The One Called Minho

By GracieBugs

105K 2.4K 1.5K

Minho, otherwise know has the Keep Of The Runners. He hasn't opened up to anyone at all about himself or eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Finally!!
Authors note
Chapter 15!!!

Chapter 3

12K 266 217
By GracieBugs

I tried to stay as quiet as I could but that wasn't the case with Minho. He found me. And when he did, we weren't talking he just wrapped his arm around my waist and gently pulled me closer to him. We could've both said so many things but instead we just sat together in silence he leaned his head against mine and let me tell you it just felt right. It didn't feel forced none of this did.

"Hey." Minho said to me with a laugh as he pulled me into his lap with a smile. His smile was the most handsome thing I have ever seen on a guy. And I was happy that in someway Minho had chosen me.

"Hey there." I said with a smile back as Minho just looked into my eyes like he was studying something. It made my face come across as confused and I'm sure he noticed. We sat there watching the sun set. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. That's when we saw Newt off into the distance and it happened.

"Grace I just wanted to tell you I really like you." Minho said awkwardly as he leaned his head closer to mine and rested his forehead on mine. He placed his lips over mine and I swear fireworks were going on behind us. But of course it was only Newt, Thomas, and Ben literally screaming at the top of their lungs going OH YEAH MINHO YOU GET SOME! MINHOOOOOOO! I couldn't help but laugh as we were kissing which made him pull away and start laughing as well.

"So I guess you realise that this wasn't set up by Newt." Minho said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer making me feel warm and safe. It gave me a feeling that I possibly couldn't even describe. It was insane that literally my second day I could've already felt like this. We started to see Teresa walk over towards us and Minho pulled me closer quite protectively. It just made me laugh.

"I thought you guys might what these and some food in case you two don't leave here." Teresa said with a smile as she handed Minho and I pillows and a heavy blanket along with some dinner. Minho just had a blank expression on his face and then looked down at me

And just smiled. I couldn't help but smile back thinking at how I was even able just to make him smile.

"Thanks Teresa. Minho said with a smile as I took the blanket and pillows and he took the food for us. I couldn't help but just stare at him and he noticed and started laughing. Why are you looking at me like that?" Minho asked me as I just leaned forward and kissed him on the lips only again to hear the voices of Newt, Ben, and Thomas. They were literally screaming like little girls and Minho pulled away and told me to just ignore them and continued to kiss me. When he finally pulled away before I could even say I was hungry my stomach started to grumble and he handed me some food.

"You know just sitting here with you I feel safe." I said as I looked him in the eyes. He just smiled and what I said and put his head against mine as he covered us with the blanket.

"Like I promised you in the maze. I'm not going to let you go or anything harm you. You will always be safe with me." Minho said to me as he intertwined our fingers together and we just listened to the sounds coming from the maze. And surprisingly the noises of the Grivers for once wasn't bothering me. But I had started to tremble and that's when Minho pulled me closer.

"Hey relax. You're with me. Your safe I've got you." He told me as I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me protectively and kissed my head as I started to close my eyes. I told him that if I was going into that maze the only one I wanted to go with was him. And with that my eyes closed and I fell asleep in Minho's arms.


Minho and I were jolted awake by the sound of the maze opening. At first I was completely confused at where I was until I looked up to find Minho staring down at me. I just smiled and put my hand on his face as he leaned down and kissed me.

"Ready for today?" He said with a smile as he pulled away. I couldn't help but smile knowing that finally I had someone. I felt special like this was meant to be. But I still wasn't to sure if it was real or just a dream. Minho and I folded up the blanket and brought the pillows back to Teresa. After we did that Minho helped me with the Maze survival back and strapped it to my back as he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers.

"Well the most dangerous place is waiting for us." I said with a smile on my face. For once I felt more confident about going into the maze. It was even if I was stuck inside, it wouldn't matter because I knew Minho would be with me.

"Hey how are you two love birds doing?" Thomas said as he sprinted over to us. When he said love birds I felt my cheeks get warm and I couldn't help but smile. Minho noticed and just squeezed my hand tighter

"We're great." Minho responded before he started sprinted off with me attached to his hand. Thomas and Ben were trying there best to stay running at our pace with us but it wasn't happening.

"Well which way?" I asked as we came to a three-way part of the maze. It looked different than it did yesterday. I couldn't figure it out until I remember how Newt told me that the maze was alive and then I had put two and two together. The noises along with the Grivers was the sound of the maze changing. It wasn't going to be the same every morning. It stunned me that something like this could be created. Something so evil and complex. It had brought anger to my body and I was just yelling. I choose to just go straight as I let go of Minho's hand and started to run with him trailing behind. I decided to make a sharp right and it was a mistake since I slipped and fell cutting my leg in the process. It wasn't an easy clean cut either. It was deep and long. Blood was dampening my pants and I could tell this wasn't good. I was confused when Minho wasn't there when I fell I could've sworn he was right behind me. I just did what I thought was right.

"MINHO!! HELP ME IM NOT OKAY. IM HURT. WOUNDED ACTUALLY AND ITS NOT OKAY THERES A LOT OF BLOOD!" I said with panic as I tried to get the bleeding to stop but it kept soaking through my pants and I wasn't sure what to do. I started to hear footsteps and I was praying that it was Minho.

