One Desire (Yandere Twins x F...

By ThatYandereAuthor

1.2M 38.7K 72.1K

Your life changed the day you were requested to have an audience with the two reclusive princes of your kingd... More

The Result of Curiosity
Friendship and Uncertainty
Out of Options
Against the Wall
Measurements and Misinformation
It's All A Game
The Task At Hand
Harsh Words But Harsher Punishment
An Unsuspected Surprise
Scowls and Stable Boys
The Danger of Food
Regret and Rethink
Plan in Motion
Necessary Help
Too Good To Be True
Ears Are Everywhere
First Mistake
Apologies and Deception
Second Mistake
A Shocked Mind
Hide And Seek
Undesirable Position
It's Not Right
Doubtful Mind
Reed and Micah
This is Love
Shock and Swords
Growing Closer
Unknown Meaning
Not Supposed To Happen
Coming To Terms
The Next Step
The Awaited Moment
The Reality
True Ending
Alternate Ending
Halloween Update!

Food Fixes Everything

25.9K 834 2.5K
By ThatYandereAuthor

Connor was carrying you through the hallways once again. Aiden hummed an unfamiliar song beside him, his eyes occasionally landing on you. You curled yourself against Connors chest, the only thing you wanted to do was disappear. Micah had kept you sane and level-headed. Now he hated you. Your life raft had been ripped away and now you were drowning in the ocean.

Aiden and Connor stopped and stood silently.

That was too fast for them to be at my room already...Why are they stopping?

Slowly, you lifted your head up and froze. Micah stood across from you three, his eyes filled with panic and anger. Instinctively, you ducked your head back down and pressed yourself against Connor.

"What do you want?" Aiden snapped.

"Put her down." Micah demanded. There was that hard tone again.

"Excuse me? Did I hear you right? Did the servant order the prince to do something?" Connor bitterly laughed. You stole a glance at Micah. He was shaking.

"Well, brother, what do you think? He made (Y/n) cry very much and I don't like seeing my dear cry unless its from me." Aidens voice sounded sharp. "How about we kill him?"

There was no sound from Micah.

"I don't see a downside. Perhaps we should." Connor replied as he started to set you down. You gripped his suit, not wanting him to have the ability to grab his sword.

Your figure shook against him, "Please don't." It came out as a whisper.

"What was that my dear?" Connor asked, looking down at you.

"Don't kill him. Please."

Aiden sighed, "(Y/n), you're too caring."

"Don't do it." You said it louder this time.

"Alright, we won't. Don't get upset again, please." Connor soothed as he picked you up again.

"(Y/n)..." Micah trailed off and you glanced at him to see his face twisted in worry.

"You don't deserve to say her name." Aiden snapped as he brushed past him, heading for your door.

Connor did the same. As you passed, Micah reached out to touch your shoulder and you flinched.

"Don't touch her!" Connor growled as he walked into your room. The door slammed shut behind the three of you.

"Angel...?" Micah whispered, staring at your door.


Connor had left a few minutes ago, and Aiden was busy tidying up your room. You observed him silently from your bed as you watched him pick up the thrown books and return them to the shelf.

He glanced over at you, "Enjoying the view?"

Your expression didn't change. "No. It's just weird to see you clean something up."

He laughed, "Well, I'm not a completely spoiled brat. I know how to clean things. My father was adamant about me and Connor knowing how to take care of ourselves."

You hugged your knees, "I'm sorry..."

He stopped and looked at you, "About what?"

"Your parents." You whispered.

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, "It's fine. It's weird, but I can't fully remember their faces sometimes," He frowned, "They were always so busy that Connor and I never saw them that often. I remember our nanny's face better than my own parents."

"That's terrible." You murmured as you stared at him.

He grimaced, "Is it? I always thought I would get to know them better...That one day I would stop them in the hall and say 'Mom, Dad...Lets just have a family day', but then they went to a neighboring kingdom and...well...there were arrows through their heads. I'm not sure they could do a family day like that."

