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By Yutas_Healing_Smile

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✦In which Mark calls back and finds his true home in the 6 boys he grew up with as a child.✦ -NCT Dream OT7 F... More

Introduction/Author's Note
Prologue: The Beginning
Prologue: Jisung
Prologue: Chenle
Prologue: Jaemin
Prologue: Jeno
Prologue: Haechan
Prologue: Renjun
Prologue: Mark
Prologue: All Good Things Come To An End
Flashback: The First Meeting
Flashback: Gifted
Flashback: Voice of an Angel
Flashback: Birthday Wish
Flashback: Movie Night
Flashback: The Way They Are
Flashback: Confirmation
Flashback: Life In Motion
Flashback: Mark's Got A Girl
Flashback: Not Truly Gone
Flashback: Cracked
Flashback: That Damn Closet
Flashback: A Mother and Father's Love
Flashback: I Won't Let You Go, Brother
Flashback: Spend My Life in Love With Him
Flashback: It Will Pass
Flashback: I'll Be Your Home
Two Years In: Renjun
Two Years In: Jaemin
Two Years In: Haechan & Jeno
Two Years In: Chenle and Jisung
Dear Dream: 4 Years Later

Flashback: Shine Through This

161 8 8
By Yutas_Healing_Smile

Chenle's POV-Age: 13

"Lele, come to the dining room. Mom and I have something to tell you about," Dad tells me, peering through my bedroom door. Busy clicking away at my game controller, I'm too preoccupied with Mario Kart, but nevertheless, I absorb my father's words.

"Wait for a second, Dad. I'm in the middle of a race and I'll be downstairs in five," I promise, my eyes fixated on the colorful racing cart that is swerving and zipping through my TV screen. Licking my dried lips in concentration, I stay focused, but in the background, my father sighs.

"Fine, Chenle. But I'm turning off that game if you aren't sitting at the table in five minutes. This is very important."

"Fine, whatever," I reply, and through the corner of my eye, I can see my father rolling his eyes at me. I grunt. Parents just don't understand the importance of video games. I mean, I'm so close to beating my high score! My father shuts the door quietly, and as I'm rounding home stretch, I think about what my dad just came in here for.

The car crosses the finish line, and though a rush of excitement shoots through me, my mind begins to trail off like an unsteady go-kart, and I begin to wonder why they need to talk to me. This is such a rare occurrence in the Zhong household; whenever Mom and Dad are actually home, they're constantly working, and they have no time to stop what they're doing and talk to me about something important. Usually, it's one of the housekeepers that will break any important news to me, and I pretty much exclusively talk to my parents during dinner or breakfast.

Switching off the gaming console and rubbing at my strained eyes, I trudge through the door in a lethargic fashion, as I've been gaming since I woke up this morning, and it's past lunchtime. As hard as it is to part from those addicting, rewarding games, I figure it'll be good for me to get out of my bedroom for a bit.

Natural light from the long, grand hallways hits my eyes, perking me up a bit more, and with heavy steps, I clomp downstairs to my dining room. As I enter, all eyes are on me as my mother and father wait for me expectantly. I gulp, a little worried about the possible topic of interest, but my worries are put out when I see that they don't look concerned or angry in any way.

I sigh in relief. Good, they haven't heard that I flunked my science quiz. It just happened a week ago, and it's the first time I've ever gotten a less-than-satisfactory grade on anything, which was definitely a little shocking when I received the first grade. Hastily, I slide into a seat across from them, shyly getting myself settled.

"Umm... What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask hesitantly, chewing on the cotton-soft fabric of my left sleeve. My eyes watch them expectantly, as I kind of want to just get it over with and get back to gaming.

"We wanted to talk to you about a big change in our lives that could occur," Mom starts, "It doesn't have to do with you, but rather your friend, Jisung, and his older brother, Taemin."

My eyes light up and my heart starts pumping at the mention of my best friend. What news could my parents have about them? I suppose it could be a lot of things. Jisung's mother passed away about six months ago, and though Taemin adamantly refused any financial support after the funeral from my parents, we've still been helping them out a lot.

Technically, both of them should be in the social services program, under their care, as neither of them is eighteen yet, even though Taemin will be in a few months. Though illegally, Taemin has been able to evade the government after their mother's death to prevent from him and Jisung being relocated and possibly separated, in an attempt to hold out until he's eighteen so he can become Sungie's guardian.

