Forever Yours (Stay With Me S...

By Liya_Loves_1D

7K 462 77

The countless struggles of Lily and Niall continues as distance, untold secrets and lies threaten to ruin the... More

Author's Note - 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note - 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note - 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note - 4
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note - 5
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note - 6
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Last Author's Note

Chapter 7

136 9 2
By Liya_Loves_1D

[A.N: Sorrryyyyy sorrryyyy sorrryyyy sorryyyyy for being late. I was hell busy.... But here it is....... Hope u love it]        

I wasn't able to do it.

I don’t know why but the thought of indulging in such a twisted drama maybe was the reason. I was already dealing with an enormous problem of being miles away from Niall. This was out of my league. I was exhausted and helpless.

However, every time I saw the letter by Aarav, I became frozen. I retraced back the warnings he gave me and realized that he has meant every single thing. There wasn't really any way to escape him. He was getting close to me and I was all alone in the middle of the ocean. I knew it was hard, harder than described but I had to stand up for myself, Niall and our future. After all we've been through and are still going through, no Aarav or anyone could possibly ruin it.

I reached office at sharp 10.30 Am. On entering, Naina showed me a sweet smile. Her dark hair fell over her face. She was talking on the phone. I passed her and straight away walked to my table. On taking my seat, I quickly turned on the computer and commenced to work. A pile of files were kept on my table. I went through all of them and figured out what I was supposed to do.

“Hey” someone called me out after a long time passed.

I lifted my head up to see the person, breaking my concentration in the process. It was Olivia.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“It’s lunch time.”

I looked at my wrist watch to perceive that I was too engrossed in my work to get any hint of the time.

“Let’s go,” she urged by patting on my back. I nodded.

Putting my pen down, I left my chair. I grabbed my bag and retorted, “C’mom,” to Olivia.

We walked out of our work-space to take the stairs and finally reach cafeteria. Buzzing sounds of hungry people filled the place.

“One chicken roll and lassi,” Olivia informed Tushar and the other guy before asking me, “What will you have?”

[Lassi is a curd shake made by mixing sugar.]

“Hmm….I think I’ll have a vegetable meal. What do you have in it?” I asked.

“Rice, dal, potato fries, vegetable curry and chutni,” the other guy whose apron read ‘Aveek Kundu’ replied.

“No dessert?” I was shocked.

“Sorry, ma’am. You've to order that separately.”

“Thank you, give me one vegetable meal only,” I nodded.

It didn't take more than twenty minutes for our foods to arrive. We grabbed the plates and occupied a table at the center diagonally to the washroom.

“Big fan of dessert, huh?” Olivia inquired taking a big bite from the roll.

“Aren't you?” I smiled.

“Yeah…..but vegetable meals don’t really have any dessert, honey,” she laughed throwing her head back.

I laughed back.

“Are you still angry at me?” she asked out of the blue.

I squinted my eyes and looked at her before shaking my head.

“Good, I’m sorry anyway,” she said.

“Why would I be anyway?” I wandered.

“I shouldn't have talked like that about your boyfriend. I had no right,” she hung her head in shame.

Thank Sweet Lord, for making her realize.

“It’s okay, I've forgotten that and would appreciate not to talk about it anymore.”

My condition was beneficial in a way that I got to know about Olivia a lot more in the next thirty minutes. She narrated her childhood so beautifully that it brought live pictures before my eyes. I learnt what a spoil brat she is along with her interest in badminton. I definitely learnt about her “massive crush” on Ryan Gosling since that kept popping up every now and then. And not to forget about KFC, her favorite food corner.

Around, 2.10 Pm we both were back in our work-space and onto our respective chairs. I caught a glimpse of Aryan who was busy digging into files. I guess the ones similar to those I received in the morning. I swirled around on my seat before getting to work.

End hours rolled. I packed my stuff, dumped them in my bag and switched off the computer. At this time, I see Aryan standing before me.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“Got some time?” he asked.

“Sure, tell me.”

“Ahhmm….Rohit Sir gave positive feedback about our script. He has told us to prepare a proper one by Friday.”

“What? Friday? Wasn't it supposed to be next week?” I screamed.

“Yeah….but he says the ad film-maker and the actors are too busy to wait that long.”

 “But we have our daily works too apart from that, Aryan?” I shrugged.

“Lily, calm down,” he retorted and resumed, “I've prepared a script which is not much different from the rough draft we did earlier. Just go through it once before I hand it over to Rohit,” he smiled and stretched his hand out holding a red file.

I stared at the file and was in awe. It was pretty awesome for him to do the write-up alone. I don’t want to sound lazy though. I took the file and met my eyes with him.

“You really shouldn't have done this,” I shook my head.

