Quarterback's Study Buddy

By Armani_Cares

277K 10.5K 6K

Noelle Cartwright did everything by the book. Some call her 'stuck-up.' But, she never cared. She's a high-sc... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Nineteen and a Half
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six

12.9K 561 192
By Armani_Cares

Noelle felt a sharp vibration under her butt while laying on the couch. Jason fell asleep laying on her stomach and was starting to drool on her shirt. Considering she didn't really have a lot of friends, she automatically assumed that someone dialed a wrong number. Until it started vibrating again. 

Looking at her screen, it was Carson. She honestly forgot they exchanged numbers at the diner that afternoon. She answered.

"Hello?" She questioned quietly. 

"H-Hey Noe-Noelle." Carson seemed to hiccup through the phone, "How a-are you, beautiful?" He grinned to himself. 

"Carson, are--are you drunk?" Noelle knew that he was definitely drunk but, she had no idea as to why he was calling her at such an ungodly hour. Jason shifted in her arms.

"Maybe, you should come o-over. Don't make me drink alone." His deep chuckle was light.

"You should go to bed."

"Booooooo! Boring! Come over! If you're gonna be my friend, you gotta match me in shots, Noelle." He howled through the phone. She sat up and gently laid Jason's sleeping body on the couch, then moved to the kitchen for privacy. 

"What? Are you joking?" She giggled through the phone. He grinned subconsciously. He was curious to see her let loose for once. She just seemed so uptight for no reason. 

"I'm not joking, Noe. Come over, I swear I won't make you stay for long if you don't want to. I'm just really...lonely." He whispered that last part. 

Noelle felt bad for Carson, he just seemed like a guy that had many friends and had no problem keeping his bed warm at night. But, loneliness didn't seem like something that fit his stereotype. 

"Okay...but! I'm not drinking. It's a Thursday night and I've got quiz in AP Bio tomorrow." She stated sternly. 

"Great! I'll--I'll pick you up!" He exclaimed excitedly. 

"No!" Noelle yelled, "I'll drive myself."

"Good idea, I do not need to be behind the wheel." He agreed.  "See you, then, Bud." 

He hung up and Noelle blew out a breath and wondered what she gotten herself into. Nonetheless, she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her car keys to make a certain jock happy. 


An elegant doorbell chimed all around him as he was jamming out to music on his speakers downstairs. It wasn't like he was disturbing anyone, his parents weren't there and his closest neighbors were 30 minutes away. He stumbled to the door and saw the girl that he was attracted to.

And by attracted, he doesn't necessarily mean in a attractive sense. He couldn't leave her alone. He thought she was chill and down-to-earth when she wasn't busy trying to be professional. She made him relax a bit, but at the same time she made him nervous beyond words.

Her hair was pulled into a high pony-tail that showcased her slender neck and tawny skin. She had little starlet earrings that glimmered in the moonlight. Her warm syrup eyes burned through his skin.

"Hey..." She said.

"Noelle!" He cheered loudly. "Come in!" She stepped into his million-dollar house, she could practically see herself in the white floors. This had to be one of the most extravagant homes she's ever been in.

"Goodness Gracious," She whispered as her head turned slowly from left to right. "Carson, your house is huge."

"This ain't nothing, you should see our cabin in Maine. I'll have to take you there one day." She followed him into the living room where he was drinking alone. The speaker was still blaring. She saw bottles of tequila and whiskey and Vodka and Rum. Every alcohol under the sun. "Help yourself."

She poured herself a quarter cup of Vodka. She sipped it for the first time, and felt an unfriendly burn travel down her throat into her stomach. It was almost painful but, it delivered a delicious warmth that surged through her body.

"Woah." She said as Carson poured himself another drink and downed it.

"It's good, isn't it? Put some hair on your chest." He chuckled coldly to himself. Noelle could tell that something was eating at Carson but, she didn't want to overstep her boundary. Considering they just became friends less than 12 hours ago. 

"Carson," She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" She asked with so much emotion in her eyes, he almost couldn't look at her.

"Everything is fine, Noelle. Just going through some shit. Ain't nothing I can't handle."He replied. 

"Okay," She nodded understandingly.

Suddenly, Carson heard a familiar bass rhythm. And smiled wide and grabbed hold Noelle's hands leading her to the middle of the room. "Holy Shit! I love this song!" He placed his firm warm hands on her waist and swayed lightly. She was anxious because she's never really been this close to a guy that wasn't her father or brothers. It was nerve-racking, he smelled good even if he consumed a shit-ton of alcohol. He rested his head on her shoulder. The room was beginning to spin even with his eyes close. The only thing bringing him back down to earth was the smell of her hair. Coconuts. Light and airy.

"You smell good." He whispered huskily into the side of her neck. Her eyes widened and her palms started to sweat.

"Uh...thanks." She whispered. Uncomfortable wasn't quite sure that word that fit the situation but, that was the only word that wouldn't leave her mind. She placed her palms against his chest and gently pushed him away. 

Chuckling he stumbles backwards into the couch. Noelle took a seat on the opposite side of the couch and watched him lull his head right to left. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he hummed to himself. Suddenly he spoke.

"Ya'know...I hate myself." He said clearly. As if he wasn't drinking his weight in booze. 

"Don't say that..."

He shook his head as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"No, no, no...No." He whispered in her hair. "I hate my life and who I am."

Noelle hugged him because she didn't know what else to do. This moment reminded her of when her mother would go through depressive episodes when she was younger. She would wrap her arms around her and hold her for as long as she could.

Carson felt his stomach lurch before he could stop himself. Noelle felt a warm wet sensation spread across her lap. Hot gunk dripped off her lap and puddled into the expensive marble floors. She gasped, "Shit."

"...sorry..." He mumbled.

She laid him down on the couch and stood up. She thought she would just ditch the pants for now and focus on getting him to bed. She looked down at the boy. What a beautiful boy, she thought. But, damn was he broken.

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