Rising Idol

By h2w-i2r

214 9 1

A young boy with big dreams of becoming a singer meets a mysterious man who offers him a deal of a life time... More

Chapter 1- You'll Be In My Heart
Chapter 2- Take Me To Church
Chapter 3- Listen
Chapter 4: All of Me
dont get hiped this aint an update
Chapter 5- Lie
Tag pt1
Chapter 7- Killing Me Softly With His Song

Chapter 6- 1-800-275-8255

10 0 0
By h2w-i2r

Jimin had been laying in bed for hours now. The house was silent since its been vacant for quite a while now; the only sound being the constant buzzing of his phone on the nightstand. No one here was concerned about his whereabouts, so what was the point of even trying? But he got up anyway. Everything was sore in a numbing kind of way. He felt dizzy just sitting up; his head pounding as if someone was taking a jackhammer to his skull. Gritting his teeth, he pushed through the pain to stand up. It seemed as if every bone in his body was singing in agony as he stummbled his way to the bathroom. Hot water ran down his body like fingers gently untangling every knotted mucle. The sluggish feeling leaving his brain, flashbacks of last night lingering behind like a bad taste in his mouth.

Getting ready didn't take long. A quick shower and grabbing some random clothes was all it took. He grabbed his book bag, finger combing his hair as he walked out the door. The walk to school was a slow blur that he couldn't even remember. Before he knew it he was sitting in his third period chorus class next to Taehyung and Jungkook.

"What happened? You weren't here this morning." Taehyung  whispered in his ear. Jimin just shook his head in response, not really in the mood to talk. He was barely opening his mouth to sing. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him squeezing tightly. Jimin let himself be held by the younger boy, laying his head down on his shoulder.

"Do you want to come over today hyung? You can spend the night." The younger asked sweetly. Jimin just nodded his head, too tired to even argue with the younger.

"I'd come over too, but mom has some errands she wants me to run with her." Taehyung said, rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's okay. Thanks guys, for everything." Jimin spoke quietly, afraid that even rasing his voice slightly would errupt into body racking sobs. He didn't move from that position the entire class period. The conductor letting it pass for the day since she could clearly exhaustion written across Jimin's face.

Third period passed by in a flash sincd he was half asleep for most of it. Fourth period was a free period for Jimin; meaning the last hour and a half was left for all his toxic thoughts to lead to his own demise. All he could do now was sit in the library and blankly stare at his open notebook. He immediately began to think about last night as the pain seemed to wash over him all over again. He often wondered what he could've possibly have done to make Johnny hate him so much. Ever since he arrived to the foster home when he was around 13, Johnny would often give him weird side glances. But he never did any harm so Jimin would just ignore him. It was like that for awhile untill the summer before sophmore year. Johnny began to really talk to him for the first time, and they even became quite close to each other. Not exactly friends, but maybe close acquaintances. They spent time together watching their favorite movies and animes, playing in the park, and just chilling with each other. The summer passed by rather quickly, and before they knew it they were starting their sophmore year together. Sure they both had their own seperate friends, but they still had times where they just chilled with each other.

This was also the year Jimin met Taehyung. He saw the slightly younger boy for the first time in his chorus class. When he smiled a sweet box-smile at Jimin. They later found that they shared the same lunch session, and immediately hit it off. Jimin introduced him to Johnny and the three of them started hanging out together at lunch.

Taehyung changed a lot about Jimin and his high school experience. Having a real friend made him a lot happier for one. Constantly moving from foster home to foster home made it hard for him to find anything permanent and valuable in the world. Things like a longlasting friendship was priceless. As the grew two closer together, they found out a lot about each other. Like the fact that Taehyung was gay. Jimin so far was the only one who knew, and it was never a problem.  In fact he found himself more comfortable sitting with Taehyung as be ranted about some guy who had peaked his interest than he did with the boys at his foster home fantasizing over the women on T.V.

