Don't Let Me...

By double-xo

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One boy with a troubled past not knowing who he is anymore, lost and broken. Another boy not caring and compl... More

Don't Let Me...
Chapter 1 - Party
Chapter 2 - Temptation
Chapter 3 - Coping
Chapter 4 - Carter
Chapter 5 - Fangirling
Chapter 6 - Different
Chapter 7 - What If...
Chapter 9 - Letting Go
Chapter 10 - Gym, Sex, Ambulance
New Book

Chapter 8 - Memories

223 23 6
By double-xo

So Ik this is early and I'm sorry if there r mistakes if c any point them out. I was really inot this chapter so I hope u enjoy it and this chapter is dedicated to my friend ASHTON!

Hes like honestly awesome just a great guy and an awesome person to talk to.

Chapter 8

7 Years Ago

"Ace stop please you can't tell anyone," Austin pleaded as he pulled on my arm

"Austin let go," I grumbled annoyed

"You can't tell the cops please Ace, ill deny it ill deny it if u do," I shrugged him off and looked at him to check if he was bluffing but i could see he meant it.

"Why Austin? Why do you insist on going through this? Why the fuck do you stay? I know he's your father and all but you can get real hurt you can die Austin you know that right?" I said and started raising my voice

"I know but I won't Ace you just have to trust me,"

"Trust you? Austin you have a fucking death wish. I cant stand by and help you fulfill it," I said and shook my head

"Im not going to die and you can stand by and you will. Remember if you tell ill deny and they'll believe me not you Ace," he finished and turned around leaving me alone in front of the police station.

Present Time

Austin P.O.V.

Just as i predicted half of the party was drunk and passed out in the yard. I was slowly gathering up the drunks and sending them home while Ace and Brian were helping me. When we finished sending them home we met by the pool, where Max was attending the barbecue and everyone else was either in the pool or hounding Max for food. Then finally the rest were by the bar, which Brooke, Taylor and Tiffany were attending.

The Guys and I stopped and we watched as the girls attended the bar. They were laughing and serving the drinks to the guys who were crowded around them.

Now were these girls hot? Hell yes but for some reason my mind - like it has been all night - went back to Kaylee. When I snapped out of my thoughts again I saw as Brian made his way to Taylor who had a few guys surrounding her and it was pretty obvious she was wasted. She was flirting with all the guys and Brian pushed them all away And after a few minutes the Guys started backing off and Taylor was clueless but at least now she was clueless while flirting with Brian.

Now watching Ace with Brooke was confusing. I was still uncertain if he like her or not but right now it wasn't hard to tell that he was jealous.

Currently Brooke and Tiffany at the request of the guys were kissing each other and a little while after one of the guys pulled her away from Tiffany and started kissing her and pulled her up onto the bar. I could see Ace’s eyes turn darker and I knew this wouldn’t end well if this continued. The guy on the other hand kept kissing Brooke and since she was already on the table another guy took a body shot off her and started kissing along her stomach. I looked at Ace again who was furious, his fists were clenched and if looks could kill every guy around Brooke would be dead.

“Dude you have two options just walk away and forget this just find another girl or stop them from banging Brooke right on that bar table without a fight please,” I told him and in a second he was already walking towards Brooke. As the guy was reaching for the straps for her top, Ace pulled them off and pushed away the other guy as well.

Luckily they were smart enough and just backed away so thankfully that meant no fight. Now Ace was kissing Brooke and all was right in the world again.

Now Tiffany was the only who was surrounded by the guys giving them shots and all. Usually I would be jealous, at times I’d even be pissed off but now to be honest I didn’t feel a thing for her. She’s out of the “fuck” zone as Ace called it and she’s back into the friend zone and I knew the reason why it was obvious. By this time during the party we would already be making out but It wouldn’t feel right she wasn’t the one I wanted.

At 10:30 I headed to my room to change and pulled on my swimsuit and ran back downstairs and waited for everyone else by the garage. Slowly everyone started getting there my usual group standing behind me or beside me and the new ones in front of me looking a little bit confused. This is the after party and I only select a few people to join my friends and I. Ace calls in the V.I.P. section so it kind of just stayed as the name. It mostly always made up of 2 football players, 2 basketball players, 2 soccer players, 3 cheerleaders and 3 dancers and then Ace one of his friends. I used to let more of his friends come but they almost burned down the lake house 2 years ago so now it’s limited to one.

