Love & Basketball

By MegStallion

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Beynika FIRST ORIGINAL Love&Basketball Beynika story More

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By MegStallion


I dribbled the ball between my legs and took a glimpse of the score board up on the pristine white wall in New Jersey City University's gym. 48 to 50. I heard everyone in the bleachers screaming and also heard my teammates screaming my name so I could pass the ball to them. I wanted to pass the ball, but I don't think anyone would be able to catch the ball and make an accurate shot with the other team guarding them. No lie, they're good, really good. And if we win this game, we'll automatically be moving forward to the championship. If they win, they'll go. I have to bet on myself. I looked over at Coach to see her eyes on me and egging me to shoot.

"Knowles! Shoot the ball!"

I looked at the tall white girl in front of me guarding me and became nervous. What if I can't make it? What if I miss? I'll be letting the entire team down, including coach. I looked back over to her and she had her hands balled up, yelling for me to shoot.

"You can do this Knowles! Shoot it!" She yelled.

I looked back at the score board to see the clock.

15 seconds.

I swallowed my nervousness and stepped back, dribbling the ball, and lined up with the basket. I hopped and shot a three and everyone watched the ball in anticipation.

"Please go in, please go in." I whispered to myself. The ball went clean into the hoop, making a swish noise. My teammates started screaming and the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the fourth quarter. I looked once again at the scoreboard and saw 51 to 50. We only won by one point, but we won dammit.

My teammates rushed to me, ambushing me and trying to pick me up. Everyone started chanting my name as I smiled from ear to ear.

I noticed Coach push her way through the crowd and she hugged me. "You did it." She whispered in my ear. She pulled away and patted my shoulder. "I told you, you could do it." She grinned. I nodded my head smiling and everyone started hugging Coach and chanting her name. I'm just happy we won.

When everyone calmed down, we went into the locker room to change. After gathering our things and Coach having us meet with some journalists and take pictures, we went outside to our travel bus. Though I don't like traveling away from the school that much for games, at least this game wasn't far, considering Jersey isn't that far away from Brooklyn; only about two hours. I know I'm going to be pissed when I find out who we'll end up playing for the championships. Every championship game always requires a lot of traveling and going long distances.

The team got on our travel bus and I went straight to the back along with Kelly and T. We started talking about the game as everyone else sat in their seats and started talking, making the bus become noisy.

"Hey!" I heard Coach yell. Everyone looked to see her standing at the front of the bus. "I just wanted to make an announcement before everyone starts their own conversations and does whatever. I really want to thank all of you for putting your best effort into this game. It was a tough match up but we succeeded. This team wasn't easy to beat and y'all did it so that means we're going to win the championship, right?" She smiled.

Everyone yelled yeah, some people said hell yeah, earning laughs from Coach. "I can say this team has been one of the best to work with since I started my career at Brooklyn College. All of you are talented and I love your drive and passion for ball. With that being said, I want to call out a specific allstar on the team, Beyoncé Knowles." She said, smirking at me.

I smiled as everyone clapped and called my name. "Beyoncé really put her all into this game and helped us win and accomplish a major milestone this year by taking a chance to shoot that three and believing in herself. I would like to honor her with this trophy." Coach said, now making the trophy evident. She held it up in the air and I started blushing. I was excited and happy. She finally rewarded me for my skills. "I want you to hold it all the way back to the school, come get it."

I stood up and walked to the front of the bus, where she was standing. "Thank you, I'm proud of you." She presented me with the trophy and I took it from her hands.

"Thank you Coach."

She nodded, grinning at me and clapped her hands. "One last announcement everyone. Since we won the game, I'm treating everyone to Dairy Queen."

The bus erupted into screams and everyone started celebrating. I was happy as shit on the inside, but played it cool since I had the trophy in my hand and didn't want to look stupid. I went to the back of the bus and sat down with the trophy, staring at Coach as she talked with other teammates. At this moment, I really want her. And I will get her.


Coach and I walked onto the empty bus together. The driver was using the bathroom in the ice cream shop and everyone else was ordering the ice cream they wanted. Coach paid for our ice cream together, since I made the winning shot in the game and just gave Kelly a hundred dollar bill to pay for the rest of the team. I was actually glad I was able to get her alone before we got back to the school. I didn't want to come onto her too strong as I did in her office about a month ago, but be subtle.

"Coach, you want to try some of mine?" I asked referring to the ice cream I was holding. Inside the shop she wasn't for sure if she wanted to go with the cotton candy blizzard or the brownie and cookie dough blizzard. She decided on the latter, while I picked the first choice.

