Treading Water

By deniseangelwrites

144K 6.1K 1.5K

Mature Content and Sex scenes, recommended for R18+ audiences. Emerson Roy is focused on one goal, nail her... More

1 - Crashing Waves
2 - Shifting of the Tides
3 - Into the Deep
4 - Bubbling beneath the Surface
5 - Uncharted Waters
6 - Ice Breaker
7 - Tip of the Iceberg
8 - White Waters
9 - Smooth Sailing
10 - Distant Shores
11 - Impassioned Voyage
12 - Bleeding Rivers
13 - Ethereal Reflections
14 - Rip Tide
15 - Treacherous Storms
16 - Lost at Sea
17 - Ebbing Waters
19 - Resplendent Waterfalls
20 - Ripples in Motion
21 - Deep Oasis
22 - Dreamy Mist
23 - Blissful Currents
24 - Sparkling Pools
25 - Tempestuous Whirlpool
26 - Swept Away
27 - Captivating pools
28 - Intense Downpour
29 - Dormant Seas
30 - Desolate Horizons
31 - Becalmed
32 - A Splash of Sass
33 - Dangerous Rapids
34 - Shimmering Shower
35 - Turbulent Waters
36 - Pool of Tranquility
37 - Deflections in the Stream
38 - Treading Water
39 - Spectacular Springs
40 - Wishing Well

18 - Crossing Streams

2.5K 146 32
By deniseangelwrites

Eight long hours. That's how long my flight is from Toronto to Dublin. Eight fucking hours. My body has ached for Arden, it has longed for his touch, yearned for his hot breath, thirsted for his taste and now, after learning the truth, I'm stuck on this oversized tin can for what will likely be the most excruciating eight hours of my existence. I hate flying, but I hate wasting anymore time being apart from the man who stole my heart. I craved him too much not too.

I'm nervous and scared as hell that I won't be a welcomed arrival. That he'll take one look at me and walk the other way, but I'm placing my faith in the connection we share, the bond we formed, and the undeniable love we have - well at least I have, but I hope he loves me too. We hadn't said those three magic words, but I know he made me feel loved. I know he made me feel things I'd never felt before, so again I hope he feels it too.

Sam had taken me straight home so I could throw some clothes and necessities in a suitcase and book a flight. I couldn't get a flight out until 6 pm, which Sam and Abigail were ultimately happy about because it gave us time to debrief regarding this morning's events. They're in full agreement that Casey is one hundred percent behind this, we just haven't completely worked out how. Sam wanted to come with me, but I told him this was one journey I had to make on my own.

Ashling, on the other hand has been texting me like crazy ever since I let her know my flight arrival time. Acting as our very own cupid, she's got it all planned out. It'll be roughly seven am when I arrive, so she'll collect me from the airport, take me to my hotel room for a quick shower and outfit change. We'll pop out for breakfast and coffee (this was Ashling's one request) then she'll reunite us. Fool proof she says.

It's only been two hours; I am over it all ready. I just want to be in his arms again. I snuggle up to the pillow I requested, leaning into the window and wait for sleep to take me. Maybe if I sleep, I will be back where I belong soon enough.

"Ladies and Gentleman, in a few short moments we will begin our descent into Dublin International Airport. Local time when we arrive will be 7.12 am. For your safety we ask that you remain seated with your seat belt fastened until such time as Fasten Seat Belt indicator is no longer lit. Remember to keep your trays in their upright position.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

On behalf of the crew on Toronto Air, I would like to thank you for choosing to fly with us today and look forward to you travelling with us again soon. Have a great morning"

Waking up to discover I'm in Dublin was like winning the lottery, I'd hoped it would happen but never really thought the odds were in my favor. It hadn't taken long for me to drift off to thoughts off Arden, and it's been one of the most peaceful sleeps I have had in recent weeks. Sitting up in my seat, I stretch as much as humanly possible in this small space, cursing that I'd had to travel Economy due to lack of availability. Relax Emerson, this is what happens when you make last minute trips, I scold myself, for Arden I'd happily travel in the Baggage Cargo hold.