I nodded to Ace who made a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention, “lucky bastards who got V.I.P. this year listen up,” Ace shouted and then moved out of the way giving me the floor. I stepped forward and made sure everyone was here.

“Okay guys so here’s what we’re going to do. First of all we are going to drive there I have 10 off terrain vehicles or ATV’s whatever you want to call it. They each fit two people so first off all pair up,” I told them and everyone paired up. For our usual group its always Ace with Brooke, Brian with Taylor, Jeremiah usually takes whichever friend Ace invited and then Tiffany with me. After everyone got their partners I nodded seeing it was basically as always a guy with a girl.

“Ok so we’re going to a Lake and there’s a house over there if you can’t stay all night tell me now because we aren’t returning till morning,” I waited a few seconds giving everyone time to think and then continued again, “Ok so it’s pretty simple pick your vehicle any except or the first four. Ace and Brooke will keep you guys in line from the back but if you go to slow he will pass you and we wont come for you till morning. I’ll lead so try not to lose the person in front of you. Got it?” I asked them and they all nodded.

I smiled and then got on my ATV and Tiffany got on behind me wrapping her arms around my waist holding on and I had forgotten how much she hated these things. She had been begging me to find another way to get there but the only other way is to walk and she’s not a fan of that either so she’s screwed.

I turned it on and so did everyone else and I pulled out quickly and into the woods. I drove through quickly and after a few minutes I was at the lake. I jumped off the ATV and helped Tiffany off who gave me a glare probably cursing me out for not figuring out a new way to get here.

I laughed and she punched me softly playing around and to be honest this is the Tiffany I would be friends with. This Tiffany isn’t trying to hard she’s just letting go and doing whatever the fuck she wants being herself sadly this is only her when she’s drink or high. I wrapped my arm around her in a friendly way only and we walked around the lake making sure everything was ready.

We saw the bar set up and the rope was hanging from the tree so we could swing off of it into the lake.

“Hey man when is everyone else getting here?” I heard Tyler shout and smiled seeing him and Sean finishing up the speakers.

“I don’t know but you guys did great man,” I said and looked at all the decorations for Fourth of July. We all waited together for everyone else to get here and when we heard the rest starting to approach we got up and Tyler turned up the music and took the role as DJ. Brian took the role of serving the drinks and Ace and his friend who I’ve learned is named Aiden were getting people high…. as usual.

Everyone was still looking around in amazement but Tiffany got tired of everyone just looking around so she was the first one who took the rope and jumped in. She called us all out telling us t jump in. Soon enough we all went in except for Ace’s friend who for some reason his friends never got in. Ace was only in the lake because Brooke drags him. After a few minutes the party was in full motion. Mostly everyone was drunk, the music was blasting, the bar was almost empty but I was happy that Tyler was smart enough to stash some at the house.

When the fireworks went off I knew it was 11 because that’s the time I told Max to fire them. I was a little drunk because of the few drinks I had but my head was clear enough to remember that we had t go to the lake house so we wouldn’t sleep in the woods. We accidently did once and we all woke up in the most hurtful positions and with cramps everywhere but that party was amazing.

I gathered everyone together and that took a while since they were all dizzy and stumbling and some were high but slowly with Ace, Jer and Brian’s help we got everyone to the lake house. A few of them passed out immediately falling on the couch some made it to the bed and some just passed out on the floor. The few of us who were still able to stay up huddled around the fire trying to get warm from the coldness of the lake.

“So what should we do now?” Ace asked laying his head on Brooke’s lap looking up at her and she kissed him again as they have been doing all night.

“We can play truth or dare if you guys want most of us are bound to pass out anyways,” Tiff suggested and I agreed and slowly everyone else did as well.

After a good hour we finished playing truth or dare, never have I ever, spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven mostly everyone was passed out except for me. I sighed and then wondered how Kaylee’s night was going. I wanted to talk to her and it was only 1 am here so it was still early over there.

I got up and headed out the door without making a noise and out to the ATV. I got on and drove back to the house and was really impressed with Max. Mostly everything was cleaned up and only a few people were passed out on the ground. The inside was even cleaner and I smiled about maybe I should just forgive him he has after all done a good job and Im over my feeling or whatever they were for Tiffany.

