Scarlet Ghost

By ScarletApollo99

429 119 48

Two college students who live in New York City are living their normal life when suddenly everything changes... More



7 3 1
By ScarletApollo99

Two days have passed since Haley was turned into a werewolf.
Everyone has been staying in the dorm room. Liz, Michelle, and Haley have been trying hard to find a cure for Haley but to no avail.

Michelle wakes up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Haley is passed out on the floor curled up and snoring softly. Michelle looks over at the desk and sees Liz furiously typing away on her lap top. Michelle expects to see Courtney passed out on her bed but she's no where to be seen.

"Where's Courtney?" Michelle asks Liz.

Liz doesn't look away from her computer. She just shrugs "She told me she was going to complete some errands or something and left. Haven't seen her since."

"Well that's unusual. I have rarely seen Courtney out of the bed before noon. What could she be doing?" Michelle pauses and looks at Liz "Judging by those dark circles under your eyes I'd say you pulled an all nighter."

"Yep. I can't keep sabotaging the school's electrical grid forever I gotta find a cure." Liz replies while still typing.

"I'm gonna get dressed then I'm gonna go get some coffee from the cafe, you wanna come?" Michelle says.

As if on cue Liz yawns and closes her lap top "Yeah I could go for some coffee."

"Alright cool. I'll be getting ready. Maybe you should get ready too, you look like you got hit by a bus." Michelle says to Liz.

Liz crosses her arms "I didn't sleep what did you expect?"


Michelle and Liz are walking along the sidewalk in the main courtyard that leads to the cafe. There are a bunch of people crowding the space and fighting for a spot close to the fountain.

Michelle and Liz are about to make their way to the cafe when they notice a pack of skateboarders coming their way. Not thinking anything about it, Michelle and Liz keep walking. They had seen the group of four skateboarders before and normally they moved out of people's way and gave each other space on the sidewalk. Except this time.

They were staring directly at Liz and Michelle. They walk up to the two friends and the guy in front suddenly asks them a weird question. "Where is she?"

Liz and Michelle are completely taken off guard and are extremely confused by his question and they just stare at them.

"Where is she?" The guy asks again.

Again Liz and Michelle are baffled and are shocked when the skateboarders grab them and proceed to drag them back all the way to the dorm. They make Michelle open the door and then they all go inside.

Haley is awake and is sitting on her bed chewing on one of Courtney's shoes. She drops it when she sees the new arrivals. "Um who are these guys?"

"We're werewolves just like you." The guy replies.

"You don't look like werewolves." Liz says suspiciously.

"Why else would we travel in a pack all the time?" He stops briefly then continues "Look we have no reason to hurt any of you. Our kind is being hunted by PHRPA too. We're only trying to look out for each other."

"Wait no one told you about PHRPA how do you know about them?" Michelle asks.

"Simple we can smell that you're a vampire. And it's not hard to know that wherever a vampire shows up PHRPA follows. They just don't stop at vampires they will kill all of the creatures like us until there's only them." He replies.

"Woah um ok..." Liz says slowly.

"We will take her with us. That way we can teach her to control her werewolf form and train her." He says.

He just is about to open the door to leave when it suddenly opens revealing Courtney loaded down with a bunch of PetsMart bags.

"Where have you been?" Michelle asks.

"I've been at PetsMart. I didn't know what Haley would like so I bought a bunch of dog stuff. I got treats, toys all kinds of stuff. One of almost everything actually." Courtney says proudly while dumping everything onto the floor.

"How on earth did you pay for all of this?" Michelle asks.

Courtney rummages around in her pocket and pulls out a credit card. "With this. I couldn't find mine so I used Liz's."

Liz narrows her eyes. "You what?" She hisses. "I'm going to tear you limb from limb!! This is like $800 worth of dog supplies!!"

"$900 worth of dog supplies to be exact. Have fun paying that credit card payment this month." Courtney says.

What's up my peeps?

Let's hope Liz doesn't kill Courtney for using her credit card 😂

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and that you continue to read Scarlet Ghost!

I'll see you guys later!!

ScarletApollo99 🕷

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