Obsessed | kth ✓

By SingularitaeAddict

1.1M 48.2K 30.7K

"I can't get my mind off you, I think I might be obsessed. The very thought of you makes me want to get undre... More

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Important Announcement
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Author's note
Epilogue - Part 2

- twenty-nine -

17.5K 743 1.2K
By SingularitaeAddict

"What the fuck was that about?" I fumed after closing the door of Taehyung's apartment.

The ride back home had been extremely uncomfortable and quite frankly, probably the most intense car ride I had ever experienced. Not only was Taehyung driving really fast, but we also seemed to hit every red light possible on the way home. He hadn't peeped as much as a word the whole time and neither had I, avoiding confrontation on purpose and giving him space.

However, I couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung glanced up from the cup of water he had grabbed from the kitchen, seeming completely clueless as to where my exasperation was even coming from.

"I mean how you were about to break that boy's neck with your eyes," I explained, my irritation flaring.

He became dark. "I just didn't like the way he was ogling you."

"I hadn't even noticed the way he was ogling me," I finger-quoted, rolling my eyes. I was beginning to suspect that Taehyung was exaggerating. And even if that boy was eyeing me like that, so what? "Why do you even care? It's just some random weirdo. So what does it matter who's looking at me and who isn't? You're the one that's next to me. You're the one I chose. Right?" I tried to stretch my lips into a smile, but truthfully, I was still annoyed.

"You don't get this," Taehyung mumbled. "I hate it when someone looks at you in an inappropriate way. These sick perverts, they want to taint you with their dirty hands and it makes the blood in my veins boil. I'm just feeling extremely protective of you, is that so bad?"

"It's not," I shook my head. "But when you're threatening people like that it becomes a problem. The poor guy was about to shit his pants."

"He should have. Serves him right."

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Why are we even spending so much time talking about this?"

"You brought it up." he shrugged innocently.

"So it's my fault now?"

"No, I'm just saying that it's you who keeps on discussing it."

There was a pause of thick silence as I stared at him, clenching my jaw. It was him who had messed up and somehow, he managed to put the blame on me for wanting to talk it out?

Am I overreacting?

"I don't want this to happen again," I mumbled, chewing on my lower lip nervously. "It makes me feel weird and I just don't like it."

He reached to take my hand in his, his thumb stroking the skin on the back of my hand. "I'll try my best to not let it bother you again."

I glanced up at him. What was that supposed to mean? He just said he wasn't going to let it bother me, not that he would stop doing it.

Before I could protest, Taehyung stood up, gesturing for me to follow him. "Let's eat," he said softly, a tender smile adorning his lips. "There's some leftover food in the fridge that needs devouring." He chuckled.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, okay."

As Taehyung started preparing our meals, I slumped over the kitchen island, head hanging low. My thoughts swirled together in a violent whirlwind. Frankly, I really wanted the subject dropped but it just wouldn't leave my mind. Something was seriously bugging me, but I had already addressed the issue and we had stopped talking about it. Was it a good idea to bring it up again?

"I've been thinking," Taehyung's deep silky voice snapped me out of my hurricane of thoughts.

"Really? About what?" I gave an awkward smile, pretending I was okay. Maybe if we talked about something else, I would feel better.

"Why don't you quit your job?" he said nonchalantly, putting the utensils on the kitchen table. I froze.

"Quit my job?" my eyebrows shot sky high, almost connecting with my hairline. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Yes," Taehyung shrugged as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "You don't need it anymore. I mean, not to brag, but I can provide for everything we need," a slight blush tainted his cheeks as he gave a shy smile. It would almost be endearing, if his words weren't so... infuriating. "Honestly, this job isn't doing anything for you except exhausting you. Recently you've been really tense, babe, I don't know if you realize it, but it's been stressing you out how overworked you are. Why don't you take a break?"

All I could to was stare at him slack jawed, completely stupefied.

"But what would I do without my job?" I uttered my thoughts out loud. It was the truth. My job meant everything to me, my whole world revolved around it. Without it, I was nobody.

Taehyung took a seat on the stool next to me, his hand massaging my back gently. "Whatever you'd like. You can literally do anything you'd like. Read, exercise, go for walks, watch movies. Maybe take up a hobby. Whatever your heart wants, I'll make sure it happens."

"But I love my job," I whispered, my voice disappearing.

"Do you really?" Taehyung cocked a brow, disapproval written all over his face. "Is this really your dream job? I don't want my girl to be stuck forever in a job where there's no chance for growth."

This wasn't the case, though. I had always hoped that with my qualities and just the right bit of luck, I would be able to be a manager one day.

"I'm not sure about this," I mumbled, feeling the tension build up in my shoulders.

"Well, you don't need to make a decision right away," Taehyung lowered his head so that he could meet my gaze, caressing my hair lovingly. "It's just a suggestion, consider it if you want to. Why put all this effort into something that isn't worth it?"

