
By kaylabastian01

33.4K 1.2K 532

Louis is terrified to go to a public high school. He's been home schooled his whole life. Suddenly, his paren... More

Twenty One


1K 50 4
By kaylabastian01

"So, what's going on, here?" I asked Harry later. "Like, being on the run, and stuff?"

"That's still a real thing. It's not as dire as before, but the threat's still there. We switched to online school."

"After our parents fighting so hard for us to go to school normally." I laughed and shook my head when Harry stared tickling me. "Stop!" I laughed.

Harry stopped after making sure I was red in the face. I turned my head when he went to kiss me, so he got my cheek instead.

"Don't be like that," Harry pouted.

"Don't tickle me then," I shot back, smiling when he did kiss me. I started to roll on my side, forcing him to fall on the bed with me.

Someone knocked on the door, making me groan, but keep Harry where he was. "Go away!"

Harry chuckled and kissed me again. My eyes closed and I put my hand on his cheek, my fingers practically in his hair.

Another knock sounded so Harry pulled away. "What?" He yelled.

There wasn't a response. "Liam? Knock off your stupid games, dude!" I stood up, but Harry grabbed my wrist.

I looked back at him, but he mouthed "don't". I gave him a confused look before there was another knock, making me jump.

Harry grabbed my wrist, then we both vanished. I raised my hand slowly and opened the door, revealing two people I didn't recognize.

"They left," the bald-headed man said after glancing in the room. "Unless..."

"Closet," I whispered to Harry.


"Closet!" I slammed the door closed and held it for a few seconds while Harry and I ran to the closet, leaving the door slightly open. I released the door and put my hand over my mouth to keep my breathing quiet. Before the door opened, I slammed a window shut as a last thought, hoping whoever was coming in my room thought we left.

Harry pulled me closer, making me wonder if he could see me. I never thought about asking him that, I just assumed he couldn't see what he made invisible. "We're gonna be okay," he whispered.

I nodded and held my breath, shutting my eyes tightly. They searched the room, including the closet, but they just looked. I heard them call clear before going down stairs.

"They weren't there."

"They have to be. They didn't leave," Liam groaned. I sat up, Harry still holding my wrist, so he stopped me before I stood. "Let me go look. They'll trust me."

"Don't put up that barrier," a woman warned. I heard feet on the stairs again before Liam hitting the door frame. "Get out of here, now," he whispered. "Harry, get him away from here. I'm serious."

Harry stayed still, his grip on my wrist loosening slightly. "Don't even think of trying to save me either. I'll be okay, but you have to go, now!"

"Liam!" Someone yelled.


Harry pulled me out of the closet and went to a window. "Jump."

"Are you insane?" I asked.

"Yeah, trust me." He let go of my hand and jumped, I guess. I waited a few seconds, trying to convince myself to jump out the window when I saw Harry reappear below and motion for me to follow.

"Louis, I swear if you don't jump, I'll push you," Liam threatened. I looked back at him, and saw a gash on his head.


"Go, now," he instructed. "Louis, go."


I took a deep breath a closed my eyes, using my hands to push myself away from the window. I felt Harry wrap his arms around me once I hit the ground, helping me up. "Come on."

"Where are we-"

Harry pulled me to a car and opened the passenger side, so I climbed in. He closed the door and ran to the other side, getting in and starting the car. "What is going on?" I snapped.

"So, I kinda lied earlier when I said everything calmed down," Harry admitted.

"I see that!" I rubbed my face. "So what's actually happening?"

"They're after you, Louis," Harry whispered. "Because you can jump between universes at will."

"It's not at will. Or I wouldn't have ever fucking left. I don't know how I did that, Harry, but it wasn't my fucking choice!"

"You we're in a ton of pain, that could have triggered the response. And since your abilities didn't exactly work in the other world, you couldn't bring yourself back."

"But yours worked!"

Harry sighed. "We don't know everything yet, Louis! What we have so far is a lot of guessing and theories. But you... you are so fucking dangerous, according to them. You have telekinesis, you can stop time, and you can move between universes."

"Stop making it sound so cool," I mumbled. "I hate it. I just want my telekensesis. I don't want everything else." I sighed. "What about Liam? We can't just leave him there."

"We have a plan, just trust us, alright?"

I wanted to throw some thing across the country. "No, Harry! I can't just trust you have a plan! I don't know what's happening to Liam and I've already went months without him. I'm not losing him completely."

Harry sighed. "If we go back, you're as good as dead if you're caught, Louis."

"I don't care! That's my brother, Harry!"

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