Sophmore year passed and summer came again. Jimin and Taehyung's friendship stayed strong, but Jimin and Johnny slowly started seeing less and less of each other. But Jimin never put much thought into it. Epsecially when he met Jungkook. The rising ninth grader was like a younger brother to him; he just felt that he had to take the boy under his wing. Although the boys were constantly picking on each other, as siblings do, you could clearly see the care that they had for each other.

When Jimin eventually introduced Jungkook to Taehyung there was an immediate connection between the two. It wasn't long before their constant flirting developed into the relationship it is today. The three boys returned to school; Jimin and Taehyung's junior year and Jungkook's freshman. This year seemed to be the turning point, the moment everything took a turn for the worst.

There was this guy. His name was Kai, and he was the first boy Jimin ever had a crush on. Jimin remembered the first time he saw Kai sitting beside him in Physics. Kai was a bit taller than him, and played on the baseball team-making him quite lean and fit. They had a few classes together in previous years, but Jimin never looked at him this way until now. When assigned to a group project with each other, they found that they were similar in quite a few ways. Their taste in music and shows were in sync, and Jimin just found the boy's personality adorable and caring. Jimin told Taehyung and Jungkook about his newly found crush of course; the both of the becoming ecstatic at the advancement in their friend's once non-existence love life. They heavily encouraged him to tell  Kai, so he did. There was no fear or nerves in Jimin when he did this although he did have an inkling that Kai didn't return his feelings.

Which he indeed didn't, but this wasn't a huge problem for Jimin. Kai had let him down easy, and was really kind about the whole thing.They actually ended up staying friends, and Kai wasn't uncomfortable about Jimin's newly discovered sexual preference. Everything seemed to be just fine, except the fact that this new news had spread across the school pretty fast. There was little to no trouble since there was quite a few openly gay kids at the school- including Taehyung and Jungkook. Sure there was the occasional weird side glance or rude comment, but jt was never something that Jimin couldn't handle on his own. That was until about a month later.

Jimin began to notice the strange stares and awkward silence coming from the boys of his foster home. Especially Johnny in particular. He was never really that close with any of them besides Johnny, but this wasn't just unfamiliarity.  The air would thicken with a shivering tension anytime he was alone in a room with Johnny, or a few of the other boys. This feeling continued to build up, then one day everything just snapped. ⚠⚠⚠⚠

That day was a vague memory. Certain detailes were foggy like what he was wearing, and what movie they were watching. But it was quite racey- practicallt porn. Jimin felt slightly uncomfortable while the other boys were laid back casually cracking jokes. There was woman going down on a guy, and Johnny for unknown reasons felt the need to look over at Jimin. Who in turn, sat scrolling through Instagram completely minding his own business.

"You like blowing right Jimin?" At first Jimin didn't process what had been said until he heard the other guys choking on stiffled laughter.

"What?" he asked in disgusted dibelief. Johnny just laughed and rephrased his question.

"You like sucking dick right? Any good?" The room was filled with hollering as the boys laughed at Jimin's humiliation. Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"What are you even talking about? Just shut the fuck up and watch your fucking porno." he snapped, turning back to his phone. A chorus of oohs rang out at the attitude coming from the small gay's mouth no one was expecting. Johnny on the other hand couldn't find the amusement in the situation. In fact he was quite fed up with Jimin and his fat mouth. He was tired of him flopping around like the cock-sucking whore he was as if he owned the entire place. He stormed up behind Jimin, yanking his phone away and flinging it across the room. "Hey! What the literal fuck is wrong with you?!" Jimin yelled as he moved to stand up, but Johnny grabbed him by the hair and pushed him down to his knees by the time he sat up.

