The One Called Minho

By GracieBugs

105K 2.4K 1.5K

Minho, otherwise know has the Keep Of The Runners. He hasn't opened up to anyone at all about himself or eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Finally!!
Authors note
Chapter 15!!!

Chapter 2

15.2K 342 385
By GracieBugs

I started to see the sky go black along with the fires glow become brighter as Newt and I walked towards it. Instantly I felt like I belonged but I couldn't figure out why it just didn't seem right. Thomas had noticed me walking along with Newt and came towards us.

"Well hello there Greenie." Thomas said as he rustled my hair like he was someone who was close to me. It made no sense. None of this did. Not the Maze not the Glade or the Gladers. That's when I heard the noise that nearly made my skin crawl. It was such a high pitched shriek I couldn't sworn it was me.

"What the hell is that?" I said with an uneasy tone as I looked at Thomas and started to shiver. Not because of how nervous I was but because the air had become chilly. I knew that the maze now was not normal. It made no sense why it would shriek like that.

"That is what we call Grivers. That's why you don't go into the maze when the doors close. Nobody ever survives a night in the maze." Thomas said as he looked me in the eyes. I could now put together why Ben had tackled me before I ran to far into the maze. It's dangerous. It's like it was alive and now I was finally beginning to understand.

"Let me guess the maze is alive right?" I asked with a nervous laugh as Newt just shook his head with disgust. I could tell that I struck a nerve somehow and I couldn't figure out what I said.

"It's not a joke Grace. It's the most dangerous place in here. It changes every night. You can't survive in there over night. Why would you even joke about that?" Newt said quite loudly grabbing everyone's attention as I just looked him in the eyes as I backed away. I started to feel dizzy and wasn't sure where to turn, all I could do was run. So that's what I did.

"Really Newt. Way to go." Thomas said shamefully towards Newt. Causing Newt to just walk off as I heard someone calling out my name. I just assumed it was Thomas because that's exactly what it sounded like. Then once again I felt something grab my legs once again.

"Are you really going to try and do this again Greenie?" I heard Ben ask me as he let go of my legs and stood above me with his hand stuck out. I couldn't help but laugh because I knew I couldn't scream he was just doing what he does best. And no I don't mean running I literally mean tackling people.

"No, it's just I can't feel trapped. It's like predator versus prey. When the prey feels trapped or threatened by the predator they flee." I said as I took Bens hand as he pulled me up and awkwardly pulled me into a hug which made me warm. I hadn't realised how cold I was until Ben was hugging me.

"Look Newt means well. The reason he gets so defensive about the maze is a lot of the Gladers have died in there he doesn't mean it. It'll all be better by tomorrow." Ben said to me as he let go of me. He had a smile on his face, so in return I decided to make the stupidest look I could've made.

"How do you like them apples?" I said with a laugh to Ben as I continued to make faces at him. He was trying so hard not to laugh as we made our way back into the group.

"Hey there she is!"

"Finally another Greenie who is a female."

"Welcome to the Glade Grace." I heard a familiar voice tell me as I spotted someone who was pushing his way into the group to see what everyone was talking about. His eyes were bloodshot, I could tell something was wrong and that's when our eyes met. I realised who I was looking at and it could be no other then Minho. I started to smile but he just looked away. Thomas had noticed what was going on and came over to my side.

"I see Minho's finally realised what a beauty you are. I'm telling you something gonna happen and you two are just meant to be." Thomas said with a laugh as he rustled my hair again and I swatted his hand away.

"No touchy!" I said with a laugh towards Thomas as I noticed Minho walking away from the group towards Alby. He kept looking back at me after every time he would talk with Alby. Eventually Alby noticed that he kept looking at me and he couldn't help but smile and make his way over towards Thomas and I.

"Hey so I see you noticed Minho." Alby said in a sarcastic tone like a girl would who was trying to get information out. It irritates me a lot that everyone thought Minho and I were destined for each other. I mean yes he's attractive like very attractive but he just has something about him that I can't figure out.

