Kane's Downfall ( On A Short...

By Ash_booknerd9818

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" i am scared of you" she whispered to him. " You should be" Tyler growled while biting her neck, leaving his... More



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By Ash_booknerd9818

It's been a week since I have been hunting for jobs but looks like this city has none left.

Or maybe it had to do with a rich jerk but no matter how rich he is, it's too much even for him. Or I think so.

Because of lack of job, I am still leaning on Sarah for financial aid. I wanted to leave the city for good but I am too low on my savings. Probably should have avoided those late night pizza cravings.

Marcus has tried calling me but after the second day I finally blocked his number. He even tried to get me through Sarah but Sarah knew better.

I sigh and enter the local diner. Now my last resort is the only job of a waitress.

It's a very cute little diner with big ass bulbs hanging from the ceiling. The walls are covered with wierd modern art. There's a little bar in the corner as well. The bar counter is covered with little post-its.

I smile at the ambience and suddenly crash with a person. I rub my chest and look up to see an old women rubbing her nose. She's a tiny one. That's why her nose crashed with my chest.

I instantly smile and start apologising. The old lady smiles and that's when it clicks. Holy shit! This is Mr kane's mother. Holy fucking crap!.

" Its okay sweet-heart. C'mon take a seat. We are mighty free today."

I start to nod but that's when it clicks. I shake my head. Just my luck. This damn place is owned by just by the person I probably needed to avoid.

" Actually I was here for the waitress vacancy. I saw the flyer outside."

" Oh! Nice. Darling sorry but I didn't catch your name!"

I wince. I should have introduced myself by now. My nerves are making a fool out of me. "Yeah-its Lily!"

" Lily-?"

" yeah Lily."

" I mean just Lily?"

" Oh! Yeah I don't use any surname." I avoid any eye contact with her. I am not in any mood to dump my life story at her right now. I just need a job now.

" Hmm. Well I am Miss Dolly Kane" she says while looking back at the counter.

Great she's not even interested in this so called interview. I start to search my mind for options. Now that this job is out of question.

" Well! Lily do you have any experience in this field?"

" No! I was a salesgirl at T&M co. A jewellery brand. But I promise you i am a hardworker and you"ll be beyond impress with my work." I plead. Trying last time to impress her.

She looks shocked for a second then look at me like she's looking at me with a new light. She narrow her eyes " Are you the one my Tyler is obsessed with?"

This time I am the one with shock going through my system. Damn the woman doesn't beat around the Bush at all.

I open my mouth to answer but the words fail me.

Looking at my open mouth, Miss Kane  smiles and nods. She snatches my hand and  starts giving the tour while explaining the ropes around the place.

" Very well. You are hired and make sure you try your best. This may be a small diner but we have a large amount of loyal customers. What can i say my daughter is the best cook out there. And yeah sweety you can call me Dolly although I don't give this privilege to anyone but you might become my family so yeah that's necessary. Maybe you will be the one who will bring my son to his knees. Oh god I am excited. Finally i"ll have some grand babies." She continues her babble while cleaning the glasses with a dry cloth.

" Umm sorry but it's not like that between me and Mr Kane. I really want this job but not on the wrong assumptions."

She puts down the glass and sighs " Damn you are stubborn as well. Hmm my son has a war on his hand doesn't he Lily hon?. I am gonna love this so much and yeah!  You are starting from tomorrow." She smiles at me.

I shake my head at her madness. " Miss Kane, I really appreciate the offer but I don't think this is going to work." I start the leave the diner,  when her voice stops me.

" I"ll double the pay."

I turn toward her, to see her smile at me.

" i"ll double the pay and stop with my chatter. We really need the help right now."

I nod my head and smile" Umm it's just it's nothing like that and I don't want you to have false hopes. "

She nods at me and explains me my duties. She tells me about her daughter, who's a single mother and a world's best cook. My work is pretty simple and much easier than the T&Ms. I ask her to keep the pay the normal amount but Dolly, like she insists on me calling her, promises me that she will double the work as well. With the amount of money i"ll make will be pretty helpful. Atleast I can stand on my own now. Sarah won't have to step in anymore. Good! I am sorted.

I reach my apartment to see a bouquet sitting outside the door. I wonder who's it from. Maybe one of Sarah's old flame.

Its a bouquet of pink roses. I sniff the flowers that's when I see the card. I take the card hanging from the pink rose up.