My parents have been really worried about them, as they are trying to escape the suspicion of the government, while at the same time, trying to work to survive, living on what little they actually have. Neither of them, but especially Taemin, are doing well mentally, and it's obvious to see. Although it's not our business to meddle in, we can't help but be concerned for their safety. They're still two young boys who can still be exploited and hurt by the real world.

So we've been doing as much as Taemin allows us to do to help out. Occasionally, they come to our home for dinner, and every two weeks, my parents let them use our laundry machine to wash their clothes. In addition, if their electricity ever gets shut off, they stay over for the night, but that has only happened about twice. And of course, Taemin does all of this with reluctance, but even with his stubbornness and need of independence, recognizes when the two of them need help, which is mostly for Jisung's sake.

Jisung is Taemin's world. After all, he has no one left. That's why he's doing everything possible to keep Jisung under his custody, so they don't have to be separated. He would probably feel as though he'd let his mother down if he weren't able to care for Jisung.

"What is it then?" I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side.

"Well, we don't exactly know if Taemin will accept," my father starts, "But we wanted to ask them if... if they would like us to adopt them. We love them both very much, and your mother and I are certainly in a position to raise two more children. Does that seem like a good idea?"

My eyes sparkle, joy, and anticipation running through my body. I'm elated at the prospect of Jisung and Taemin being able to live without any stress or difficulties, and having both of them as adopted brothers sounds awesome! It would make me closer to Taemin, and even closer to Jisungie, who's the greatest friend I have.

"Really? I would love that! I love Sungie so much, and it would be so cool if he could live with us!" I exclaim, my heart beating out of my chest as rays of sunshine practically shine through my toothy smile.

Dad smiles, "Great. We were almost sure you'd be enthusiastic about this idea, but we wanted to make sure. The truth though, Chenle, is that it may not happen, and Taemin may still want to stay independent. So don't lose sight of that and get your hopes up too high."

Nodding ecstatically, I continue to grin as I finish up the conversation with my parents. Afterward, I frolick back upstairs, but instead of settling in front of my video game console, I plop down on my bed, looking up as I rest my hands behind my bed.

God, it would be a dream come true for me if Sungie was able to make it out of this cycle of poverty, and be safe and prosper with our family. To be honest, if Taemin does miraculously accept the offer, the two of them probably won't become "family" to us, in a sense, as Taemin would still want to keep hold of their independence and not lose the name and existence of their family.

And at the same time, though I love Jisung more than anything, our relationship would be better as friends rather than family. I don't know why, but there's just something about the relationship that we share that would make it awkward if we called each other "brother" rather than "best friend." Either way, this doesn't affect the fact that I would love it if the two of them joined our family.

Though, I do believe that my parents are thinking wishfully. Taemin has turned down offers from them for things much more mundane and less extravagant, so I'm not sure if this will change anything, but it's always worth a try.


2 days later

Taemin and Jisung will be here at any moment. Mom and Dad invited them for dinner tonight, and surprisingly, Taemin didn't have work, so he accepted the invitation. I'm really excited to see Jisung again, even though I saw him a couple of hours ago at school, but I'm slightly nervous, as neither of them understands the purpose of this dinner.

I don't get dressed up, but rather I neaten my dark brown locks by giving them a quick comb and applying a thin layer of deodorant because I just came inside from shooting some baskets on the basketball hoop. Adjusting my shirt in the mirror, I decide I look decent enough for dinner tonight. Hopefully, Jisung and Taemin decide not to dress up or else I'll be the elephant in the room.

Eh, actually, I don't care if I'm not dressed up and they end up dressing up. Jisung is my best friend. He won't care what I'll look like, if I ask, he'll probably just say I look cute or something. I love how nonchalant Sungie is about these things.

Then, the doorbell suddenly rings, causing me to have to settle for my wrinkly pants, and I rush downstairs, smiling brightly.

"Can I open the door?" I yell towards the direction of the kitchen, where my parents are setting up dinner. They dismissed the housekeepers and chef for tonight, and both of them opted to cook dinner themselves. They aren't the most reliably good chefs, so I really hope dinner is edible tonight.