"I'm gonna get away from the group for awhile." I said to Alby with a shy smile as I made my way to the treehouse. I decided that this was someplace that I felt safe, I knew at least I could see everyone from here. As I was climbing the stairs I heard someone sniffling and couldn't help but hurry up the stairs. As I opened the door I couldn't believe who I was seeing. It was Newt.

"Um hey I was just um getting some smoke and dirt out of my eyes. I also had like a branch in it so." Newt said to me nervously as he was wiping his eyes. I wasn't going to let him play it off about him crying. If I was going to trust him I needed to get to know him.

"Newt, Ben told me about the fellow Gladers that were lost in the maze. And I'm sorry that I struck a nerve with you I had no clue what had happened. But look if I'm going to trust you at all you're going to have to open up to me." I said to Newt with a calm but stern voice. He looked stunned at what I had said. It seemed that nobody had said something like that before. But before I knew it I was at Newt's side listening to his story.

"Nothing's been the same since more Greenies have been coming. It's insane. I've just lost so many people in there that we thought were going to get us out of the maze. I can't afford to loose anyone else. But Teresa, when she was in the maze she nearly died. And I'm lucky she's alive because I can't live without her. That's why the maze is so damn irritating to me. It's literally alive and is willing to kill anything it can." Newt said to me with very cautious tone. I couldn't help but hug him, even though I did seriously hate him I knew by him telling me this he couldn't be that bad. I was sure Newt would've just pushed me off but instead he hugged me tighter and buried his face into my shoulder.

"Newt. I couldn't imagine what you had to see or what you've gone through but obviously we are all going to get out of here. I wouldn't give up hope." I said to Newt as he looked me in the eyes. He was scared. It was so unusual to see the scared look that he had. I never would've thought that Newt was one with emotion. But that doesn't matter.

"Look your going to need a bed tonight you've got a long day tomorrow it's your first day as a runner. So let's get you set up." Newt said as he dried his face and started down the stairs with me following. I couldn't help but think about what was in store for me tomorrow. For some odd reason Minho kept filling my mind. It was literally every question, every thought, was Minho. I wasn't sure what it was but I felt someone staring at me.

"Your thinking about him aren't you?" Newt said to me as he was tying a hammock to a tree post for me. I wasn't sure what to respond.

"Thinking about who?" I said in a uneasy tone. I couldn't help but turn my face away so Newt couldn't see I was lying.

"Minho. I can tell your thinking about him. You obviously like him. I bet you have a crush on him!" Newt said with a giddy tone as he came over to me and poked my stomach and started going you like him you like him you like him! I couldn't help but laugh and try and deny it. But the truth was maybe I was actually falling for Minho. Maybe we are meant to be.

"Alright fine! I started to say as I grabbed Newt's hand to get him to stop poking me. Yes I think I like him. But you can't do that to me you shank!" I said as I poked Newt causing him to have a surprised look on his face. I couldn't help but want to just hide under a blanket. I literally just admitted that I had a crush on someone I've never met before. And of all people to tell, I told Newt.

"It's getting late you better get to bed. You start running tomorrow." Newt said with a grin on his face as he walked away from where my bed was made. I noticed that there was another hammock next to me and couldn't help but wonder whose it was. But again I felt someone staring at me. I looked around but didn't see anyone and I decided to brush it off.

"Hey! I heard Thomas say as I literally jumped and almost smacked him in the face. Oh jeez sorry didn't mean to scare you. Looks like we're bunk mates!" Thomas said with an excited tone and started to clap his hands.

"You are insane. Completely insane." I said as I rolled my eyes and just made my way over to my bed. I couldn't help but just look up and just think.

"What ya thinking about?" Thomas said as he climbed into his bed next to me. I was thinking of responses to say and I decided on the best one.