"GRACE!? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ITS ME AND THOMAS IS WITH NEWT WERE GONNA GET YOU OUT." I heard Minho yell at the top of his lungs. His voice didn't sound calm at all he was scared and I felt awful.

"I don't know where I am but I really need help there is a lot of blood." I said as I just put my hands on my head to stop looking at the red puddle that was surrounding me since I was starting to get nauseous. Within the same moment I looked away I saw something that looked mechanical and I knew this couldn't be good. It made a screeching noise and I knew instantly I was in trouble.

"Minho. There's a Griver. And I'm loosing a lot of blood. If I don't find you I want to say I love you." I said as warm tears started to flow down my cheeks and the Griver noticed me and started to come towards me. I did everything I could to get out of its way but it wasn't making sense to me why it was out in complete day light. I was trapped I knew I was either going to bleed out or be killed by the Griver and I couldn't think about which one was actually worse. Just as the mechanical beast was coming closer to my face something stepped in front of me and just stood there. It was Ben and what he did next I would never forget.

"MINHO! I FOUND HER. IM NOT GOING TO MAKE IT BUT SHE WILL. I PROMISE." Ben shouted as the Griver came at him and stun him multiple times before it finally ran back into a closed off section of the maze.

"Ben what the hell. You literally just killed yourself." I said to him as he walked towards me. I couldn't believe that someone would do that for me and I wasn't comprehending what was going on. Maybe it was due to the fact that Ben just sacrificed his life for me. Or maybe it was the fact of the blood I was loosing.

"I promised Minho. When he finds someone he cares about, we weren't going to let anything happen. I made the mistake once and I'm not doing it again." Ben said with a stern look on his face as he picked me up as he winched from his wounds. He didn't care about himself but mainly just me. And what he said about making a mistake once with Minho I was completely confused.

"MINHO. WERE GOING OUT OF THE MAZE NOW. SHES NOT DOING WELL AND IVE BEEN STUNG MULTIPLE TIMES. BUT I PROMISED YOU I WOULDN'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN." Ben shouted as he started to run for the front of the maze as I saw the mouth and outside was Minho was tears streaming down his face and Newt and Thomas trying there best to hold him back from going back into the maze.

"Minho relax Bens going to get her out. He made a promise." Thomas said sternly as he looked Minho in the eyes. Newt just started at Minho and didn't know what to say. He almost lost Teresa and wasn't sure what to do so he must've been thinking about what happened.

"Minho!!" Ben shouted at the top of his lungs as he winched and started to slow down. I was guessing that whatever had stung him was poisonous. He had blue marks that looked like vines going up and down his body starting from the injection spot. Minho ran full speed over to Ben and grabbed me out of his arms. All he did was thank Ben before he kissed me on the lips. When he pulled away I told him I was becoming cold.

"Newt she says she's cold." Minho said nervously. He just looked into my eyes and hugged me tighter. And started crying. All I wanted to do was tell him everything fine and that it wasn't his fault. But I couldn't even force myself to move my lips. That's when Newt shouted to Thomas to go tell Teresa that I'm badly hurt along with Ben and we were coming. I don't think I've even felt Minho hug em as tight as he did and I wasn't sure what exactly was going on. I could tell he was running fast because before we knew it he was running into Teresa's tent and was frantic.

"She said she's cold and her leg is cut deep and pretty bad. And I just...." Minho started to say before he broke down in tears and that broke my heart. Teresa made him lay me on the bed as she cut open my pants to reveal the wound was deeper than I had thought. Minho was a complete mess and had to be pulled out of Teresa's tent by Alby and Newt. The last thing I remember was Teresa giving me something to numb my leg and a needle going in. A tear rolled down my cheek as I felt like my heart was ripped in two when Minho left.


When I awoke the next morning or at least what I thought was the next morning I saw Minho next to me. His eyes were bloodshot and underneath his eyes were black. I could tell he hadn't slept in awhile. And all I could do was whimper at the pain I felt in my heart and the pain that I caused him. I swear I scared him when I started whimpering. He looked at me like I saw insane and tears started to roll down his cheeks as he placed his lips over mine and when he pulled away, he yelled for Teresa as he grabbed my hand and told me that he wasn't going to leave me this time.

"Minho your gonna have to leave now that's she's awake." Teresa said with pain in her voice

"No. Not this time. I went against my will once and almost lost her. I'm not letting it happen." Minho said firmly as Alby walked in and tried to plead with Minho to leave.

"Minho just let Teresa work it'll be fine." Alby said trying to say as confidently as he possibly could. But the look on Minho's face, Alby knew he was defeated and just looked at Teresa as she sighed and grabbed a chair for Minho.

"Hey Grace. You've been out for about 2 weeks." Teresa said as I just shot up from laying down and looked her in the eyes.

"I... i. Is Ben okay?" I asked instantly after I knew what he did for me. I turned towards Minho and the look on his face told me other wise.

"Well okay then. When can I go back into that maze." I said with a shy smile on my face as Teresa and Minho both looked at each other and instantly avoided eye contact with me.

"I said. When can I go back into that maze." I said more firmly as Minho looked me in the eyes.

"We both can't." He said with a pained look on his face. As I just couldn't help but think this was all my fault he laid down next to me on the bed and pulled me close as I sobbed into his shirt as he hugged me and told me he would explain when it was safe.

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