Fauna ❋T'Challa

由 BoosCorner

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Welcome to the romantic story of T'Challa and Fauna. Fauna is the woman that every mother warn their sons to... 更多

Seeing Her
Goodbye For Now
Needing a Friend
Hanging Out
Black Panther
The Party
Fauna Story
Feelings Arise
Royal Disagreement
Pre-Meeting Game
Welcome to Wakanda
Be With Me
Touring Wakanda
Shuri Celebration
Wakanda is Home
A Night to Remember
First Mission
Forever Changed
Sexy Panther
King T'Challa
Research Purposes
South Korea
Mystery Man
Before the Storm
He Lives
Challenge Continues

Another Encounter

1.6K 32 3
由 BoosCorner

T'Challa let out a groan as he rubbed his head, feeling the effects from the night before. He rubbed his eyes smacking his lips then opened one eye looking around, his friends was spread out among the room. Each person have their own hotel suite, some how the whole group ended up in W'Kabi suite. T'Challa laid back down feeling the room begin to spin, he quickly jumped up running to the bathroom letting out his stomach contents, flushing the toilet he let out a groan then slowly pushing himself up exiting out the bathroom. T'Challa walked to the front door quietly so he didn't deserve his friends, T'Challa walked down the hall rubbing his head trying to keep his balance as his hangover was slowly subsiding. T'Challa heard footsteps coming his way, keeping his head down he moved out from the middle of the hall giving the passing person room to walk by. "Well, guess i'm not the only person doing the walk of shame." A sultry voice said walking pass giggling, T'Challa snapped his head up seeing a familiar form walking down the hall. He was for sure thinking it was his hangover that manifest the woman, Bambi have been on his mind like a parasite, no matter how many times he tell himself she was just a local stripper it was like she made her presence known everywhere he went. "Bambi?" T'Challa mumbled squinting his eyes trying to get them to clear, the woman turned around smiling at the drunk Prince.

"No sugar, but close. Come on tell me where your room is." Fauna said walking over the Prince to help him. T'Challa tried to clear his head not wanting to look like a fool in front of her, "It's this way." T'Challa said as Fauna walked beside him smirking seeing him lose his balance. "I guess your birthday weekend is starting out right eh?" Fauna asked as she swaggered next to the Prince. T'Challa let out a quiet laugh, "Yea, last night was fun. Especially the wizard dancer." T'Challa said giving the woman a smirk of his own. Fauna let out a smile looking at the barely balance prince, "I'm happy you liked my number. Your friends said that you were a fan of the books, not so much the movies. Plus it's my favorite number to do." Fauna said with a smile grabbing his arm lightly as he stumbled, "Of course, now it make sense. You have talent, you are a great dancer." T'Challa commented, Fauna smile got bigger hearing his comment. "Thank you Prince T'Challa, that means I did something to help make your birthday special." Fauna said tilting her head up with pride. "T'Challa, please call me T'Challa." T'Challa made his way to this door then pulling out his key to enter, "Here is my stop. Thank you for your help. Would you like to get breakfast?" T'Challa asked turning his attention to the tall woman who was leaning against the wall pulling her long coat close to her body. "Maybe next time Prince. I need to get going, I've been up all night and i'm pretty tired. Have a good weekend, who knows maybe we'll bump into each other again." Fauna said, giving T'Challa a wink then walking away, T'Challa watched the woman with barely opened eyes then a thought came to him, "You didn't even tell me your name" T'Challa said walking farther into the hall. Fauna gave him a smirk as she walked backwards then turned around again exiting the suit floor and out the hotel. T'Challa watched on, even long after she left, he let himself smile thinking about seeing her again, he hoped he did see the woman again that so far the only name he has for her is 'Bambi'.

T'Challa closed his suite door walking to the bathroom to freshen up. He put on his PJs then flopping down on his bed, he checked the clock in the room that read, 4:45am. T'Challa groaned then turning to his side getting comfortable, he feel asleep thinking about the woman that's been haunting his mind, for once that woman wasn't Nakia. T'Challa let out a groan hearing pounding coming from the front of his suite and not his head for once, "T'Challa! come one man we hungry." W'Kabi and Tobias shouted. "In a minute." T'Challa mumbled, opening the door his friends piled up in the room looking worse for wear but refreshed, "Let me get dress then we can go." T'Challa said as he walked back to this room to get dress. "Man what a night. I'm so ready for round two of this weekend!" Tunde said sitting down on the couch, "Me too, hey do you guys remember that dancer from last night! man I wish I would've got her number. A night cap would be all I need to end the weekend right." Tobias said smiling at his friends. W'Kabi rolled his eyes at him along with Tunde, "What ever brotha, do you boo boo." Tunde said with a smile tossing a pillow at the baby of the group. T'Challa frowned at his friend comment about 'Bambi', "I heard that she also do thangs for a piece of change if you get my drift." Tobias said with a wink. W'Kabi and Tunde both laugh grabbing their stomach, "Only you would ask about that brotha." W'Kabi said after catching his breath. "Enough, come one let's go out and eat." T'Challa said grabbing his wallet walking out with his friends in toe who was still worried about getting laid by the end of the weekend.

