Bloody Brothers

By matti_1325

104K 3.8K 985

"Don't you know who they are?" "No, should I?" "They're the Wayne boys, kind of odd, but so hot." ◇□◇□◇□◇□◇... More

◇□ Chapter One □◇
◇□ Chapter Two □◇
◇□ Chapter Three □◇
◇□ Chapter Four □◇
◇□ Chapter Five □◇
◇□ Chapter Six □◇
◇□ Chapter Seven □◇
◇□ Chapter Eight □◇
◇□ Chapter Nine □◇
◇□ Chapter Ten □◇
◇□ Chapter Eleven □◇
◇□ Chapter Twelve □◇
◇□ Chapter Thirteen □◇
◇□ Epilogue □◇
Sequel is OUT

◇□ Chapter Fourteen □◇

4K 186 53
By matti_1325

The sound of approaching feet, alarmed the boys. Dick turned to Tim, who shared the same worried expression. Tim didn't know how long he could hold Jason up, they still had a long way to go until they made it out of this twisted maze of a government facility. Sweat was beginning to drip down Dick's face, he was nervous, worried, he had this churning feeling in his stomach. He new something bad was going to happen, he just didn't know what.

"Jason, can you- move at all?" Tim asked, their pace was decreasing.

"No I'm sorry. Whatever that stuff was, it really gets the job done." Jason repiled, his feet dragging as they continued down the hall. They all froze as guards came around the corner ready to fire. Damian gave his battle yell as he ran in front of his brothers, his sword out. He swung, flipped, sliced there guns into pieces. The boys kept moving, as Damian kept the guards busy. They approached a door at the end of the gray hall. It had an electric lock. Tim glanced over his shoulder, more guards were catching up.

"You handle them, I'll get the lock." Dick nodded at Tim's orders, they moved Jason over to the wall. Jason watched nervously as Tim crouched down removing the panel of the lock. He turned to Dick who was facing against twelve trained soldiers. He wanted nothing more than to get up and fight beside him. Jason glanced down at his hand that was twitching slightly, he tried to focus enough to clench it into a fist. But he only got halfway. Tim yelled at Dick to come, he grabbed ahold of Jason's leg throwing all of his own weight back to drag him though the doors. Dick kicked the guy back, making him knock a few of his friends over. He jumped, diving through the doors before they closed.

"Where's Damian?" Jason asked, as they all took a second to catch their breaths.

"I don't- know." Tim breathed out, "He can take care of himself, we all know that. Come on, we're almost there." As Tim and Dick stood up to pick up Jason, a gas began to come out of the vents around them. They covered their mouths, coughing, but they couldn't escape. Their vision became blurry, Tim and Dick quickly took their places beside Jason laying unconscious on the floor.


"..Dick.... Dick... are you there?" Dick stirred, he quickly noticed the cold metal beneath him, and the restraints at his wrists. He rolled his eyes sighing. 'You've got to be kidding me' he thought. He turned his head to see Tim already awake, but something was off. He looked around seeing no one else. He began to shift and turn, looking for Jason.

"Dick is that you? Dick, I can't see anything." Dick could hear the panic in Tim's voice, the worry on his face. Dick wished he could calm him down, tell him it was going to be alright, that he was here. But speaking sign language to a blind person, didn't really work very well. Tim stared up at the ceiling, a lost expression upon his face. Dick tugged violently at the metal holding him down. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the pain that was about to come. He jerked in a quick motion, breaking his thumb. He slid his hand out, hissing at the pain. Tim had a sickening expression on his face, "Did you just do what I think you did?" Dick let out a huff as he sat up, pulling his other hand out of the cuffs. He swung his legs off of the metal table, he swiped a small knife off of the cart, picking the locks on Tim's restraints. Dick guided Tim up and off of the table. Tim had a tight grip on Dick's arm, as Dick led him out of the small room.

Tim hadn't had to live with being blind for quite some time. Sure, he learned how to fight without his sight, but that was years ago. He had come to depend on the Wayne Tech contacts, and glasses. He tried to focus on the sounds, his surroundings. He guided his hands down the wall of the hall, the cold metal sent chills down his neck. He was trying to listen, but he quickly shook that off since all he was getting was the sound of Dick's blood pumping. It was safe to say it creeped him out. Dick tried not to seem like he was panicking, but now both Damain and Jason were no where to be found. And he had no idea where Bruce and Talia had fought off too. Did he win? Did she win? Did the doctor get ahold of Jason? Was Damian even captured? What was Alfred making for dinner? He had so many questions.

He was so caught up in his mind he wasn't ready for Tim to pull him to a halt. Dick stumbled forward a little, as Tim stood his ground. Dick glanced back at him confused. Tim squeezed his arm tighter then he was before. His eyes were wide, but unfocused. "Do you hear that?" He asked, his voice low, almost a whisper. Dick listened, it didn't take him a second to hear what Tim was talking about. Screams. Dick took off, taking Tim with him. His heart was racing, Tim's too. He slid to a stop, his back up against the wall, his arm over Tim's chest pinning him to the wall. Dick glanced over, peeking through the small sliver of the door. His heart stopped as did his breathing. He leaned back, he really needed Tim right now. He was the plan maker. But it's not like Dick could tell him what was going on. Then it hit him. This was part of her plan, pairing them up with the most incompatible partner. Making it ten times harder to escape. Dick mentally cursed himself for being so slow to realize. He could only assume that Jason was with Damian, the only member in the family who didn't know sign language all that great. It was the only thing he wasn't good at.

