Marvel One Shots (Requests Op...

By the-end-of-the-line

304K 3.7K 1.2K

Marvel One Shots I'm comfortable writing anything, just message me a request :) More

Spideypool/Super family part 2
Peter Parker
Winter Spider
WinterSpider Part 2
Tony Stark


8.5K 110 8
By the-end-of-the-line

Summary: Peter always waits outside Bucky's class so he can "bump into him"

College AU

The first time Peter and Bucky met was when they worked on a project together. From then, as they worked on it, they both developed a crush on each other, but they were too shy to do anything about it.

So every Wednesday, Peter always went out of his way to 'bump into him'. Even if it meant he had to stay on campus a bit longer than he normally does. He just likes to see Bucky and talk to him, even if it's for a couple seconds or just a quick glance or smile.

Today was Wednesday, which meant Peter would bump into Bucky, so he waited outside his class like he usually did. When the bell rang, a sea of students walked out, the only face he looked for was Bucky's.

Once he made eye contact with him, he began walking towards him with his head in his phone then he bumped into him.

"Oh, hey Peter." Bucky smiled shyly.

"H-hi." Then Bucky walked away and Peter sighed lovingly as he watched him.

Peter has been doing that for a few weeks now, as weird as it sounds. But Bucky hasn't said anything about it, so he either hasn't noticed or doesn't mind it.

Peter told himself the next time he 'bumps into him', is when he will finally ask Bucky out on a date. He had a week to prepare himself for what he's going to say, but he knew that he'll procrastinate still.

As the days flew by, Wednesday was here before he knew it. Peter waited in the same spot like he usually did. He fiddled on his phone trying to calm himself down as he waited. When the bell rang, students started walking out and he looked for the face he always waited for, but it never came into his view.

Still, Peter kept waiting, just in case he were to pop up. About 15 minutes later, he decided Bucky wasn't at school today, so he started to walk away. As he was walking away, he saw Bucky walking out the door of his class.

He felt his heart beat faster, his palms became more clammy and suddenly, he didn't think he'd be able to go through with asking him out. Pushing all nerves aside, he still walked up to him.

"Hey Peter, funny seeing you here again." Bucky started. Peter nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to ask you something." He started. Bucky rose an eyebrow which was his way of telling Peter to continue. "I-I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Bucky didn't say anything, instead his face just grew an enormous smile and he nodded. "I thought you'd never ask. When?"

Peter sighed in relief. "Saturday?" Bucky pondered on that,"I think I'm doing something Saturday. How about right now? That was my last class for today and I have nothing going on." He suggested.

"I-I'm not prepared or ready. Or wearing the right clothes. I don't look nice." Bucky shook his head,"You look handsome as always, it'll be fine. Besides, I don't care if it's something fancy. I know a really good coffee shop about a block from here. Now, do you wanna go on a date or not?" The shorter boy crossed his arms. Peter nodded as they started walking towards the direction of the coffee shop.

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