Jeff the killer love story 2:...

By aLovelyHeartAche

12.9K 551 115

It's been three months since konna was torn from her world, and she's just now being exposed to Jeff's. Kon... More

Loose ends.
Good morning.
Strange occurance
That... Feeling
Jeff.. I love you
Dear Konna
Bump in The Night
"Merry Christmas, Mary."
This means war.

More then just sheild

656 30 8
By aLovelyHeartAche


Maskys P.O.V.

I was carrying konna In my arms, my body was trembling due to the battle going on in my mind. There were only 2 things being shouted at me, Tim yelling: "help konna! Help konna!" And Slendy yelling "Get back here, right now!" I was doing my best to ignore slenderman. For once that annoying voice that this body belongs to was right about something.

If anything when I have control Tim acts almost as my conscience. Usually I don't need him. Usually he's just an annoying nagging feeling. However this time I did need him. I looked down at the scar on her neck from the night Slenderman ordered me to kill her. Now here I was three months later, completely disobeying my master to help her.

I could feel her starting to wake, I quickly ducked behind a tree and laid her down. I sat down next to her as her vision came back into focus. She sat up and looked at me then brought her hand to her forehead with a groan, she must have caught a dizzy spell because she fell against me. I caught her and held her up. She was very pale, I checked the bandaging I had used to wrap her up to see if she was seeping though.

"W-where are we masky?" She asked weakly.

"We're in the forest. I was taking you to the hospital but you woke up" I said to her. She took a moment, but then slightly nodded as a response.

"A-nd Mary and jeff?" I shrugged. I honestly had no clue.

"I left before either came back." I replied. She looked at me puzzled.

"where did they go?" I sat there a moment to think of the best words to tell her, so that maybe she wouldn't panic.

"Jeff took Mary and they went to see Slenderman to talk to him about hoodie."She looked at me then attempted to stand, I guess just telling her flat out wasn't the best idea. I stood up with her and held her up at the hips. I could tell that it didn't mean anything to her- not that I expected it to, She was head over heals for Jeff and always will be, but I somehow grew to care for the girl, and I don't know why.

She glanced at me over her shoulder with a thankful smile, I smiled back even though she couldn't see it. She reached into her pocket for something and it must not have been there because she gasped.

"my phone isn't here." She then reached down into her holster "my knife isn't here either!!" She started to panic. I didn't move, my hands didnt leave her hips. I was standing behind her.

"Calm down konna, it's alright" I tried to sound convincing as I spoke into her ear, part of me hated seeing her like this, granted I wasn't sure which part it was.

She shook her head and turned to look at me.

"no! If my knifes gone that's the only thing left of my grandparents that actually matters!" She pleaded, Her voice cracked and I could see her eyes start to fill with tears. When they spilt I wiped them away.

"Konna I really should get you to a hospital."
I tried to persuade. She shook her head at me.

"Not without my knife, and not without my phone. Jeff will loose it if he can't find me." She fought back. Despite my better judgement I knew that I wasn't going to win this battle.

"let's go back to the cabin, Maybe it's there. Ok?" I reasoned with her. She nodded. I didn't want to tell her that Jeff made Mary take Konnas knife with her. It would only make her more upset.

I had to help her walk because she was so weak to move on her own. If I couldn't convince her to go to the hospital I could at least convince her to be on bed rest for the rest of the night.
At one point I actually had to cary her which I didn't mind at all.

"Thank you." She whispered. I shook my head.

"Don't thank me, I don't deserve it." She gave me a look that told me she didn't understand what I meant. I felt guilty about almost killing her, I felt guilty that my partner was the one who damaged her to the state she was in. This was the least I could do for her.

When we got back to the cabin Mary was on the floor. Konnas phone was on the couch. Konna jumped down from my arms and called Jeff's name and looked around. I looked in Jeff's room to see his cell phone on the ground in three pieces. Great.

I wouldn't be surprised if he snapped again. I picked up Mary and laid her on the couch. I looked over to see Konna leaning on the kitchen counter attempting to make herself a coffee. I walked into the bathroom to get a cold wet face cloth for Mary. I ran the water and soaked the cloth then rang it out then brought it to her and carefully laid it on her forehead.

Once I was done with that I moved around the island into the kitchen and observed her. She seemed to be having a lot of trouble so I moved to grab her shaking wrist and took the spoon from her with my other hand, I looked at her and she looked at me.

"let me do it ok?" I said to her behind my mask. The tension between us from my point of view could be cut with a butter knife. Sometimes I just wanted to grab her, and tell her she made the worst decision in Choosing this life, And other times I just want to shield her from it all. Maybe do a little more then just shield her.

She nodded, then sat on the counter. I filled the coffee maker and turned it on. I glanced at Konna who was still shaking. I took a mug out of the cupboard and put it on the counter. When the coffee was done brewing I grabbed the milk from the fridge.

"where's the sugar?" I asked her. She pointed at a cupboard above the stove. "What do you take in your coffee?" I asked as I opened the cupboard door and reached for it.

"2 cream 3 sugar" she replied. I smiled as I poured the ingredients then mixed it with the spoon. I handed her her coffee and she smiled. she sipped her mug as I turned to make myself a cup.

Mary groaned from the couch and konna looked over. She put her mug down and took off her sandals then turned up the AC. I watched her every move like a hawk. She shakily went into the bathroom then I heard her turn on the faucet then turn it back off and then I watched as she walked back into the livingroom/kitchen to put a new facecloth on Mary's forehead. I took my mask off and put it on the counter sipping my coffee.

Konna moved and sat in a chair at the circular dining table and stared at the door. I brought her, her drink. She took it and gave me a small thank you. Then I looked after Mary. After Konna was done her coffee, she put her cup in the sink.

Once done with that she went in her and Jeff's room and closed the door. I looked at the door with a slight frown. Mary looked at me. "Dont make yourself care too much." She chimed quietly from the couch. I hadn't realized the was awake. I nodded as a response to her but I didn't actually listen.

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