Kira the Killer - Boku No Her...

By sammysprong

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"What are you? A hero or a villain?" "I'm a solider," •... More

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By sammysprong

Kira POV


1 year later

The leader of the new and upcoming League of Villains, my boss, Shigaraki Tomura was nothing short of a man-child. He was selfish, immature, dependent, demanding, and had angry tantrums just like a child. I questioned how someone like him was made to be the leader. To order and direct us, well specifically Kurogiri and I as there was currently, no one else. But, I suppose his quirk, Decay acted as a redeeming quality due to its destructive abilities.

Personally, I hadn't seen his true appearance. He was always covered by that ominous and strange hand who he called 'father.' He was a strange individual. But, there was one time where I had happened to glance at his face without the hand. He was unsightly; deathly pale, wrinkly skin, and chapped rough lips that were coming apart at the seams, and visible scars.

For quite some time nothing interesting was happening. Ever since my joining there were no new members. I had been sent on missions here and there, but nothing worth telling. It felt like busywork to me and at times like these, I wondered why my old boss had forced me here. Well, he had paid Tomura a large sum of money and after some other deals, I had joined this dying League.

"Kurogiri, Master says we are ready to start our mission and kill the Symbol of Peace. Those fake pro-heroes," Tomura informed us as he sat down on a stool at the bar where Kurogiri, my comrade was cleaning glasses. It was no secret that Tomura deeply despised and hated heroes. If he was given the option to kill every single hero in the world he would take it in a heartbeat. I didn't share the man's view of heroes. I didn't particularly care for heroes, villains, or vigilantes. I never spoke out on my thoughts as they weren't important and I didn't want to anger the child.

"Of course, Tomura Shigaraki. We will make our debut soon and introduce ourselves to the world as the League of Villians," My ears perked at Kurogiri words and I started to intently listen to their now interesting conversation. Any publicity and attention were good. At last, we were finally doing something. I wasn't going to lie and say that I wasn't at least curious and interested in our mission.

"I can't wait to see All Might's last breath as his face twist into fear," Tomura growled in excitement and tore at the skin at his neck. He had a mechanism for doing this action whenever he was angry, excited, or anticipating something. Red marks littered his neck and flakes of skin were caught underneath his nails and blood rose to the surface of his open wounds. Kurogiri quickly lectured him to which Tomura growled and muttered indistinct nothingness. I assumed he told Kurogiri to shut up.

Kurogiri paused after stopping the man from further ruining his skin and glanced at me, "Kira, are you prepared? You don't seem to be listening." I put my foot down and pushed myself off the wall and made my way towards the two unusual looking men. "I've always hated that nasty attitude of yours. You should answer a question when someone is talking to you," It was laughable how much of a hypocrite Tomura was. He was one to talk. His entire demeanor and attitude were that of a child who would sob on the floor of a grocery store and refuse to get up causing a scene.

I retorted, "Tomura, you really shouldn't lecture someone on their attitude when all you do is act like a child." Ever since I had become accustomed to life here I became rather sharp-tongued. I carefully glanced at Tomura from the corner of my eye to find that he was glaring intently at me with hatred with that one beady ruby-colored eye. The last time I had seen that look in his eye when we first met.


"This is Kira. She can kill without hesitation and does anything shes ordered to do. She will be a very valuable tool to you," My soon to be old boss, Genki praised me as he gently squeezed my shoulder and pushed a bit forward. I felt like a trophy; a prize to be won and only to be placed behind a glass wall and forgotten.

There a man with shaggy and uneven pastel blue hair with an unusual amount of hands covering his body. He was truly a sight to see. I had never seen someone quite like him.

"What's your quirk?" The hand man, a name I never received asked while pointing his finger at me. "Her quirk is-" Genki was soon cut off by the man. "Shut up. I wasn't asking you. All of you are so annoying," The man before me let out a strained breath and began to aggressively scratch his neck. I was taken back but his peculiar mannerism, but stood my ground. It didn't faze me.

"Telekinesis. I can manipulate objects and matter. I could break your neck right now if I wanted to,"  I explained to the hand man and the purple mist with beaming yellow eyes. I wondered if all of the members were this strange looking. "Don't you dare threaten me. Ugh, I'm just itching to kill you," The bluette seethed, his breathing beginning to pick up. The empty glass in his hand was reduced to mere dust as it vanished in the nonexistent wind. His quirk was something I would have to look out for.

