🌟It's all about Arshi🌟

By Angel23_Writes

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OS: College Love Story!
OS: My Doll!
TS: Sirf Tum.. Khushi!
2.Sirf Tum.. Khushi
3. Sirf Tum.. Khushi!
OS: Main Tere Kaabil hoon ya tere Kaabil nahin?
OS: Tum Se Hi!

OS: Possessive Rakshas!

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By Angel23_Writes

Plot by: ArShi_Angel

It's every girl's dream to find her Mr. Perfect, her handsome Prince, a gentle and caring man with whom she'll get married and live a fairytale..

The day she fell on HIS arms, she felt she was in safe and secured arms,  those arms made her feel protected, those arms made her feel HE would never let her fall!  She found a warmth, comfort and safety in those arms.. It was magical! The little girl she was when she lost her parents, only being in her parent's arms made her feel loved and protected from the evil world.. when they left, it was like she became an angel whose wings were taken away from her.. she was then brought up by her uncle and his wife, whom she address as Amma and Bauji. Though they accepted her as their daughter, moments were such that the quote 'Blood is thicker than water' proved to be true. One such moment is the one that happened recently in her life, where she tried her best to save her sister's marriage but when things went wrong, she was accused of ruining her sister's life! Why was she accused of this? Simply because she's not Payal's blood sister! Such moments that didn't happen often but always made her feel the absence of her own parents in her life.. Such were moments where she believed that no one will love you as much as your parents do and no one will sacrifice for your happiness as much as your parents do!

Being in his arms was that good, that she didn't want to lose her grip on him, she had clutched his collar tightly assuring herself that she wouldn't fall now.

Slowly her eyes opened and she thought, she found her Prince Charming!!

Her Prince Charming was way beyond handsome, his eyes were of chocolate dark brown color making her melt, his perfectly gelled hair, his sharp features.. She gulped shamelessly staring at him.. He was such man that grabbed anyone's attention!

Their meeting was just too magical! Her heart was almost convinced that he was really the Prince Charming she waited for years in her life.. But life always have some lessons to teach you, right?

Never judge a book by it's cover, Khushi! Never!

ASR.. Arnav Singh Raizada was very far from being her Prince Charming, he was a Rakshas (beast) in disguise of a perfect handsome man who created storm in her life. It wasn't enough that she was blamed for her sister's broken marriage, that he had to leak the pictures of their first meeting, their first magical meeting and portray one of best moments in her life in a bad light spoiling even the memories she had of that day, not only that.. because of him she had to leave her hometown Lucknow and get trapped in Delhi, where she will have to learn and adjust herself to new city and new people.. the story doesn't end here.. she had another disaster meeting him in which she accidentally hits on his car and had to be humiliated by him again..

It is said that the more you run away from someone, the more that someone comes in front you!!

So here he is!!!! In front of her holding her hand harshly and taking her away to his cabin!

"What are you doing? Leave me.. You're hurting me.." she tried to shove his hand away, "You can't do this to me.. What wrong have I done now? I was just doing the task you only ordered me to!"

He ignored her and once they reached his cabin, he closed the door with a loud bang making her shudder.

He turned to her and grabbed her by her arm, gritting his teeth angrily he asked: Why were you about to take that MALE model's measurement?

"Because you asked me to.." she glared at him.

"So what? Why did you go against your morals and obey my words?" he shouted.

Khushi stare at him for a while and her eyes moistened, "Tumhare wajah se (Because of you).. because I always want to prove myself to you.. I want to show that I can take up your challenges and win them also.. You always put me down for being a middle class girl.. this always hurts me.. I want to show that being middle class girl I also can do anything.. I always end up doing something wrong when it's related to you.. first  I spoiled your show.. then I hit on your car.. then that fire alarm.. (she sobs) that's why I'm trying to fulfill all tasks given to me so that I can at least change your mind about me.. so that I can be in your good books too .. I don't know what wrong I did that you hate me this much.. I didn't know anything related to that show of yours.. I'm not your enemy and I don't even have neither I like to create enemies..  I like to be friends to everyone.. but I don't know why we are always fighting.. (she shut her eyes tightly)..  Tumhare wajah se.. sirf tumhare wajah se.. today I went against my morals and accepted to take that models measurements.."