I walked to where the keys were and dropped mine in seeing that they were misplaced and then noticed and extra pair of keys and felt my breath get stuck in the back of my throat. Shit. I ran to the window and pulled open the curtain to reveal the nice sleek Audi that belonged to my parents in the driveway I stepped back and then hit something hard. I turned around quickly to face my father.

His face was calm but I could see the anger in his eyes and knew I was in deep shit.

“Austin,” he simply said

“Hey dad, how was the umm…trip?” I said trying to get him mind off of it

“Don’t even try it Austin, where have you been?” he said taking a step towards me

I instinctively took a step back and came back to the wall, “I was at the lake house, with a few friends,” I felt as if his gaze on me had intensified and was furious.

“So you left the house in charge to a bunch of drunk idiots? How much more stupid can you be?”

"It won't happen again I'm sorry," I said almost pleading he shook his and laughed lightly

"Your damn right it won't,"

"It was just a party dad, and I'm 16 already,"

"I don't care if your 16,18 or 21, ill do whatever I want to you," he said and when he finished saying that he punched me and i fell back against the wall hard. I groaned and then noticed that my head had hit the frame of the window. Just fucking great.

He tried to punch again but i dodged it not daring to punch him back though because it only pisses him off more. He hit the wall with his fist and looked furious. When he went to hit me again i didn't see his other hand and he punched my stomach making me double over in pain.

While i was bent down he pushed me down and kicked me a few times and instinctively as i had done many times when I've fought i tripped his legs and got up. Usually i would stay and finish the guy off as i usually do but when i saw my dad’s expression when he was on the floor i quickly ran.

I ran out the door and into the woods not even getting on the ATV. I just ran. I ran and didn't notice that i was heading in the direction of the fort Adri, Ace and I built when we were younger. When i saw the fort ahead i pulled the door open and went in me locked it behind me.

I looked around and smiled at all the pictures hanging up on the wall. We haven't been in here in forever. Thai is where we used to come to hide out from my parents when they came home. This was like our hideout it was Ace's idea when were around 10.

I remember building this and we had to get Adri's dads help. I smiled looking at all the pictures. Pictures of us 3 at the lake, a whole bunch of us here in the woods, the one we took when we were doing the campfire and my favorite one was the one of us three sitting at the cliff. I laid down looking at the roof, which was also covered in pictures. I felt my eyes start closing and It was probably from the loss of blood from by head when i hit against the Frame or when he opened up on of the stitches when he was kicking me. I didn't know but right now i didn't care.

I let myself drift to sleep under the pictures of my best memories. I heard the door creak open but i was to far gone to care.

Ace's P.O.V.

I woke up after only about an hour of sleep and saw that Austin was gone. I got up and pulled myself off the bed and untangled myself from Brooke. I walked out of he lake house and saw that his ATV was also missing. I sighed and ignored the fact that i took my ATV some people were going to have to squeeze three people or walk home.

I got on mine and drove to the main house an i parked it and walked into his house. I looked around and noticed it was extremely quiet way to quiet and the house was way to clean. I looked out the window and saw that his parents' cars were home. I walked into the kitchen and saw that his dad was there.

"Robert where is he?" I asked bored and worried

"Who? My son? Beats me ran off like the little kid he is. Don't i get a hello or something though Ace?"

"Hello, fuck off where's your son and what did you do to him?"

"I don't know and i did nothing," he said and i sighed with relief and then he started again, "except what he deserved," I felt my fist clench unintentionally and he smirked. I steeped forward him about to punch but then realized Austin needed me so i didn't have time to beat up his dad.

Robert laughed and i flipped him off and ran up the stairs to his room. I groaned in frustration when he wasn't there and saw his phone go off.

I picked it up and saw that it was a text from his girlfriend or whatever they were.

Hey how was your Fourth of July babe? I read it as I walked downstairs and went looking around the house and then decided to message back and find out how she was for myself.

Hey babe I’m Ace his friend, your boyfriend is missing at the moment

Missing? Is he ok? And he isn’t my boyfriend actually and u can’t call me babe. And Hi Ace I’ve heard of you actually he talks about you a lot I looked back at the phone and wondered what shit Austin was saying about me

To bad it’s staying babe so what have you heard about me? And idk his parents r home

I’ve heard a lot none of which r ur business and ok who cares that their home? And fine whatever u want asshole.  I laughed already liking her more and then thought of Austin. Seriously these two have been talking for a whole month non-stop, he likes her they even call each other babe and shit and he hasn’t told her…wow.

