The girl that can actually ma...

By ZeLee8

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Amoya Hana is your normal average school girl right? Wrong, she's super pretty, way more pretty then taruhash... More

Info first
New school, New life, New start
The goddess and The knight
Hana and Leo's best friend
A new feeling for Saiki
Am I feeling jealous
A Day At The Beach...With Hana?!
The Medium Transfers
The sports festival (pt.2.)

The sports festival (pt.1.)

218 3 0
By ZeLee8

Saiki's POV

So today's the PK sports festival and it appears everyone is very excited well almost everyone. I'm not at all excited for this. Hana and Leo seem to be late I wonder what they're doing that's taking them so long to get to school on time for the festival?

Hana's POV

"LEO hurry up or we're going to be late!" I yell at Leo.

"Almost ready just need to find my pin and then we can go!" He yells back.

"I got it, Oh no! My hairclip, I forgot to put it on!" I panic.

"Don't worry I got it" Leo gave me my brooch and I gave him his.

"Thanks I don't know what we'll do without these" I sigh in relief.

"Come on we have to go. Today's the sports festival" Leo tells me.

"WHAT!?" I shout.

"Yep so we better be really careful not to lose these items, got it?" He asked me.

"Yeah I know. Let's go" I say.

He nods in response. While we're walking me and Leo discuss what we're going to do on finding him. He tells me that our friend Kusuke will help us out. I was very happy that he was going to help us out, maybe next time I see him I'll get him a present to show him how thankful I am but I also got to get him something he likes. That actually won't be too hard I know everything he likes so I'll make sure to get him a wonderful present. We made it to school and saw that everyone was already outside so me and Leo quickly changed into our gym uniform. I got a piece of my hair and put it to the right side of my head and clipped on my brooch to hold it on place, Leo put his at the hem of his shirt laying on it's side after that we ran outside to meet our class. They all turned to us and we both said

"Please forgive us for being late!" and then bowed.

"Nah it's okay Hana and Leo" Said student A

"Yeah we just got down here" Student B said

"No problems anyway" Student C

"After all it's not your fault" Student B

"Yeah so don't beat yourselves about it" Student D

I raised my head and looked at them then said

"Thank you all!" With a smile

"Yes thanks you!" Leo said with a small smile you couldn't see unless you were as close as I was. I was happy they weren't mad at us for being late. We took our places and waited for want Haido to finish introducing the rest of the classes. I was really happy to get to do sports day but at the same time nervous because I'm scared if I mess up and fail my class and if I lose my hairclip. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Saiki's POV

I was up first for one of the races I really didn't want to do this but I have too. I was about to go when I feel someone tugging on my shirt. I look down to see Hana with a brooch in her hair holding a piece of her hair.

"What's up Hana?" I ask.

"Good luck Saiki, I hope you do well" She gave me a thumbs up with a eye smile. 'Cute' I thought and nodded my head not to seem too excited about what Hana just did and said.

I go to my spot and do a running stance soon I hear the announcer say

'On your mark, get set, Go!'

I run as 'fast' as I can and am in 2nd place but I don't want to get too much attention so I slow down a bit as if it seems like I'm getting a bit tired. I make it a cross the finish line and got 3rd place in the race. As I make it back to my class Hana runs up to me and says

"That was amazing Saiki!" With stars in her eyes.

"What do you mean I only got 3rd place?" I was confused on why she was congratulating me on getting 3rd place then Haido and some other people came up and said

"Saiki! bro! You got 3rd place that's awesome!" Haido looked impressed.

"Why I only got 3rd place?" I ask again still confused.

"All the other racers were in track and field!" Haido informed me.

'You only now tell me this' I was mad that nobody told me this but that all went away when a certain someone side hugged me. Can you guess who it was? Well it was Hana she had a closed eye smile plastered on her face and the whispered

'You did amazing out there Saiki' I got to admit she is really good at calming me down.

I smiled but only enough for Hana to see. When Hana noticed I was smiling her smile got even cuter and bigger. She let go and went over to Leo and was talking to him about something, I wanted to know what they were saying so I used one of my powers to listen in.

~Hana and Leo's convection~

"Saiki was so cool in the race, he even got 3rd place"

"I know I saw it too"

"When it's my turn I'm going to try my hardest to win"

"I know you will win Hana so don't go pushing yourself okay?"

"I won't Leo so you got nothing to worry about"

"I know"

~End of Hana and Leo's convection~

That was nice that Hana was going to try her best when it's her turn maybe I'll cheer her on and wish her good luck like how she did with me. Next was Kaido and I already knew he was going to lose, I saw Hana go up to him and start to talk to him so I used my powers again so I can hear what they're talking about

~Hana and Kaido~

"Kaido good luck out there"

"Hmm? oh thanks Hana but I don't need luck after all I am the jet black wings!"

"I know but even the jet black wings needs a little luck, right?"

"Yeah I guess your right" Kaido scratched the back of his neck

"Well I know you'll win for sure Kaido!" Hana hugged him

"Thanks for believing in me Hana" Kaido hugged back

"No problem after all what are friends for?"

