Meet My Spiderson

By Maddy7989

62.9K 1.5K 828

A collection of iron-dad and spider-son one-shots. Identity reveals, meeting the Avengers, superfamily, field... More

You've changed
You're not so bad Part 1
You're not so bad Part 2
You're not so bad pt 3

Bad time for a phone call

9.5K 297 131
By Maddy7989

In which Tony has a meeting about the Sokovia Accords and gets a distress call from Peter

"You're early" Secretary Ross stated in a shocked tone. The Avengers and superheroes involved in the media dubbed 'Civil War' were gathered in a conference room in the Avengers Compound.

Tony smiled slightly "Well this is important so I flew in from New York early."

"And why exactly are you still living in Stark Tower? You do have the Compound at your disposal." Ross began to interrogate.

"Pepper and I wanted to stay there, a lot of memories." His eyes shifted to Steve but no one could see through his glasses.

Ross rolled his eyes, "Didn't think you were sentimental Stark. Now let's just start this goddamned meeting, if there are any changes you would like to make to the Accords just say the word and we will begin." He glanced around the room expectantly.

"Look, Secretary Ross," Steve began ever the leader "Although is currently we don't know where."

T'challa shifted slightly in his seat which didn't go unnoticed by Tony.

"We think the Accords are too constricting, if something happens then we can't do anything until you give us the all clear and by then innocent lives could be lost."

A stubby finger slammed onto the front page of the original Accords, "You see that Rogers? 117 countries agreed to this and last time I checked you and your 'rogues' are only temporarily pardoned for negotiations. We can have Ms Maximoff restrained in seconds and detain every one of you." Ross snarled at them.

Clint immediately stood up and moved in front of Wanda protectively, Sam and Steve stood up and clenched their fists ready to fight their way out and Scott began to reach for the distress signal Hope had made him take. Across the table, Natasha slowly reached for her gun while attempting not to give away her true alliances, T'challa did the same but mentally prepared his suit for battle, Visions stone began to glow subtly and Rhodes clenched his fists. Although they had fought each other at the airport at heart they were still a team and wouldn't stand for each other being treated as badly as Wanda was.

*insert iron man repulser sound here*

"Sit. Down." The room looked towards Tony in shock as he pointed his repulser towards Wanda. A look of betrayal washed over Steve's face as he gestured for the others to sit down. 

"Not you guys." Confusion erupted "Him." Tony snarled staring above Wanda's head.

Wanda let out a strangled cry and collided with Clint. The man who was previously sitting by the wall was holding a shock collar identical to the one Wanda was forced into at the raft and a syringe filled with what everyone assumed to be sedative. 

Tony turned his repulser towards Ross, "Call off your men and let's continue this conversation like civil (hahahahaha) people. 

Ross nodded and waved towards his guards and they returned to their original places by the walls and door.

"And also," The room looked to Natasha, "I think everyone should hand over their phones, we don't want anyone sending out a distress call," She locked eyes briefly with Scott. 


The Avengers and the Rogues were still in negotiations 2 hours later.

"Look if we make these suggested changes to the Accords you will find your life so much easier Ross," Natasha growled impatiently and exasperated.

"I can confirm that these terms are the most beneficial for our team, your government, the governments of the world and the safety of the citizens of Earth." Vision confirmed.

Ross ran his hands tiredly down his face, "If I can manage these changes, ' he paused and looked up, "I have two terms."

The heroes locked in a battle for their way in the Accords glanced between each other.

Steve sighed, sounding defeated, "What are your terms."

A subtle smirk appeared on his face, "Six of my men will be stationed in this building, they will monitor you day and night then report to me every 24 hours."

"WHAT!" The Avengers and the Rogues were shocked and angry. 

That is a total invasion of our privacy!" Clint yelled.

"How do we know they won't kill us in our sleep or imprison us without us knowing?!" Wanda argued.

'Look Ross you don't need six of your goons to babysit us." Rhodes sighed.

"There are eleven of you currently in this room so it seems fair to assign one guard per two heroes. and with one backup."

"Well actually," Tony spoke for the first time in a while, "I still live at my tower, Clint and Scott both have houses and families, T'Challa kind of runs a kingdom. Others among us are more free spirits and probably won't be at the Compound the majority of the time, so I'm sure you can cut that term completely."

The heroes in the room looked to him in shock and gratitude.

Ross heaved a sigh of annoyance, "2 men stationed in the compound, you will make it known to me when you leave and that's the compromise I'm willing to make but if it isn't good enough for you then," He shrugged. 

Tony locked eyes with Steve for 5 long, long seconds. 

Steve cleared his throat and turned away, "We can agree to that term."

Ross clapped his hands together, "Great!" He leaned back in his chair, "My second term is that Spiderman-"

He was cut off by Tony, "No."