Fine don’t tell me babe I’m sure they’re great things ;) And u dnt know about his parents then im assuming.

Well ur a bright one aren’t u? And to sum up what he’s told me about you he’s basically told me you’re a pervert and an asshole but that you two are best friends and he thinks of you like a brother and shit.

I laughed again and continued looking around his house which was like a mansion and then decided he wasn’t here so I headed out back to the ATV thinking of only one other place he could be at and then typed back Exactly all good things babe and he’ll just tell you about his parents when I find him then

Then find him idiot she simply put and I smirked turning on the ATV

I will sweetheart hope 2 talk to u soon ;)

The next time I talk 2 u will b 2 soon I laughed. I loved challenges and she obviously was one. I put his phone in my pocket and headed out to the woods knowing where he might be.

After a few minutes driving through the woods I pulled up at our crappy fort we built when we were younger. I heard a groan from inside and got off and turned off the ATV and went into the fort. He was lying on the ground and I could see a little bit of blood luckily not to much. I shook him awake and pulled him up laying him against the wall.

“Austin talk to me how do you feel? Are you ok?”

“Do I look ok idiot?”

“Yea your fine,” I said laughing “by the way your girlfriend texted. She’s quite a charmer you have there buddy,”

“You talked to her?” he asked quickly whipping his head to me

“Yes sir I did but you can calm your shit I didn’t scare her away so don’t worry,” I said laughing and he glared

“Oh Lord,” he mumbled

“Honestly I did nothing but you’re going to have to explain about your parents and shit. I thought you already had so I kind of brought it up,” I said as I shrugged my shoulders and laid against the wall looking around the fort and smiled lightly and some of the pictures.

Austin did the same letting out a sigh, “Ace I’m not ready to talk about it again,” he said and kept his eyes on the pictures.

“You’re going to have to tell her eventually since you like her. You may as well man up and tell her now. I know you probably think she’ll be different with you but she won’t she likes you to. You both are just idiots and don’t realize it,” I said and picked up one of the pictures that was attached to the roof.

“Ace you know you’re going to have to move on right?” I heard him whisper lightly and I started blinking quickly not letting the tears come. I haven’t cried since I heard it happened and I won’t cry ever again. I looked back down to the picture and looked at Ashley my arm was wrapped around her and she was looking as beautiful as ever.

“Can I keep this one? I forgot it was here,” I asked quietly looking down at it. It was one of the few pictures in which everything was perfect it was before like screwed us all over taking her away along with Dylan.

“Of course Ace, but like I said you have to move on, this isn’t good for you,” he said and I sighed.

“I don’t want to. What if I forget her? What if I forgot how she was? How she acted? How her voice sounded? Her favorite things? How she hated whenever I messed with her? How she always smelled like strawberries? I’m starting to forget and the only reason I haven’t completely forgotten is because I haven’t moved on. If I move on I’ll forget it all I can’t do that I don’t want to Austin,” I said and took a deep breath holding onto the picture of her and I.

“You’re going to have to figure out a way to move on without forgetting then Ace she wouldn’t want this for you. If she were here or if Dylan was here they’d both be pissed off with us,” he said a smiled lightly

“Yea I know I think Dylan would kick my ass and Ashley would give me that silent treatment she always kept reserved for me,” I said and starting remembering old memories.

He laughed, “That’s right, and that one time she didn’t talk to you for a whole day and you were chasing her around like a love struck puppy begging her to talk to you,” he said and laughed and usually I would glare but that memory was so good all I could do was smile and nod.

“Yea well I do know one thing Dyl and Ash would want if they were here, and that’s for you to man up and tell Kaylee everything and tell her that you like her. Dyl would probably just tell you to man the fuck up though he didn’t really have patience,” I said and Austin laughed

“Yea I know him trying to help me with my homework was a nightmare no patience at all man,” and I nodded remembering the many times we had asked Dyl for help and he would groan and complain and started telling us he didn’t know how to do it.

It was quiet for a few minutes as the both of us just looked around the fort looking at all the pictures taking it all in how much everything had changed before he spoke again, “Ok I’ll tell her everything but if this doesn’t work out I’m blaming you,” I nodded and gave him the phone passing him a smile then laid down on the ground and fell asleep under all the memories.