"You don't need to go against your morals because of me.." his voice and grip on her softened.

Khushi Kumari Gupta.. the only girl in this world that he wants to hate but isn't able to.. the only girl in this world that make him speak one thing and do other thing.. the only girl in this that can create a war in ASR's heart and mind.

The first day she fell on his arm, it was like an angel fell on his arms.. so beautiful, so innocent, so fragile.. He so wanted to keep her in his arms forever, but 'Never judge a book by it's cover' is something he learned right from his uncle who kicked him out of his mansion soon after his parents left this world, the ever so loving family of his showed their evil truth, and after them he learned that in this world not everyone is what they seemed to be. So this angel who surely fell on his arms, but who knew what is her intention?

He heard the crowd's response to her presence on his fashion show and it didn't took him time to realize that she was here to spoil his huge fashion show.

So she wasn't any angel but an enemy of his! That moment his mind took over his heart feelings and unfortunately for the 'Angel', she would have to face the wrath of this 'Beast' now.

Another thing which increased his 'wanting to hate her but never could' feeling was that she always replied back to him. Something he didn't bear due to his dominant nature, he likes to boss around and when he talks, no one else utters a word.. but she's an exception! He needed to shut her up and satisfy his ego, that's why he asked his assistant to leak those pictures of his fashion show.. but even after this, his heart didn't find it's peace.. he wasn't able to stop thinking about Her when until his heart found it's peace again when he met her in Delhi.. but she always manages to get on his nerves.. she hit on his car and that lead to a huge fight between them.. fights and fights that's what described their relationship till now.. she ended up working in AR much to his mind's dislike and his heart's like. The fact that he would see the 'Angel' everyday was a relief to his heart who always seemed to be restless these days, but the fact that she's the same girl who dares to answer him back and fight with him, wasn't going well with his mind who used every chance to humiliate the 'middle class girl'.

As a part of the 15 days contract challenge, he gave her a task he knew she wouldn't do it, take the male models measurements to satisfy his ego and get her out of AR.

But the moment he saw her taking measurement tape and moving towards the male model made him clutch his fist at the scene. He didn't care about the contract anymore, all he knew that his Angel can't touch any other men other than him! Her hands were meant to touch him and only him and not any random man!

The male model even dare to smirk at her making his eyes darker in anger, jaws clenched and his whole body shaking in anger..

The moment Khushi smiled at the model (nervous but he failed to notice in his jealousy), he completely lost it.

She is HIS!

Chanting this in his mind, he matched towards her and before her fingers with magical touch reserved only for HIM touched that man, he grabbed her hands and took away from that room to his cabin.

"Aapko kya farak padta hai?" she asked accusingly, "Tell me.. does it even matter to you that I went against my morals to complete this task of yours? No.. because you were waiting for such an opportunity to point your finger at my character.."

"Farak padta hai dammit!" he gritted pulling her closer to him, "I.don't.want.to.see.you.near.any.man.from.now.on!"

Khushi was about to reply back but Arnav kept his finger on her lips, "Shut up! This time you will listen to me and not back answer me like always.. this is what you do always.. provoke me to do worse with you.. you know you're the only girl till now who can back answer me like this.. who's not afraid of me.. who is always ready to face me.. and this only irks me a lot which forces me to do something to show you that you're nothing in front of me.. I don't hate YOU.. I hate that you've got guts to face me.. I hate that you can mess up with me and leave me confused with my own feelings.. I want to hate you but I just can't.."

Khushi eyed to his finger on her mouth, which he took it off, "Then.. why you try to hate me?"

"Because you've the power to make this man standing in front of you weak!" he whispered huskily on her ear, "And ASR hates weakness! I can never make myself weak that's why I try to push you away from me.. but not anymore!"

"Why?" she asked in a low whisper.