"Mmmm...yeah, let me try it." She said as we walked down the aisle of the bus. Her in front of me, while I lagged behind to get a few peeks in of her ass. She was looking sexy as hell in her all black adidas track suit, with black adidas to match. She even had an adidas cap on that really brought out her facial features, considering the black bowl wig she was wearing that really defined her facial structure and features.

She stopped walking to turn around and I made sure I sped up my pace to get right behind her. When she turned around fully, I was right in her face and she slapped my arm, laughing.

"Stop running up on me like that. I told you about that shit. Making me nervous." She giggled, straightening out her jacket.

"I'm sorry." I smirked. "Here." I said handing out the cup of ice cream to her. I watched as she licked her spoon clean that was dipped inside her cup of ice cream, and take a scoop of my blizzard. When she put it in her mouth she moaned and I bit my lip watching her. It was like she was having a foodgasm or something. Her eyes closed and she started gyrating and making sexual noises.

"Is it good?" I questioned.

"A-ma-zing." She expressed, opening her eyes to look at me.

"You can have some more, here." I said grabbing my spoon and scooping some for her. I pretended like I was about to feed her, but instead pushed the spoon onto her face, slapping her with it and getting ice cream on her.

"Beyoncé!" She screamed.

I started laughing and pushed past her, trying to run. She grabbed onto my waist and pushed me down in one of the seats and grabbed my neck. She took my cup of ice cream and hers and placed them down on another seat.

"I should fuck you up for that. But you'll see tonight." She whispered in my face, centimeters away from my lips. I reached my lips out to hers and kissed her. It was supposed to be a peck, but turned into something more when she refused to let my lips leave from hers. When she finally pulled away, she winked at me and stood up straight.

"My place. You still have the address right?"

I nodded, stunned from the kiss and nervous about going to her place tonight. I might actually get the pussy.

"I'll see you at 8."

She grabbed her ice cream and walked back to the front of the bus as I watched her. I hope I can handle her. I just know she has some bomb ass pussy.

My thoughts about coach ended when I heard the loud voices of my teammates coming back on the bus. Only a few more hours before Coach Maraj and I have sex.

Nicki POV

I was sitting on the couch in my living room with just my grey boyshorts on and a white sports bra. I purposely wore this to tease the hell out of Beyoncé. It's kinda sad that I get fulfillment from seeing her yearn for me and start stuttering whenever she sees remotely any part of my body exposed, but I can't help it. Earlier on the bus, I wanted to make her think we were going to have sex, but that is the furthest thing from my mind. I literally can't wait to see the expression on her face when she realizes we aren't fucking. God, I'm such a bitch.

I heard a knock at my front door and knew it was her. I got up and went to my door, cracking it open slightly.

"Hey Coach." I heard her say, but I was too focused on what she was wearing. She looked amazing. I might have to rethink my original plan.

"Hey...Knowles." I opened my door wider for her to come in and she smiled at me as I eyed her. "Make yourself comfortable on the couch. I had something in mind."

She licked her lips, before letting her lips fall into a sly smirk and followed my directions. Watching her sit on the couch, I did a silent prayer and shut the door of my condo.

"You hungry or anything? Thirsty?" I asked her.

"Uh uh." She said shaking her head. "I'm good."

"Alright." I stated as I went into the kitchen to grab some alcoholic beverages for myself and some snacks. I just want to let loose with Beyoncé and relax with her. She worked really hard to win us this game, taking the team to the championship and I want to repay her in the best way I know how.

I carried everything into the living room and Beyoncé looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you're that hungry, we can go out to eat or something." She said in disapproval of all the junk food I had. I chuckled, laying all the candy, Doritos, Oreos, and wine coolers out on the table in front of the couch.

"These are snacks for us. I wanted to thank you for getting us to the championship."

She smiled at me and awwed. "Thank you Coach, but really, you didn't have to do this."

"Please, let us have our time to bond and just chill together, you know?"

She nodded and I sat down next to her. "What movie do you want to watch?"

She shrugged. "Anything with romance and drama."

I shook my head, smiling and went to Netflix to try to find something. This night should be interesting, chilling with my player.


I laughed as Beyoncé exposed herself about her most embarrassing moment. Jesus, I thought I had the most embarrassing moment, but mines ain't shit compared to hers.

"Stooooppp." She whined, letting out light giggles.

"I'm sorry...I-" I busted out laughing again and just went for a slice of pizza to shut me up. It's been a few hours since Beyoncé has been here and we're already on our second movie. We both got hungry, so I decided to order us a box of pizza.

"Coach?" I heard Knowles say.

I looked over at her and put my slice down in the pizza box on the table and mumbled a 'hmm' as I finished chewing.

"You don't mind me asking your age, do you?"

I smiled and swallowed before I answered. "No, why?"