I felt as though someone had dropped a ton of weight on me. A taste of bitterness filled my mouth. I loved my job, everything about it. Yes, there was stress, many deadlines and a shitload of chaos but this dynamic was what made me feel alive. I adored it. If I were to leave it behind, it would rip me apart. Not to mention how much I'd miss all of my friends and colleagues there, even the nasty ones. I couldn't possibly imagine spending a day at home with nothing to do. It would kill me.

Yet, Taehyung was right that I had been feeling constantly overwhelmed and exhausted. It was true that I needed a break, but quitting?

And more importantly, why did I have the feeling that he was being pushy for some reason?


"I'm gonna get us some drinks, babe, what would you like that I bring you?" Taehyung asked, placing his hand on the small of my back, trying to speak over the loud chatter coming from every direction possible. We were at another idol's birthday party that was being held in a very private, secluded club, unavailable for the public eye.

Still, the place was super flashy and cramped with idols, making me feel very uncomfortable and out of place.

"Just a glass of wine," I told him, feeling my head pound with the beats of the loud music. "I'm going to the ladies' room, be back in a minute." I announced, making gestures for him in case he hadn't heard me.

He gave a curt nod, his expression giving away that he wasn't exactly happy he was leaving me alone even if it was for a bit.

The truth was, I didn't need to use the toilet as much as I wanted to get out of that place. Crowded places made me nervous, and I wasn't exactly in the mood for partying that night.

I sighed with relief once I had gone a considerate distance from the loud music, finally able to hear my thoughts. Just as I was about to turn the corner for the ladies' room, I felt a solid grip around my wrist and someone jerking me backwards abruptly, causing me to stagger backwards and let out a choked up shriek.

I panicked immediately, unable to get a word out when I saw him.

He was wearing a what seemed to be a really expensive custom-made black coat and black ripped jeans that fit his prominent thighs quite tightly, making the muscles swell under the fabric. The first three buttons of his snow-white shirt were left undone, offering a view of his sun-kissed torso, and a pair of thin-rimmed specs adorned his light brown eyes.

Park fucking Jimin. In the flesh. Looking me straight in the face.

It had been almost a month since I had seen him last. My breath got caught my throat as my shaking, perspiring hands gripped on my clutch. His pupils slightly dilated as a sharp exhale left his parted plump lips, his eyes glistening with something similar to... adoration?

It had been at least some seconds until we both realized he was still holding my wrist. I yanked it off, trying to cover up how flustered I was.

"What do you think you're doing?" I gave a stern look, keeping my voice as quiet as possible. "Creeping up on me like some kind of psycho-"

"What is this thing I'm hearing about you quitting your job?" he cut me off, not caring to let me finish my sentence. There was urgency in his voice and I noticed his chest heaving up and down as his breathing became deeper, more labored. It was so out of character, he was usually so careless and laid-back.

"What?" I furrowed my brows, a cold wave washing over me. "Who told you that?"

"Doesn't matter," he mumbled. "Is it true?"

"I don't have to answer your questions," I folded my arms in front of my chest, partly because I wanted to hide the shaking of my hands.

Jimin looked so focused, ebony eyes scanning my face for any sigh giving away my true emotions. "I heard you're living with him now." He uttered.

"How is that any of your business?" I shot back. I was suddenly reminded of what Taehyung what told me about Jimin and Tiffany betraying him behind his back. It made me sick to my bones. How could Jimin do something like that to him?

"Is he the one urging you to quit your job?" he continued to interrogate, his voice lingering with resentment and something else I couldn't exactly put my finger on.

I paused as he refused to look away. "No. But even if he was, I hardly think this is-"

"You're making a big mistake," he cut me off again, grabbing on my hand and pulling me towards himself. I inhaled his musky scent, it crept up in my mind and fogged up my senses. He was so close, our thighs basically brushed against each other. "This won't end well for you."

"Jimin," I breathed out. "Let me go." I couldn't be so close to him. I shouldn't.

"Y/N," he gulped heavily. "I- I'm begging you. Don't do this."

There it was, the thing I hadn't been able to identify in his voice before.

It was desperation.

Jimin sounded desperate.

"Don't do what?" I questioned as goosebumps lined my skin when his breath sent a breeze against my neck.

He glanced down, his tongue cloaking his lips. "Don't quit your job. Don't do something you'll regret later on. Taehyung wants you all to himself, that's why he's making you do this."

"That's not true," I hurried to protest. "He's just looking out for me and wants to take care of me. I don't imagine you'd understand, considering you've probably never done something like this for someone." I instantly regretted the harsh words as they left my mouth, but it was already too late.

Jimin's face hardened, still he looked unfazed by my biting remark. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Have you heard this?" he muttered.

I just stayed silent, his words hitting me harder that I imagined they could.

"He wants to control you. If being a mute pupped in his hands is what you aspire to be, then by all means go ahead, I won't stop you. But you're so much better than that. You're so bright and intelligent, even I have noticed that much. You have sharp wit and a sense of humor. Unlike most women out there, you actually have a personality. Don't let him turn you into a woman who has left herself behind for a man. Someone without a voice, completely forgotten. Because you have a voice, Y/N, a quite loud one at that. You can do everything you put your mind to, don't ever lose your drive. Don't let him take it away from you."