"Because today I realized that if not MINE, then I'm not going to let you belong to any other men in this world!" he said possessively.

Khushi shivered feeling goosebumps at the choice of his words!

"And you will get your punishment for even thinking of taking measurements of that man!" he said staring at her.

"Punishment?" Khushi gulped.

Arnav nodded smirking, "Now I will take your measurements but in my way!"

Khushi gulped and took a step back, "Why? I'm not any model!"

Arnav stare at her for while probably thinking whether he should take the step his heart wanted from so long. After a war again between his mind and heart, his heart won! He took a step forward and drop a warm and gentle kiss on Khushi's forehead, "Can I? It won't hurt you!"

This Beast was showing her Prince Charming's personality! Khushi thought.

She reluctantly agreed by nodding her head slowly.

Arnav start dropping kisses on her upper arms, then he moved to her chest and her waist kissing the circumference around her chest and waist slowly, taking his own sweet time, every kiss he dropped on was filled with his love, passion and possessiveness for her but making Khushi shut her eyes tightly and nervous. 

He kneeled down and kissed from her hip till her ankle by keeping her feet on his thighs. Khushi clutched his shirt by keeping her hands on his both shoulders, unable to bear this torture anymore.

"Arnav ji.." she whispered in a sweet low tone.

Arnav stopped on his track and stood up staring at her, "What did you say?"

She looked back at him startled to see that he stopped kissing her in the name of taking her measurements, "Kya?"

"You called by my name now.." Arnav said reminding her.

"Forgive me.." she looked down nervously.

"No.. say it again!" he said huskily moving closer to her.

"Arnav ji.." she said shyly and was about to receive a kiss on her lips, but she kept her finger on his lips stopping him, blushing: What will you do by taking measurements of my lips?

Saying this she giggled at the deadpan expression on his face as reply to her question, and ran away to leave his cabin.

"Khushi.." he called her.

She stopped on the way but didn't turn back, shy to face him after all that happened between them in this cabin.

"You're not going to do this job anymore!" he said.

"What? Why? You're firing me.. You can't fire me before 15 days otherwise your name isn't ASR.." she said pouting.

"I lost to you.." he smirked, "But my name is still ASR!"

"Hawwww you accepted defeat?" she opened her mouth in big "O" shape, "And why is your name still ASR?"

"Yes I accepted defeat to win something much better than what I would win by kicking you out of AR.." he said walking towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist making Khushi gasp, "YOU!.. So by losing a meaningless challenge only I won a precious Angel for me, that's why my name is still Arnav Singh Raizada!"

"And how are you so sure that you won me?" she asked.

"Because for what I did a while back, you would have slapped me if you didn't accept me.." he said.

"Is this all true? You're not playing with me, right? You won't say next to me that because I accepted you to touch me, I'm a middle class and cheap girl who is behind men only for money.. you won't call me characterless and gold digger na?" she asked with tears forming in her eyes.

"Khushi I.." he wanted to explain that he would do no such thing but he was really bad at explaining things to others. So he just dropped another kiss on her forehead and asked her to pack her things as she wouldn't work in AR anymore as a mere employee!


Two weeks later..

Khushi was staring at the kids playing outside through the window of her room with tears slipping from her eyes.

Liar.. he's such a liar! Why did she even thought for once that he would ever be her Mr. Perfect?

After she resigned from AR, it's been two weeks after that intimate moment that happened between them in his cabin and he didn't meet neither call her for once.

She shut her eyes crying bitterly, "I shouldn't have given you the right to touch me.. I shouldn't.. rakshas you're.. You just used me.. and like I fool I fell to your trap and got myself resigned from AR making you win the challenge.. this is what you wanted.. you're really cruel.. really cruel.. I never thought rich people like you can go to this extent to satisfy your own ego.. you faked love to me just to send me out of AR.. Shiii.. I hate you.. I hate you Arnav Singh Raizada! I wish I had never met you in my life.. I wish I hadn't seen my Mr. Perfect in you.. I wish I never fell in your arms that day.. I would saved myself from getting my heart broken!"