"Yeah I know" Kaido ruffled Hana hair making sure not to ruin or touch her brooch


Hana is always so nice to everyone and will always make sure that there doing well, oh how I can't wait till she's all mine. Anyway it was Kaido's turn so he went and took his place when the announcer said 'GO!' Kaido ran as fast as he could only got 4th place (I know in the anime he got 5th but I wanted it to seem Hana gave him strength to go faster). Kaido looked down when he only got 4th place so when Hana went up to him he looked away

"Kaido what's wrong?" Hana asked clearly worried and concerned.

"I let you down Hana, I'm sorry" Kaido was looking at the ground now.

"No you didn't Kaido" Hana told him.

"What?!" Kaido looked at her confused.

"You didn't let me down" Hana said in a sweet caring voice.

"What do you mean? You even told me that I'll win but I didn't so I let you down" Kaido looked back at the ground.

"I know what I said but I said it for a reason Kaido" Hana informed him.

"And that is?" Kaido asked stilled looking at the ground.

"For you to believe in yourself" Hana told.

Kaido looked up at Hana.

"I knew you didn't believe in yourself and that made me said because I know you can win but you didn't think you can so I told you that so you can have more faith in yourself and it seems like you did" Hana looked happy.

"I did?" Kaido was even more confused but happy that Hana had so much faith in him.

"Yep, you got 4th place. You could have gotten 5th if I didn't say anything but you didn't so you should be proud of yourself Kaido" Hana then hugged him.

"Yeah your right, your always right" Kaido hugged back and nuzzled into her shoulder.

All the boys in our class were furious that Kaido got to do that and so was I. 'Maybe if I get another turn I'll lose on prepress just so Hana can hug me and I can nuzzle into her neck instead of her shoulder' I thought while walking closer to Hana. Next was the three legged race and some guy took over the screen saying things about his past and how he won a rock-paper-scissors match so now he gets to run the three legged race with Teruhashi but he would be even more happy if he can run with the goddess Hana Amayo. Ha! As if I'll let him run a race with Hana. When Teruhashi went up she smiled while looking at him and said everything in her mind, his passed and the match but not the Hana part, seriously is she a psychic or something? Anyway as Teruhashi was about to say something to the guy Haido shouted that partners were switched and that the people running the three legged race is the same guy but Hana Amayo instead of Teruhashi. Teruhashi was surprised and Hana was happy because now she can be useful to her class. Hana and Teruhashi switched and Hana was talking to the guy but luckily I didn't need to use my powers to hear because I was close enough.

"Are you ready to win this Sawakita (I think this is how you spell it but if it's not please don't be mad at me)" Hana looked pumped.

"Um Ye-yeah" The guy stuttered.

"Let's win this and make our class proud okay I believe in us!" Hana cheered.

"Yeah me too" The guy looked nervous.

"Are you nervous Sawakita?" Hana was concerned.

"No, not at all" He waved off the question.

"If you are don't worry okay. You don't need to be nervous Sawakita after all I believe we can win this you just in to have faith, if you have faith then we won't lose. I know we will make our class proud so let's do our best out there okay, I believe in you Sawakita" Hana took one of his hands and held it close while also smiling a warm sweet smile with closed eyes to make him feel better.

It seems like it worked because will the announcer said 'GO!' He picked up Hana bridle style and carried her to the finish line. When he did that Hana hid her face into his neck and that just made him go quicker. I was really mad at the guy for doing that but it broke my heart that Hana placed her face into the cruck of his neck. It made me wonder why she did that.

"Your probably wondering why Hana hid her face into that guy's neck huh?" Leo took me by surprised saying that.

"Yeah, why did se do that?" I asked.

"She did that because when he picked her up it took her by surprised. When something sudden happens Hana has the habit of hiding behind the nearest person because it either scared her or embarrassed her" Leo informed me.

"Really?" Was what I said.

"Yep, one time we were walking around the city and a guy jumped out of nowhere and asked us if we would be interested in something he was offering. When he did that Hana hid behind me and I punched the guy in the face for scaring Hana and jumping me" Leo told me.

"Okay" I said in acknowledgement.

I now understood why she did that I'm not mad at her any more. But that guy is another story and will get a punch in the face for carrying her AND scaring her. Anyway a lot of the boy from our class were with what happened, they were more made that he carried Hana, the goddess, to the finish line instead of actually running but they also said a goddess can not run because beauty needs to be treated with respect and be caressed gently. After that it was the scavenger hunt so it was Nendo's turn. When the announcer said 'GO!' Nendo ran really fast but when he got the piece of paper he thought he won but then when the announcer told him to go find what's on the paper he ran towards us.

"Hey give me that!" Nendo said.

"Here this?" Haido showed him a tennis racket.

"No, not that! That!" Nendo reached out towards me and before I can react he grabs one of my "hairclips". Then before I knew it I am falling towards the ground, I brace myself for impact but it never came so before I completely black out I look up to see... Hana.

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