My New Home

By baddiebooty

961 28 65

Jonah is an average kid who lives in an average town. He always loved his town and his friends, and girlfrien... More

Authors note
Average Life
Avarage day
Disappointment Child
Take your name
New Comer!
Crossing Roads

Seems so Close

103 3 2
By baddiebooty

Jonah POV

*Tick Tock, Tick Tock*

I was focusing really hard on the clock that was hanging over the board, as Mr. Show was teaching us some shit about potential energy. It's the Last class of the day, and I'm counting down the minutes until school is over.

I notice that the clock read 12:58pm, and we get out of school at 1:05 today because it's a Wednesday. My school always let's students out early on Wednesdays.

Being my impatient ass self, I transfer my focus onto something else to distract my self from dismissal.

I think about video games I could play when I get home. GTA 5? Nah I don't really feel like getting chased by the cops. Mortal Combat XL? Nah, I don't feel like playing against a computer. Since I have no one me to play with at home. I really wish I had people to play games with. I need more friends.

My friends I have are pretty cool, but I'm not satisfied. I need something, something adventurous. I think I could start finding friends online, maybe that'll help me make friends.
I mean don't alot of people these days meet like that.


The Bell rung interupting my thoughts. Yes it's time to leave, finally!

I realized that everyone was packing up there stuff, while Mr. Show was explaining what we're going to be doing tomorrow.

I started to pack up my things, like everyone else. After everything was put away, I ran out the classroom and eventually out of the school.

The first thing I saw when I stepped out the doors was my mom.

Everyone at my school loved my mom. In their eyes she is a super mom. Work hard, and still is able to build relationship with her son. Which isn't true at all.

"Omg, Hey Mrs. Beck! What are you doing here" I hear a familiar voice yell. It was Marty fromteparty. I haven't seen that guy in a while.

"Hey party Marty, how are you sweetie" My mom squeals excitedly giving Marty a hug.

"I'm good, and I've been meaning to ask you. I have this scar on my neck and I was-" Marty told her, before I interupted.

"Ok mom, Let's go before everyone starts asking you to look at there body. Marty it was nice seeing you, I hope that scar heals soon. See ya later!" I said.

I rushed her to the car, pulling her by her arm.

"Jonah what's wrong with you? Why did you do that?" She asked me.

"To get out of there before kids started hurdling around you like piglets trying to get milk from their mother" I explained to her using metaphors for a better chance of her understanding where Im coming from.

"Well ok" my mom Sighed. Opening the driver side door of the car. She unlocks the front passenger seat side and locks it after I get in and put on my seat belt.

And we drove off. After a couple of minutes my mom finally said something.

"Jonah, remember that surprise I was telling you about?" My mom questioned.

"Yes?" I answered with full concern as to why she was mentioning it now.

"Well we're going to see the surprise right now" my mom said excitedly. My facial expressions probably said "i don't care" because she gave me the "i hope you like this" look.

I was still hoping the surprise would be a trampoline, or some new outfits, but then again why would she need our Realtor to help her come up with the surprise.

It's a tough mystery for me. I hate mysteries.

When we parked in front of the house I was super anxious to lay in my bed and watch me some Wizards of Waverly Place. It was my favorite Disney channel show.

I got out of the car with my back pack and my phone. As soon as i stepped out, I saw a sign the read 'Sold to the Miller family'. Oh hell nah, my house is not fucking stolin by some new bastards! Oh sorry y'all that's apart of my disaster gay side. I become a ghetto gay boy sometimes. I can't fix it.

"Um mom, Why's that sign there? Why don't I see our curtains in the windows?" I questioned her. I was becoming short on patience.

"Well sweety this is part of the surprise. Go ahead and go inside" She said.

Ok maybe there will be something good on the other side waiting for me. Like a party....but it's not my birthday.
Maybe a friend......God, I wish!

I don't know what's going on and I'm terrified.

I open my door, wondering why it's unlocked. As I slowly walk in realizing that all of our stuff is gone. In our happy home, my happy home, there was nothing. Not even the crack in the wall next to the refrigerator, which there isn't one.

"Mom! Everything's gone! Our whole living room and kitchen, gone!" I yelled at my mother but she had no concerning expression on her face.

