Den of the snake -

By RavenUchiha512

59.6K 3.1K 1.2K

"I am the sole survivor of the once feared Uchiha clan, and I am burdened with great purpose. I have brought... More

1: Revolution
4:Prying Eyes
5:Slithering Snakes
6:Majestic Flame Jutsu
13:A Crazy Little Thing
16:Accepting The Darkness
17:Embracing The Darkness
18:Mending Old Wounds
19:A Bargain To Be Made
20:Beyond The Thunder
21:Happy Days
22:A Day In The Life
24:Broken Bonds
25:United We Stand
26:Destroying The Lie
2 7 : Burying Ashes
2 8 : A New Dawn

2 9 : To Forever And Beyond

2.6K 130 50
By RavenUchiha512

This was it!

Everything that had built up. Every conflict, every fight, every battle, everything.

Everything was leading upto this. For the first time in the history of ninja, the fate of Konoha, would be determined by the people, and not by bloodshed. Every man and woman had been given equal rights, to choose who they believed to be the one, rightful and true Hokage. And the village had never seen anything like it before. 

The simmering conflicts between the two opposing sides, that had taken placed step by step, in the last four years, letting the tensions toil and rise, all of it would be either be forgotten or taken one step further, all because of the simple scroll in Gintoki's hands.

It did not matter how powerful you were. It did not matter if you possessed the rinnegan or the powerful sage jutsu. It did not matter if you were godlike beings with powers that could topple entire continents alone. 

The one thing that mattered was how the people saw you. How you were in their eyes. For the first time, ordinary and powerless people, would be the ones deciding the fate of the powerful ones. 

As Gintoki stepped inside the room, the air shifted, with anxiety at it's highest. It was silent enough that everyone could hear the multiple beatings of different hearts. The two former rivals, even though remained calm on the surface, were also so much nervous that they needed comfort from the ones around them.

With the Uchiha unintentionally seeking out his lover's hand and holding it tightly, bracing himself for what came ahead. The byakugan princess also noticed the sweat leaving Sasuke's palms, and she realized that the Uchiha was more nervous then she had previously thought. And she wanted nothing more then to be a source of comfort and strength for him, and instantly tightened the grip around his hand. Making him turn to her and meet her eyes. And the moment the mis-matched pair of red and purple orbs met lavender ones, the Uchiha felt a strange sense of relief flowing through him, seeing the way she gently smiled. Almost as if he could read her thoughts.

No matter what happens, we face it together.

The Uchiha heir slowly nodded with a very small smile, his fear and nervousness receding and lessening.

On the other side, the Uzumaki was in the same boots, his knees were feelings heavy and it felt like the room was running out of oxygen to breathe. And his friends around him, sensed the uneasiness in Naruto's posture. He almost couldn't keep his gaze on the man holding the scroll, and turned his eyes towards the ground. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he met the eyes of the Nara genius, smirking at him.

"Eyes up, Naruto, stay sharp. Don't tell me the hero that saved the world is getting scared?" Nara's faint voice, was loud enough to knock back sense into Naruto's head. Realizing the truth to Shikamaru's words. He lifted his eyes with a renewed fire and bravery in his cerulean blue eyes. He was the man who took down men like Madara and monsters like the Akatsuki, he could not let something like this get to him.

As the Uzumaki glanced towards the Uchiha, their eyes locked and they could clearly see the turmoil in each other's souls. The two rivals were always exceptional at reading what was in each other's hearts, this time wasn't an exception.

Naruto's eyes shifted downward and saw the way the raven-haired kunoichi was holding the Uchiha's hand. And he could see the bond between them. An invisible chain that was holding the two together. A binding that was keeping the two together in even the most crucial moments. And it unconsciously brought a smile to the Uzumaki's eyes, to see his former rival so in love. It was strange to compare this man with the man he grew up with. He had changed from a man who only knew anger and hatred, and who's life was devoted to revenge and vengeance, to a man who had a look of peace and serenity in his eyes.

Sasuke saw the way Naruto was surrounded by his friends, all of them were standing behind his back in full support for him, both moral and physical. This was always the Uzumaki's vantage point. His ability to influence others and unite people. It was one of the qualities of the Uzumaki, the Uchiha could actually feel truly envious of. The ability to unite entire nations with only his words and his passion. But then again, Sasuke thought with a smirk, the Uzumaki was always a loud-mouthed idiot so it wasn't that strange to see his words having such a huge influence on the entire ninja world.

When cerulean blue met red and purple, a silent acknowledgement occurred between the two legendary ninjas, without the knowledge of the others. As they regarded each other with small bows, it became clear.

