Make A Wish

By yeshowerocunts

1.5K 28 12

Carson is a girl who was been working in the Los Angeles Hospital for as long as she can remember. She's extr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

85 2 0
By yeshowerocunts

Sorry this is so short, we didn't have much time. We're going to try to update on Wednesdays and Sundays, and since this one is short, be ready for a really good one on wednesday!


I was woken up by the ringing of my cellphone, making my head throb even more than it already was. Half awake, I reached to my side table and looked through my messages. One from my mum, one from Liam, one from Danny.

And none from Carson.

Frustrated, I set my phone back down and covered my ears with a pillow. I don't know why I was expecting a text, she had no reason to text me anyways. Honestly, I don't even know why I care so much. She's Harry's girl. I'm not quite sure how I feel about her. She's different, is all, and I like that. 

"Hey Zayn, you coming to breakfast?" Niall said popping his head through my door. 

"Nah man, I think I'll eat later, I'm still nursing my hangover."

"Alright, your call! See ya later".  He shut the door a little too loudly for my liking. I picked up my phone and started to creep on twitter, like I do most mornings. I looked down at the worldwide trends and the first thing I saw was "Carson". Of course she is trending on twitter. From the very little I remembered about last night, I knew that Harry had confessed his love for her  and claimed her as his girlfriend in front of all the fans.

She's not technically his girlfriend.

They're not even dating. They've hooked up a couple times. Thats it. 

Not that I care, anyways. 


I paced back and forth the hotel room floors. I skipped out on breakfast with the lads, I was too nervous to be hungry. Surprisingly, the hangover hadn't lasted long, and now my mind was preoccupied with other things. I woke up to mutiple texts from Carson, making jokes about my drunken adventures last night. I wasn't sure how to respond, so basically, I hadn't.

I knew that I had to take her on a real date eventually, so I decided I would ask her today. It had been a while since I had actually asked a girl to go on a proper date with me, and I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. My hands were shaking as I reached for my cell phone and typed in Carson's number. 

It rang for a while before she finally answered.


"Oh, hi Carson! I, uh, well, how are you?"

"Harry? I'm doing fine, you?"

"Oh, I'm great, I'm really gre-"

"Still hungover?" she laughed.

"Hah, erm, not really. I just wanted to ask you something."

She paused for a second. I felt my heart speed up and I ran my hand through my hair, licking my lips. 

"What is it?"

I could feel a blush rise to my cheeks. I almost dropped my phone because my palms were so sweaty.

"I just wanted to know, erm, if you wanted to maybe go on a date. Like a real one. Like us. Together. You know. Like just us, alo-"

"I would love to, Harry". I could hear the smile on her face. I took a big breath.

"Oh, great. Amazing! Cool! I've got recording the rest of the week, but maybe this Friday?"

"Yeah thats good! That gives me time to hang out with Mary, too."

"You guys are pretty close, aren't you?" I asked. 

"Yeah, shes the closest thing I have to a sister. She's my best friend." she told me. 

"Alright well then I guess I'll see you on Friday" I said.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, alright?" she asked. I didn't want her to go, but I just replied "Okay" and hung up. 

I decided to head down stairs for some breakfast with the other lads, and found that Zayn wasn't down there. 

"Hey, wheres Zayn?"

"Still nursing that hangover. I'm surprised you aren't!" Louis joked.

"Ah shut up, I wasn't that drunk."

"Do you remember what you did last night?" Niall asked.

"Well, erm, I think I went for a walk with Zayn."

The boys errupted in laughter and I didn't know why.

"Wanna see the video?" said Niall.

"Ah shit, what did I do?" I was starting to get nervous. Niall handed me my phone and showed me a recording of me drunkenly meeting fans and, even better, exclaiming my love for Carson. So thats why she was making fun of me. 

"So, you've got a new girlfriend, do you?" Liam said jokingly.

"She's not really my girlfriend." I stated. They didn't seem convinced.

"Drunken words are sober thoughts, mate" Niall said. 

I laughed, denying it, but not really wanting to.

"We know you want her to be your girlfriend." Louis said, right as Zayn walked into the restraunt.

"Yeah, maybe I do." I said smugly. 

Zayn shot me one glance before talking to the other boys, and I couldn't help but notice he didn't make eye contact with me the rest of the time. 

Right as we finished eating, someone came to tell us a car was waiting outside to take us to the studio. Surprisingly, I guess because it was early morning, we managed to get out the back without much difficulty, and were on our way to the studio. 

I thought they would have a new song to introduce to us when we got there, but as we walked in all I saw were pads of paper and a box of pens. 

We sat down on the couch and a man who I barely recognized, maybe he'd worked with us once before, came in to talk to us.

"Obviously," he started, "you guys had a pretty good outcome with your first album. People loved your songs. But you're not babies anymore. You're no longer rookies to this business. If you want people to love your work, you're going to have to start coming up with some of your own shit."

"I'm confused... who are you?" Liam asked.

"I'm Steven Billingham. And I'm going to make you guys write your own hit song."

"Erm..." Zayn mumbled. "What are we supposed to write about?"

"Thats up to you. You guys have like 15 minutes to brainstorm ideas while I go talk to my boss. Its speed thinking. Go."

Then he walked out.

We all kind of sat dumbfounded on the couch, not really sure where to start.

"Alright. Okay. Here we go. What do we write about?" Liam said trying to get us inspired.

"I have no fucking idea." Niall stated. 

"We don't have any inspiration" Zayn added.

"Well most songs are about relationships" Louis said, "Harry I think you've got this one".

I wasn't really sure what to say. 

"Erm...well, I don't know..." I kind of mumbled.

"They're not in a relationship guys." Zayn said almost immediately.

As soon as he said it, he looked kind of embarrassed and shot me an apologetic look. 

There was an awkward silence for a couple minutes, where we occasionally shot out ideas of being teens, liking a girl, being famous, but by the time Steven got back we didn't have much to tell him. 

"So, anything boys?" he asked us.

We all just kind of looked at each other.

"Not really" Zayn told him.

"Good. When you're song writing, things take time. You're not going to get anywhere in 15 minutes. Now, I know you must have had a couple ideas, though, let me hear them."

"Well we wanted Harry to write about his new girl, but he doesn't seem to keen on it." Louis said.

"And why is that?" Steven asked me.

"Well... I don't know. I don't want to write just another song about relationships. Theres more to life. I want to write about something deeper."

"I love it." Steven said, shaking my hand. He looked at the rest of the boys. "Think like Harry. This week, you'll be recording some songs that were written for you, but just try to think about something that inspires you."

I didn't even have to ask the other boys what they were thinking when he said 'something that inspires you'. The only thing on all of our minds was Mary.

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