I find the nerves increasing as we taxi the runway, nearing the airport, my hands twisting my sweater in knots. I hope Ashling won't take me anywhere for breakfast that takes forever for service, I don't think I can handle the waiting much longer. I doubt I'll eat much either, the butterflies take up enough space in my stomach to steal away the hunger, well, the hunger for food anyway. The 'other' hunger is growing, not to be appeased by breakfast, lunch or dinner. Hell, a smorgasbord wouldn't fulfil this need, nope, only Arden could relieve me from this famine.

Simply thinking of his hands touching me makes me tingle between my legs, the memory of his scent sparking anticipated interest all over my body, the idea of his five o'clock shadow tickling my neck as he whispers sweet Irish nothings in my ear gives me goose bumps. I completely enraptured by this man; his dominant personality inspires my own need to be challenged in ways I'd never thought possible.

After what seems like forever, its finally time to disembark the aircraft, and make our way inside the terminal. I hand back a wee bit, just to avoid the chaos of the other passengers. I feel my nerves have left me shaking like a leave, all it will take it a pushy passenger and I'll topple like pins at a ten-pin bowling game. Making my way in the arrivals lounge, I eagerly look around for Ashling, wanting to get back to Arden as soon as I can. I finally spot her rushing in, looking flustered.

"Emerson!! Oh my god Emerson look at you!!! Eeeek!!" she practically screamed before pulling me into a hug, "I can't believe you're really here, oh my god wow, Arden is going to freak!"

"Whoa babe, easy on haha, it's good to be here. And to see you of course" I chuckle, surprised at the sense of calm washing over me. It must be because she's his sister Em.

"This is going to incredible Ems, it will blow his mind to see you here" she chattered constantly, linking her arm in my own as we make our way to baggage claims.

We made short work of loading the car, and made our way into town. Ashling, having booked the hotel for me, knew exactly where we were headed and made a beeline straight for it. I couldn't wait to have a shower and change; it's been a long night sleeping among strangers at thirty-five thousand feet. I was getting more and more anxious as time passed by and I found myself zoning out more and more. Self-doubt continued to creep in, the annoying little voices that remind me he may not want to see me, he may not believe I have been reaching out, he may have started to move on?

"Hurry up Emerson" Ashling is getting antsy waiting for me, and I know, I am excited too, but I need to at least try to present myself well. I have at least convinced her to ditch breakfast plans, there's absolutely no way I can eat now anyway, so after I finish primping, she's taking me straight to the hospital. She's informed me that Arden is normally the first one there, spending hours at his father's side keeping him company, telling him he'll be fine, and in Ashlings opinion, he is also hiding from the pain of 'losing me'. If that's true, I look forward to healing him from at least that last one, that is, I hope he allows me too.

"Alright, I'm ready Ash" I announced, walking in a knee length, off the shoulder lace dress in a pretty pale shade of pink, my hair flowing out around my shoulders in a soft wave. I've chosen to accessorize it with a simple silver chain with diamond pendant, a gift Arden had given after one of our date nights.

"Wow, just wow! Look at you babe, you look stunning!!" she cried out, as a did a wee turn to show off the cute design of the dress.

It may be a little dressier than I'd normally wear when visiting a hospital, but this is also the first time I am seeing Arden in 15 days, it is the first time I am meeting his twin brother, and his parents. Lord knows who else I might end up meeting, I want to make a good first impression.

"Thanks. I think we need to get going. I am going to be sick if I have to wait any longer" I grab my purse, and head for the door, Ashling following suit.

"Relax, it will all work out" she chimed, walking out of the hotel and down the street.

'Hey, won't we need the car?" I call out, rushing after her.

"Nope" she laughed, then stop and pointed across the road, "we are here already"

Looking across the road, I am not quite sure how I missed it before, I see a large, tall glass building with hospital written all over it. I can't really believe it, but Ashling has managed to book me into a hotel suite literally over the road from where Arden is currently. Clever girl.

I want to break into a run, knowing he's close, my heart has started to race out of my chest, I swear it will arrive to him long before I do. It's beating so loud I'm sure even Ash can hear it over the street noise.

"Take me to him Ash, I need to see him, it's been long enough" I breath out hurried, apprehensive about being reunited could bring.