It became clear that no matter what had happened before. No matter how many arguments, disagreements, and fights they had been involved in. No matter how many conflicts they both had been in with each other. From the first day in the ninja academy, to the battle at the final valley. They had finally found something that brought them peace.

In their hearts, they had found respect for each other. 

With that they turned to the silver-haired samurai, as he quietly approached the Uchiha with the sealed scroll, and got on one knee as he presented the scroll to the Uchihas.

"Uchiha-sama, Lady Uchiha, the final results of all eight districts have been counted and the finalized result, determining the true hokage of the hidden leaf is written in here" It was clear that the samurai would present the scroll to the Uchiha. But Sasuke shared a glance with Hinata, who nodded slightly, before turning back to Gintoki.

"On your feet, Gintoki. You have worked hard and well these two days, and for that I thank you. You have made sure this entire process work smoothly, and I am glad that I trusted you with this.........and because this election could not have worked without you at it's helm, I believe it's only right that you announce the one who the people of Konoha chose" Sasuke said with a graceful voice and a small smile on his lips, as he gently pushed the scroll presented to him back into the samurai's hands. 

Gintoki just lightly smirked on the outside, but he was surprised and pleasantly happy to hear what his lord had to say about him. But he knew that this was only made possible because of the woman standing next to him. For four years, he had never seen the Uchiha change even a little bit, for after a few months in the presence of the Hyuga heiress, Sasuke Uchiha became a man the people could truly look up to and respect.

Gintoki nodded, acknowledging Sasuke's order, as he stood back up and stepped back and faced the hokages.

"Lord Hokages, your permission?" Gintoki respectfully faced the past Hokages. Who had also stood up and were staring at the samurai.

Tobirama, with a nod of his head, spoke. "Unseal the scroll and read, boy" That was what Gintoki was looking for.

As he undid the knot that was sealed around the scroll, letting it fall on the floor. Now with the scroll unsealed, everyone's hearts hammered in their chests. Gintoki slowly swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to keep his hands from shivering or trembling. And with a swift motion, he slowly opened the scroll, revealing the paper parchment and the words written on it.

As Gintoki slowly scanned the scroll, until his eyes finally landed on the name at the bottom, his eyes slightly widened, raising the anxiety level of the room even more. With some effort, he found his voice and started to announce the result.

"The total votes counted, combining all eight districts of Konohagakure, amassed upto an exact 6500 people, both men and women. The unbiased counting of all 6500 votes, for both of the candidates, resulted in exact 3000 votes for one candidate, and 3500 votes for the second candidate".

Their breaths hitched up, as Gintoki started to speak the final announcement.

"Almost 3500 men and women, the majority of the village, have voted and chosen the true Hokage".

Suddenly, Gintoki's eyes glanced up towards the blonde Uzumaki as he started to speak his final words.

"With that said, it is an honor and a privilege, to announce that the rightful and true Hokage, of the Village hidden in the leaves, of the Land of fire, is...................".

3 Months Later

It was the season of spring in the village of Konoha, with the flowers full in bloom and the sakura flowers scattered almost everywhere. The weather was perfect for a joyful occasion and the sun was shining brightly, almost as if Kami itself was gracing the village for the event that was occurring. The streets were decorated with beautiful trinkets and ornaments, walls were plastered with invitations and announcements of one of the biggest events in the village history.

All the shops and street vendors were closed for the days, the samurai and ninja academies had given the students a day off, ninjas had been given relieved of their duties, everyone had been invited to the grand occasion that had been taking place in one of the village's oldest district.

Musicians from all over the land were invited, and the best chefs were made in-charge of the lunch and dinner that was to be served. It was to be an open banquet, for anyone to come and eat and enjoy. To celebrate a day that was going to bound two souls together till death and beyond.

Up in the village district, that was once regarded as a ghost town, a district that belonged to a clan that was known for it ruthlessness, and a place that was haunted by the ghosts of the slain. Today, that village felt a new soul being imbued in it. With the joyful sounds of children running around, and parents strolling behind them leisurely. The soft and gentle, cool spring breeze flowing through the pink cherry blossoms, along with even more littered around the streets, like a natural carpeting. The once dead district of Konoha, was renewed and reborn.

In the most traditional and beautiful shinto* shrine that belonged to the clan that ran the district, a small gathering was occurring. A handful of people, close to the ones being bounded together, watched with smiles and gleeful eyes, the couple that sat ahead of them.

A dark haired man dressed in a beautiful, dark black Montsuki*, looking as handsome as he ever was, sat before a priest who was speaking out the vows before Kami. And a pale-skinned, dark-haired woman sat next to the man, clothed in a pure white shiro-muku*, and her long luscious dark tresses pinned up into a beautiful bun, along with a small kaiken* on her side, and a small fan of red and white placed in her obi.