The men were all eating their breakfast talking about the up coming night. "So I was thinking, either we hit the same strip club or we go to another club to see something different." Tunde said as he sip his coffee. T'Challa swallowed hard as the prospect of seeing 'Bambi' again came into light, "Let T'Challa pick, it is his birthday weekend after all." W'Kabi said smiling at his friend that was next to him. T'Challa cleared his throat before saying, "I don't see anything wrong with the strip club again. It was nice, why not enjoy it one last time." T'Challa said earning a whoop from Tobias and Tunde, W'Kabi looked on shocked at what the Prince just said, "Really? You want to go back?" W'Kabi asked making sure he heard right. "Yes why not, it was fun." T'Challa answered taking a sip of his coffee, "W'Kabi don't discourage him from going. Come on man this will be great." Tunde said with a smile then turning shaking Tobias shoulders with excitement, "Man this is going to be awesome!" Tobias said as he and Tunde was filled with excitement, T'Challa smiled joining in on the laughter, "So it's settle, the strip club then we go out dancing ourselves." W'Kabi confirmed to the group. "Yes! i'm down can't wait to see the girls maybe even make one of them my wife for the night." Tobias said earning a hit on the head from Tunde, "Not before me brotha." Tunde teased back. T'Challa tuned out his friends as he looked out the window seeing the city daylight people walking around, he smiled to himself as he knew he would be seeing 'Bambi' again. Excitement filled him once again, he wanted to get to know her and spend time with her outside of the club, this was possibly his last chance to see her before he returned back home. W'Kabi was looking at his friend with a smile, he knew the perfect gift to give his friend before they returned home and back into their daily life in Wakanda.

T'Challa and his group made their way back to the strip club and it was even more crowed on a Saturday night. More girls were here then ever before, the group agreed to go separate ways this time around but staying close enough where each can keep an eye on the Prince. T'Challa stayed close to W'Kabi as both men went to different stages watching different girls, T'Challa was looking around trying to spot 'Bambi'. He spotted her dancing on the pole, she was wearing another beautiful garment that seem to be part of her body, "Wow, look at her. I can see why she's the favorite." W'Kabi commented with a smile grabbing T'Challa shoulder pushing him to her stage that she was sharing with another girl that was equally as popular. T'Challa felt himself become bashful as 'Bambi' made eye contact with him as she hung upside down on the pole, slowly falling down keeping her eyes on his with a smirk. W'Kabi was watching with a knowing smile feeling slight pride for his boy. 'Bambi' then raised herself up and begin to spin, slowly going faster as her upper body bend backwards causing the men to holler and throw money. As 'Bambi' was descending she locked her arms loosely around the pole as she continued to spin, then let her hands touch the floor backflipping gracefully in front of T'Challa and W'Kabi with a smile. W'Kabi hollered seeing the trick tossing his money at her, 'Bambi' then laid on her stomach going into a half handstand making her high heeled feet rest on a man shoulder then slowly raising up in a smooth motion. T'Challa was speechless at her flexibility and strength, he tossed some of his money to keep face, 'Bambi' then used the height of the man to give her momentum to push back on the pole using her legs muscle to upright herself going into her finishing pose like a ring master. The men whooped and hollered as the two ladies finished in matching poses, rain was falling from everywhere as the rich men emptied their pockets. 