She smiled nervously at me. Like she knew that we've been robbed. Then I realized. How could I not have noticed this before?

"We moved didn't we? That's the surprise" I whispered under my breath.

Clearly not quiet enough because my mom heard and replied.

"Yes, you are correct!" She informed me, like this was a game show or something.

"Where?" I asked.

"A beautiful, sweet, and peaceful town called Mooresville. I heard their schools are amazing, but there's lots of poverty. Isn't it great!" My mom squealed.

"Yeah this is just great" I tried my best to look happy. My mom didn't bother to see my reaction. She was to excited to notice.

How could she do this to me? She knew that I loved it here in Shadyside. What's wrong with her?!

"That's not all. There's a part two for the surprise!" She song making her way out the doorway, signaling me to follow her.

"What else is there?" I sighed with so much passion in my broken heart.

"You'll see" she said.

My heart was broken. It was broken because it didn't have a home anymore. It didn't have it's home. Didn't have it's bed. Might not even have it's friends anymore. It didn't have anything to look forward to after school.

My heart was broken and could not be sealed. My happiness was fading, even though it probably was never there. But I was satisfied with my bed. That was probably the only thing that satisfied me.

We headed out the door into the driveway where we parked the car.
We got into the car again. And she drove us to the next location.


We were on the Shadyside Freeway and we were so close to the end i swear this city did not take that long to get to. Then I noticed it, we're going across the Grand bridge.

The Grand bridge only leads to 2 cities. Tanfuran and Saint Rosa.

Tanfuran is a nice, quiet, and peaceful place. It has barely and city noises, malls, and no airports. Which is all a guy needs to do some easy reflection, Or just to play video games in peace.

I kept thinking and hoping she was gonna go to Tanfuran. My mom never goes to Tanfuran though. Wait a minute, are moving away to another city?

"Mom?" I said, half way through the car ride.

"Yeah JoJo" She replied. She hasn't called me that name since me and Cryus were at Disney world the for last day of our 6th grade summer.

"Are we going moving to Tanfuran?" I asked. With a smirk that was sneaking onto my face. I couldn't help it, I love the idea of moving to Tanfuran.

"Eww, no! I would never let my son live in a dump city like that.." she told me.

"Tanfuran isn't a dump. It's peaceful and quiet there, and there's barely any crime rates" I explained to her.

"Jonah, who told you that? That's not true at all" My mom said.

"Well that's what I heard you say when I was little. You said that it would be nice to live in Tanfuran. While you were on the phone with someone." I explained.

"Oh Jonah, Tanfuran has changed over the years" she sighed.

"How bad could the city have changed?" I asked. I bet you couldn't even tell the difference.

"That city was raised by border police, taking away immagrants in that city, but some weird way the city was only immigrants residences. So basically the city is empty. But their moving in new people left and right. I don't wanna bring you there and live there. Knowing you have eyes around you, by that I mean the cops, watching your every move." She explained.

"Yeah, if your right." I told her.

"So where we going?"I asked.

"To a town called Mooresville." She said, looking at me then back onto the road.


"We're here" my mom said, as we were taking a turn from the freeway to the streets of Mooresville.

Looking at the town so far, I'm not gonna lie, the town is beautiful, peaceful and doesn't have poverty at all. I guess my mom was wrong about that one.

I love the green grass, and the way the houses give the grass spotlight. Lot's of trees and cut perfect bushes. A lot of things that could make a boy go soft.

Even though I liked the town, it didn't mean i wanted to be there. I still wanted to be in MY bed, with MY window, with MY room.

My room was my home, my bed was my home. Probably No one in the world will understand, No One will relate. No one.

These thoughts left me becoming irritated with this stupid surprise.
I thought about how my life would change terribly if I lived here.

My irritation urges gets more powerful when I realize that I won't get to see my friends everyday.

We arrive to a dark blue suburban house, with White border frames from each wall. It had a white garage door and a purple tree infront of the, what I'm guessing is, the living room windows.

It made me miss my home. This has to be a dream. I can't take control any longer.

Soon...I'll loose my cool.

"Ugh...I hate this! Why do we even have to be here?" I shouted, while taking a step out of the car.


"What the fuck are you shouting for?" My mom asked me, mugging my attitude.

What lady?!! Do you wanna fight?

