The secret life of Michelle:...

By SasygigiKitty

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So yeah, I made this a book. 😀 Ever since that incident in the golden gate bridge Michael has lived happily... More

Part 1: Life
Part 2: Egg plants
Part 3: Sasha
Part 4: Prom
Part 5: Schools out!
Part 6: Welcome
Part 7: Strange desires
Part 8: Liar
Part 9: New Michael
Part 10: Hair loss
Part 11: Birthday
Part 12: Twist
Part 13: Exposed
Part 14: The secret life of Michael
Part 15: Play room
Part 16: The gift
Part 17: Busted!
Part 18: The war has begun
Part 20: The victor

Part 19: Two souls formed to one

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By SasygigiKitty

(Rachel's POV)

We all mourned as I held onto the lifeless body of my dear friend. The spell that was out on him broke. And now he was back to what he once was. Paris Cried into her Grandmothers dress while Caleb and Marcus just bowed their heads in despair. He risked his life to save us. And now...he's fine for good.

I placed his body on the ground and placed a coat over him. I let out a sigh before wiping me years off my Girlfriend's face. We all just stood their silent without anything else to say.

"Wow, I guess I was right all along"a chillin voice said inform of us

I looked up and saw the most horrific thing unwound ever see.

" SATAN! "I screamed

Everyone went into complete panic mode. I used my powers to place Michael's body backstage. The devil himself has returned.

" Oh don't worry, you'll feel far more worse than fear you mortals, I'll make sure that you feel pain! "

"You won't do any of that!" Alex shouted

"And how can you, without Michael you two are powerless, which means that I win!" he cackled

"Don't be so sure You demon!" Gabriel snapped

"Oh shut up, and by the way where is Jesus any way, where is that smartass mortal you call king!?"He smirked"huh, I guess he isn't here, well then, time to get rid of you once and for all!"

" No! "I screamed

" too late human! "He cackled"you know what I'll start by killing you and your girlfriend!"

I knew that our power were weak against him. So I held into Alex and braced for the end.


He threw a gigantic fire ball at us and I decided to kiss My dear Alex once more.

Goodbye world. Goodbye California...goodbye...

"Huh, how is that possible!!!!!!" he roared

"Huh?" We both said in confusion

I felt a strong energy of power behind us. I turned around and realized where it came from.

It was Michael. Back to his girl version of his self and glowing.

"You....YOU MEDDLING PEST!!!!" he screamed "You were dead!"

" oh dear Satan when will you ever learn that you can't kill something that is my essence "He smirked

Satan looked confused for a second until he began to chuckle to himself.

" Oh, I see what you did"he chuckled "I've should of known it was you behind this...Jesus Christ!"

" Jesus? "Alex said"What the hell are you talking about!"

Flashback earlier...

(Michael's POV)

I woke up in the darkness again. I couldn't see anything for miles. I've should of known this would happen when I did that decoy spell. I got sucked back here.

"Hello, is any one there!?" I shouted"Oh great my other voice is back! "

I then felt my body and I knew I wasn't a girl anymore. Even if I couldn't see shit.

Then I saw a glowing figure come over to me. His face was covered. His glow let me see what I  looked liked.


" yes it is Michael "

"I did what you asked me too, now what do you need to tell me"

"You will scream from this, I'm not gonna lie about that"

" oh come on what could do shock worthy that will make me wanna scream so bad....AAAAAAAAAAAAH! "I screamed

That's when he took off his mask.

" what look just like... "

"Me?" He smiled"That's because I am you"

"But how, you were around 2 thousand years ago"

"I was around more than that" he said "52 years ago I  separated a piece of me and placed it into your father as a hope to spread God's word through our earth, and it worked...for a time"

"What do you mean"

"Remember when you nearly died"


" Well you couldn't die"he said"you're a part of me, you can't die no matter what happened to you"

"So I was immortal?"

" Not exactly but yes"He said "I've been waiting for years for this moment and now it's time to do it?"

" do what? "

He went up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"We must merge our souls together"He said" You must come back to my soul! "

He looked at me and carressed my cheek.

"Are you ready"he said"The world needs us, Your family and friends need you"

"I know"I said"And I am willing to take that chance."

He smiled.


Present time...

(Alex's POV)

"Michael?" I said

He nodded.

"I've should of known, Michael was an incarnation of you and I didn't see it"Satan chuckled" Wow, And to think I thought I've won... "

He lick his lips so slowly that it was giving me the heevey jeeveys.

"....however that doesn't mean I can't kill you for good." he smirked

"Oh dear, Though I think you're cute, I can't let you do that now can i"Jesus or Michael said

" wait the what now!? "Rachel screamed" PLEASE don't tell me that you're gay! "

"I am"he said"But I'll explain more later but now satan...I must stop you once and for all"

A golden globe surrounded him and He appeared in a different way. He had wings and had on a suit of armor that seem more for cosplay than battle. You know what I'm not even going to talk about it.

"You foolish mortal I'll make sure you don't make it out alive!" he screamed

He threw another store ball at him but he blocked it with his sword.

"Oh really is that the best you got"He said in a cocky way

He flew up and threw a blast at him that caused Satan to be flung into the air.

(Third person POV)

Satan groaned in pain but eventually got up and flew back at him. However he was too fast for him to catch up.

" You seem a little tired don't you think "He smirked

" Oh don't worry, I think I can still kill your ass"he said

"Not at this pace you're not"He giggled

But he got surprised when Satan out of nowhere pinned her down to one of the buildings. He had him by the neck and was more than willing kill him instantly.

" Is that fast enough for you"He said

But instead he only just laughed. He carressed his cheek to peck it without waring.

"Oh honey, you really think that's all I had up my sleeve"He smirked"Come on, it's not like me to do that now is it"

"Ha, you words are nothing but just words Mortal"he said"You can't do anything at this...ah!!!!!"

(Satan's POV)

Suddenly I felt a punch that slammed me into the pavement of the streets. Groaning I got myself up and growled in anger.

"Where the hell did that come from!" I screamed

"Like I said baby, I always have something up my sleeve"

"How could you, You couldn't even do anything in that position"

The little f* cker just giggled.

"Oh I couldn't" He smiled

"But I can"Someone else said

I looked at my side seeing someone through the dusty air. I then realized who exactly it was.

" Michael! "I snarled

Like I knew it he appeared.

" that's right, and now...ONE GOING TO FINISH YOU! "He shouted

I hope you like this fanfic so far

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