"OH MY GOD! these women are amazing here. I'm coming for my birthday!" T'Challa and W'Kabi heard Tobias yell from the other side of the stage. T'Challa watched as 'Bambi' slid down the pole landing with grace, she smirked at him and the rest of the men as her and her partner gather the cash with help from the bouncers that was standing nearby. T'Challa watched as she bend down then seeing one of the men get to handsy with her, smacking her on the bum, he was about the intervene when W'Kabi grabbed him as the bouncers told the man "No touching the girls." T'Challa glared at the man, 'Bambi' didn't seem bother by the action just continued to gather the money then walking off stage. "Calm down T'Challa, don't forget it is part of their job." W'Kabi said with a laugh pulling his friend away from the stage and into their VIP section. "I know, but do they have to be so forward with the ladies?" T'Challa said as he took a drink, W'Kabi shook his head at his friend, 'Ever the gentlemen' W'Kabi thought, "It's ok. Their protected look around, no harm will come to the girls." W'Kabi said as the rest of the group entered the section, "I'll be back. I need to go to the bathroom." W'Kabi said standing up walking around everyone and exiting the VIP. W'Kabi found one of the strip club owner that he talked with to organize T'Challa surprise lap dance, "Hello sir, I was wondering if I can talk to the girl they call 'Bambi'" W'Kabi asked. The owner smiled at the man recognizing him, "Of course hold on let me get her." The Owner then walked away asking some girl to get 'Bambi'. 

W'Kabi waited as he made small talk with The Owner, 'Bambi' come walking out still wearing her garment without covering up. "Awe here she is. This gentlemen want to speak with you dear." The Owner walked away giving them space to take privately. 'Bambi' smiled at W'Kabi leaning against the counter, "You rang?" Fauna asked imitating Herman Monster with a smirk. W'Kabi smiled back at the beautiful woman, "Hello, i'm W'Kabi i'm here with my friend Prince T'Challa." W'Kabi held out his hand, Fauna put hers in his as they gently shook hands. "Yes I know, i've seen you with him along with the rest of your friends." Fauna smirk at him then leaning her back to the counter, "How can I help you W'Kabi." Fauna asked tilting her head in a flirtatious way, W'Kabi smiled licking his lips as he raised his eyebrow at her. "One of my friends said you do things on the side. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing one last favor for my friend for his birthday weekend." W'Kabi started as he leaned close to her. Fauna knew where this was going, "And what would that be?" Fauna asked as she spotted the Prince laughing with what ever the others was saying. "Can you give him a good time outside of this club." W'Kabi then whispered the amount he will pay her for the night cap. Fauna smiled then nod her head at him, "It's a deal. Give me the address." Fauna then handed W'Kabi a card to write on the back of, she already knew where they stay but to keep face she had to pretend like she didn't know anything. W'Kabi wrote the address of his hotel down and T'Challa suite number, "I'll let the front desk clerk know you will be coming and let you up. Thank you for this, i'm sure he would have a great time." W'Kabi said handing the card to Fauna. "I'm always here to serve." Fauna said putting the card in her bra, "I need to get back to work. I'll stop by tonight." Fauna blew him an air kiss swaggering backstage to continue where she left off counting her tips. W'Kabi smiled feeling like he was about to be the greatest best friend on earth.

The group made it back to the hotel, W'Kabi told Tobias and Tunde what he did for T'Challa and the men agreed that it was the best gift to give him. "I'm going to get some food and maybe some honeys on the side. I'll see you all later." Tunde said walking away from the group, Tobias was busy enjoying night in his suite with a girl that he brought back from the club they hopped to later that night. T'Challa was disappointed that he didn't get a chance to talk with 'Bambi' before they left, it was ok. When he returns home this fasuation he has for her will hopefully be just a memory from this crazy weekend. He knew he had feelings for Nakia that was without question, this thing that was going on with 'Bambi' was just something that was temporary and in the moment. He was sure that being back at home and seeing Nakia again would get 'Bambi' out of his mind. "I'll see you later brotha." W'Kabi said slapping his shoulder as he left to his own suite. "Thanks again for this weekend. This was the best earliest birthday so far." T'Challa said with a smile to his long time friend. W'Kabi waved him off, "Always brotha." W'Kabi said as he walked away leaving the Prince to himself.

T'Challa was done washing the night away and was about to turn on a movie when a knock was heard on his door. T'Challa figured it was W'Kabi or one of the others wanting to hang a little longer, he opened the door to find a surprise waiting for him, 'Bambi' was there looking fresh and smelling just as good as she did when she gave him the birthday lap dance the day before. "Hello Prince T'Challa." Fauna sultry voice said with an even sexy smile. T'Challa looked at her surprise to see her and wondering what she wanted this late, he got his answer. "Someone ordered a night cap for you tonight. Birthdays were always my favorite." Fauna gave him a sexy smile as she ran her finger along his chest. T'Challa didn't form any words as he was looking at her with shock and confusion.


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