"Yes, Chenle. Just check to see if it's them before you open it," Mom yells back from the kitchen, her tone somehow calm and not aggressive. I look through the peephole in the door, and sure enough, it's them.

Fumbling with the lock, I manage to unlock it and twist the door open, grinning brightly as I see the two of them waiting on the doormat. Quickly, I give Taemin a friendly wave before I leap onto Jisung to wrap him in a hug. My stomach is still churning with butterflies, but seeing Jisung manages to quell them.

Catching Jisung by surprise, he lets out a little yelp, almost losing his balance because of his lanky figure before regaining his stance and wrapping his arms back around me to support my weight.

"Woah there, Lele! I literally just saw you about three hours ago, and you're acting like I haven't seen you in ten years," Jisung laughs, his eyes crinkling into a smile, "Why are you so excited?"

Hopping off of Jisung, I exclaim childishly, "Because I get to see you two times today!" Jisung just rolls his eyes, as expected from a preteen boy like him, but he doesn't understand how excited but anxious I'm feeling right now. He doesn't know that his life might change in just about an hour.

Waving both of them inside, I grab Jisung's hand as I pull him into our grand, open foyer area. Mom finally makes her way out of the kitchen, aprons still fastened around her waist, to come and greet Taemin and Jisung, who stand reservedly by my sides.

"Hi there, Taemin and Jisung! We're so glad you two could make it," My mother beams, walking up to us. She sticks out her hand graciously to Taemin, and he steps forward to grab her hand and give her a handshake.

"Thank you for inviting us, Mrs. Zhong. We really appreciate it, both Jisung and I. I would've bought you and Mr. Zhong a gift for being so gracious to invite us, but unfortunately, I'm low on any extra funds. I hope you understand," Taemin regretfully explains, and my mother's smile turns heart-achingly sympathetic as she looks at the two boys.

"It's totally fine, boys. We wouldn't have let you buy a gift for us either way. Your gift to us is simply being able to come and share dinner with us tonight. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

Dad pops out of kitchen frantically, oven mitt still over his hand, causing me to let out a stray chuckle. "Come on in, boys! Dinner's ready," he pauses before exclaiming a new thought, "And thank god that you two didn't show up in your nice clothes. None of us, especially Chenle, are dressed decently." Dad motions to his Hawaiian shirt that he picked up on vacation and his beige cargo shorts.

Jisung cracks a smirk and punches my arm playfully as he slings his arm around my shoulders, heading into the kitchen. Despite the casualness of our clothing, the table looks as though it's been set up for a banquet. I guess that the housekeepers must've done that before they left for the day.

Looking at the food on the table, I realize that Mom and Dad actually outdid themselves and created a meal that looks edible. Two whole chickens rest in the center, the golden-brown crispy skin glistening in the light of our chandelier. Vibrant salads are placed on either side, along with a plethora of mouth-watering side dishes. This is probably enough food a week for a person who was well-off. They really must be concerned about Taemin and Jisung getting too little.

Jisung's eyes light up at the sight of all the food, and his jaw drops so far down I can practically see down his esophagus. He exclaims, "Wow! This all looks great Mr. and Mrs. Zhong! Thank you so much!"

"Of course, Jisung. Everybody, feel free to sit down and start eating," Dad says eagerly, clasping his palms together.

Sliding into our seats, everyone begins to eat, the room going completely silent except for the sound of food being chewed. I look over to Taemin, and though he's put some food on his plate, by his expression, it's obvious that he's hesitant to eat the food.

A pit forms in my stomach when I realize his hesitancy towards eating the food. Taemin must still think that he's being a burden to us by accepting our offers and whatnot, but what he doesn't realize is that we're offering them all of these things because we truly care for him and Jisung. I don't think that Taemin's going to want to accept my offer. I'd like to stay hopeful, but I know his tendencies too well. He's going to want to retain his independence and be Jisung's guardian.

"How's the food?" Mom asks, smiling.

"It's really good, Mrs. Zhong. Thank you so much for this meal," Jisung answers respectfully. But of course, Jisung is only a huge sweetheart around adults because as he's thanking my mother for the meal, our feet have erupted into a full-out battle under the table. Twisting my foot into his, I finally render him motionless as I discreetly turn and give him a smirk of victory.

