[Hiatus] Irony, Or Fate? - Fe...

By MissingInInaction

1M 13.4K 33.8K


Chapter 1 - One Strange Night
Chapter 2 - In The Mansion
Chapter 3 - Meeting The Other Girls Pt. 1
Chapter 4 - Meeting The Other Girls Pt.2
Chapter 5 - The Showdown
Chapter 6 - An Agreement
Chapter 7 - A Visit To The Pool Pt. 1
Chapter 8 - A Visit To The Pool Pt.2
Chapter 9 - A Fight To The Death
Chapter 10 - Time With The Girls Pt. 1
Chapter 11 - Time With The Girls Pt.2
Chapter 12 - Taking A Hostage
Chapter 13 - In Their Mansion Pt. 1
Chapter 14 - In Their Mansion Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - Recovery and Return
Chapter 16 - Ann's Love & Affection [LEMON]
Chapter 17 - The Next Day
Chapter 18 - A Problem Solved
Chapter 19 - Paying Your Respects
Chapter 20 - Back To School Pt. 1
Chapter 21 - Back To School Pt. 2
Chapter 22 - Time With Slenda [LEMON]
Chapter 23 - Resurrection
Chapter 24 - The Man With A Plan
Chapter 25 - A Very Creepy Christmas
Chapter 26 - A Tear in Reality Pt. 1
Chapter 27 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 2
Chapter 28 - A Tear in Reality Pt. 3
Chapter 29 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 4
Chapter 30 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 5
Chapter 31 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 6
Chapter 32 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 7
Chapter 33 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 8 [MINISERIES FINALE]
Chapter 34 - Back To The Mansion
Chapter 35 - Time With The Girls Pt. 3
Chapter 36 - Facing Your Demons
Chapter 37 - A Desperate Escape
Chapter 38 - An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 39 - A Change For The Better Pt. 1
Chapter 40 - A Change For The Better Pt. 2
Chapter 41 - A Change For The Better Pt. 3
Chapter 42 - One Feisty Fox [LEMON]
Chapter 44 - A Harsh Farewell
Chapter 45 - Taking A Break Pt. 1
Chapter 46 - Taking A Break Pt. 2
Chapter 47 - A Harem Filled Halloween
Chapter 48 - Building An Army Pt. 1
Chapter 49 - Building An Army Pt. 2
Chapter 50 - A Night With Jess [LEMON]
Chapter 51 - Forming A Plan
Chapter 52 - Following Through Pt. 1
Chapter 53 - Following Through Pt. 2
Chapter 54 - A Power, Unleashed
Chapter 55 - A Familiar Face
Chapter 56 - An Unlikely Outcome
Chapter 57 - An Even More Unlikely Alliance
Chapter 58 - One Last Study Session
Chapter 59 - A Plan To Surpass Them All
Chapter 60 - The Final Battle Pt. 1
Chapter 61 - The Final Battle Pt. 2
Chapter 62 - Epilogue, So What Now? [MAIN STORY FINALE]
Chapter 63 - Catching Up
Chapter 64 - A Visit To The Beach

Chapter 43 - A Bit Of Training

11.5K 152 605
By MissingInInaction

You woke up the following morning, comfortable and happy. Tails and Benny were still asleep, their hands held together on your chest. You thought about last night, and really hoped that nobody heard you.

You slowly got out of the bed, making sure not to wake the girls up. You put a shirt on, and quietly left the room. Some of the girls were awake, and you could hear them speaking to each other downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, Sally ran to you. She gave you a kiss and said,

Sally: Good morning (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Good morning, feeling affectionate are we?

Slenda: You're one to talk.

Tami: Yeah, S-Slenda told us w-what you were d-doing last night.

Sally: More like who he was doing.

Several of the girls laughed. Lazari, who was sitting in the kitchen, began to blush a deep shade of red.

(Y/n): Really girls? What if Maddie-

Jane: She's passed out in her new room. Do you really think we would be making jokes like that if she were here?

Clockwork: I would.

Jane shot Clockwork a death stare, and she simply replied by shrugging her shoulders.

Slenda: Would you care for some breakfast (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Sure, that sounds good.

You took a seat next to Lazari, and as you spoke to the other girls, she kept glancing at your face. She couldn't help the feelings she had as of recently, and remembered what Scaria had told her.

See me as a woman?, She asked herself.

Though you didn't make it obvious, you could tell Lazari was staring at you. You were grateful that she was sitting to your left. In an attempt to make her flustered, you looked at her and shot her a wink. Sure enough, her eyes widened a bit and she looked down to her plate. You smiled.

You then thought of how winking would work. Or if it even was a wink, and not just a blink with a different meaning.