"Just ways to kill you with a rusty spoon." I said with a kind smile on my face. Thomas' reaction nearly killed me. He had the look of completely terror and utter confusion in his face at the same time and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You better be joking or else I'm just gonna put you into the pit." Thomas said with a weird look on his face.

"You put me anywhere and I'll make sure your killed with a rusty spoon." I said as I extended my pinky out with a laugh as Thomas stuck his pinky out as well.

"Alright let's make a deal. If I put you anyone you have the right to kill me with a rusty spoon." Thomas said with a laugh as I shook my head in agreement and wrapped my pinky around his. We both started laughing. Soon enough I felt the same as if someone was looking at me.

"Are you alright?" Thomas asked as I snapped back into reality. He had a concerned look on his face. I couldn't help but feel bad it seemed all I was doing today was making people worried.

"I'm yeah I'm um I'm fine. It's nothing." I said with a nervous laugh as I pulled my pinky away from Thomas'. I just rolled over on my side away from Thomas. I couldn't tell him I felt as if I was being watched. He would think I was insane.

"Well sleep good. If you need anything I'm right here okay." Thomas said with a kind tone.

"Thanks Thomas. I started being a runner with you tomorrow." I said with a yawn as I heard Thomas do the same. He was concerned which was nice. I felt like I did belong here. I had gotten Newt to open up. I'm pretty sure I was falling in love with Minho. And for some reason I felt like I was gonna love this place.


I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. It seemed peaceful but when I opened my eyes I remember where I was and instantly didn't think it was so peaceful anymore. I rolled over to look for Thomas and was supposed when I didn't see him there. I shot up out of the hammock nearly flipping it over as I heard Thomas' voice.

"Hey sunshine! Good morning! Here's your breakfast you better eat it quickly because we need to get going soon. Minho and Ben have already gone into the maze." Thomas said to me and he helped me out of the hammock and he handed me a bowl of oatmeal. It smelled good but after the crackers I tasted the day before I was apprehensive to eat it.

"Okay look it's actually really good I promise. Thomas said as he handed me a spoon. By the way that one isn't rusty." Thomas said with a laugh as I just rolled my eyes and started to eat the oatmeal which was okay. It was bland but that's oatmeal for you.

"Thank you for the oatmeal and the non rusty spoon. It was very generous of you Thomas." I said with a laugh as I put my bowl on the floor and grabbed my shoes off the floor.

"Here you're going to need this. Thomas said as he handed me a bad and a knife. It's what I like to call my life for the maze. It has everything you need in there." Thomas said as he helped me strap on the bag to my back.

"Are we gonna go or just stand here." I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms in front of my chest and started to tap my foot

"Alright your highness lets go." Thomas said back sarcastically as he stuck out his tongue.

"You better put that tongue back in your bloody mouth you shank. Unless you want something to happen to it." I said with a sassy grin as Thomas just stared at me with a confused look on his face.

"Well badass we better get going." Thomas said as he rustled my hair and I smacked away his hand again.

"Dude! What did I say?" I said as we started running towards the maze

"I know. I know. No touchy!" Thomas said as ran in front of him and ran into the mouth of the maze. I knew as soon as I had made the first right I obviously went the wrong way and Thomas was not behind me. I decided to just head back and see what I could find. I started running turning at every corner I could but kept getting dead ends. I yelled out in frustration as I started to hear footsteps behind me which I knew wasn't possible. So I started running and that's when he caught me in my most horrified state of being lost.

"Hey woah woah woah. Just slow down its okay I've got you. You're not lost. Breath." The voice said to me as I started to tremble and tears started falling down my cheeks. I felt safe in the arms of whoever it was. I wouldn't figure it out who it's was but I was safe I knew that.