Our shenanigans continue like that as Taemin conversates with my parents when my father starts to feel a little bold. My attention suddenly turns away from Jisung, anticipation rumbling up in the pit of my stomach as my dad asks the big question.

"So, Taemin, before I say anything, please do give what I say some consideration, but also know that if you reject, we won't be mad. We care about and love you and Jisung like family. I know you'll turn 18 soon, Taemin, and that you want to take care of Jisung once you're old enough, but Mrs. Zhong and I are still very worried for your safety in these next few months and onwards. The last thing we would want is for you and Jisung to be separated, or if you did become his guardian, for you two not to be able to support yourselves financially and not be able to finish school. This is how the cycle of poverty continues, and we don't want you two to be stuck in it," Dad starts, a sympathetic, comforting expression painted on his face. Everything he's saying is filled with concern and sincerity, like a true father.

Taemin, still trying to stay respectful, tries to keep his expression filled with understanding, his gaze soft and head-nodding periodically. But it's painfully easy to look through his facade and see his aversion to what my father is saying. It's obvious that he already has an idea of what my dad wants to propose, and he's already adamantly opposed to it.

Dad continues, "Look, we really admire your dedication and commitment to keeping your family together and taking care of Jisung, but being brutally honest, we're worried for your futures. You two are both so bright and capable of so much, and Mrs. Zhong and I have the resources to take care of you two and nurture your talents. We'd love if we could adopt you and Jisung and be your guardians, even if it's temporary because it's so painful to see you two struggle at such a young age. We really do love you two, and even as guardians, we'd allow you and Jisung independence as a family so you don't have to sacrifice your family name to be a part of ours. Please do consider our offer."

Taemin looks distraught; his eyebrows furrowed yet his gaze soft, his lips strewn taut yet his hands clasped loosely. Sungie, on the other hand, is unreadable. His expression is blank, but his hand crawls over to me and rests on top of my hand, holding it loosely. The atmosphere is tense, but not in an intimidating way, and I lock gazes with Jisung as my parents look at Taemin expectantly, a fair amount of desperation in their eyes.

Leaning in, I whisper into Jisung's ear unsuspiciously, "What do you think? Don't feel pressured to say yes." Jisung's breath hitches, unable to say anything. In deep thought for a few moments, he finally leans in, just as he's about to answer me, Taemin starts talking.

"Um... Thank you for the offer, Mr. and Mrs. Zhong. It really means a lot to know you care about us, but really, it's just too much. I can't accept an offer that big, just for our family's sake, in the spirit of my mother. But if I'm being honest, though I personally don't think adoption is the best way to go about this, it's Jisung's opinion that really matters. He's going to be the main receiver of the effects that would come with this decision. And whatever he thinks is best, I'll consider," Taemin tells them, concludes, smiling regretfully. "Ji, what do you want to do?"

Jisung contemplates, staying silent as a snowflake floating down from the sky, as he decides what could easily be the most important decision he makes. Anxiety pulses through my veins, so I decide to scooch closer to Jisung, intertwining our fingers.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Jisung commits with a simple, "No, Mr. and Mrs. Zhong." 

Taking a deep, wound up breath, he continues, "Thank you for the offer, really. I mean, it would be cool to have Chenle as my brother, but quite frankly, I don't really want that kind of relationship with him. I'm quite content just being best friends. And though we are struggling, Taemin and I both have clear plans for the future, and if Lele and the other boys have taught me anything, it's that I should never give up on my dreams based on the circumstances I've been placed in, not let anyone pity me, and to allow me to pave my own way by myself. And though your offer is so kind, I see myself paving my way by Taemin's side and under his care. But thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Zhong, really."

Tears prick in my eyes, not because I'm sad, as I expected this result, but because I'm proud. As I see Jisung blossoming and growing beside me, I realize that he can and will grow up and chase his dreams on his own. I know he'll succeed. There's just that glint in his eyes, and I know he doesn't need anyone but himself to shine through the struggle.


I hope you enjoyed that chapter! The friendships between the characters in this book are too cute sometimes, and I especially adore Chenle and Jisung's friendship! 

Please comment your thoughts about the chapter, and consider giving it a vote if you did enjoy the chapter, as it helps expose this book to even more readers around the world!

See you all soon, and I'm sure next chapter I'll have a ton to say about "We Boom" because I'm literally so excited for this comeback!

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