“Ahh…’s alright. Just see it and bring the file tomorrow.”

“Certainly, thanks,” I nodded with a big grin.

I exited office and went across the road. I made brisk steps towards the bus stand. The sky looked devilishly red implying the chance of pouring down. It would mean a relief from the utter heat of Summer. I crossed my arms before my chest and increased my pace when a car blew its hoe=rm from behind.

“Hi,” I waved once I turned to find Aryan.

“Where are you going alone?” he raised his hands, stopping the car.

“Bus stand”

“Get in, I’ll drop you,” he gestured.

“Is this going to be a regular thing?” I chuckled.

“If you want, I don’t mind. Having a pretty girl on the front seat is always fun,” he smirked.

I laughed mildly before boarding in. “Jerk,” I gasped and slapped on Aryan’s arm.

He laughed out a “I know, ma’am.”

When we reached the bus stand it started drizzling. Aryan turned the windshield wipers on. I peered at the rain drops commencing to pour vigorously. A delighted look was affixed on my face.

“You like rain?” Aryan asked.

“Hmm,” I hummed. “Pretty much.”

He laughed leaning forward. “Must have given you sweet memories, I guess.”

“Yeah….you?” I furrowed my eye-brows at the sudden change in his expression.

He paused for a good few seconds before responding, “It was raining the day Naina left me.”

“Ohh,” I hummed and inquired, “What happened actually?” My hands were resting on his shoulder.

“Her parents didn't approve,” he flashed a mocking smile as if addressing to his fate.


“I’m younger than her,” his voice now became heavier.

I paused before asking, “How much?”

“Two and half years.”

“These things don’t matter now-a-days.”

“Wish she would think like you.”

“Why didn't you try fighting for her?”

“I did, Lily. But she doesn't show any interest.”

“But you love her, right?”

“It doesn't matter…..especially now,” he ran his hand through his thick dark hair.

“How come?” I tilted my head.

“She is engaged.”

The paleness of his face, the silence engulfing us and the cold rain outside gave me mixed feelings. I was reminded of my mother who stood by my ‘poor’ father against her parents. It was sad of her to stay estranged from them for so many years but she had the heart to fight for her love. I knew about all those nights when she cried herself to sleep. When she tried so hard to resist her weeping sounds come out of the room but I managed to hear, sometimes even Jenny. I wouldn't want Naina to have a same life like my parents. However, there is no harm in putting an effort.


I didn't notice when the rain let up and we reached the metro station. Aryan ceased the wipers from moving before unlocking the car.

“See you tomorrow,” he tried to smile.

“Sure and thanks,” I nodded as I got down the car.

I ran my way to the entrance. The path was wet and marshy with crowds of people dispersing slowly who were all this while taking shelter inside the station. I whisked my hairs with my hand and placed them properly. I was about to enter the station when someone dragged me by my right elbow very firmly. “Ahhh, what the fuck?” I cried out. I was brought to a corner with a million eyes peering at me.

“What the h…...” I couldn't finish my sentence as I noticed my hell standing before me.

He was in a white tee and black jeans. The hairs had its familiar style by lying down. His eyes were sparkling at me, screaming malevolence. The grip around my elbow was tightening rapidly making me moan.

“Leave me, Aarav,” I demanded. “Leave me right now.”

He flaunted me a fiendish grin. I understood his intention was to break me but I was determined to not let that happen. I’ve had a hell lot of tragedies in my life to let some sick creep scare me.

“There is a police station right across the street. Leave me or I’ll shout my lungs out,” I threatened him. My heartbeats were racing faster.

Don’t cry, Lily. Don’t……You've to be your own shield.

“I've waited so long to have you. How can I leave you now, baby?” he retorted leaning forward. People kept watching us making me immensely uncomfortable.

“People are watching, you jerk. Let me go,” I gritted my teeth.

“Right….” He replied and said, “Let’s go into this alley.”

He pulled me with him into an alley that lied left to the station. It was pitch dark and led to a long path. Two shops stood erect at one side of the road. Generally, darkness comes down late after 6.30 Pm but the rain made it appear like it was 8.00 Pm. I transformed my body into a stiff bag of cement so Aarav couldn't drag me with him but he was too strong for my little trick to work. I could’ve screamed but I don’t know why I didn't. Maybe I was too confident on my escaping skills to resort to others’ help. Aarav’s grip around my elbow increased as his other arm rested across my waist.

“Let me go, please, let me go,” I pleaded while trying to wriggle out. I tried not to cry but tears had already gathered in my eyes. The lips were quivering mildly.

“Ssshhh…..don’t talk, I don’t want anyone to know what I’m about to do,” he flashed a demonic smile.

“What I’m about to do?” What is he going to do?

