By fvckinwrite

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While Sam and Dean were looking for their father, they come to find out that they have a sister... Not only i... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
quick a/n pls read!!!
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨.
vote for a face claim!
a/n (again sorry!)


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By fvckinwrite

XIV. never giving up

                    SYBIL SAT IN A CHAIR THAT was placed in the hallway, her legs swinging back and forth. She was running the previous events through her mind, emotionless due to the shock of everything that had happened. How did they end up in the hospital?

Sam was talking to the police and telling them a more censored version of what had happened. How they had heard screams in the house, how they ran in and found two kids in the basement, and how their brother had gotten electrocuted.

The doctor interrupted the interview, grabbing both Sam and Sybil's attention. Although they tried hiding the information from the seven-year-old, it wasn't enough for her not to find out what was wrong with their brother.

"Hey, doc, is he–"

"He's resting," the doctor replied.


The doctor sighed. "The electrocution triggered a heart attack– pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart, it's damaged."

"How damaged," Sam asked, concern washing over his face.

"We've done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point, but I'd give him a couple of weeks at most, maybe a month."

Sybil launched herself out of the chair she sat in and ran towards the man. "No, no, no! You're supposed to help him! You can't let him die!"

Sam grabbed Sybil and carried her as she cried onto his shoulder. She balled his flannel in her small fists as her brother tried comforting her.

"Sorry," Sam apologized, a forced smile on his lips.

"No need, I understand."

"But is there something that you can do? Any treatments or anything?"

The doctor shook his head. "We can't work miracles. I really am sorry."

Sam left the doctor in the hallway as he made his way to Dean's room. He laid in the hospital bed, flipping through channels on the small TV that sat before him.

"Do you ever actually watch daytime TV," Dean asked as his siblings inched closer. "It's terrible."

Sam shook his head as he exhaled sharply. "I talked to your doctor."

Dean disregarded his brother. "The fabric softener bear, ooh. I want to hunt that little bitch down."


"Yeah. Right, well, it looks like you're gonna leave town without me."

"What are you talking about," Sam queried, shocked that his brother would even offer such a thing. "I'm not gonna leave you here."

"You better take care of that car," Dean said, ignoring Sam once again. "I swear I'll haunt your ass."

"I don't think that's funny."

"Oh, come on, it's a little funny."

"Stop it," Sybil cried, forcing Sam to put her down. "You promised me! You promised you wouldn't leave me alone."

Dean and Sam were taken aback at Sybil's outburst. They had both become speechless and heartbroken at what the girl was saying.


"I can practice my powers. It says online that my mom can do magic, maybe I can do magic and heal you."

"Sybil, stop," Dean said, his voice cracking.

Sybil and Dean stared at one another. She didn't like the look he had given her, a look that said there was nothing that they can do. Tears continued to run down her cheeks as she shook her head in denial. She ran out of the room and out of the hospital. She grabbed Sam's bag from the Impala, taking out his laptop. She began doing her own research, despite her misspellings.

Sam opened the impala door to see Sybil in the backseat, typing on the laptop. He laughed slightly as he watched her tongue stick out, attempting to type the words she needed.

"Um, how do you spell 'Hecate'?"

"I'll help you do research at the motel, Sybs," Sam said, smiling. He picked up the little girl, leaving the laptop in the backseat.

"I'm not giving up, you know."

"Yeah, neither am I."

                    SYBIL AND SAM MADE IT TO a motel where they had begun their research. Sam was researching different ways to heal a destroyed heart, both naturally and supernaturally, while Sybil went over spell books that were half her size.

Sam was on the phone as Sybil tried pronouncing the Greek words written in the ancient spellbooks. She stared intensely at a paper airplane as she yelled: "Pit see!"

The airplane sat on the bed, not a single movement. Sybil furrowed her eyebrows and pointed at the paper figure.

"Pit see!"

Sybil pouted. "Sammy, how do you pronounce this?"

Sam hung up the phone in frustration as he looked at his little sister. "Oh, that reads ptísi."

"Ugh," Sybil groaned in frustration, throwing herself to lie on her back. "None of this makes any sense!"

"Well, it's in Greek so of course, it may not make sense."

"But I thought I would understand Greek since I'm a dummy god," Sybil said, sitting up as she looked her brother with a tired expression.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "A dummy god?"

"Yeah, half god and half girl," Sybil explained in a 'duh' tone.

"You mean demigod?"

Sybil sat there, repeating what Sam had said before looking back at him. "That's what I said."

Sam chuckled. "Billie, you're still seven. You can't even read some of the words in the English language. It makes sense you can't understand Greek yet."

Before Sybil could reply, someone knocked on the door of their motel, causing Sybil to tense up. Sam slowly approached the door, opening it to reveal Dean.

"Deanie," Sybil yelled, perked up. "What are you doing here? The doctors need to fix you first."

"Yeah," Sam said, "what the hell are you doing here?"

"I checked my self out," Dean groaned, letting himself in.

"Are you crazy?"

Dean exhaled sharply. "Well, I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot."

"You know this whole 'I laugh Death in the face' thing," Sam continued as he closed the door, "it's crap. I can see right through it."

"Same," Sybil chirped, folding her arms across her chest.

"Yeah, whatever, dude. Have you even slept? You look worse than me!"

Sam helped Dean to the bed where Sybil had sat to do her research. "Billie and I have been scouring the internet for the last three days."

Sybil nodded. "I'm learning magic!"

"And I called every contact in Dad's journal."

Dean looked at his siblings, dark circles surrounding his eyes. "For what?"

"For a way to help you," Sam replied. "One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back, told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist."

"You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you," Dean asked.

"You're not gonna die," Sybil retorted, annoyed that her brother was too okay with death for her comfort.

Dean looked to Sam for help. Sam chuckled before saying, "we're going."

Sorry for not updating as much as I usually do. I'm taking summer classes and we are having our finals tomorrow, so I needed to work on that. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried finding some spells online, but I ended up not finding anything so I went on google translate and literally made my own spells in Greek, so please don't clown me!

Thank y'all for over 1000 reads! Y'all are amazing!

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