"I'm getting real tired of your faggoting ass." Jimin began fo fight back, pushing at Johnny's arm and legs to no avail. The fist tangled in his hair tightened, pulling his head back so that they were establishing eye contact. In that moment Jimin saw what pure hatred looked like, and he experienced the feeling of full body paralyzing fear for the first time. "The only good thing that will come from you living is the joy it will bring me once you're dead." Johnny's voice was barely above a rasping whisper; the only other person able to hear his words being Jimin. Almost making the moment seem intimate in a disgusting, horrifying way. Johnny threw him down by his hair. Jimin laid there in shock before feeling exploding pain tearing through his abdomen. He watched a pair of booted feet walking away as he processed the fact that he had been kicked. The other boys had just sat there watching the scene unfold as if they were watching the four o'clock news. Even now they just glanced at his crumpled form before turning back to their movie.

Jimin didn't lay there for long; only wallowing in his own depressing humiliation for a minute or two. He reached out to grab his phone before getting up and hobbling away to the stairs. He made it to his room; side throbbing with a dull ache. Hours seemed to past by as he laid in his bed festering in a pit of anger, pain, lost. The sun sank behind the clouds; the light draining out of the room like the energy draining from his body. This was probably the lowest Jimim had ever felt in his entire life. Even all the other times the other boys would abuse him couldn't compare to this moment. This was the moment that Jimin gave into all the pain suffering. The moment he subconsciously decided to not fight back. To be weak. And now it was too late to take it all back.


The bell let out a shrill ring; effectively waking Jimin from his half dream state. Sitting up, he watched everyone filing out of the library wincing from a pounding headache as he gathered all of his stuff. He maneuvered his way through the crowded hallways; head down in hopes of not being stopped for a quick chat. There was the occasional greeting every so often, but it was expected since Jimin was pretty well known around school. Besides that, no one really went out of their way to interact with him.

As soon as he stepped outside his phone vibrated. Jungkook texted him to wait for them at Taehyung's car. He stood at the car for a good ten minutes just staring out into space; not really looking at anyone or anything. Everything just felt numb. All of these contrasting emotions cancelling each other out until there was nothing. It was moments like this that Jimin felt at best. When there was no emotions for him to overthink.

It wasn't long before Jungkook and Taehyung came walking out of the front doors hand in hand. Jimin's fingers began to tap impatiently against his thigh as the couple made their way to the car. Time was suddenly moving again now that he had reinserted himself into the world of the living. Taehyung gave Jimin a concerning look while Jungkook just reached out and squeezed his hand comfortingly. But Jimin didn't show any sort of reaction. Instead he hoped in the backseat and proceeded to ignore everyone and everything. They pulled up to ths house; the sound of the door closing waking Jimin up from his daydream. Jungkook opened his door and pulled him out the car. He just simply let Jungkook guide him. Taehyung briefly exchanged a glannce with Jungkook that Jimin barely noticed. But he easily caught on to the clear message of 'watch him'. Jungkook nodded, and with that affirmative Taehyung drove off.

The two of them headed into the simple, two story Jeon household. The gentle hum of the T.V. could be heard over the bustling noise of Mrs. Jeon cooking dinner in the kitchen. Jung-hyun, Jungkook's older brother, was sitting on the couch on his laptop- not paying any attention to the T.V.. He greeted them as they walked in, but didn't try to engage in a conversation. Seeing the mental state written across Jimin's face, he gave a comforting smile as the two continued towards the stairs.

They were about to head upstairs when they were stopped by Mrs. Jeon. "Jungkook is that you?" she called stepping out of the kitchen, wiping her hands off on her apron. "I need your help with something in the kitchen. You're father won't be home till- Jimin sweetheart, how have you been?" Mrs. Jeon immediately wrapped Jimin in a tight hug that he returned half-heartedly. She pulled back to look at him seeing the grimace he was trying to pull off as a smile.

"Sorry mom, but we've gotta go upstairs and study." Jungkook said. The look in his eyes begging her not to question him. Looking between the boys concerned, she nodded although she felt conflicted about it. Instead she let them go; handing them some snacks to hold them off till dinner. Insisting Jimin stay to eat with them since he was practically family.