Kaylee’s P.O.V.

“Kaylee come on it’s a fucking party get off the phone,” Alex told me tugging on my arm so I can get off the table

“Alex stop I’m waiting for someone,” I told her and was currently waiting for Austin or maybe even Ace. I have to admit though Ace was pretty funny annoying yes but funny as well. Austin said he’s really perverted though, I’m sure I’ll talk to him soon enough anyways. Besides my mind being on Ace it was mostly on Austin and I was worried…really worried.

Ace never told me what happened just that his parents were home, but I have no clue about what he meant. Which means Austin hasn’t told me everything even though I’ve told him practically everything. We’ve talked for a whole month and I’m just noticing that I don’t know much about his personal life. He always let’s me do the talking. I’ve told him about the cutting, the time in the hospital, my friends, everything basically, and all I know about him is that he loves Mac and Cheese and his favorite show is Teen Wolf the most personal thing I know about him is that he cuts, drinks and smokes but that’s it. Whenever I get to the family topic or ask about him he answers it vaguely and switched the topic quickly back to me.

“Kay C’mon Paul’s here with James lets go say hi please,” she begged

“Okay, okay if you’ll just shut up, I complained and complained about the headache she was giving me. I got up and fixed my crop top and adjusted my high waisted shorts and then quickly ran my hand through my hair a few times fixing it. She tugged on my arm again saying that I was taking forever and pulled me to the guys. I don’t really know what her rush is though; yes both James and Paul are pretty attractive but she’s not even into guys so I didn’t see what her deal was.

“Hey guys,” she said and they both said hi giving us a hug and a smile

“Nice party Kay finally something new huh,” James said giving me a smile

“Yea finally, still no drinks though which kind of sucks but at least we’re getting closer,” I said and he laughed and I looked over at Alex who was smiling at James and I together and that’s when I realized what the little bitch was doing, trying to get James and I together was a terrible idea. Luckily though since it all had gone awkward my phone vibrated and I pulled it out as Alex groaned.

“I am going to throw that phone into the lake Kay, please just enjoy the party,”

“I am enjoying it it’s been a great night and we’ve both had fun Alex, let me just talk to Austin please,” and at his name both James and Paul’s head’s snapped up

“Who’s Austin?”

“We don’t know him, it’s some guy she met online,” Alex said annoyed

“Oh Ok so he’s just like an online friend then?” James asked and I nodded—Yea unfortunately just a friend. The thing with Austin was I like him obviously more than a fried but first of all I think he only likes me as a friend, I mean we call each other babe and all but I think it’s just a friendly thing. Then second of all he’s a huge player it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out he’s incredibly flirty and it’s like he’s had years of practice. He probably doesn’t even want a girlfriend with the whole player thing he has going on. I sighed and then looked down at the text.

Hey babe how’s ur night?

It’s ben good I missed u though

I missed u more, I wish u were here he wrote and I felt a blush creeping up to my face and smiled

I wish so 2, how was ur party?

It was amazing, ur the only thing that could have made it perfect though and now he did it I was definitely blushing no denying it. My cheeks felt warm and I was smiling like crazy and I wanted to be with him so bad and I knew my friends were looking at me strangely but I ignored them.

Awww, so I talked 2 ur friend Ace he had said something about ur parents…r u ok?

Yea, yea im fine no worries :) he wrote and I sighed annoyed he wasn’t telling me

Austin please just tell me, Ik ur hiding something, there’s something ur not telling me. Babe please I’ve told u everything you know u can tell me everything 2 I want 2 b here 4 u 2.

Ur going to think differently of me Kay, I rather u just let it go

I promise I wont please just tell me

Okay but it’s a lot if you want me 2 tell u everything

I do want u 2 tell me everything so please do Aus uk Im here 4 u


I told Alex, James and Paul I would meet with them later and sat down on the table and read text after text that Austin sent me. He went through his whole story and now a lot of things he had told me before started making sense. I understood now why he cut, why he drank and why he did the drugs and got high. I also understood why he had kept it to himself.

Your were right  I told him

About wat?