" In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire  you.” 

The quote is not mine but the feelings behind it? They are just a shadow of what I am feeling right now.

Please have dinner with me. I need another chance with you.

I must say, it is a sweet gesture but still not gonna work on me. I know People like Mr Kane. Right now I am a chase for him, a chase to sooth his ego which I probably bashed with my nonchalant behaviour toward him. It's not his fault to be honest.

Men like him? They are used to girls chasing them, begging them and even girls letting theirself used by them. Now there are girls who are behind money and fame but there are also girls who are behind love. Who are still naive enough to believe in such an useless emotion. Love only makes you weak and useless and Right Now I am good as I am. So while his efforts are praiseworthy but they are definetly not going to work on me. Not when he's still using Jane Austen's quotes to impress a girl.

I enter my apartment with the bouquet and  shower pretty quickly. While in the shower I went through my days and suddenly an anger took place in me. An anger for whatever I went through just because an asshole wanted in my panties.

That's why as soon as I enter our drawing room, I snatch the card from the bouquet  and threw it away.

I scoff. Huh! What does he take me for? He thinks it will only take a  jane Austen quote for me to win? And after everything he's been putting me through? In his dreams. The man takes me for a fool for sure. I can't believe this. Although I would have been pretty charmed if it was some normal man but Mr Kane? I am pretty sure one of his some model type assistant did this for him. I know his type pretty well that's why he's not fooling anyone but himself if he thinks this tricks will get to me.

I was still heaving when a laugh bubbled out of me. God! I am going crazy. Probably because of PMS. I mean I can be pretty moody but that was quick even for me.

Next day Sarah is already gone before I even woke up. Now that my timings are flexible, I am not in any hurry.

I start my coffee and start toward my fridge when suddenly doorbell rings.

Thinking it is Sarah who probably forgot something I open the door just in my Winnie the pooh t-shirt and blue tiny shorts.

I gasp watching Mr Kane standing in all of his glory at just outside of the gate.

I scowl watching his calm expression and well maintained appearance. He is wearing a deep blue bespoke suit with white crisp shirt inside. There's a navy tie as well. His diamond cufflinks are twinkling from the sun outside. The reason I am so sure about those cufflinks being diamond is because I was the one who sold it to him. The man was well fine stalking me by then. Waiting in the shop whole day, staring at me with those blue cold eyes. I mistook his obsession with mere attraction. And looks like now I have to pay for my mistake.

I shake myself out of my thoughts when Mr Kane starts to smirk. Mistaking my stare for appreciation. It's not like I don't appreciate his god-like appearance but he doesnt have to know it. So instead I scowl.

Who is this ready at 7:Am anyways, I am feeling annoyed just by his scent now. Arghhh I am definitely going crazy.

" Good Morning Lily! I am here to take you for some breakfast."

" And who said I want to go?"

" You accepted my flowers and that was the answer enough!" He grins at me with all of his charm.

For a second I am lost in his ice blue eyes while a shiver ran through my body. The man sure knows how to bring'em to their knees.

I gulp down my irrational thoughts and shake my head at him.

" Mr kane-"

" Call me tyler"

"MR Kane are you spying on me?" I ask, fearing his reply.

His eyes are still emotionless and face cold. All of his previous charms are now gone.

" Miss Renshaw, I assure you there was no spying included. Just an enhanced tip for the delivery boy to make sure the flowers are at their right place."

For a second I don't catch it. I start to banter with him but then suddenly the bells ring. My mind alerts me with what did he just said.

" W-what did you called me? Huh? W-why are you calling me that?" I whisper the last part while the panic starts to creep in.

Mr Kane frown at my reaction and starts to touch me but I blocked his hand. I step back with my eyes widened in fear.

" Who are you?" I ask while keeping the door half close and my body safe behind it.

" Calm down Lillian, i-"

"Just stop! Just tell me what do you want?" I ask knowing this is the moment. He knows and that means, he has power over me. He just called me by my full Christian name. He knows my past.

" I want you" he announces. Finally leaving all the charade behind. Accepting his motives and showing me how much of a bastard he really is. He finally proved me wrong. I have never come across a man like Mr Kane before. Never. And the bastard knows it.

He frowns at my lack of reply. He starts to push the door when I finally accept my defeat.

I nod.


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