The entire room looked to him in confusion, "Let me finish Stark. He has to come in, reveal his identity and go through an evaluation of his powers and abilities. He should have been at this meeting but you, Stark insisted you could not contact him."

"I said that we will not be agreeing to that term," Tony growled.

Ross leaned forwards, "Do you by any chance know his identity..." He looked to the heroes who shook their heads and to Tony who stayed silent. "Stark if you know his identity I can and will force you to tell me."

Everyone's eyes widened at his threat but Tony just chuckled.

"Good Luck with that because I don't know his identity, I just recruited him off the street after seeing him online."

Silence fell over the room and Ross raised an eyebrow (singular! I cannot do that it seems so impossible) after a minute he sighed.

"Stark, I don't believe you but I have no proof," He spread his hands, "Let's take a break but since we have not come to an agreement you will be confined to this room." He stood up and left. 


"It's been an hour!" Sam yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

Rhodes chuckled from his seat, "He's doing something fishy isn't he," getting nods and murmurs of agreement.

Wanda gasped and turned to Vision, "You live here, can't you get us out?" Her statement inducing hope.

He shook his head, "Ross disabled our authentification system and locked us out."

"There's nothing we can do but wait." Steve sighed and everyone slumped into a seat. 

Tony was glanced around nervously and tapping his foot as he checked his watch over and over again.

"What's the matter Stark? Got somewhere to be?" Clint asked

Tony swallowed, "Yeah and if I don't show up they will kill me."

Natasha shoved her chair back, "Were you telling the truth earlier? When Ross asked you about Spiderman?" The question causing everyone to glance towards them and listen.  

"Yes," He replied but with a hint of uncertainty.

Steve narrowed his eyes, "If you were lying then Ross will-"

RING RING Tony's watch began to ring.

Wanda turned to Natasha, "I thought you took phones?"

"Yes, but not high tech watches." She glared at Tony.

"What is it Friday," Tony asked quietly.

"An incoming distress call from Spiderman." 

Tony froze and turned to the shocked and slightly angry heroes.

"Tony Ross will kill you, kill us!" Rhodes yelled.

He smirked, "No he won't, I deactivated the security cameras when I walked in."

RING RING His watch continued to ring. 

"Put in on speaker," Steve growled.

Tony swallowed then answered, "Hey Spiderman,"

"H-hey Mister Stark," A shockingly young voice answered. 

"You sound terrible, what happened?" Tony paled.

The voice came again, "Well I was on my patrol and there were these four guys attacking someone so naturally I went in to help and," The voice trailed off.

"What happened, are you okay?" Tony asked tentatively.

The Avengers didn't know what to be more shocked by, how young Spiderman sounded or how worried Tony was.

"There's a lot of blood Mister Stark," He answered.

Tony's breath quickened and the Avengers glanced between each other, "Who's blood is it and where is it coming from?"

"The stab wound," Spiderman said nonchalantly.

"YOU'VE BEEN STABBED!!!" Tony shrieked hurting the Avengers' ears,

"Let me say something first, a) I didn't see his knife and b) it isn't that bad when you compare it to the bullet hole in my shoulders! The bullets still in there!" The voice sounded dazed and happy but also very weak.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed turning to the Avengers, "I kind of have to go save his butt."

"Who are you with Mister Stark," Spiderman asked.

"The Avengers and the Rogues from Germany," 

"Have you punched Captain America in the face for giving you irreversible heart damage?"

The room froze and everyone looked shocked.

Steve wilted, "Tony?" He asked sounding broken and lost.

"Tones why didn't you say anything?" Rhodes said quietly.

"Irreversible?" The rest of them questioned.

Tony ran his hands down his face, "You really threw me under the bus there kid."

"Sorry Mister Sta-" Spiderman coughed, a wet hacking cough. "Blood tastes awful." He stated dazedly. 

"Tony?" Tony whirled to glance at Steve, "Did I really do that to you?" He sounded quiet and broken that Tony's face softened.

"Look, Steve, you did what you felt you had to do, but I need to go. We can talk another time." He tapped the center of his new arc reactor and the room watched in awe as his nanotech suit began to expand. "I need to make sure Spiderman's strangely hot aunt doesn't murder me."

"I heard that Mister Stark," Spiderman groaned. 

Tony spoke seemingly to the room but in reality, he was speaking to Friday. "Get me to his co-ordinates ASAP."

"On it BOSS," Friday replied.

He turned to the closed window but glanced back, "Can you guys do us a favour and cover for me?"

The room was still shocked into silence.

"Oh and sorry about the window, even though it is my compound and I will pay for it."

Ironman then crashed through the window and left the room in silence.

Hey Guys!

I'm sorry this took so long I was on a tech-free vacation in Fiji but I will try to update at least once a week. Thank you so much for all of your amazing support and if you guys have any requests, throw em at me. I have You're not so bad part 3 on the way!

Maddy Out

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