
By AmyKhan628

170 3 1

Fate never knew her life would completely change once she'd enter a foot in the Catskill Hill House. On the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7


46 2 1
By AmyKhan628

He was in the fishing boat a hundred yards north of the bridge waiting for the last car to pass through. He had been sitting there for two hours, waiting for a brown colored 1988 Sedan. The car was two hundred thousand miles away. The driver was a blonde head an eighteen year old girl from Bronx and the main target of that boy's plan. She had recently volunteered in a children's hospital, now she was visiting Layla her childhood and her only friend in the Catskill Hill house in New York. Her name was Fate. She had blue eyes like the ocean mysterious and deeply captivating. He saw something flashed in her soul like a little fluffy clouds trying to cover blue skies. Although the driving distance between the Bronx to Catskill is 121 miles but she was driving slow she was in no hurry to reach her destination quickly. The car was moving closer minute by minute and the boy was sweating with angst.

His name was Ethan Rivers. He belonged to the Curio. He waited his entire life for this prospect to come. The plan was simple. The girl has to die, Ethan had to be avenged. The calmness of the water was around him but he had a choice fulfill his promise to his family or he can-

No. The choice was way simpler than that:

Save the girl, or avenge his family.

Zemaya was the element of the Curio's natural power, the Evanora. It wasn't just dominion over the metal and wind but rather an ability over the wind whose mighty currents can crush the metal in a second. Ethan was raised to cast this spell more strongly than anyone.

 The speed limit was fifty-five. The Sedan was going twenty. Fate was enjoying the view outside after all she had planned this trip for months and nothing can ruin it now. The car rides must be lonely when there's no one around to fill the silence. You can turn the radio on as loud as you want to but that won't block out the hollow feeling in your chest. Her mother once told her that history repeats itself. She remembered how her mother used to stare at her coffee mug for so long that sometimes Fate thought maybe she would drown in the warm murky mix. Like somehow if she kept looking, her problems would dissipate into the rising steam. 

She remembered how her mother was always on the road trips and never had time for her and one day she left and what came home was her dead body. Her mother was in a car accident but Fate was blaming her mother for the accident. Accidents never occur on their own they only happen when you forget to pay attention, forgets that someone who loved you would also suffer. Her mother was always so quite never talked much never even tried to bond with her own daughter. Fate never knew who her father was, Christina Fate's mother never told her who he was or where he lived. She was the only child and her mother was always busy in her road trips that she died on one without even saying goodbye.

The car was close, it was time Ethan was ready. The boat rocked under his weight, then it rocked again signaling a disturbance in the wind all he had to do was focus on the spell. The Evanora spell would strike the car and within seconds the car would dissolve into its own self and the strong wind would flow the car into the river. There would be no proof of that girl's existence. His eyes were closed, he was in complete concentration. His attention was broken by a scream when he saw that the metal of the car was dissolving and the girl had lost control of the car. He stopped casting the spell instead he was looking at the girl. There was something in her that he cannot resist. The car came to a halt, its front was half crushed, and the side mirrors were completely broken.

Fate's heart was beating faster, her hands were pressed against her chest. She got out of the car gasping for air, she was breathing heavily. For once she thought that she will end up the same as her mother. But who cares if she died; she had no family, no friends except Layla. That was reassuring it's good to know that someone will come to your funeral someone will remember you after you die. Even ghost towns won't haven something so deeply broke. Ethan was exhausted he missed the only chance he had. He drew out the knife from his pocket rowed his boat to the shore as fast as he could and started running towards the girl. He was halfway there when he stopped, completely frozen like his body was paralyzed. His mind told him to stop, now is not the time he thought and when the right time comes his spell would be strong enough to kill the right girl.

Tears rolled down her cheeks she was missing her mother, her father even though she never saw or knew who her father was but she dreadfully wanted to meet him, to hug him as long as she can, to share her problems with but she couldn't. She was all alone; she was angry at her parents. They left her alone. After the death of her mother she tried to kill herself multiple times. She faced an enormous amount of therapists to help her live a normal life. That's why Layla called her so she can relax in the mountains and try to forget her past. But Fate didn't knew what lies ahead, she was on her way to the one place Christina protected her from, and her life will never be the same once she steps foot inside the Hill House.

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