Big Time Love Story <3

By JessicaMaslow

8K 103 39

Jessica is Kendall's only little sister. When Jessica comes to visit and stay in the house Big Time Rush is s... More

Chapter 2: Meeting The Guys
Chapter 3: New Boyfriend?
Chapter 4: Going On Tour With Big Time Rush
Chapter 5: Worldwide Girl
Chapter 6: Lost
Chapter 7: Ex-Girlfriend, Rachel
Chapter 8: The Decision

Chapter 1: Visiting My Big Brother

2.7K 23 6
By JessicaMaslow

Okay, so this is my first story ever! :) Hopefully you enjoy it! :) This is to Big Time Rush! Everything goes to them! I love them! I am a Rusher <3.This may not be that good, but I tried! Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1: Visiting my big brother

Jessica's POV:

It was a normal summer day at my house. School had ended just a few days ago. I was listening to my favorite band Big Time Rush on my iPod and reading a magazine. Suddenly my phone started vibrating. I pop my earbuds out and pick it up 


"Hey Jess!" a voice replied.  

I recognized the voice instantly.  

Me: Kendall?! 

Kendall: You got it little sister.  

Me: Omg! It's been so long! How are you? 

Kendall: I'm doing great! How's my little sister? 

Me: I'm doing fine. It's better than when I'm at school. School is such a bore.  

Kendall: Well, I need to ask you something really important.  

Me: Okay. What is it?  

Kendall: Um... You see... 

Me: Oh God. Did you do something bad or something? 

Kendall: Jess!  

Me: Well then if it's not that. Just spit it out big brother.  

Then I started drinking water.  

Kendall: You're coming to stay with me for the whole summer. We'll get to hang out and catch up! 

I immediately spit out the water and started choking.  

Kendall: Jess you okay? 

Me: *cough* Yeah. *cough* I'm fine.  

Kendall: So you gonna come?  

Me: Kendall I don't know.  

Kendall: You have to sis. I already booked your flight to tomorrow morning. I meant to tell you yesterday, but I forgot.  

Me: You what?! 

Kendall: Love you? 

Me: Kendall Schmidt!  

Kendall: Jessica Schmidt!  

Me: Seriously Kendall. Tomorrow morning?! You give me like 12 hours to pack and all you say is 'love you'?! 

Kendall: So you're coming? 

Me: I didn't say that... 

Kendall: Jess.... I know you want to come and hang out with me and the guys.  

It was my dream to meet Big Time Rush. Just because my brother was in BTR didn't mean that I get to meet them. He was busy really often. I had to give in.  

Me: Okay. But next time you want me to hang out with you... give me a heads up will ya? 

Kendall: Got it! Mom and dad should have your ticket and I'll pick you up around 11:30 tomorrow morning. 

Me: Well. Can you at least tell me the flight time? I know you're gonna pick me up.  

Kendall: Oh. Haha right. It's at 9. Its the earliest flight that day.  

Me: You just couldn't wait to see me huh big brother? 

Kendall: Haha you got me Jess.  

Me: Hey Kendall I love you and I'd love to chat all day, but according to you I have to pack.  

Kendall: Oh. Well love you little sister! See you tomorrow! 

Me: Love you too big brother! Bye. 

I hang up and sigh. I have to pack. I went to my closet and pulled out 2 of my bags and started to pack. Then I heard a knock on my door.  

"Yeah?" I call out.  

"Jessica?" I hear my mom call.  

"Yeah. I'm in here." I reply.  

I see the door open and I look up from my packing.  

"What are you doing?" my mom asks.  

"Mom, what does it look like I'm doing?" I ask sarcastically "Kendall called today. He told me you had the tickets. For the flight." 

"Oh! He told you today? I forgot about it! I'll get it for you." my mom replied then she left the room. 

I sigh and continue to pack. The whole day when by as a blur. I was so busy getting ready. I just couldn't believe Kendall would only give me like a 12 hour notice. It was stupid. I go to bed and wake up to my alarm clock the next day.  

"Paris London Tokyo. There's just one thing that I gotta do" my alarm rings. I groan and get up. It was only 4:00 in the morning. I groan again. I lazily get up from the bed and start to get ready. I go to the bathroom and start taking a shower. I put on short and a cute little top and straighten my brown hair. Unlike Kendall, I was brown eyed and had brown hair. Kendall on the other hand had blonde hair and hazel eyes. I guess that's what makes us unique siblings. I turn on my music to Big Time Rush. It played Stuck. I sang along while I got my hair straightened. I was finished. I went out said my good byes and headed off to the airport. I went through check in and boarded the plane not too long later. I put my earbuds in and listened to Big Time Rush on my iPod. First was Worldwide. I sang as the plane lifted off to the sky.

Kendall's POV:

It was the day when my little sister was coming over in a long time. I was excited. I probably showed it too much because James started asking me questions.  

"Hey Kendall! What's with the huge grin?" James asks. Then his face lights up. "You have a girlfriend now?" he asks grinning.  

"No. It's much more exciting than that." I reply, grinning.  

"More exciting than having a girlfriend? What's more exciting than having a girlfriend?" James asks.  

"Something." I smile.  

"Aww. Come on Kendall." James replies.  

"Yo James. What's with the whining?" Carlos asks, coming in the living room.  

"Kendall won't tell me why he's so excited." James tells Carlos.  

Then Logan comes in after Carlos.  

"What's up?" Logan asks.  

"Kendall is not telling me what is so exciting is what's up. It's making me really frustrated!" James yells.  

"You finally got a girlfriend bro?" Logan smiles.  

"No! My little sister is coming today. I'm picking her up at 11:30 from the airport." I tell them.  

"Oh!" they all say.  

"Yeah..." I roll my eyes.  