"Relax. The voice started to say as he loosened his grip from my waist and I shook my head no. Whoever was holding me I didn't want them to let go. Okay okay, I'm not gonna let you go. It's okay your safe I'll protect you." The voice said to me as he hugged me tighter and sat on the ground pulling me into his lap. He had started to stroke my hair and I could feel my body relaxing. I hadn't realised that I hand my hand gripped to his shirt until I opened my eyes.

"Minho. What's going on I heard someone yell and then a scream. Is everything.." I heard Thomas' voice say as I was trying to put two and two together. The boy who was holding me spoke.

"Yeah it's fine. She couldn't find her way out and was scared. I ran into her. It's fine I've got her." I heard the boy respond. I couldn't help but smile realising the one who was holding me was Minho. I didn't want him to stop hugging me but I knew this wasn't going to last he was just comforting me because I was scared.

"She's letting you hug her?" Thomas asked. I could tell he was smirking. This is what he wanted what everyone wanted. Minho and I together.

"Yeah. Find Ben and tell him were alright. We will be out soon." Minho told Thomas as I heard his footsteps started to fade away from us. I let out a deep shaky sigh which caused Minho to laugh.

"Are you alright?" He said with a concerned tone as he lifted my face towards him and wiped the tears off my cheek. I could help but feel my cheeks start to get warm. I was blushing and he was just smiling noticing my face.

"Um I think I'm okay." I said as I laughed and brushed the hair out of my face. Minho just held me. He kept staring into my eyes and for some reason I didn't even care that he was still holding me.

"It's okay. You can cry anytime. But just be careful around the maze. It's dangerous." Minho said to

Me as he loosened his grip on my waist and offered his hand to me and helped me stand up. I was dizzy from squeezing my eyes tightly and wasn't sure what I was going to do.

"Take my hand." Minho said as he extending his hand out to me and waited for me to place my hand in his. I placed my hand in his only to feel his fingers intertwine within mine and I started to smile.

"We should be going." Minho said as he looked me in the eyes and pushed a strand of hair behind my ears. I could help but want to stop his hand on my face just kiss him.

"Right." I said with a laugh as Minho and I started running. The weird thing was I was sure he kept hugging me because I was scared, but the fact that we're both running and he's not loosening his grip, and he isn't pulling his fingers away from mine makes me think differently. As we made our way out of the maze Minho stopped and started to walk. He still hadn't let go of my hand and I knew that I didn't want him too.

"Here let me show you something." Minho said to me as he pulled me into the woods. I was completely confused. First from him and second because he had just pulled me into the woods. But that's when I saw a small hut and wasn't sure what to expect. Minho opened the door and walked inside still not letting go of my hand until we were both inside.

"Look last night. I'm sorry. I just stared at you. I literally said nothing. And I just think that." Minho started to say before there was a knock on the door and Minho cautiously grabbed my hand and walked towards the door. When he opened it, i saw no other than Newt's face.

"Well hello you two! What's going on?" Newt said with a laugh on his face as Minho and I walked out of the small hut. I literally wanted to smack him across the face but I knew if I was going to trust him, he was going to have to trust me.

"Newt what do you need?" Minho said uneasily. Newt just looked at both of us and then saw our hands intertwined and did something I thought he would never do.

"THOMAS, BEN! I TOLD YOU!" Newt yelled at the top of his lungs as Ben and Thomas came down from the trees and I just stared at Newt coldly. I could feel Minho tense. And I knew I had embarrassed him. I loosened my grip on his hand but he tighten his grip but I pulled away.

"Thanks a lot Newt. I thought we could trust each other. After what you told me and then you do this to me. I bet you just set this whole thing up with Minho didn't you." I said in anger as I felt hot tears start to roll down my cheeks as I started to run off towards the village. I heart Newt calling my name but ignored it. I ran until I found a place where I could hide. And awkwardly enough I ended up at the wall with all the names. And waited and cried. I was probably there half of the day. The sun was finally starting to set and I still hadn't moved. But that was when I saw him walking towards me. And I wonder why does it have to be the boy called Minho?

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