Once they made it to Jungkook's room, Jimin collapsed onto the bed. Jungkook sat next to Jimin's shaking form, rubbing his back comfortingly. Jimin curled his body into the side of Jungkook's; the younger embracing his hyung. He patiently waited for Jimin to gather himself. Offering silent support and ears ready to listen to whatever Jimin did or didn't have to say.

"I'm sorry."Jimin said quietly, sitting up to look Jungkook in the eyes. The younger tilted his head in confusion; not understanding the point of the apology.

"What? Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything incriminating have you?" Jungkook asked teasingly in hopes of releaving any tension from Jimin.

"I sholdn't have said what I said last night. I didn't mean to make you guys uncomfortable or anything. It's just..." His words trailed off as he looked down at his fiddling fingers; he began floating away with his thoughts. But Jungkook's hand on his shoulder slowly reeled him back in.

"It's okay. We were making ourselves uncomfortable about it. But we've talked about it, and everything should be okay." Jimin nodded his head at Jungkook's answer, but he still seemed unsettled in the younger's eyes. "That's... that's not what this is about is it?" Jimin looked up at the question that was clearly a statement.

"He beat me. Last night I walked in and he beat me." Jimin spoke in a monotone. His body began to shake as tears fell down his unchanging face. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin who instantly melted into his side. Gripping onto him like his life depended on it.

"Min-Minnie you've gotta tell someone. You gotta get out of there." Jimin shook his head.

"No I can't. There'd be no point. I've made it ten years through this system. Four years in this house. I can last a couple more months; just a couple more and I'm free." Jungkook's heart broke seeing his friend barely holding it together. The dim light of hope in his teary eyes couldn't compare to the bright sparkle that was there years before. He could see him dying from the inside out. He wished Taehyung was here; sometimes it was like he was the only one who could improve Jimin's mood.

Jungkook moved back so he was laying down, pulling Jimin into his side.

"Get some sleep Minnie." He whispered as he carded his fingers through Jimin's hair comfortingly. Jimin nodded his head as he snuggled himself into the arms of his close friend. It wasn't long before Jimin fell asleep when Jungkook called Taehyung.

"Hey baby. I can't talk right now. Moma's got me dealing with this monstrosity of a grocery list." Taehyung answered with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah I know. I was just hoping you could come over as soon as you finish up with your mom. It's urgent." Taehyung felt on edge at Jungkook's words.

"Why? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked, fear of the worse settling heavy at the bottom stomach.

"I don't think it's my place to tell." Jungkook answered hesitatingly. He felt that it was best to let Jimin tell whatever he felt like telling.

"Jimin." Taehyung said. Needing no more context. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Jungkook thanked him feeling relieved. "You're okay right?"

Jungkook sighed looking down at Jimin's sleeping form. "Well yeah, we're doing alright I guess. Jimin's sleeping right now; I'm just a bit shooken up is all."

"That's good, but I was asking about you. We haven't really talked about last night you know." Jungkook's breath caught, not really ready to talk about that yet. "I know now's not really the time to be discussing it, but I really wanna talk to you baby." his heart stuttered at Taehyung's words, answering with a small sound of acknowledgment. "Alright, I'll be there soon. Love you."

"Love you too." the phone hung up. Jungkook threw his phone to the side with a small huff. He never knew someone could make his whole body tingle with just one glance; that was until he met Taehyung. And now it was happening again with this man he barely knew. Falling in love was not something he expected at such a young age, yet Taehyung proved that wrong too. But whatever this was was too much at the moment.

Jungkook dragged a hand across his face in attempts to wipe away his exhaustion, eventually just letting himself fall into it.
______________________________________Don't try to act like you're not surprised cuz i am too. Don't be expecting this kind of productivity cuz i still suck just so you know

Ik this chapter didn't really have a lot of Yoonmin in it but some shit needed to be adressed before we could continue. Don't worry tho cuz Yoongi and the gang will be back next chapter, so you can hold onto your Yoongle snacks

Till nxt time ig💛

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