You looked at him, your lip trembling, "I-I'm really sorry Aiden."

He raised his eyebrows, "Now why are you crying? You never met them."

You wiped your eyes, "I was thinking about that sort of thing happening to me. I don't know if I'd be strong enough to get through it. Your parents were probably good people as well."

Aiden shifted awkwardly before pulling you into a side-hug, "You're strong. You would've gotten through it." He sighed, "You're really something (Y/n)...crying for people you've never met and putting yourself in those situations."

You nodded numbly as you tried to control your emotions. After the emotional shock earlier, everything that was happening seemed worth shedding a few tears.

The door opened and Connor stepped inside, carrying a white dish.

"What's that?" You mumbled as you slowly pulled away from Aidens grasp. Surprisingly, you felt cold without his touch.

Connor sat down on your other side, shielding the dish from your view.

"Connor, I don't want to play games..."

He smiled, "We aren't playing a game. I thought you needed something to cheer you up."

You watched as he slowly set the dish on your lap. It was Chocolate Crème Brulee. The tears started filling your eyes again.

"O-oh! Did you not want it? I'll take it away!" Connor stammered as he reached for the dessert.

You stopped him and smiled, "No, it's just, I didn't think either of you would remember."

"We remember everything you like." Aiden murmured as he rested his head on your shoulder.

You picked up the spoon and scooped up a little bit of the chocolate custard. You bit down and immediately your stomach felt warm.

"Is it good?" Connor asked, analyzing your expression.

You burst into tears, "It's really good!"

Aiden looked at you concerned, "Why are you crying!?"

You took another bite, "Because its so good!"

Aiden and Connor looked at each other before laughing.

"What's so funny!?" You whimpered; your mouth full of dessert.

"Oh (Y/n)! It's not funny how much of a mess you are, but you're crying over a dessert. That's so adorable!" Connor laughed.

You pouted and threw your spoon at him. "I'm not adorable."

He caught it and winked. Aiden rested his head back on your shoulder, "You really are my dear."

"Now, seeing as I have possession of the spoon, does that mean I get to feed you?" Connor mused as he wiggled the cutlery in front of your (e/c) eyes.

You grabbed for it, making Aiden fall on the bed, but missed it.

"Ah, ah, ah. I have the spoon. Now be a dear and let me feed you." Connor grabbed the dessert from your lap and scooped out a bit of custard.

"Thank you brother. I find this position much more relaxing." Aiden said with a sigh as he rested his head in your lap.

You didn't have time to object before the spoon was put in your mouth. You bit down and swallowed, hoping to tell Aiden to stop, but the spoon was put back in your mouth again.

You tried to keep up with Connor but found yourself choking after the fourth attempt.

"S-stop!" You coughed out.

"Sorry. I thought it'd be funny." Connor admitted as he set the now empty dish on the bedside table.

"Aiden could you please..." You trailed off as you heard him snoring lightly.

Connor sighed, "Leave it to him to fall asleep like that."

You subconsciously yawned and leaned against Connor.

"Thank you for the Crème Brulee." You whispered as your eyes fluttered open and closed.

"You're welcome," He whispered back, "You can take a nap if you want. I'm sure you're emotionally drained."

You barely had time to nod before sleep took a hold of you.


Connor gently laid you down on a pillow, pausing as you mumbled something. Aiden stood beside him, staring down at you fondly.

"She cried for us earlier." Aiden murmured as he gently ran a hand across your cheek.

"Why?" Connor asked as he pulled the blanket up over you.

"I told her I couldn't remember our parents faces. She felt bad for us."

Connor frowned. What did his parents faces look like?

"She's starting to grow attached to us." Aiden continued. "I like it. I want her attention to only ever be on me, be on us."

Connor nodded as he grabbed a few strands of your (h/c) hair and played with it for a few moments before letting it fall onto the pillow.

"Her attention is addicting. I can see why the assistant wanted it so bad." The blue eyed twin agreed.

"He's going to come back for her. He's going to try to take her away from us again." Aiden clenched his hands into fists.