His words managed to knock all the wind out of my lungs. My eyes widened so much they were about to jump out of their sockets. I was stunned.

"Why are you saying all of this to me?" I asked out of my breath. "Surely you have some agenda."

"No," he shook his head, a tinge of sadness in his deep brown eyes. "I'm just speaking my mind this time. You're the first woman ever to have made me question my way of life. The first one I've ever wanted to... change for." He slightly choked up on the words and I felt as if something was tugging on my heart.

Could I trust him? Could I trust the womanizing player named Park Jimin, the man who had tried to get me in the sack a million times, the man who had used so many girls and had thrown them away afterwards?

Come to think of it, everything he had told me until now had turned out to be true. He had never lied to me, never tried to deceive me into thinking he was someone else. All this time, he had been completely authentic, bad guy or not.

As my thoughts raced, I was instantly reminded of the last time we spoke. And it was totally enough for my exasperation towards him to come back in full force.

"Why should I trust you, Jimin?" I yanked off my hand again, disconnecting our fingers. A red wave of anger blanketed my mind. "How can I, when I know who you really are. The things you've done. You've been sleeping around with Tiffany while she was seeing Taehyung. Yes, I know all about that, he told me everything. What kind of a friend are you, Jimin? You betrayed him!" I accused, my voice becoming louder and I had to remind myself to be quiet.

Finally, I was calling Jimin out for who he really was. However, it didn't make me feel good, at all.

His eyebrows dipped slightly as a disheartened look washed over his face. "He told you that?"

"Yes," I nodded. "This whole thing has hurt him so much. Not because of Tiffany, but because his friend stabbed him in the back."

"I didn't know!" Jimin whisper-yelled in frustration, making me flinch. He removed his orange-tinted glasses and ran a hand over his face, exhaling deeply. "I swear to God, Y/N, I didn't know. Taehyung has always been extremely private with his relationships, keeping them on the down low. No one knew about them. She didn't tell me either. What was I to do?" he whined, bouncing on his feet as he spoke, looking conflicted.

"Are you really telling the truth? You didn't know?" I muttered, nibbling on my lower lip.

"I didn't," Jimin confirmed, frustration radiating from every fiber of his body. "If I did, I would never do something like this. She played us, Y/N, she played us both. That night at the restaurant when you ran into me and Tiffany having an argument, she said she was there because she wanted to apologize to Taehyung. I told her to go away because I knew she'd ruin your date with him. I was doing it to protect you," he explained, taking another step towards me.

I stepped back, my back pressing to the cold wall behind me. A small gasp escaped my lips. And to think I was so harsh with him that night, saying all of those horrible things... he was just looking out for me. Just like with the photos.

I suddenly started feeling light-headed.

"Okay, but," I took a deep breath in. "How long has this thing between you guys been going on for? That guy Tiffany has been obsessing over, was it you? I know you've been texting. I heard your phone chiming while she was typing on hers," I spoke quickly, racing through the words.

I felt uncomfortable asking all these questions, but I really wanted to know the truth. Taehyung had told me he and Tiffany weren't in touch, so if he wasn't the mysterious man she was going after, then it had to be Jimin, right?

Jimin let out a long sigh. "Yes, she's been quite annoying with the texts. Some days they go up to fifty a day. I've told her to leave me and Taehyung alone many times, but she doesn't take no for an answer. After I found out what she had done to us, I absolutely hated her. I didn't want to see her, it made me sick. I guess this only made her even more stubborn and insistent. She just wouldn't leave me alone. I don't blame her though. Once you get a taste of this, you always want more," his fingertips brushed against the skin on my arm. There it was, his playful side making an appearance again, even though he quickly went back to being somber.

"Not the right time for this," I said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry," he gave an apologetic look, his gaze still lingering on me, his teeth taking in his lower lip and chewing on it. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. There was longing in his eyes, but I forced myself not to pay too much attention to it.

My hands shot up to my head where I massaged my temples. This information was all too much for me and it was making me dizzy.

"Do you see me now?" he questioned, regaining my attention. "I'm not the hateful, horrible person you make me out to be. I admit I've made mistakes, but I'm not a monster, Y/N. I've apologized to Taehyung a thousand times, believe me. It hasn't been easy for me either." He offered me a sad smile.

"As hard as I find it to believe you, I don't think you're lying," I finally said. He had even broken through his usual flirtatious and cheeky person and had become serious for a while. Was this the same Jimin I knew?

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed heavily. If I didn't know him better, I'd almost think he was faltering.

"I really hope your opinion of me changes. Because as weak as that makes me feel, I've recently come to the realization that I care about it, Y/N. I care about what you think of me. It's so new to me and it fucking scares me. I was too proud to call you, but I've been thinking about you this whole time. I think I-," he paused, obviously stopping himself from saying something. "Here I am, talking to you and begging you to see me in a different light," he exhaled sharply. "Have I managed to do that?"

author's note:

y'all, who here is team Jimin?

or are we still team Taetae?

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