He glanced back into the room, the beast in the cage still thrashing around. Trying to claw it's way out. Dick gulped. It was a monster. He hoped that it was a mutant animal, a breed experiment gone wrong, and not some poor soul who got mixed up in all of this. His eyes were focused on its teeth, long fangs, drool hanging off. It snapped its jaws, making Dick jump suddenly.

"Dick, what's happening? What is it?" Tim whispered, only realizing after he said it that asking a bunch of questions to a person who couldn't answer him was a big waste of time. He felt Dick's arm loosen its grip from acrossed his chest. "Dick, I still hear the screaming, is it coming from in there? You can like - tap me twice for yes, once for no or something?" Tim suggested. Dick was about to answer when the doors on the other side of the room swung open. A screaming and kicking Damian was dragged in. Guards having a hold of his arms. Talia marched in behind them, she was all bruised and beaten, blood dripping from a wound on her forehead.

"Let me go!" He screamed. Tim's stomach dropped as he heard his voice. He could hear the fear in it, but he also knew Damian. He didn't fear anything.

"Now, now, Damian. Don't be such a fuss. It will all be over soon." She smirked. Damian froze for a second, processing just what she meant by that. They chained his hands up, above his head, as he stood by the wall. Chaining his feet to the floor as well. He glanced over to see them pinning Jason up as well.

"Jason! Jason, what's wrong with you?" He asked noticing how spaced out he looked.

"What did you say! I can't hear you!" Jason yelled louder than he probably meant too. Damian rolled his eyes sighing excepting the fact that he was about to die.

"Where's the doctor? We need to finish this." Talia snapped at one of the guards, who simply shrugged. Talia rolled her eyes, only for a body to drop from the rafters landing on the operating table. They all stared at the doctors bloody and broken body, he was still alive but barely. His chest slowly rising and falling. Batman dropped down as well, his permanent scowl on his face. Talia sighed, not looking that surprised. Batman launched at her, Dick took this as his chance as he ran into the room, pulling Tim inside with him. He made a B - line to Jason and Damian. Picking the locks of their chains. As soon as the chains around Damian's wrists and ankles had fallen he launched forward fighting beside his father against his mother. Talia slid back as Damian slammed into her. She huffed wiping the blood off her lip.

"You're making a mistake. He holds you back. You are better when you stand with the League, and you know that." She hissed. Damian didn't take a second to listen, as kept attacking. Batman barely had a chance to stop him as he almost drove his sword into his mother's heart. "DAMIAN!" Talia stared at the pure darkness in her sons eyes. She saw nothing but hatred. The tip of the sword was an inch away from her chest. Damian stood, his stance stiff. His teeth grinding together, sweat dripping from his face. The entire room seemed to be frozen, everyone waiting to see what he was going to do. Batman took a slight step forward, his hand reaching out for his son, his eyes never leaving Damian's blade. "Damian... don't. Remember what I told you, Justice not Vengeance. This isn't the right way." Dick could of sworn he heard Damain growl under his breath. He clenched his fists around the handle of the blade.

"Don't listen to him Damian. Finish it. You know justice doesn't exist. Do it. Do it!" She screamed.

Damain screamed in anger driving his sword into the ground, an inch from her face. She had gasped, she glanced, seeing her reflection stare back at her in the silver of the blade. He pulled the sword back up, stomping away and towards his brothers. Batman glared at Talia as he turned as well, but that was only his first mistake. She gritted her teeth. "If you won't do it, then I will." She hissed quietly to herself, the words only reaching Dick's ears. His eyes widened as he turned, it all seemed to go in slow motion. Talia had lunged for a gun, laying to the side on the floor. She pulled the trigger immediately as she aimed it at the back of Damian's head. Dick took one long stride pushing him out of the way. The last thing thing he felt was the piercing ache of the bullet as his flew through his chest. And the last thing he heard was the sickening screams of his brothers; Jason's being the loudest. But it was all over when his body hit the ground with a thud.

Damian had Dick's head in his lap, those blue eyes staring back at him, but they weren't like before. They were covered by a gray film. Tears streaming silently down Damian's face. Tim stood, trying to comprehend what had just happened. He was still in shock, his body trembling, his knees weak. He clutched his hand, remembering the feeling of holding Dick's as they raced down the hall just ten minutes before. And Jason, he didn't hear the gun shot. Or his twin brother's body hit the ground, nor did he hear his other brothers cries or his own. But he saw it. He looked over just in time to see the bullet enter and exit Dick's chest and back, to see the life be quickly drained from his brothers eyes. He was on his knees, sobbing over Dick's chest. He cried out for him, screamed really. Of course he didn't know how heartbreaking it really sounded. Bruce couldn't do anything but stare down upon his sons, he glanced over his shoulder, seeing Talia had fled. But he didn't care, he couldn't, not right now at least. The only thought on his mind was how he was going to have to carry his own sons body home. A sixteen year old kid. A boy who saved his little brother. From being killed by their own mother. Bruce sighed, holding in every emotion that was on the verge of coming out. He bent down, having to prie Jason from his brothers body.


Sorry for such a late update. I've been having a really hard time writing this chapter, I couldn't tell if it sounded good. So I would literally write it then erase all of it and start over like five times. Anyways, here you go, I hope you enjoyed... by the way THE END.

But there is an epilogue coming so stay for that...

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