"You hate ASR but I hope there's still some love left for your Arnav ji.." she heard his voice and immediately turned back only to find him standing at the door.

"Aap.." she wiped her tears and saw he was really standing there.

"You don't want to see me again?" he asked taking one step back.

Khushi nodded sideways and rushed to him, throwing herself on his arms and circling her arms around his neck, "I thought you wouldn't come back to me!"

"Ho hi nahin sakta (It's not possible)" Arnav said wrapping one arm on her waist while his other hand hold a bag, "I broke up with Lavanya and.. was getting this ready for you!"

Khushi broke the hug and saw a bag on his hand, she asked curiously: What's this?

Arnav hand it over to her, "See it yourself..

Khushi took it and open it only to find a beautiful red bridal lehenga, her fingers ran gently through the lehenga taking her own time to look at the details and materials used it on it, "Arnav ji.."

"Hmm.." he replied trying to hide the happiness he felt at hearing her calling his name.

"Is this lehenga really for me?" she asked with a smile growing on her face.

"It's for the girl I'm getting married to.." he said in serious tone, the smile from Khushi's face faded, "You know I myself took her measurements by kissing her!"

Khushi realized he is talking about her, she smiled shocked, surprised and what not, "Arnav ji.. but you don't even believe in marriage!"

"I don't Khushi.. I don't believe it because my father betrayed my mother by having extramarital affair with another woman and on learning this my mother committed suicide.."  his eyes moistened and reddened as flashes of his past ran on his mind,  "My father committed suicide too guilty of his deed.. and then my uncle kicked us out of our own house.."

Khushi wiped the corner of his eyes, feeling sad to know about such a tragic past of his. Now she understood why he is like this.

"My mother said to me that I shouldn't punish a rose because of it's thorns.. So I thought why should I punish you because of my past? Why should I try to stop what I'm feeling for you because I don't believe in love?" he said.

"I can't promise to be a perfect husband to you Khushi.." he said and she kept her finger on his lips.

"No one is perfect Arnav ji.. we will learn together how to love, trust and be happy with each other!" she smiled faintly.

This Rakshas wasn't really what he presented to be.. there was more things to discover about this Chocolate brown eyes owner!

"Why you took so much time to come? Two weeks Arnav ji!" she turned her back to him whining trying to enlighten his mood.

"Tumse Isqh karne ki ijaazat Rab se laya hoon (I have brought the permission to love you from God)" he said hugging her from behind and showed to her mannat ki chabbi.

Khushi stare at him surprised, "You went to Lucknow?"

"Yes.. to the same dargah we met after my fashion show.. hope so your God doesn't break my heart again!" he kissed her temple closing his eyes.

"God will not Arnav ji.. God will listen to your prayers!" she too closed her eyes.

"And.. I also bought this for you!" he took out a pearl chain from his pocket.

Khushi looked at him surprised as she remembered their first meet, "Arnav ji you know I first saw my Prince Charming in you when I fell on your arms.. but after all what you did to me, I thought you were a beast and not my Prince.. but my first guess was right.. You're really my Prince Charming.. that's why God made us meet everytime we wanted to be away from each other!"

"I'm not a Prince.. I'm ASR.." he rolled his eyes at her.

"You're not ASR anymore.. remember you lost the challenge to me!" she smirked.

"There you start back answering me again.. then we will fight and you will call me Laad governor.."

"After marriage I won't keep quiet if I find you wrong.. Of course I will back answer you.."

"I'm always right.."

"Wrong.. You failed to judge me.."

"Shut up Khushi.."

"Don't shut up me.. otherwise I will go and take measurements of those male models! By the way I should thank Shaan (the model) only because of him we got this closer.. he only ended our enmity!"

Silence! Anger rising up! A glare towards her!

Khushi knew she was in trouble, she tried to run away to save herself from the Possessive Rakshas of hers, but was pulled back by him and he sealed his lips on hers, kissing her oh so possessively and mumbling You are mine in between their kiss to which she too replied I'm yours Arnav ji.

The end!

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