The old priest, with a peaceful and wrinkly face graced the couple, before pouring sake* in two cups that were placed before the man and woman. The raven-haired man gracefully picked up one cup and lifted it towards the woman's lips, with a small shy smile on the new bride's face, she took three sips out of her new husband's hands.

The man with a serene look in his eyes, placed the cup back, and then it was the woman's turn. As she did the same, and lifted the cup to her husband's lips. Taking three sips, they finished the process and the priest continued his prayers and graced the two.

"It is time" The priest's hoarse and old voice gave a silver-haired man in the back the initiative he was waiting for, as he picked up a small royal red pillow, with two rings placed on it. And then proceeded to hand the pillow carefully to a small boy who was also dressed in a beautiful blue kimono. 

The boy, being overly careful with his task, walked with his chubby little legs upto the bride and groom, who were carefully following each of the boy's steps with small loving smiles.

As the pillow was brought next to the groom, the dark-haired man spoke in a calm and loving manner. "Thank you, Hotaru" The boy showed a big grin in response, and the rings were taken by the priest.

The priest placed the two beautiful rings engraved with precious rocks in front of the couple.

The husband was the first one to pick up one ring, and with the most gentle of actions, he took his wife's hand in his, and slid the ring unto her delicate and slender finger. And he held her hand in his and looked in her eyes, and declared the vows that he would fulfill to his last breath.

"Uchiha Hinata, with this ring, I promise to love you till forever and beyond as your husband".

The bride blushed shyly as she smiled and averted her eyes to her lap. The groom smiled, as he observed his wife slowly picking up the second ring. Her smooth and soft hand gently captured his and with care and love she slid the ring unto his ring finger. As she held his hand in a soft and loving embrace, she spoke her vows in a beautiful feathery voice.

"Uchiha Sasuke, with this ring, I vow to stand next to you and love you till forever and beyond as your wife".

The two shared a loving smile between each other before once again facing the priest. The priest shared the smile upon observing the two, before picking up a haraigushi* , waving it over the bride and groom and chanted an invocation, addressing many deities, before finally addressing not only the few sitting in the attendance, but also the villagers who were watching through the multiple monitors broadcasting the ceremony.

"With the will of Kami and his angels, I proclaim, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Hinata of the Uchiha clan, united".

The village erupted in cheers, as the birds sang in joy. Fireworks lit up the sky and music filled the air. Flowers were scattered off the roofs and down to the streets. The people reveled in loving cheers and the kids shouted in amusement over the different colors of the spring.

And inside the shrine, with the drums of celebration banging around them. 

The bride and groom, sat in the same graceful manner, but this time their hands found their way to each other. As they locked eyes, it was finally revealed to them.

The truth that they were looking for their whole lives. 

Two misfits, and outcasts that found their way toward each other. Facing trials and hurdles and cruelties that life threw on them all. Bearing everything that came their way. 

Forbidden by the rules of their clans,  they overcame every enemy and they reached for the stars. 

Tales of their love that were written for the ages to come, they bared through a harsh world to make their fantasies a reality.

And the words they spoke in unison :

"To forever and beyond, together".

Indeed, theirs was a never-ending story.


The author's final note for this story : First of all,  I want to thank all the people who have red this story from the story, who have supported me and encouraged me to write this story since the first day. I am humbled by the loving comments I have received and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

With this final chapter, we come to a close to this story. And I sincerely hope that it was a finale that satisfied your readings buds. I apologize if there were some mistakes and if there was something you did not like. 

Writing this story has been an amazing experience for me, I have been writing short stories and such in the past but they were all for my eyes. This is the first time I tried my hand at writing a full-length story that was presented to everyone and i'm grateful to all of you who have been on this ride with me. And I have learned a lot and I hope to use what i've learned to write better stories for you guys.

And because of the love and support I have received, I am even more motivated now to write more stories. And I will be coming up with new stories very soon. So, to keep up with my updates, please follow me and stay aware.

With all of that said, I want to congratulate myself for finishing my first story : Den of the Snake. And once again thank you to all of you lovely readers.

And one last thing, my first ever SasukexHinata one-shot is also going to be released this week : Confessions aren't his strongest points.

So follow me so you can be updated when it releases.

1.Shinto - One of the oldest and most commonest religion followed the people of ancient japan.

2.Montsuki - A traditional Japanese kimono a groom wears.

3.Shiro-muku - A white kimono the bride wears to represent purity and faithfulness to her husbands family.

4.Kaiken - A small sword which is meant to represent a happy future.

5.Haraigushi - A branch of a sacred tree with white linen. 

6.Sake - A Japanese alcoholic drink.

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