Clockwork: So (Y/n), who's next on your list?

She said that with a smug grin, and you asked,

(Y/n): Depends, how badly do you want it?

She was taken aback by that response, as she started to stutter and blush.

Clockwork: D-Do I really need to answer that?

You chuckled, giving her a smile of your own. A few of the girls giggled.

Jess: I mean, I'm sure we all have the same answer.

Some of the girls nodded in response. Slenda gave you a plate of food, your favorite breakfast meal to be exact, and you happily began to dig in.

Masky: So, have you given any thought on what you want to do with Maddie?

Hoodie: Yeah, do you want her to just live here? Or fight like we do?

You stopped eating for a second to reply with,

(Y/n): Good question.

Though you gave that response, you weren't entirely sure what you wanted for Maddie. On the one hand, you brought her there so she could be safe.

But on the other, it wouldn't hurt for her to know self defense as well as you did. You contemplated the idea of training her. Those thoughts were soon interrupted when you had another thought,

Do I even want her to be fighting?

You sat your fork down, and thought to yourself before saying,

(Y/n): I will train her, but I will not have her fight. Better to have the skills and not need them, than to need them and not have them.

Slenda gave a nod of approval, and Sally asked,

Sally: So how are you going to train her?

(Y/n): The same way I trained you girls. And in time, she'll spar against you. But try not to mess her up, or else it will be me that you face.

Clockwork: I wouldn't mind you wrestling me to the ground.

A few of the girls giggled, and you shook your head.

(Y/n): I'll start training with her after she eats.

Slenda was about to read her mind for any memories of her favorite meals when you said,

(Y/n): Don't do that, I already know what she likes.

She smiled as you told her. She then spoke to her telepathically, and woke her up.

10 Minutes Later...

Madison was sleeping peacefully in her new bed, until she heard Slenda's voice.

Slenda: Madison, wake up.

She slowly opened her eyes and yawned, before calling for her.

Madison: Slenda?

But she wasn't in the room. Madison got out of her bed, and looked around.

Madison: S-Slenda?

She was nowhere to be found, which begged the question,

Where did that voice come from?

She heard it once more, as it said,

Slenda: Breakfast is ready Madison. Aren't you hungry?

Madison: Yeah, but... How are you talking to me?

Slenda gave a light hearted laugh from the kitchen, before saying,

Slenda: I'm speaking to you telepathically. Through your mind. I talk to all of the girls this way whenever they aren't in the same room as I.

Madison: Through my mind?

Slenda: Yes.

Madison: Woah, and you can talk to anyone this way?

Slenda: Correct, it's pretty cool, huh?

Madison: It's freaking awesome!

She stopped and asked,

Madison: What did you make for breakfast?

Slenda: For you, I made two slices of french toast with brown sugar and ground cinnamon. I also added a tad bit of whipped cream and a few strawberries on top, all of it covered with a decent amount of syrup. It's served with a side of bacon, the bacon being on the crispier side.

Madison: That's my favorite! How'd you know?

Slenda: Well, I can read minds. But it was actually (Y/n) that told me your preference. He spoke before I could read through your memories.

Madison: (Y/n) was the one to remember that?

Slenda: Yes, I was impressed too.

Madison: Hmm, maybe he isn't such a dork after all.

She thought for a few seconds before saying,

Madison: Nah, he's just a recollective dork.

Slenda: You should come down here Madison, and enjoy your breakfast.

Madison: You know? I think I will.

She then headed down the stairs, eager to eat. She was a bit hesitant to sit down at first, until Lazari said,

Lazari: You can sit next to me if you'd like.

Madison was more than ok with that, as Lazari was sitting right next to you. She sat in between her and Ann when Slenda handed Madison her breakfast. She smiled and was hit with nostalgia the moment she took a bite.

You noticed, and couldn't help but join her in smiling. Slenda had restored all of the memories she was fond of, and all of the memories that taught her valuable things.

Any bad memories of her past life were long gone, with the exception of a few. But you were more then thankful that the good outweighed the bad.

Lazari: You know, I'm pretty new to this mansion too.

Madison: Really?

Lazari: Yeah, I haven't been here as long as the others.

Madison looked at her hair, which wasn't orange, as one would expect when hearing the term "redhead". She had literal red hair, with eyes to match. Madison admired the maroon like color before asking,

Madison: Your hair, does it really look like that?

Lazari: Huh? Oh, yeah, my hair naturally looks like this.

Madison: Whoa, it's so pretty!

Lazari giggled and asked,

Lazari: You think so?

Madison: Yeah! I'd love to have hair like that! And with eyes to match? Aww man, you're pretty lucky.

