time you called, fucker.' I thought to myself before answering, I ran back to Bella's house and sat out on her back porch, I answer the call.

"Sup, fucker why haven't you called me?" Peter says to me, " Well hello to you too asshole, I've been busy with my mate, like you have. Congrats by the way, I gotta feeling your gonna need our help in a few weeks or so. And I'm sorry I didn't warn you about the vampires but I believe the little seer told you herself." I tell him, " Yeah she did, when can I expect you up here?" I hear him in the background asking Char if she wants to moved from Texas, I hear her say yes if it's to help me. " I guess give us a few days to pack everything up, and we should be in Oregon in a few days alright. Also Char is asking if we are going to meet your mate." I smile and think about it, and tell him, " Yeah if y'all want to, I'd just have to see if it's alright with her. But I got no problem with it as long as you behave Peter." He laughs and says, " Scouts honor, but we gotta get packing. I'll call you when we are close, Alright Brother?" I tell him, " Alright be safe and I'll be awaiting your call, and give Char my love."

He said he would and we say goodbye and hang up, I walk back in from the back porch and head up to Bella's room. She was laying on her bed, reading her favorite book. She had on gray gravity wave sleep pants and a black tank top that was driving me wild. She looked over at me and scooted over, and I joined her on the bed.

I pulled her close to me and told her about my conversation with Peter and Charlotte wanting meeting her and that they were coming up here for extra security. She told me she would love to meet them both, and I'll tell her more about them and after a while of talking, kissing, and making out. I felt her getting tired and, I told her get some sleep and that if I leave it would be just to hunt.

She nods and kissed me good night and she was out like a light, as I held her while she was slept I kept having a slight fear that those vampires would take my light away and I would be back in the dark again. But I shake that though and remind myself that I will protect her with all my strength. I snuggle up to her and fall asleep until it was time to me to go hunting.

(A/N: Peter and Charlotte get to meet Bella in the next chapter yay! And also how does Jasper know Maria? All will be reviled in chapter 12. But again I would like to thank all of my readers, faves and reviewers you guys are keeping me writing so thank you all so very much. But as always read, review, and enjoy. Also if there are any typos please tell me so I can fix them.)

Word Count 1387

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