"I don't know what's gotten into you but this needs to stop. You should be grateful" she said, stepping out of the car and stopping infront of me onto the sidewalk.

"Grateful for what? For not having to sleep in the same bed that kept me comfortable at nights, when you weren't there to do that for me. Grateful for not having to see my friends or my girlfriend anymore. Grateful for my mom to spend nights with her job and not with her son! Yeah mom, I'm so grateful!" I yelled furiously.

Everything that I have been holding back inside for the past two days just slipped out. It felt like half of weight was lifted off of me.

Besides the fact that I have to tell her I'm gay.

"Well I'm sorry Jonah!......I'm sorry that you don't have the heart to even recognize what I'm doing as a mother to provide for her own child, I'm sorry you don't realize how lucky you are to have a mother who loves you, while they're are gay teens out there who's family abounded them!" She said.

Every fiber in my bone shook when she said those last few words. It was like a coincidence she had said that. Do she already know that I was gay or something?

"I'm sorry that you can't even bring yourself to to give up that sassy brat ass attitude. I'm sorry that I let you believe that I never raised you right, or did good by you. I'm sorry that your too oblivious to the fact that you have everything you possibly could have, everything every kid wants, yet you're the one who's not happy" she yelled.

"and I'm sorry that I got promoted to another hospital because if I hadn't you wouldn't have lost your home." My mom was tearing up, her lips quivering when she said the last six words.

"Oh, I'm sorry mom" I apologized.

All she did was nod her head and look at me again.

"Jonah..." She said.

I looked at her to let her know she has my full attention.

"We're moving in today, no questions asked. This is your surprise" she told me.

"Mom I don-" I said, being cut off right away.

"I don't care Jonah!" She said as she started to walk back to the car.

"But mom?" I said.

"Jonah!" She answered.

"Mom, I won't be able to see my friends anymore! I don't wanna be here!" I yelled at her. Almost in tears.

"Well your gonna have to learn to live with it and deal with it! I'm sorry Jonah but I already sealed the deal" my mother yelled.

"This isn't fair! Please I wanna go back home!" I shouted, making my throat hurt just a little.

I could feel my eyes become water, my vision starts to become a little blurry from the side. Confirming me that I just became teary-eyed.

Why can't she understand that I don't want to be here?!

"Hey, boy! Get in her!" A raspy voice that sounded like an old women. With lot's of attitude and rudeness.

I searched for the source of the voice.

I didn't find an old lady though. All I saw was this really cute dark skinned kid. He had a really handsome mohawk, which was brown curly hair with blonde died at the tip.

His jaw line was so sharp, I bet it could cut straight threw me. Not even kidding.

He looked at me and I looked at him for about 5 seconds, at that moment we shared a brief connection. I felt like he stared straight at my soul. Like he was my gaurdian angel. He was so mysterious.

I felt like Pandora, I just wanted to open his box and let all my curiosity lead the way.

"Didn't you here me? I said get in here!" The old women's voice said again.

The dark skinned boy turned away and looked at a different direction.

I looked at the direction he was looking at, and I found the old lady.

She was wearing a pink gown and and slippers. She had curlers in her hair and big hoop earrings on.

"Hello! Earth to my son, Jonah!" My mom yelled infront me.

"Oh sorry mom, I got distracted" I told her.

"You know what, forget it Jonah. Why don't you just go check out the house. I need to go get some groceries for the new refrigerator. I'll be back" My mom Sighed.

"Mom i-" I tried to apologise.

"Not now JoJo" my mom said. Leaving me with a cringed feeling.

I'm still not used to that name.

"Ok mama, I love you" I told her.

"I love you too, son." She replied.

She takes off the house keys and gives them to me to go inside. I run to the doors and quickly unlock the door. Then I run back to her and give her a hug threw the window.

"I'll be back in 20 - 30 minutes. Be good ok?" She said.

"Yes Mama" I responded.

She started the car and drove off in the direction we came from. After she was out of clearing I went inside and locked the door.

I turned around to see how the inside of the house was.

Holy shit!

Omg I just finished another chapter. This story is coming along so well.

Stay tuned to see all the drama

what do you think the inside of the house will look like? Tell me your answers in the comments

And don't forget to vote. Thank you! 😛💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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