Gates of Judgement (Short Sto...

By LeiaMeadows

149 6 5

Tiamat lived in 2348 B.C were it was everyone for themselves. Well for most people it was, Tiamat protected h... More

A/N (Important)
Chapter one
Chapter two

Chapter three

19 1 1
By LeiaMeadows

         Tiamat and Jemita spent their time avoiding Namhu and hanging out together. Tiamat introduced her to her siblings. Seluku, Iltani, and Kullaa got along with Jemita. But Aea didn't like her and Sargon was hidden in the shadows the whole time so they didn't really meet. Tiamat left Jemita with them while she went to run some errands around the house for Head Servant.

         Jogging down the halls, Tiamat was happy, she finally had a friend her age. In her excitement, she didn't notice a dark shadow creeping up on her. She screamed as strong hands grabbed her shoulders and spun her around.

         Namhu covered her mouth and whispered, "You won't be able to escape. Run." As soon as he let her go, Tiamat took off a run. Rounding corners, Tiamat felt her heart pounding against her rip cage as she struggled for breath. She soon came to a stop outside her small tent.

         "Seluku! Iltani! Sargon! Nutesh! Kullaa! Aea!" Tiamat shouted for them as she took down the tent and grabbed her emergency escape bag.

         They all came running at the sound of her worried shouts. "What's going on?" Jemita asked as she came up behind the kids.

         "Yeah?" Kullaa's dark brown braids shook in worry. Everyone wore the same expression of concern, even Sargon seem anxious.

         "I have to leave, now, and I'm not leaving you behind." Tiamat had finished gathering everything they would need. She led them out the old, familiar doors with Jemita trailing behind them. She told Tiamat that she would help them find a place to take shelter for the night.

         They found a small, sheltered alleyway in between two houses. "I'll leave you here for the night. I hope you guys are okay." Jemita looked concerned for them as she started to walk away.

         Tiamat did her best to smile at her, "We will be fine." She said with as much certainty that she could muster. Jemita appeared satisfied with her answer and jogged down the street.

         "Tia, I'm scared." Kullaa visibly shook as she huddled closer to the wall.

         Seluku crouched down in front of her. "Don't worry, Kullaa. Everything will be fine."

         Nutesh came up beside Kullaa, opposite to Sargon who was hunkered down next to her. Nutesh copied Seluku and said, "Yeah, we'll be fine, Kulli. No need to worry."

         Aea, who was cuddled up to Tiamat, piped up, "Tiamat will protect us."

         Suddenly all of the weight of their situation came crashing down on Tiamat's shoulders. But she needed to keep her siblings calm, so she did the only thing she could think of. "Gather 'round and let me tell you the story of seven brave adventurers who fought off the Nephilim and saved their land."

         Staring up at the stars as Tiamat told the trilling tale, they all drifted off. She noticed they had fallen asleep and gazed at their moonlit faces. The feeling of pure innocence radiated off their rosy cheeks. Tiamat sighed and wished upon a shooting star for a real home. Then she floated off in to an anything-but-peaceful slumber.

         Tiamat awoke to the soft sound of sandals on gravel. Slowly opening her eyes, Tiamat screamed. Namhu was coming at them with a sliver dagger gleaming in the moonlight. Hauling a dazed Aea up on her back and grabbing the rest of her siblings, Tiamat sprinted out of the alleyway. Namhu called out behind her, "No one gets away from me!"

         Tiamat ran down the almost empty streets trying to out maneuver him, but it was useless. She sprinted out the city gates as she grew exhausted. Namhu was almost upon her. As she looked over her shoulder, she ran right into something soft. Tiamat and the kids landed with a thud on the stony sand and she heard someone give a yelp. She squinted into the darkness and spotted the shadowy figure of Jemita.

         "Jemtia! Help us!" Tiamat reached out for her as she pleaded. Jemita smiled and hauled her to her feet. They caught sight of Namhu at the same time. Jemita grinned wickedly as she pulled out a knife and held it to Tiamat's throat.

         "Stay back." Jemita growled at Namhu, her features were twisted into a vile grin. Namhu faltered and froze, still clutching the dagger.

         "Please Jemita, let her go." Namhu begged. Tiamat struggled against Jemita's arms that were tightly wrapped around her. Seluku and Iltani held the others back, tears were pouring out of their eyes as they screamed Tiamat's name.

         "Jemita," Tiamat sounded slightly choked as she appealed to her. "Please let me go. I've done nothing to you." Tiamat was relieved when her voice didn't crack under the strain of her wild emotions.

         "Done nothing." Jemita laughed cruelly. "That fact that you even exist is enough."

         Tiamat's heart banged against her rip cage as she gasped for breath. She didn't understand what Jemita meant, they had only just met that day. "What are you talking about?"

         Jemita's hand shook as she pointed to Namhu. "Ask him." Was the only explanation she gave Tiamat.

         Tiamat turned her questioning gaze on Namhu. He sighed and looked her in the eye, tears glistened on his cheeks, but Tiamat took another look and realized that it wasn't tears it had started to sprinkle.

         "Tiamat listen, I'm- I'm... I'm your father." Tiamat's head spun with this new information. She was snapped back to reality by Jemita's nasty cackle..

         "So, you see my dear dad." Jemita drew out that last word. "Loved you and would visit you all the time when we were younger." It suddenly all clicked into place.

         "Tia!" Jemita squealed as she chased 4-year-old Tiamat around the servants courtyard. They gigged as they zig-zagged their way through the mass of people. The big man watching them chuckled at their antics.

         "Can't catch me, Jemi!" Tiamat teased.

         Jemita huffed and glared at Tiamat. "I can to!" She pushed a servant carrying mud bricks towards Tiamat. She screamed as bricks rained down on her.

         Everything after that moment was jumbled and all Tiamat could remember was snip bits of phrases.

         "I caught you!"

         "How could you hurt her, filthy brat."

         "I wanted to win."

         "I hate you Jemita!

         "But she started it!"

         "Hang on, Tiamat."

         "So you see after that one little incident when I was four, Father hated me and he took every opportunity to punish me." Jemita snarled. Tiamat couldn't tell if she was crying or if it was the rain. "All he talked about was Tiamat this or Tiamat that. It was infuriating. He hadn't even seen you since we were four, but still."

         Tiamat looked at Namhu who still had the dagger clutched dangerously in his hand. Jemita pulled the knife closer to Tiamat's neck, "And tonight I'm going to end it all."

         A low howl was sounded off to their left tearing everyone's gaze towards it. Namhu took advantage of Jemita's momentary distraction and lunged at her. Tiamat escaped her grip and darted towards her siblings. Namhu and Jemita were locked in a gruesome fight. Namhu looked up at her and shouted, "Run, Tia!"

         Tiamat needed no further persuasion, she grabbed her siblings and dashed towards the large form up ahead. By now the rain was coming down in gallons and Tiamat could barely see. The strange thing was it rarely ever rained and never like this.

          At Tiamat's utter shock, it was a large ark. But the weirdest thing was the animals of all kinds entering it. She turned her face upwards and saw eight people standing on the deck. Noah was one of them and another one was Naamah.

         Tiamat stood there as ran soaked them to the bone. Noah was right, was the only thought running through her head. Shivering and cold, Aea whimpered from Tiamat's back. Tiamat pulled her siblings close and cried out to God as the rain covered her.

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