My heart pounded against my chest making the lupp-dupp sounds clearly audible. His eyes were red and lips carried the grin that made me shiver. My breaths increased and body trembled. I looked around and noticed not a single sign of anyone. My hands were itching to slap right across Aarav’s face but I knew losing temper would get me nowhere now. He looked determined to cause me harm. Therefore, I resorted to begging, as convincingly I could do.

“Shut up, Lily. Don’t whine, I don’t like it,” he shook his head as we entered a huge building.

The building was two-storied and withered down completely. It was so quite that the sounds of our rushed footsteps rumbled throughout the area. He dragged me inside it and towards a pillar before leaving my elbow finally. I fell down and sat on the dirty ground.

“What do you want, Aarav?” I sobbed bending my head down.

“Isn't it quite obvious?” he replied going to and fro before me.

I started to cry burying my face in my hands.

“I love Niall. I’m sorry it didn't work out between us but do you think this is the right way to act?” I raised my hands, locking my wet eyes with his.

“I’m deaf to any form of lectures now,” he answered coldly.

I became silent.

“I love you and want you. I've always got what I wanted and you won’t be an exception,” he pointed out.

“I’m not a piece of lamb chop, you dick-head. I’m a person, a person with a choice. And my choice is Niall NOT you, do you get that? NOT YOU,” I pointed my index finger at him. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

“And that’s why I need to do this. I need to make you understand that you love me and not him.”

“Wh….what…..Aarav, no…..” I said with wide eyes and open mouth as he opened his tee throwing it on the floor firmly. His smile grew wicked with each step forward. I slid back shaking my head vigorously.

“Please, please, help……somebody help me,” I joined my hands and screamed while skimming my surroundings. No one replied obviously.

Aarav unbelted his jeans and rolled the belt around his right hand. He unrolled it within seconds before slashing my left arm with it.

“Ahhhhhh,” I cringed in pain as his loud laughs reached my ears.


I felt a liquid sensation on my arm. On touching it, I noticed streams of blood pouring down. The slash caused my skin to crack open. I lifted my head and tried to grab the belt from Aarav’s hands but he moved away before throwing it out of our sights. As he was about to kneel down and then attack me I somehow got up and commenced to run.

I was caught after seven or eight steps.

“Too smart, huh? Too smart? I’ll not let you escape this time, Lily,” he said in between his breaths while holding me across my stomach. I punched his hands snatching groans from him.

He turned me around to face him before pulling me into his body. His hands were put around my waist as I shrieked while trying to break free. He slid his hands down and squeezed my butts. I winced in shame. He tucked my shirt out of the trousers and inserted his hands inside it. His dirty hands touching my skin gave me chills. I felt his hands revolving around my bra-hook and I knew if I don’t do anything now I would be brutally raped. I took a long breath and pulled myself away before kicking his balls hard.

“Ohh fuck, you bitch….” He winced in pain as he toppled down on the ground.

I flaunted a triumphant smile before grabbing my bag and turning around to run. However, I couldn't. Aarav held my leg and pushed me down before slowly climbing over me. I didn't fear away. I knew I was my sole shield.

“You’re dead now. I would've gone easy on you but now I’ll burst you up,” he threatened.

“Keep trying, asshole,” I responded as I hit his forehead with mine. He crinkled in pain but I knew he would counter back soon. Hence, even before he could gather his energy I used my old tactic again; bite him, but this time on his shoulder. He screamed his lungs out as I saw my teeth marks engraved on his skin. I breathed faster before picking up my bag and running out of the building.

I ran and ran and ran. I ran for my life. I wiped the dried tears from my face and settled my shirt and hair. On reaching the end of the alley, I stood beside a light-post. Thunderstorms were audible with light drizzles. Trillions of eyes were gulping me with their strange looks. I fetched my water bottle from the bag and emptied half of it before putting it back in. I entered the metro station and walked towards the ticket counter. Thankfully, no queues were present therefore making it possible for me to buy the ticket fast. I reached the platform soon after going through the scanner and ticket punching machine. The metro arrived after seven minutes. I got a seat and thumped myself on it. I put my face in my hands and reminisced about what happened. My heart was bursting out, begging me to shed tears, several big lumps developed inside my throat but I endured all. I sniffed and fished the earphones before plugging my ears with them and waiting to reach home soon.