"Tomura, please you must calm down. Like the gentleman said before, she's very valuable to us. She'll be able to kill All Might easily with her quirk," The purple mist pointed out as he attempted to calm down the said man. In the blink of an eye, Tomura had stopped his profuse abuse of his neck and stared at me with that uniquely colored eye of his; ruby-red. The most magnificent and elegant gem in the world was in his ungrateful eye. It most certainly caught my attention.

I couldn't see the facial expression on Tomura, but I imagined it was something pleasant after hearing the purple mist. "Would you assist us in killing All Might? The Symbol of Peace. The Number One Hero," Tomura inquired, but he had an underlying tone of something rather sinister and vengeful. He was an ambitious one and his goal would not be easy.

Smirking I nonchalantly answered, "I don't have anything else better to do." And with my final answer, the one that would dictate everything was spoken. My fate was sealed. For the right price, I would kill anyone.

Soon after that, I was accepted to be a member of the infamous League of Villains. I had a feeling some trouble was going to come my way, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Flashback Over

I didn't realize I was in a daze until I was snapped out it due to my supply of oxygen being cut off. "Shigaraki!" Kurogiri yelled at the man, trying to stop his radical behavior, but to no avail. Tomura had a secure hold on my neck and he wasn't going to let go any time soon. He tightened his hands and my breathing was even more restricted. The glint in Tomura's eyes told me, of course, that he was livid.

Using my quirk I forced a glass to shatter against his head. He abruptly dropped me as he gripped his head wound, wincing as glass shards were somewhat stuck mixing in with his blood. Not wasting a second more I tackled him to the ground and upon impact, I placed a dagger at his neck. "You move as so much as an inch and I will slit your throat," I threatened him as I took in harsh breaths and applied greater pressure on the weapon. I could already feel the bruises forming around my neck. They would most likely be a light purple color accompanied by finger imprints.

"Kira! Tomura! Stop it at once! We have a very important mission tomorrow and we cannot have this behavior," Kurogiri's attempts to calm us down were futile as we didn't back down. My deep red clashed with his piercing scarlet one as we had a mini-battle to see who would back down first. Suddenly, a swirling, gaping hole of dark purples and blacks allowed us both to fall into it. We were thrown to the ground and separated immediately by Kurogiri using his quirk once more.

Tomura and I both stood up and studied from across the room. "Kira, I will kill you if try something like that again. Kids like you piss me off the most. You're all so arrogant," Tomura warned as he clenched his fist into balls and seethed with rage. Kurogiri has placed his hand on his shoulder and murmured inaudible words. Tomura visibly relaxed before glaring at me once more.

Tomura's behavior made it unbearable to be near him. He was so unpredictable and crazy. "We should go to bed and rest," Kurogiri suggested lightly, glancing between the leader and I. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Scoffing, I went back to my quarters to sleep with one thought in my mind.

I will get revenge on Tomura Shigaraki.


The one-eyed wonder and I observed the media crowding the UA campus and swarming unsuspecting students, who became easily flustered at their presumedly annoying questions. We arrived at the campus in the ungodly hours of the morning and waited on the students and teachers to finally come in.

Some famous pro-heroes—the teachers—at last shooed them off as they begrudgingly left with their last comments of annoyance and criticism. I recognized a few of the teachers, never really caring that much for them in the first place. But, one caught my eye. It was an underground hero with shaggy black hair in wavy locks, a scarf, and a baggy hero costume. He looked very familiar. It was as if I had met him once.

I leaned against a nearby tree and watched as the security gates closed. I could finally feel the effects of boredom take its toll on me. Hearing a huff and the crunching of leaves I turned towards Tomura. "Finally, those annoying pests are gone," He readjusted the black hoodie he wore and crossed the street, ignoring the cars that honked at our illegal maneuver.

He wasted no time in disintegrating the thick metal walls, slowly. "What the hell are you waiting for?" Tomura paused to scorned me as I stared at him in disbelief. Tearing down walls would require me to alternate the sub-molecular levels in the metal. It was a bit advanced for anyone with my quirk even at the pro-hero level.

Nonetheless, once the demanding man broke past a layer I was able to crumple the metal and push forward. A blaring alarm enough for all of Tokyo to hear blasted throughout the campus. It was only a matter of time before the heroes would be here.

Blending into the shadows we went to All Might's office where his itinerary would be; his plans, dates and time. His entire schedule would give us an accurate description of his week, so the League can attack.

