Nyx (Complete✅)

By emeraldrainbow

146K 10.3K 794

Beth Fields had known since high school that she was going to sign up for the New Hope colonization program... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 59

771 89 0
By emeraldrainbow

Beth listened eagerly to every word as Kelbar told her of his peoples' customs and traditions. Surprisingly, some were very similar to human traditions. Beth imagined earthborn tribes and natives performing some of the things Kelbar spoke of.

Kelbar shared many stories of past and current ceremonies and rituals they held, specifically having to do with marriage. New thoughts and ideas raced through Beth's mind. She wished Liam were there to listen as well.

Some Viscordian wedding customs were more serious while others were mainly celebratory. Beth thought the serious and more solemn customs were interesting, but she didn't want to incorporate them into her own wedding, and she knew Liam would agree. Their wedding would be a time of happiness and celebration.

When Kelbar finished sharing, Jakam said. "You have a great memory Kelbar! I had forgotten about some of those traditions. Many of them had been lost to our people. Thank you for preserving them."

"Living without others gave me a lot of time with my thoughts. They were all I had left of my people. My memories. I fought to preserve them, to never forget." Kelbar replied.

Beth thought of her friend living alone for all that time and tears formed in her eyes. One slid down her cheek and she swiped it away. "Thank you so much for sharing your memories with me." She told him.

"It was my pleasure," Kelbar replied.

They all looked up at the sound of footsteps. The Captain and Liam were walking towards them. Beth brightened at the sight of her betrothed.

Jakam stood and greeted the Captain. "Good morning."

"Good morning." The captain replied. "I hope your accommodations were adequate."

"Yes, they were. Thank you for providing them."

"Were you planning on leaving soon?" Asked the captain.

"Yes, we should start heading back," Jakam replied.

"Where is your camp, would you like an escort? We'd be happy to help in any way we can." The captain asked.

"We are across the lake, we went around through the forest. It's quite a trek." Jakam replied. "We can make it back fine ourselves. Thank you for the offer."

Beth had been listening to their conversation and cleared her throat. Both leaders looked in her direction. "If I might interrupt, I think I can be of service"

Remembrance spread over the captain's face. "That's right! I had completely forgotten. Would you mind?"

"I wouldn't mind at all. I'd be glad to teleport you back to your camp. It would take no time at all." Beth said. "I can take you to your village as well." She added.

"That would be most helpful. Thank you, Beth." Jakam said.

"When would you like to leave?" She asked.

"We are all ready." Jakam gestured to Meelah and Kelbar. "So, whenever you are able."

"We can leave now." She replied.

The three Viscordians all made sure they were touching Beth. Liam was coming along also.

Before they disappeared, Jakam told the captain. "I will see you at two moons."

The captain nodded yes. They disappeared.

Nyx's two moons could be seen full in the sky together every two months, earth-time. Jakam and the captain had agreed that it would be the set date of their meetings. At two moons Beth would teleport to the Viscordian village and retrieve Jakam. These meetings would ensure further peace, communication, and harmony between them. It will be a time to share news and a time to resolve any troubles or issues, which are always bound to occur at some point. The captain looked forward to future alliance with the Viscordians. He found them and their culture quite interesting and they were good company as well. He firmly believed humans and Viscordians could live in harmony with one another.


Ruth was excelling in her new position on the medical team. Those around her noticed her vast medical abilities right away and she was quickly promoted.

"It hurts." Said a small girl.

"Tell me where sweetie," Ruth asked her.

"It hurts!" The girl was beginning to cry.

Ruth was patient. "It's all gonna be okay honey. Shhhh. Don't cry."

The little girl calmed down a bit. "My knee." Her lip trembled.

"Your knee hurts?"


"Does it hurt anywhere else sweetie?" Ruth asked her.

"No." She was starting to cry again.

"Okay, I'll make you feel better. Tell me which knee hurts."

"This one." The little girl pointed.

Ruth gently lifted the girls skirt off her knee. The small knee was extremely discolored and swollen. Ruth feared a shattered kneecap. "Okay, sweetie. I see it. Now I'm going to use this to see what's making it hurt so much." She didn't want to frighten the girl by mentioning broken bones. She lifted up her handheld diagnostic device to perform an x-ray on the injured knee. The girl winced a little when Ruth touched it to her knee.

She sighed with relief. All bones were intact. The knee was only sprained and very bruised. Bones were more difficult to mend, but thankfully they were working on a bone-regrowth serum.

Ruth went to her cabinet of medicines. She selected what was needed. A Serum to decrease the swelling and eliminate bruising.

"Now this may pinch a little," Ruth said. "So I need you to be brave."

"Okay." The little girl sat up straighter and closed her eyes.

Ruth injected the serum. The swelling and discoloration disappeared before her eyes. The little girl opened her eyes in surprise at the sudden relief. The pain should all be gone.

"How does it feel?" Ruth asked.

The little girl moved her formerly injured leg and jumped down. "It feels better!" She yelled with glee. "Thank you, Doctor Ruth!"

"I'm glad you're better!" Ruth exclaimed. "But you still need to be careful. Your knee still needs to heal a little bit."

"Okay, Doctor Ruth. I'll be careful." The girl said, before promptly running out the door to get back to playing.

Ruth sighed. That same girl would probably be back again the next day with a totally new injury. Little kids played rough. The majority of the medical care she provided went into treating their boo-boos. She thoroughly enjoyed it though and wouldn't trade it for anything.

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