Guiding Light โž™ Peter Parker

De capamericka

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Harrison Germain has lived on Earth for only a short period of his life. He made the life-saving decision to... Mai multe

Guiding Light
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Two

227 19 3
De capamericka

Bells jingled above a glass door as Harrison and Peter left their favourite coffee shop, white paper cups in hand. Peter wasn't a fan of coffee so he got some sort of berry tea while Harrison carried a dark roast coffee with a three sugar packs in it.

"What do you have to show me?" Harrison asked, holding the door open for a woman walking out behind the two boys.


"You said you had something to show me."

"Oh, yeah!" Peter exclaimed after Harrison had successfully jogged his memory. "Mister Stark has something for you." The brunette boy spoke, taking a sip of his tea to prevent saying anything else. Peter and Tony Stark had been working on something for Harrison, and it was finally complete.

"More music?" Harrison asked. Last time he had visited Avengers Tower with Peter, Tony had given the dark haired boy an AC/DC disc, which he later downloaded onto his iPod. He still listened to the songs when they came on.

"Nope, something much better." Peter replied.

"What's better than music?" Harrison noticed that the two boys were walking in the direction of Peter's apartment complex.

"You'll see." Peter smirked, glancing at Harrison out of the corner of his eye. Harrison and Peter had grown used to each other's surprises, a new one arising almost every week. Last week, Harrison had surprised his friend with a limited edition comic book he wanted. Harrison managed to buy the very last one, two minutes after they were restocked at the comic book store. Harrison sat outside all night and waited for the store to open and about twenty people didn't get a book. The copy that was given to Peter had a small tear on the front cover from someone trying to grab it away from Harrison. 

Harrison liked surprises. He liked the idea of not knowing what every day would bring, and said that made life more interesting. He enjoyed the routine things in his life like hanging out with Peter and whatnot, but he also liked living spontaneously and taking everything the way it came. Waking up at the same time and doing the exact same thing day in and day out would become so boring for the teenager. 

Peter slid his key into the lock on his apartment door and pushed it open. "May, I'm home!' The boy called out to his aunt, but the apartment room seemed to be deserted. 

"I am too!" Harrison added as he walked to the kitchen and threw out his now empty coffee cup. "I don't think she's here, dude." He stated to Peter as the boy entered the dimly lit kitchen. 

"May?" Peter yelled out again, waiting for a response. One didn't come so the two boys concluded they were alone. "Good. She can't see Mister Stark's surprise." Peter left the kitchen with Harrison right behind him, heading to his bedroom. The wooden door was open just a crack, Peter walking right into it to push it open. 

"Why do you always do that?" Harrison asked with a chuckle as he watched Peter open the door, his body flat against it. 

"It's easier than using my arms." 

"Use your webs." 

"That would require me getting my web shooters out of my backpack, then somehow opening the door...really, they'd only work to open the door of I was already inside the room. Using my webs outside would more likely close it, rather than ope-." 

"Okay, I get it." Harrison cut the boy off, grinning at his rambling. "What's in here?" He asked, referring to the paper bag that sat on Peter's bed. The top was rolled down and written on it in black sharpie were the words, "for Harry -TS." 

"That's the surprise!" Peter exclaimed, walking over and picking up the bag. "Turn around and I'll take it out." Harrison furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but did what he was told. He turned around, facing Peter's closet.

"You have to do your laundry." Harrison stated, pointing out the pile of clothing that sat at the bottom of the closet.

"Most of that is clean." Peter replied. The paper bag made crumpling noises behind Harrison as he grew impatient to see what was inside. When Peter gave him his cue, he turned around. 

"Woah, that's sick!" Harrison exclaimed with wide eyes and a grin just as large. Standing before him was Peter, holding up a grey and black one piece suit with a small lines of bright blue detail around the mock turtle neckline and arm holes. "Did Mister Stark make this?" 

"Yeah, he used the same technology for your suit as he did for mine. If you press this right here," Peter pointed to a black circle in the center of the chest, "it'll tighten around your body. Mine has the spider, right? And if you hit your wrists together twice your powers will activate." Peter explained, handing the suit over to Harrison. 

"This is so cool." Harrison took the suit from Peter, the feeling of silk and cotton traveling through his fingers. The boy held it out in front of him as he admired it. "Can I try it on?" He asked, moving the suit out of the way so he could see Peter again. 

"Yeah. Oh, there's a mask too!" Peter grabbed the bag off of his bed and pulled out a matching black and grey mask, the eyes the same blue as the suit's details. "You have to have a mask like this to cover up all your freckles." The brunette boy said as he tugged the mask onto Harrison's head. 

"Thanks." Harrison's muffled voice said before he left Peter's room and headed to the bathroom. He took the mask off and set it on the counter, before stripping off his t-shirt and jeans and pulling on the suit. Harrison turned to face himself in the mirror, and pulled the mask down over his messy curls and freckled skin. With a tap of the circle on his chest, the suit conformed to his body and hugged every curve of his figure. 

"Awesome." The boy mumbled, staring at himself in the mirror. He looked like Peter, but black and grey instead of red and blue. He could only wonder why Tony made their suits so similar. 

"Hey, Inviso-Boy. How's it going?" Peter asked from the other side of the bathroom door. Harrison pulled it open, coming face to face (or mask to mask) with Spider-Man. 

"It's Inviso-Man." The eyes on Harrison's mask squinted, copying the movements of his actual hazel ones. 

"I'm older than you, so you're the boy. Besides, Inviso-Boy sounds better. It sounds more like invisible."

"No you're not, my birthday is eight days before yours." 

"Oh, eight days!" Peter mocked, holding his hands up in defence. "Come on, then. Let's go see what that suit can do."

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