Glancing, I noticed students rushing and scrunched against the walls of the hallway. It was almost comical how they were packed together like a pack of Sardines. Tomura growled as he spoke with a rough tone, "Hurry up." I snapped my eyes towards him and picked up my pace. I began to loathe UA for their campus being so tedious.

Levitating a couple of feet we entered All Might's empty office through an open window. It was standard and ordinary; a cubic space, a desk and chair, a fake Fran, and cabinets filled with files.

"How stupid of him. He left it on his desk," Tomura snatched the item and read through the bulletin points. Curious, I took a file from his cabinet named 'Class 1-A.' There were several students with powerful and destructive quirks suck as Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoryia Izuku, etc.

Chuckling, Tomura stated, "All Might is going to the USJ tomorrow along with the students and pro-heroes." Ignoring Tomura I fell onto the couch a photo placed elegantly in a frame peaked my attention. A young version of All Might was accompanied by two pro-heroes; one a man in a daisy white and yellow suit the other was a young and beautiful woman with black hair.

Tomura groaned before roughly accusing, "Brat, are you even listening?" Clicking my tongue at the man, I turned over to my side and faced away from him. His voice was so utterly unpleasant to listen to, it felt like sandpaper was rubbing against his throat. He should probably get it checked out.

"Answer when someone talks to you!" He wasted no time in coming at me, maybe an ambush if you could call it that. Feeling his fingertips barely brushing against my should I abruptly and harshly halted his hand by pinning his wrist down to the table and squeezing on his brittle bones.

"You're very predictable,"

"Shut up,"

"Dude, I swear I heard someone in here," Our mini altercation was quickly ended by UA students standing outside the door. Releasing my death grip, I mentally locked the door and crouched down.

"Kirishima, it's probably nothing. Now c' mon! We're gonna be late to class," Their running footsteps soon faded to complete silence.

"Want me to kill them? I could catch up with them," Pulling out a knife I looked at Tomura for confirmation. He waved his hand, dismissing me.

"All you want to do is kill like it's the only thing you know. It's so annoying. Let's go," Jumping out the window we went to back to the base, our humble little abode. He was like a pebble in my shoe; really damn annoying.

Tomura knows nothing. How small-minded he truly was. Everything is some big video game to him and he can just restart whenever he wants too. He's an arrogant fool who is so oblivious to the world. Killing is what I am. Killing I what I do.

What do you do, Tomura?


The following days were filled with recruiting low-leveled thugs to be pawns in our little game, many accepted our offer while others cowered in fear at the mention of All Might which I took the role of killing those pesky criminals.

"Master, lend us your power," Tomura rested his hand atop of the TV screen and bowed his head. 'Master' was unknown to me. I had heard his voice plenty of times, but his appearance was a mystery to me. I assumed maybe he was so hideous he'd rather not be seen, but that alone seemed silly. If Tomura could show his face then anyone could.

"Tomura, you are still learning to become a leader. I will help you as many times as it takes," His voice was deep and smooth. He was strangely calm all of the time as if an ounce of angry didn't live in the man. He was the chill killer type. Nothing seemed to faze All for One.

"Thank you, Master,"

"Kira, call in the Nomu," Following Tomura's command I watched as the Nomu emerged from the shadows. He was a large creature. Gigantic muscles covered his body and his beady eyes were empty and lost. He was no longer a human, he was only a fragment of what he used to be. His mind was far beyond saving, but oh well.

Leading up to this day, I sharpened my knives and packed extra ammunition for my guns. Which I tested on the criminals who refused our generous offer.

"Kurogiri, take us to the USJ. I want to kill All Might as soon as possible. I want to see him suffer as we kill everything he holds dear," Tomura laughed darkly as he was thrilled to accomplish his main goal. It was unrealistic, honestly. The Symbol of Peace would not go down so easily though that was to be expected. Tomura was blinded by his ambitions that he couldn't even see it.

Kurogiri opened a warp gate and let the inexperienced villains in first, their bodies disappearing for our sights. I followed suit and let the purple mist take me in.

Steeping through the portal I was met with the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, a massive facility with multiple faux rescue areas. There was a class of students miles away from me and two pro-heroes. But, All Might was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey! It's villains!"

Their cries were loud and clear. Their eyes widened with fear, aware of our presence and realized the real threat they were in. Calling in the Nomu, Tomura, and Kurogiri appeared next to me.

Tomura beamed, "He, now this is interesting." This was his playground and he was going to test out all of the toys.

Now, for a little bit of fun of my own.


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