About this changing how I feel about you and everything

I knew it would

Austin listen to me the only thing that changed about how I think of you is this. I knew you were strong before but now I know how strong u truly r. U’ve gone through so much Aus, and not many people can go through that and say that they’ve made it, but u can. You go on with ur life, u have fun, you had a hard time at first but u got past it. Nothing else has changed between us tho babe. I do however have one question to ask if I may?

Thank you Kay it means a lot I was afraid 2 tell u and all and tbh ive only gotten this much better since we’ve started talking. And wats ur question?

Awww ur so cute babe and I wanted to ask if ur dad hurt u today…was that wat Ace was referring to?

Haha and yea babe it was but im fine I promise

:/ Im sorry Aus I wish I could b there 4 u

I wish u were here 2 babe and im srry I didn’t tell u, its just that I like u and I didn’t want to lose u Ive lost 2 many people and once they find out about that they become distant and they stop joking around with me and they give me pity looks all the time and it just gets to me.

I read the message over and over and honestly I was just stuck on the first part. He liked me? Like how? As friends? Or more?

Kay u there?

Umm yea and uk I wont stop joking around with u I have 2 much fun making fun of u and ur Mac and cheese… and p.s. I like u 2

Funny Kay says the one whose fav movie is nemo and I like u more

No comment and really? How much then? I asked him because right now I was extremely confused. How did he like me as a friend or more?

Kay it should honestly b very fucking obvious or may bur just really oblivious. I like u a lot my feeling 4 u are more than just friendly feelings. I smiled and I know it sounds cliché but I felt my heart flutter and was glad it was more than just friendly feelings.

Kay? Umm its ok if u don’t like me back like that if u just want to stay friends I get it, U deserve a better relationship anyways one that’s not online and u deserve a better guy actually.

Then my heart sunk. No only because there was a chance this meant we might not get together but because of how he viewed himself. He may put up this whole cocky, badass front but it’s just that… it’s a front a wall. It’s to keep himself from being hurt and so that no one knows how he truly feels.

Ok Austin now u have it all wrong. I feel the same way and I like u a lot. This past month I’ve been so happy talking with and I always look forward to talking 2 u everyday and I wish I was there right now because it would b a hell of a lot easier to show u how I truly feel. But know that I definitely like u and as more than just a friend. I’d even date u f given the chance. U r more than enough 4 me ur wat I want Aus.

Now I think I wrote to much but I was holding it in for far to long and it felt good to finally let it all out and just tell him exactly how I felt. I knew I was falling for him that much is obvious and there was no point denying it, and many people may think this is stupid since it was online and all but they can go screw themselves if they have a problem with it. He’s what I want and possibly what I need.

If you give me a chance I’d date u Kay. I want to and I want u. Ik I’ll probably fuck up the chance u give me since I usually do but if u give me one chance I promise Ill try. Ik it’s hard and that its long distance and all but I think we can make it Kay. And this is unfair 2 u since u can practically have any guy u want but that’s how I feel babe, and I just want you to know.

I didn’t know how to feel or let alone what to say. I know I like him but he’s a player he can’t possibly change from one day to the next. I’m not saying I don’t trust him because I do, I just dont want to get hurt. I want to give him this chance but I also know that if we both let each other all the way in, it’s going to be hard on the both of us.

There’s a part of me saying his is doomed to fail since it’s long distance and then another part telling me to risk it.

Also because we both cut and we’re both suicidal it’s a big thing. I know that for me if I get hurt by someone close to me whom I love I know cutting is what I’ll resort to and I have a feeling he does the same thing. The way we are now just as friends is good because no one will get hurt as badly. If we get together the blade will be the first thing we reach for when we get hurt and that’s what I want to avoid, both for me and for him.

It will always hurt more when the people closest to you are the ones that hurt you. Since you let them in they break through that wall that you worked so hard to put up. Yo trust them because they worked so hard to break the wall and then they end up breaking both the wall and your heart.

So in other words I don’t really know what to choose or if I’m choosing correctly because if I say yes we’ll both most probably end up hurt and sometimes in pain, but if I say no we’ll avoid the pain and stay friends but we’ll always stay with that question of what if.

I glanced back at the phone and took a deep breath and typed in my answer. Did I know if I was sure of my answer, no I wasn’t and I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing either, but no one really ever knows anything when it comes to matters like these.

Comment what you thought! Hope u enjoyed it! :D

QOTC: what r u doing this weekend?

teaser: her answer ;)

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