
By Bi-Butterfly13

31.6K 809 192

One night Jason finds a child in an alley, handcuffed to a dumpster. Seeing himself somewhat in the kid, he e... More

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1.9K 54 5
By Bi-Butterfly13

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"Marvel wake up." Jason tells him from the living room. "Come on buddy, don't make me get the cold water."

A loud groan is heard from the boy's bedroom, the teenager didn't want to get up. Jason had enough of his sons' little game went into his room with a small cup of cold water and dangles it over the boy's head, letting a little drop of cold water escape from the cup and fall through the air. As is gets closer and closer to Marvel's nose his spider-sense is screaming and ringing in his head. Before the droplet could hit his nose he rolls off the bed, allowing the drop of water to hit his bed.

"Man kiddo, your reflexes are still fast." He says as he walks out of his sons' room.

"Why do I have to get up again?" Marvel asks as he throws his blankets over his bed, making it neat and nice. He walks over to his closet and starts to look for clothes to put on.

When he finally finds something he puts it on and slips his shoes on and then meets his father in the living room. "You have to get up because this barbecue is mandatory. We do it every year, come on Marvel you know this. How would grandpa feel if we missed it?"

"I know...can I drive?" He asks excitedly hoping his father would let him.

Jason looks at his son and remembers the last time he let him drive. They'd gotten into an accident (it wasn't the boy's fault) but Jason needed up breaking his arm and Marvel broke his foot and his hand. Due to his speed healing, he had to keep everything on longer and that was one of the things he hated. But there were some upsides, Nova did give him some special attention and so didn't Charlie, so that was nice while it lasted.

Letting out a small sigh he says, "Okay, you can drive." Jason didn't really want to let him drive. He wanted to protect his kid from getting hurt again but he also knew that this was a vital skill he needed to learn.

Marvel excitedly takes the car keys from his father's hands and shoved his them into his pocket before he runs to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Jason lets out a small chuckle at his sons' actions and then goes back to texting one of his brothers. Once Marvel was all finished he follows his father out the door and gets the keys out of his pocket as walks down the stairs.

Walking over to the smaller new car they'd gotten after the accident, Marvel opens the driver side door and climbs in. The smile never leaving his face. Jason gets in the passenger side and puts on his seatbelt. Marvel puts on his seatbelt and starts the car. Putting it in reverse he backs out of their driveway and heads to Wayne Manor.

After a few stops at some stoplights and a couple of turns, the two arrived at their destination. Marvel was ecstatic when he got out of the car. He was just happy that there wasn't an accident and that he actually got to drive. So he got out of the car and started to dance around like a dork. His father just got out and watched, laughing a little here and there. Marvel threw the keys at his father and then ran towards the door, just like he did when he was younger.

He was greeted by Alfred at the door, "Hello Master Marvel, everyone is in the back yard for the annual barbecue."

"Thanks, Alfred." He replies as and then hugs him gently. Everything thing that he did like that he did it gently so he didn't accidentally crush them with his super strength. Pulling away from his great-grandpa he heads towards to the backyard to find most of his family members already there.

When he arrived most of them nodded at him or waved but it was Mari Greyson that came running over to him yelling, "Blue!"

He dropped to his knees and pulled the little girl into a hug and then smiled. A lot of the adults smiled and awed at the interactions between the two. Picking her up he walks over to his uncle Dick and says, "I'm glad you guys were able to make it. Where's Kory?"

"She wasn't feeling the greatest..she wanted to stay home and rest." Dick replies taking a sip of his cola.

"Oh well, I hope she gets better." Marvel tells him sincerely, adjusting Mari on his hip so she sits more comfortably.

Dick wanting to change the subject he asks, "So you're a sophomore this year, that's exciting. Thinking about doing anything new this year?"

"I think dad wants me to join a sports team but I don't know. It's not really my thing and I don't want to be overstepping any boundaries." He replies glancing at Damian quickly hoping he isn't listening in on his conversation like he's done in the past.

Dick notices the quick change in his nephews' posture and says, "Oh don't worry about Damian, he's harmless really."

Marvel didn't believe that for a second he'd seen Damian at his worst and at his best. The kid could be an absolute monster if he put his heart and soul into something. His standoff personality didn't help either. It just made him even less approachable. Damian never liked him from the beginning and it showed.

"Well, whatever you choose to do we'll be there to support you like we do all yours and Damian's events." Dick tells him doing his best to be a good uncle to the boy.

He gave the boy a few pats on the shoulder and then went to talk his younger brother. Deciding he wanted to talk to Damian and try to get him to see past his self-righteousness and move past their little spat, he walks towards the boy dressed in green. Fixing the half-alien on his hip he says, "Hey Damian."

"Mini-Grayson. Marvel." Damian spits out, "What do I owe for this lovely little chat were about to have?"

"Um...nothing.." Marvel replies a little skeptical of Damian's body language. It was screaming friendly for once. "I just wanted us to try and be...I don't know friends.."

Damian looks the boy up and down and he couldn't understand why he was being so nice to him. Marvel always avoided him. Well, his actions didn't really help much. He did tend to steal everything away from the boy. "Alright, we can try to be friends but don't expect anything."

Marvel nods and then Damian walks away and gets stopped by a boy with blue eyes and pitch-black hair. Marvel turned on his heels and looked at all the people. There were some superheroes like Clark, his family, and Diana, and then there were those who were apart of the bat family like Barbara, Cass, and even Duke. He watched as Damian's hard exterior melted away as he started to talk to Clark's oldest son, Jon.

All of these people were apart of his family. His crazy messed up family and he wouldn't change any of them for the world.

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Word Count: 1,227

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