Hargrove's Honey (Billy Hargr...

By JanuaryEmbers

69.5K 1K 1K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

6.5K 114 54
By JanuaryEmbers

"Well well well, Miss Callahan," Billy smirked as I approached his car.
I giggled and pushed my hair behind my ear,"Hey, Billy."
"Thought we were hangin out after school? Took ya a little while to get outta there," he said. My face turned bright red and before I could say anything he goes,"You must've really messed up that girl to get a detention."
I swallowed and breathed,"I must've. I dont even remember what I did to her."
He looked me up and down and licked his lips,"Now that's my kinda girl. Hop in, we're going to my place cuz Max wanted to see you."
Without hesitation, I got in his car and we sped out of the parking lot. We were listening to some Aerosmith and Metallica when we saw some kids riding their bikes down the street.
"How much if I hit one? Better yet, what do I get if I hit all three?" he laughed.
"Ugh, Billy, I dont think it's the best idea to-" he accelerated quickly as I spoke,"BILLY! STOP!"
He laughed and swerved around them making them fall off their bikes and onto the ground."Wasnt that funny sweetheart?"
Breathing heavy I said,"You gave me a fucking heart attack!"
We laughed as he turned the music back up and we pulled up on the curb by his house. We walked in the door and I saw a red haired woman standing in the kitchen preparing a meal. Billy walks me through and takes me to a door where there's music blaring behind it. He knocks loud and hard and Max answers,"The fuck do you wa-. Hey, (Y/N)! I didn't know you were coming by!"
I laughed,"Yeah, Billy said you wanted to see me."
Max looked confused and looked towards Billy. I could see he gave her a slight nod and she responded promptly after,"Oh, yeah! I was...ugh...wondering if you were working tonight! Ya know, since it's Halloween and all."
I sighed,"Sadly, no. I was planning to stay in and watch a movie or something."
Billy held my shoulder,"Well, maybe instead of just staying in, you'd wanna go to a Halloween party with me. I heard its gonna be tubular!"
I half smiled,"Thanks, but I dont even have anything to wear."
Max grabbed my hand,"Pa-lease, you could make anything work! You're a total babe, and I can make you look HOT! Hotter than anyone!"
I giggled,"Well...okay. Just nothing too...out there!"
"You got it, girly,"Max said dragging me into her room. Billy shut the door, and we got to work. "Now, let's see what we've got in the magical wardrobe here."
"Do you have any idea what you're trying to make me?" I asked skeptically.
"Well, Billy's going as a biker so I was thinking I could make you a biker too so you guys had like a couple's costume sorta thing goin for ya," she explained grabbing the clothes from her wardrobe,"Try these."
I took the clothing out of her hand and went behind her changing stand. I put the outfit on and felt totally badass. I came out to show Max and she had no words. "What do you think?"
Max gasped,"Bitchin'!"
"Totally bitchin! Thank you!" I said hugging her.
"Of course! You're the first girl that douche has brought home that I actually like!" she said.
We did my makeup and walked out of the room to show Billy, but he wasnt out there.
"Hey, mom,"Max called.
A voice from the kitchen said,"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Where's Billy?"
"In his bedroom," she said,"don't forget to knock!"
"Thanks, mom!" Max yelled back and took me back down the hallway to the room next door to hers.
We knocked on the door and Billy answered in his biker's costume.
"What do you think?" Max asked showing me off like a model.




I did a spin and bit my lip as I looked at him. His jaw dropped to the floor as he began saying,"Damn, babygirl. You look hot!"
I winked,"Thanks, babe, now where's the party at?"
"Oh, I'll show ya," he said pulling me in and kissing me deeply.
Max grabbed my waist and said,"Please no happy screams! I cant have happy screams happening after I did this to her!"
Billy laughed and lead me out of the house. We walked to the party since we knew we were gonna get drunk, and didn't wanna risk getting hit or hitting kids on halloween when we headed back afterwards. As we're walking, I turned towards Billy and said,"Can I ask you a question?"
He chuckled,"Yeah, go for it."
"What are 'happy screams'?" I asked giggling.
He laughed,"Happy screams are moans from when we're having sex."
I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. It was so oblivious to the context and I felt so dumb!
We arrived at the house where the party was being thrown, and that's when things started getting crazy.

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