"I would like to know how old you are." I looked into her eyes and recognized the look I've become familiar with. A look filled with a hint of lust and temptation.

"I'm twenty-seven."

I watched her smile and nod her head, grabbing a loose curl from her head and start twirling it between her fingers. I hope she doesn't get any damn ideas. The room fell to silence, besides the low sound of the movie playing in the background. We've kinda given up on the second movie since we started talking and getting to know each other better.

I cleared my throat and grabbed my opened strawberry-kiwi wine cooler, taking a sip of it.

"May I have some?" I heard.

I looked over at Beyoncé with wide eyes. "You're only twenty. You're not drinking in my presence."

"Oh c'mon Coach. I can handle myself, don't act like my mama."

I sneered. "Your mother would kill me if she knew I, your basketball coach, gave you, an underage college student, alcohol."

She sucked her teeth and folded her arms. "It's not like I've never had alcohol before. I've had wine. I'm sure a wine cooler isn't too much different. Pleaseeeee." She pleaded. She uncrossed her arms and put her hands together as if she was praying and pouted her lips.

"Beyoncé, get out my face with this." I said trying not to give into her.

"Coach please." She said innocently. She grabbed onto my left arm and scooted closer to me. Ooo, she's so damn smooth with it.

"What Beyoncé." I said nonchalantly as best as I could.

"I just want a tiny sip." She raised her pointer finger and thumb, almost pushing them together to present to me the small sip she wanted. I sighed and held out my wine cooler.

"One sip, that's it. You still have to drive back to campus."

"I'll be fine Coach." She smiled before putting the glass bottle to her lips and taking a sip, well more than a sip, like three huge ass gulps.

"Hey! I said a damn sip, not the entire bottle!" I complained, snatching the alcoholic beverage from her.

She laughed as she wiped her lips. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"No, now I don't trust you. You just lied straight to my face." I said sternly. I can't believe she did that. If something happens to her or she gets caught being drunk, the blame will come back on me.

"I'm sorry Coach, I'll make it up to you." I felt her hand begin to caress my thigh and I shook my head and removed her hand. "I'm not doing this with you Knowles." I stood up and started cleaning up everything.

"I know you want me." She chuckled. "Stop playing games and fuck me Onika, I won't tell."

I stopped what I was doing and took a glimpse of her. Oh that alcohol must have her tripping. I never said she could call me by my first name and then she's going to persuade me to have sex with her. She's tripping.

"Beyoncé, get up and get your things and leave."

"I'll leave when I'm ready." She bit her lip and stood up, grabbing the hem of her shirt. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I watched her take off her shirt and throw it.

"Hell no Knowles, get your shit and get out. Don't pull this shit on me." I said getting aggravated.

"Why?" She pouted. "You don't want to fuck me?" She questioned. I watched her stick her thumbs inside her pants, about to push them down. I went over to her and grabbed her arms before she could make any sudden movement.

"Why are you doing this to me? Huh? You think this is a fucking game right now?" I asked, searching her eyes.

She shook her head smiling. "No, I just want you to realize what you want...which is me."

"Beyoncé, I think you're a little tipsy from the alcohol sweetheart. This was a mistake, you need to sober up and leave."

"Why? I know you don't want me to leave." She said with a smile.

"And how would you know that?" I asked.

"Because I know you." She leaned her face down into my neck and whispered against me. "You want me. And it kills you every time I make a gesture towards you. You get nervous and angry, because you know you can't indulge in what you truly want." I bit my lip and pushed her back some.

"You don't know shit, Knowles." I spoke with anger laced in my voice. How is she going to tell me what the fuck I feel. "Sit your ass down." I said, forcing her onto the couch. "And sober up so you can leave."

I let her arms go and went back to what I was doing, cleaning up our mess.

"Oh, I'm wrong Coach?" I heard her say.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the half empty Doritos bag and pizza box, ignoring her.

"I'm wrong?"

I looked over at her to see her on her knees on my couch, with her pants completely off. I dropped everything I had in my hand as I stared. I should do it, I want to do it. She wants me to do it....but I know I can't.

"Beyoncé, stop fucking around put your clothes back on."

"Why don't you do it for me?" She smirked. That sounds like a challenge to me. I threw my hands up in the air, fed up and went over to her and grabbed her clothes off of the floor.

"Here. C'mon, put 'em on." I shoved her clothes into her chest and she grabbed my hand.

"Do it for me."

"I don't have time for these damn games Knowles." I sighed.

She kept that smirk on her face and I knew I was going to put myself in deeper shit as every second went by.

Defeated, I exhaled deeply and grabbed her shirt, letting her pants drop from my hands.

