Captivated // Gally {Will Pou...

By tmrdreamer99

54.2K 1.5K 336

There were two things that had captivated Gally's attention. The first one was the maze. He was focused on wa... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

4.9K 210 76
By tmrdreamer99

Rose's POV


For the rest of the day, I had been thinking about what Gally had done today. Also, about what Chuck had said. He had just let both of us off the hook easily. It wasn't a problem for him to. I was pondering over this all day. I had a lot of time to do this as well. I didn't start my training for the builders until tomorrow due to my injuries. Since I had had these thoughts on my mind all day, I decided that I needed to get some answers. I needed to ask Gally about today. Since the sun was setting, the doors had closed, and since everyone's jobs were done for the day, I decided that it would be good to find Gally and ask him now.

After searching for him for about twenty minutes, I found him cleaning up equipment today at the builders working area. I glanced around, making sure that no one was around. There were a few people, but they were further away, and were paying no attention to Gally. I took a deep breath, before walking up to him. "Working hard?" I asked, trying to make the start of the conversation relaxing for both of us. Gally jumped, one of the saws still in his hand. I jumped back, on instinct. I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me, though. It would've been my fault if he had anyway. I shouldn't have snuck up on someone when they were putting a saw away.

"Rose, you have to be more careful. You could've gotten hurt." He said, stating the obvious. "Oh, so you do care about me?" I asked, joking around with him. "I wouldn't go that far." Gally said, putting the saw away. "Ouch." I said under my breath, walking over to him. "Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, standing beside him. Gally glanced around, and then back down to me. "Not out here in the open." He told me, glancing around one more time. "Why not?" I asked him. His eyes landed back down on me. "There are to many people out here who would see us talking. I don't want them to get the wrong idea." I let out a sigh at his words, and glanced around, trying to find a place where we could talk and not be seen. Once I got an idea, I grabbed his arm gently, walking towards the one of the huts. When we reached him, I led him behind the hut, and stopped when we got out of eyesight. No one would see us back here with the hut blocking us.

"This isn't going to be a nightly tradition, Rose. Talking every night I mean." Gally spoke as soon as we stopped walking. I looked up at him, suddenly realizing that we had talked every night since I had gotten here. My face flushed red in slight embarrassed, and I averted my gaze to the ground. I gave a nod, before replying. "I know." My voice sounding quiet, small. I then looked back up at him. "I just wanted to say thank you." I added. Gally let out a sigh, and looked around him for a minute. I could tell that he did not want to be, and could care less. He then looked back down at me. "Don't expect me to be so nice next time. I'm not exactly a reasonable guy. You can ask anyone around here and they'll tell you the same thing." He explained, folding his arms over his chest.

"Do you do this to everyone?" I asked him. "What? Letting them off the hook the first time?" He asked, not understanding my question. I shook my head. "No. Have your moments where you rude ninety percent of the time, but the other ten percent, you act like you have a heart?" I asked him. Gally raised his eyebrows, either shocked or offended by my words. "What? Am I wrong?" I asked him, my voice sounding slightly harsher. Gally raised his eyebrows slightly more, taken aback by my sudden burst of confidence. "You need to understand who runs things around here before you go around running your mouth." Gally said, his tone harsh as well. His eyebrows had dropped, and he had a harsh glare in his eyes. "Believe me, I know who runs things around here. I learned that the first day I came to this place." I told him.

Gally took a step closer, trying to intimidate me. Although, even though it was slightly scaring me, I did not move back. "Then why don't you start showing some respect towards them?" He asked me. "I will once they treat me like I deserve to be treated, not like some object." I replied, only referring to him. He took another step, only a few inches remaining between us. "Well maybe you haven't shown them anything to show respect towards." He told me. I took in deeper breaths, my heart beat speeding up. "Maybe if people weren't such a jerks to everyone, then I might open up to them." I told him, looking up at them. He took another step, his body gently pressing against mine. "Believe me, I don't think anyone really cares." He told me. "And why's that?" He asked.

Gally leaned his head down, causing me to take in a sharp breath. His face kept inching closer towards mine with each passing second. Was he trying to kiss me? I had never been kissed before, but I was sure that this is what it looked like. Did I want him to kiss me? I couldn't even process that question at the moment. Right as his lips were about to touch mine, he stopped. "Because, around here, you aren't important." He said, before taking his head away, and standing up straight. He looked down at me, a smirk on his lips. I was confused by what had just happened. I wasn't expecting him to say the words that he had. "Oh, don't look so disappointed. We both know that that's never going to happen." He said, referring to me thinking that he was going to kiss me. After he said this, he began to walk away. As he did, his shoulder hit my arm, causing me to stumble back a little.

Once he had left, I stared down at my feet, still trying to process everything that had just happened. The words that he had said, though hurtful, might have been true. Maybe I wasn't important. Not to anyone. Maybe no one cared about me here. Maybe they didn't even care about each other. They all seemed to act like it. However, that could just be a survival tactic. Play fair with everyone, and you won't get hurt. However, Gally didn't seem like one to play by that rule. Had I wanted him to kiss me? The answer to that had to be a no. There was no way I could have wanted a guy like him; rude, stubborn, arrogant, to kiss me. There was no way that I would want Gally to kiss me. The more I said this, though, the more fictional it seemed. It was as if a part of me wanted to kiss him. That couldn't be true though, could it?

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