"We just need to keep her away from him. Feed her lies. She was very upset when he left her, so she's already in the mindset that he doesn't like her." Connor murmured.

You sighed softly in your sleep and turned towards the princes.

"She looks so vulnerable when she sleeps..." Aidens eyes glinted.

"Yes. It's such a chore to restrict myself." Connor uttered as he turned away from you.

"Two weeks can't come fast enough. I need to leave the room, or our promise will be broken." Aiden mumbled as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

Connor glanced at you one more time before following his brother.


"(Y/n)..." Someone murmured softly in your ear, and you rolled over on your other side.

There was a faint laugh.

"Oh (Y/n)..." The voice mused as someone slightly shook your arm.

"No." You groaned as you went to swat the hand away.

"There's food here for you though." A different voice whispered, and you slowly opened an eye.

In front of you were the princes, and behind them was one of the pushing carts. It had multiple dishes stacked on top of the different levels of shelves.

You slowly sat up and stretched, "W-why is there food in my room?"

Connor laughed, "You slept through dinner, so we brought it to you."

You glanced out the window to see it was completely dark out, "Wait, what time is it?"

Aiden tapped a finger on his chin, "Oh, I'd say about 11:30."

You fell back onto your pillow, "Why didn't you just let me sleep? I could've just eaten in the morning."

Aiden pulled you back up and Connor sighed, "You cried a lot today. You need fluids and food. We're not having you die on us."

You raised your eyebrows as Aiden started placing a small portion of everything on a tray. "I think you're exaggerating a bit." The tray was set down on a lap table in front of you along with a large glass of water.

"Oh, just let us take care of you (Y/n)!" Aiden insisted as he sat down at the foot of the bed.

Connor nodded in agreement and sat next to his brother.

Your face reddened, "Can you not stare me down while I'm eating?"

Both their eyes widened, and they looked down at the ground.

You glanced at the cart full of food and furrowed your brow. There was a piece of paper sticking out from underneath the tray of food. You reached out for it.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" Connor asked as you pulled the paper out from under the tray. You unfolded it and scanned over the writing.

Oh. So now you're getting the princes to do everything for you? You're so useless (Y/n). I don't know why I even helped you in the first place. It was a stupid mistake that I won't be making again. Do something for yourself for once. Stop relying on everyone in the palace. ~M

Your hands shook as you set the paper down beside you. So that settled it. Micah absolutely hated you. The twins stared up at you as you slowly ate. After a few minutes you pushed the rest of the food away and drank the glass of water.

You opened your mouth to say something, but shut it again as you looked down into the empty glass.

"(Y/n)? Is there something wrong?" Aiden inquired as he slowly got up to clear away the dishes.

You glanced at the paper that sat beside you, trying to control the tears. Your head pounded with the effort of keeping them contained.

"(Y/n)?" Connor stood up as well.

Your eyes landed on the paper again: You're so useless (Y/n).

A tear fell down your cheek. How many times were you going to cry?

Aiden picked up the paper and read it silently, his lips pressing together. He finished and handed it off to his brother, who read it and crumbled it up.

"I-I'm useless...?" You stuttered as the tears kept coming.

"No! Shhh, (Y/n). Don't cry." Connor soothed as he tossed the paper into the fire.

Aiden pulled you towards him and you gripped his shirt, softly crying. "There, there. You're one of the strongest girls I know. Don't listen to him. We'll deal with him."

"Don't hurt him." You murmured softly.

"Why not?" Connor asked as he rubbed your back.

"No one deserves to die. He has a right to his...opinion." You sniffed and pulled away from Aiden, noticing his cotton shirt was now wet from your tears.

"(Y/n). Here let's just go to bed, alright?" Connor offered as he slowly pushed you down on the pillow and covered you up. You nodded and watched as they both climbed into bed with you. Like last night, they wrapped their arms around you and surrounded you with warmth. It felt...nice.

"You guys aren't that bad after all." You murmured as you drifted off.

Both princes smiled as they let themselves drift off as well.

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