"Is she cute?" James asks, smiling.  

"James!" I yell.  

He jumped backwards. "God! What?! You didn't have to yell at me!" 

"My sister?! You are not going out with my sister!" I yell.  

"Gosh! Overprotective brother! I only asked." James replies.  

"Hey! When my sister comes I want you guys to behave." I tell them.  

"We will." they all grin.  

"Thank you." I sigh of relief.  

"But what if we fall in love with her and...." James starts.  

"JAMES!!!" all three of us yell.  

James fell off the couch and immediately stood back up.  

"I'm just asking. You didn't have to yell at me." James replies.  

"My sister is off limits to all of you. I mean it. Don't even think of going out with my sister. Especially not becoming my brother-in-law." I lecture.  

"Do you hate us that much bro?" James asks.  

"No. You guys are like brothers to me. Its just that. It would be really awkward and weird if one of you is my brother-in-law. I doubt you will fall for her anyways." I continue.  

"Whoa. You are so mean. Are you saying your sister is ugly? How can you say that?! You're her older brother! Even I wouldn't say that to my sister." James tells me.  

"Dude. That's not I meant." I start to explain.  

"You are so.... evil!" Carlos blurts out.  

I glare at him. "Really guys? Really?"  

"Yes really. They do have a point. That is a harsh statement Kendall." Logan says.  

"I told you that's not what I meant. I was saying that you probably won't fall for her. Not because of her looks or personality, but just because I don't think she's your kind of type. I think my sister is beautiful in every single way." I explain.  

"Aww. How adorable." all three guys coo.  

"Shut up!" I yell.  

"Ha! Whatever you say Kendall." James laughs.  

"Yeah yeah. Laugh all you want. I meant what I said and I'm not taking it back." I reply. 

Then I look at my watch. It was 11. I had to go pick Jessica up from the airport.  

"Hey guys. I have to go pick my sister up so I'm leaving. See you later!" I say, running out the door.  

I get in my car and start the engine. Then I head off to the airport.

Jessica's POV:

The plane landed and I walked out of the plane. The warm air of LA touched my skin. I smiled. I went to baggage claim and got my bags. I went and saw a familiar face waiting for me. Kendall.  

"Jess!" he called.  

I gave him a huge smile and walked over to him. "Kendall!" 

He gives me a big hug and I hug him back. We break away and he grins. "How's my little sister?" he asks.  

"I'm fine big brother. I'm just so happy to see you. It's been so long." I reply.  

"Well, let's go. The guys can't wait to meet you." Kendall smiles, taking both of my bags and heading out to his car.  

To tell you the truth. I couldn't wait to meet them either. I've never had time to go to any of their concerts so I never actually met them. I know who they were and what they look like, but I never actually met them I person. I only saw them in videos and TV. A secret I kept to my brother was that my celebrity crush was James Maslow. One of the guys in his band. I knew he would flip out so I never told him or anyone else except my best friend. My wall is covered with Big Time Rush posters and pictures of James, but no one really paid attention. My brother was in Big Time Rush so it was kind of natural that I had posters and pictures.  

"Hey Jess. Hello? You gonna get in the car or just keep standing there like an idiot?" Kendall teases, snapping me back from my thoughts. 

"Huh?" I ask confused.  

"You gonna get in the car or are you going to continue to stand there like an idiot?" Kendall laughs.  

"Oh. Right. Sorry." I reply, getting in the car.

 Kendall gets in the car and starts the engine. Then he starts driving and laughs.

"What is so funny Kendall?" I ask him quite confused.

"You, Jessica. You're who I'm laughing at." Kendall laughs.

"Oh, and why is that?" I demand.

"I don't know what you thinking so hard about, but you were so out of it. You looked cute. There were like this group of guys that looked at you and said hi, but you didn't reply so they walked off all confused. It was hilarious!" Kendall continues to laugh.

"Hey! That is not funny big brother!" I tell him.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" Kendall asks me.

I hesitate. "Um. Nothing." I lie.

"You sure? Nothing? That's why you were just out?" Kendall asks me, not really buying my lie.

"Yeah. It's nothing really." I tell him.

"Okay. Whatever you say little sister, but that was funny." Kendall laughs again.

"Shut up Kendall! Come on!" I say.

"Okay okay." Kendall replies, still laughing here and there.

I roll my eyes and shift my gaze from Kendall to the window. I lied. I was really thinking about James Maslow. He was my dream guy. How can I not think about him when I'm about to meet him? How? Just how? He was my celebrity crush. I just couldn't believe I was too busy all the time to go to any of BTR's concerts.My thoughts started to drift off farther and farther from reality.

Kendall's POV:

"Jess! We're here!" I tell her.

I park the car and look at Jessica. I laugh. She was doing it again. She didn't hear me. Too busy in her thoughts.

"Jess!!!" I yell.

She jumps a bit and glares at me.

"God Kendall what?!"  she yells in frustration.

"We're here. Jeez Jess. Are you okay? Is something worrying you or something? This is already the second time you blanked out today. You sure you okay little sister?" I ask in concern.

"I'm fine big bro. I'm fine." she smiles.

"Okay. Then." I say.

I knew she was hiding something. I just couldn't tell what. She wouldn't tell me either. I wonder what she is hiding from me. Well, I guess I will find out sooner or later.

"Jess, are you going to get out of the car?" I ask laughing at her.

She stares at me with a blank expression then shakes her head. "Huh?"

I looked at her in concern. "Jess. The car? You need to get out? Unless you want to stay here all day."

"Oh right. Sorry." she smiles, getting out.

I get out with her. I grab her bags and start towards the house me and the guys were staying in.

Okay so I'm writing Chapter 2 right now. I'll post it soon. :)

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