"Lift your arms up." I demanded as I was about to slip the shirt on her body. She did as I said, but instead of keeping her arms straight up in the air, she placed them around my neck.

"Beyoncé." I said as she looked at me. Her face was maybe an inch away from mine.


"I can't do this with you, just get your clothes on."

She squinted her eyes, tucking her bottom lip in between her teeth. Tilting her head, she stared at me and I started to get a little creeped out.

"Beyoncé." I called.

"Mmmmm." She moaned. Caught off guard, I opened my eyes wider and felt a tingling sensation in my core.

"Get dressed." I demanded.

"You have to fuck me first." She whispered. Sighing, I tried my best to keep my composure and tried to take a step back, but Beyoncé only pulled me in. Our faces, only a centimeter apart, she licked her lips and leaned into me. When I felt her lips, I groaned and grabbed her ass, squeezing it in my hand.

She pulled me more into her, causing her body to lean into the back of the couch. I pulled away and looked at her.

"Please go, you have to leave Beyoncé."

I picked up her clothes, once again and turned to head towards my front door.

"Wait." She called out for me. "Let me stay, I can't drive like this."

I rolled my eyes and mentally cursed myself. "Fine, thirty minutes then you have to go." I said turning back around to her. I threw her clothes onto the couch and shook my head. "Get dressed."

I grabbed the bags of snacks and the pizza box and went into my kitchen, slamming everything on counter. Why does she have to do this to me? Being so damn tempting and kissing me and shit. I leaned my hands against the counter and thought about how I was going to resist her. Knowing Beyoncé, she isn't done. She won't stop until she gets what she wants.

I felt warm hands brush against my face and I jumped, balling my left hand into a fist. "Ooo, Knowles you are lucky. I was about to knock your ass out." I said as she smiled at me.

"Can you help me get dressed? I'm struggling."

I nodded and looked down at her clothes she had in her left hand. "Give me your shirt."

She handed it over to me, holding onto her pants. "Drop those, you need to put your arms up." I said.

"I'm too tipsy." She spoke.

"Mhm." I mumbled. I grabbed her arm and she raised it up and wrapped it around my neck, forcing herself onto me. I can't win with this girl.

"Beyoncé." I pleaded.

"You want me, why do you keep denying me?" She spoke into my ear.

"My job." I said sternly.

"You can have me and your job." She huskily spoke. I bit my lip, so tempted. "Come....on." She said kissing on my neck. Unwillingly, my left hand went to her ass and slightly squeezed it.

"Beyoncé...stop." I said hesitantly. I didn't want her to stop, but I had to make it seem like I wanted her to. But she knew as well as I did that I cracked completely. She raised her head from my neck and looked at me.

"You don't want me to."

She kissed me and I closed my eyes, kissing back. I can't believe this right now, but I can't stop it even if I wanted to. She has me stuck. She bit my lip and I forced my tongue into her mouth, causing her to moan. I smacked her ass before gripping under her ass cheeks and pushing her up on me. When she wrapped her legs around my waist, she put her right hand in my hair and gripped it.

"Fuck." She cried throwing her head back.

I licked down her neck as I carried her into the living room and placed her down. The couch isn't big enough and I'm not walking all the way back to my bedroom. I can't wait any longer.

"Get off. On the floor." She opened her eyes and looked at me, confused. "Now!" I said landing a hard smack to her ass.

She breathed deeply and let out a small whimper before dropping to the floor and getting down on her knees.

"Lay flat on your back, legs open."

Beyoncé obliged and opened her legs while laying on my soft beige carpet. I went in between her legs and got down on the floor, hovering over her.

"You want me to fuck you, huh?"

She nodded her head, biting her lip and ran her right hand down my stomach. I grabbed her hand and pushed her arm above her head.

"I'm in charge. You don't do something unless I tell you to, got me?"

She nodded and I looked down at her half naked body. I really want to do some things to her, a lot of things, but I don't want to go all the way with Beyoncé. Something is holding me back, but I'm sure she'll be happy with what I'm about to do.

"If you tell anyone, I swear to God, you will never play basketball again, okay?"

"I know Coach. It'll be our little secret." She smirked. Tipsy ass. Maybe this will sober her up. I ran my right hand down to her pussy and as soon as I touched it Beyoncé moaned.

"You okay?"

"Mhm." She nodded, with her eyes closed.

"Don't lie to me Knowles, I told you about that." I said pushing her panties to the side.

"I-I'm sorry Coach."

I chuckled. "You'll be calling me something else, real soon Princess."

I decided not to waste anymore time and get straight to it. I yanked her panties off, roughly and held her thighs as I dove in.

I should not be doing this, but damn it feels so right.

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