You && I

By _Yugen___

256 8 1


First impressions...
No Restrictions~
No Restrictions pt.2~


83 2 0
By _Yugen___

It was in the middle of 1st period when I was almost met head first with my desk until the sound of keys were heard coming from the door, and in a swift motion as if on que all heads were faced towards the front of the class waiting for the unexpected visitor to come; and in my case...Leave. 😒 In the middle of Mr.Choi teaching the components in physics the principal walked in and in a flash I Sat up straight thinking to myself 💭 what have I done now I couldn't think of anything right off the bat other than what I did yesterday but that was only a minor thing like seriously 🙄 all I did was start tearing posters and banner off the walls, nothing crucial that was like my average day everyday coming to this hell house of a school but besides that there should be no other reason why he's here... not like i'm going to get in trouble for it anyway; I hope I don't get in trouble for it anyway , Unless...                     (I thought to myself)
We have a new student..but why now it's literally mid term slowly approaching mid term exams why would anyone choose to come around now? Anyway as the door swung open the principal casually walked in eyeing the class as if he was anticipating the first shift in movement or something. After he was done privately talking to Mr.Choi he made a sudden hand gesture towards the door indicating for whoever it was to come in and when the kid stepped in literally I heard almost the entire class gasp ( well all of the girls ) as if they've been startled by something but in this case by someone he looked no more than 19 he's about 5'8 nice facial features sharp jaw line I gotta admit he was really attractive but as soon as he made eye contact with the group of girls in the front row all you could hear were flirtatious giggles as he approached the administrator and our teacher he slightly bowed and introduced himself

???: Hi my name is Park Jimin but please just call me Jimin; I hope we can get along

After he was done with the self introduction he slightly smiled towards the class I was so lost in my own thoughts I totally forgot I was staring but it wasn't long until when I was reminded that I was staring that we made brief eye contact. After those seconds that felt like eternity he looked away looking else where smirking ( Cocky? I thought to myself ) leaving me on the other hand internally screaming but that internal screaming came to a cease when the administrator called my name..

Principal: Miss Y/N if you don't mind I'd like a word with you in my office please

He gestured for me to follow him to his office and I couldn't help but notice Jimin eye balling me the entire time until I walked past him muttering to myself

*stupid school I never liked it here Anyway.


I was on my way to the restroom going back to my 1st period class when I saw my friend Hyuna ^^ talking to her boyfriend Eunwoo so I decided to greet her...


She turned around and looked at me then smiled

Hyuna: Oh Y/N~ ah‼️ I haven't seen you in so long aren't you a sight for sore eyes 😉 I see your eating well to

Y/N: 😂 my butt is getting a little bigger isn't it 😂😂

Hyuna: It is 😂 so what have you been up to?

I noticed Eunwoo give me a side eye glare and that it was when I made Eye contact that  he decided to grab Hyuna by her waste and pull her closer to him and began to kiss her on the lips I looked away immediately blushing

Once they finished eating each other's face off I intentionally cleared my throat

Y/N: still here 🙄

Hyuna slightly pushed Eunwoo away from her then began fixing herself up...

Eunwoo: I'll talk to you later babe ( he then kissed for the last time and left leaving me and hyuna alone )

Hyuna: sorry about him he had just got back from tour and said he missed me terribly 😕 I hope you understand

But the thing was... I didn't understand I don't know what it's like to have a boyfriend and I don't know what it's like to not be a virgin but what I do know is that I'm going to need to change that; everyone has been claiming me as to innocent or to shy when in reality I'm not I know what it is I want and when it comes I won't be afraid to take it but until then I guess I'll stick with my K-dramas cause those are the closest I'll ever be to a real relationship.

Hyuna: Y/N? ( she said snapping me out of my thoughts ) are you alright? What's wrong?

Y/N: oh nothing I was just thinking to myself how much of a cute couple you guys are... must be nice 😅

Hyuna: it can be if your ready for this kind of thing but given that you haven't found a boyfriend yet I mean no offense; I would suggest starting off with someone who fits you, you know? someone who understands you 😉

Y/N: right well I have to go back to class I'll talk to you later?

Hyuna: yea 😄

Y/N: ok bye

*In Class*

I was making my way back to my seat when I noticed from the corner of my eye Jimin staring at me so I looked in his direction... he looked away really quick and began chewing on his lower lip pretending like he has been listening to the teacher from the start

Y/N: * sigh 🙄 people ( you said to yourself )

Author Nim

Little did she know that he heard and observed her every action ( when she sighed and rolled her eyes ) he knew he was going to have to arrange some things in his schedule to handle that himself 😏

Tbc... 🥰

Y'all this is my first chapter and honestly it was terrible I can't think straight feeling like I'm about to get the worst criticism of all time but honestly I'll try my best to work harder to make it more... how should I say more ❝ interesting ❞

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