She guides me into the large building, then taking the elevator we make our way to the 8th floor. I hesitate to step out of the elevator, fear almost consuming me, but I shake it off and follow her down the wide white hospital hall, till she suddenly stops.

Turning to my left, I see a room with a large viewing window, allowing me to see into the white and blue hospital room. You can't see the patient, well not their face anyway, just the bottoms half of their body lying on a bed, blue cotton blankets wrapped tightly to keep them warm and secure.

What captures my attention most, is the familiar frame of the visitor next to the bed. I stand there, staring as they are clearly in an in-depth discussion about something, they found funny. That laugh, oh god that laugh, it does things to me, euphoric, seductive and alluring, it's pulling me in. My breath is catching in my throat, I try to ignore my increased arousal as I watch his beautifully sculptured shoulders move as he laughs along with his father. I stay silent, not wanting to interrupt the moment they're sharing.

Ashling nudges me, indicating she wants me to make a move, but I shake my head no, and just stand there looking like an idiot. Suddenly, their conversation stops and Arden turns slowly to look out the small window.

Our eyes meet and at that very moment I could have sworn I died. The intensity of his gaze was intoxicating, the bright blue pools of breath-taking beauty stare straight into my soul. I'm still stuck in place, unable to will my legs to move as he stands and excuses himself from the room.

Here we stand, face to face, his eyes taking a journey of their own as they look over my body, my own doing the same, drinking each other in, like our thirst had been deprived of man's basic needs. I try to read his expression, his emotion but it tells me nothing, he says nothing. We stand, a mere three feet apart after being separated by such a great distance, and we're silent.

I open my mouth to speak, then close it again. Opening it once more I manage to utter

"Hi. I... I " Gasp!

Before I can speak another word, he has closed the gap between us, grasping my face in both his hands, his grip strong and firm yet comforting and soft, as he leads me backward, my back pressing flat against the foyer walls as his lips claim my own. His kiss is demanding and urgent, his tongue begging for access to delve deep into my mouth.

His fingers entwine themselves in my hair as he pushes his hands back behind my head, his hips pressing harder against my stomach as he shows me his apparent lust. He slows the kiss down, taking it from a hard, fast and passionate embrace to that of long-lost lovers. It became slow, intimate and inviting, trying to convey so much with just his tongue, massaging on my own in such a way that had me forgetting where I was.

It took me a moment before I realized I'd gripped his shirt with both hands, pulling him into me as close as humanly possible. He withdraws back from me, and smiles the most flawless smile I have ever seen, his dimples making an appearance, joy dancing in the shadows of his eyes. I take the opportunity to run my hands down his chiselled abs, feeling their perfection through his soft grey T-shirt.

"Cailín álainn" he whispered, and he runs his thumbs across my cheeks to wipe away the tears that are beginning to trail down my face like crossing streams in a flood. "Don't cry álainn, hey love, what's wrong?"

"I .... I" sniffing loudly, I swallow and try again, "I thought I had lost you Arden, I am just so, so happy to see you again."

"Shusshhh love, it's okay. You're here now and that's all that matters. We can talk about this all later"

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls my face up against his chest for a hug. He places his chin on my head, and mumbles something about his angel. I didn't hear because I was too busy trying to stop myself from ripping the clothes off his sexy back.

"You have no idea how good it is to have you here with me love"

"I've missed you so much Arden"

"How love, how are you here? I thought you had changed your mind about me, about us?"

I sigh, knowing very well that this will not go well with him.

"Ashling reached out to me, explained why you left without a word. Told me why you had to come home." leaning back, and cupping his cheek in my hand, "The rest is a long story, maybe one I can tell you over dinner tonight?"

He nods, accepting that here and now isn't the isn't the time and place for this conversation.

"Where are you staying?" he smirked, cocking his head to one side, a cheeky gleam in his eye.

"Across the road actually, Ash booked it"

"Good, let's go, I won't wait until tonight' he instructed, that familiar domineering tone that makes me quake all over in excitement.

Turning quickly, and reaching for hand, entwining our fingers he heads down the hallway I just arrived in, pulling me behind him.

Authors Note: Sorry to leave it there guys but I really wanted to get it out to you tonight!! Thanks for reading and please remember to vote!! I appreciate you all xo

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