The moment I boarded the elevator my lips quivered into enormous sobs which changed into cries soon. I placed both of my hands on my chest that vibrated inward and outward constantly. Hiccups followed soon due to which I covered my mouth with my right hand. As the machine dinged at my floor, I quickly fished the keys from my bag and unlocked my apartment. I didn't open my shoes, turn on the lights or fan but simply toppled down on the floor. I crossed my arms before my chest and hid my head in my arms. The tears saw no end. I cried even more than I cried when I left Niall. My self-respect has always been my biggest asset. Today I was scrapped off of that asset. My world shattered and I felt extremely broken. My heart cried to get a warm hug, a comfortable rub on my back or at least words of concern but I had nothing. I was all alone in the wide world in a dark room. I thought about Mr. and Mrs. Gandhi and I knew that they would help me no matter what but I was answerable to a great extent to them and I didn't want that at all.

But, Rita? I could call Rita. In fact, I should call Rita. This is the ultimatum and she should know what her ‘perfect’ brother has been up to.

I wasted no time in grasping my mobile from my bag and dialing Rita’s number. After six rings, she picked it up.

“Heyyyy, what’s up?” she asked, delight audible in her voice.

“I…..I….am, Rita…..I think…..I mean……”I was lost.

“Lily, what’s wrong? Seems like you’re shaking?” she sounded worried.

And that was it. I broke down completely. I didn't know for how long I cried but I remember having severe hiccups at the end so much so that I had to run to the kitchen to get some water.

“Yeah…..” I coughed and continued, “I am okay,” I convinced myself more than Rita.

“That is a blatant lie, tell me what happened, Lily,” she demanded.

I sniffed before asking, “Promise me that you’ll listen to me carefully and not intervene?”

“Okay” she retorted while searching for a hint.

“And…’ll believe me.”

“Al right”

No sooner did I get her confirmation than I started to narrate the whole story, whatever happened between me and Aarav and whatever he did to me both before and today. I didn't hesitate at all once I got the flow. I have never been afraid of telling the truth. My words were broken though in between when I coughed to dissolve the lumps inside my throat. Finally after fifteen minutes, I shut up and sighed.

Rita stayed silent like she was throughout the fifteen minutes.

“You there?” I inquired thus, breaking the silence.

“Hmm,” she hummed.

“I have been willing to tell you this since a long time but never got the guts. I know he is your cousin brother and you love him but… know, I’m your friend too,” my eyes watered.

“Do you expect me to take your side?” she asked bluntly.

“Ahmm…..shouldn't you?”

She paused for a few good seconds before answering, “I’ll think about it, bye,” and hanging up.

I was shattered into pieces. Someone’s words flew into my ears. Someone who predicted that Rita will turn against me to defend her brother. Someone who said that she will choose family over friendship. And that someone was none other than Niall. I regretted not listening to him for everything. The behavior on Rita’s part was so shocking that I couldn't cry even anymore . The level of shocks that my heart was receiving made it unsaturated and cold. I stared at my mobile for awhile before turning the lights and fan on. I fiddled with my phone thinking whether I should inform anyone about this.

Harry? No way…..he’ll freak out and tell Niall.

Liam? He might give me some of his daddy tips I least need now.

Louis? He’ll scream for sure.                                                              

Zayn?......Yes, Zayn….he’ll understand.

I typed in, “Busy?” and sent a text message to him.

“Nope, why?” came a reply from him soon.

“Can you call me, please?”

“Sure, babe.”

He called soon.

“Hey, whatsapp?” he sounded concerned.

“Can I trust you with a secret?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“I was molested and somehow escaped from being raped……by……by Aarav,” I sobbed.

I said it.

“What? Lily, are you okay?” his voice reflected his intention to somehow come near me and help me out.

“I…..I’m not okay, Zayn. I need Niall, I need him. I can’t do this alone,” I cried.

“Listen dear, calm down and listen to me,” he pleaded.

“Hmm,” I agreed.

“See, I know indulging with police being all alone is a bad idea so I won’t tell you to do that. However, I can tell you to not get frustrated. Just relax and let go of this incident as if it never happened. I know this is wrong but till Niall gets there just contain that in you and relax, okay?”

I coughed and nodded whispering, “Okay”

“Good and keep a can of pepper spray in your bag. Also ask someone to walk you till the metro station.”

“Aryan, my colleague drops me there every day but he doesn't walk me till the gate.”

“Well, tell him to do it.”


“Niall wouldn't mind, I mean had he known he wouldn't have mind. Trust me, I know him. Nothing would be more significant to him that your security and safety,” he assured.

“Oh….okay, I will ask him,” I said hesitatingly. I immediately started thinking the excuses I can use for the request and the embarrassing situation I’ll be put under.

“Do you wanna talk to Niall today or should I say you’re sick?”

“I always wanna talk to him but I don’t think I can control myself seeing him. But you don’t say anything I will.”

“Cool, goodnight, take care,” Zayn said.

“Goodnight and thank you,” I smiled with great difficulty before we hung up.

I took a long and deep breath before tossing the phone on the couch and moving towards kitchen to make dinner for myself.

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