Lazari giggled again, before saying,

Lazari: Thank you Madison.

Madison: Do you think I could pull that kind of style off? Like if I dyed my hair?

(Y/n): Dye your hair?

Madison: Yeah, why not?

(Y/n): You don't like your natural hair color?

Madison: I do, but, it wouldn't hurt to spice it up every now and then.

Lazari: I dunno, I like your hair. I think it's cute.

Madison: Really? Thank you!

After half an hour, everyone had finished eating, and you pulled Madison to the side.

Madison: What is it (Y/n)?

(Y/n): How would you like to learn to fight like I do?

Madison: Fight like you?

(Y/n): Yeah, you'd be able to kick as- butt on your own.

Madison: Huh, I like the sound of that. Does that mean I'd be able to get those bullies that would pick on you?

You smiled.

(Y/n): Don't worry Maddie, I got them back a long time ago.

Madison: Well, I still want to learn how to kick butt!

You laughed at how enthusiastic she was, and said,

(Y/n): Then follow me.

On the way to the gym, you told Madison about the other areas of the mansion.

(Y/n): The pool is great if you ever feel like taking a swim.

Madison: How deep does it go?

(Y/n): At its deepest, I think around 9 or 10 feet.

Madison: That sounds awesome!

(Y/n): You always were a pretty good swimmer. If you're ever feeling sick, or you hurt yourself, Ann's clinic is a great place to go.

Madison: Have you ever been in there for accidentally hurting yourself?

(Y/n): More or less. Past the pool is a giant dressing room. It's usually a good idea to go there before and after you go to the pool. Though the girls use it much more often than I do.

Madison: Have you ever been in there?

(Y/n): Only once.

Madison: So this gym, what does it have?

(Y/n): Just about anything you want or need. Punching bags, weights, and in the middle of it is a ring. That's where the girls will spar most times.

Madison: Cool! Do you think I'll spar with anyone today?

(Y/n): Probably not. We wouldn't want you to beat everyone up, would we?

She laughed.

Madison: I guess not.

You opened the doors to the gym, and Madison immediately stared at the ring.

Madison: This place is cool!

(Y/n): Right? It might seem a bit intimidating at first, but-

Madison didn't hear a word you said, as she has already gone into the gym, and began to look around.

(Y/n): Or walk away, that works too.

You stepped into the gym, and grabbed two pairs of MMA gloves. You called Maddie over.

(Y/n): We'll be using these gloves, and I'll teach you a few things.

You tossed the gloves to her and she put them on, eager to start. She got a feel for them as she listened to you.

(Y/n): First rule of fighting...

She looked up, and you raised your arms.

(Y/n): Always keep your guard up.

She mimicked you, and you continued.

(Y/n): Second rule of fighting...

You looked her in the eyes, and she stared into yours, seeming to have already gotten the message.

(Y/n): Always maintain eye contact.

Though that's not exactly the easiest with me, You thought.

She nodded, and as she kept her hands up and stared into your eye, you told her the third rule of fighting.

(Y/n): Never throw the first punch, but always throw the last.

Madison: So... Never start a fight, but always be the one to finish it?

You smiled.

(Y/n): Yes.

You stood across from her, and took a breath. You would have to go easy on her since she wasn't like the other girls in terms of strength.

(Y/n): Are you ready?

Madison: Yeah!

You chuckled.

(Y/n): Then let the lesson begin.

You weren't going to go too easy on her, but you would make sure that she learned. However, you would not train her like your neighbor had trained you.

3 Years Ago...

You were knocked to the ground again, and as you struggled to breath, your neighbor said,

Mason: Rule number one. Keep your guard up.

You stood, and stared at the hand that he'd used to throw you to the ground. He took notice of this, and popped you in the mouth with his other hand. It jerked your head back and temporarily stunned you. You held your head, breathing heavily.

Mason: Rule number two. Always maintain eye contact.

You shook your head. Taking another breath, you attempted a swing to his face. Mason caught your hand, pulled you forward and kicked the back of your knee.

As he did that, he also grabbed you by the throat and quickly turned around, throwing you to the ground. As you slowly got up and caught your breath, he stood over you.

Mason: Rule number three. Never throw the first punch, but always throw the last.

He offered you a hand, and you took it. As you got up you became paranoid that he was going to throw you down again, but that wasn't the case. You brushed yourself off, and asked,

(Y/n): I still don't understand, why would you want to help me with this?

Mason: I know what you're doing is technically illegal, but the police have done little to nothing for your sister. She was a kind girl, who had a good head on her shoulders, and cared about doing what was right.

He put a hand on your shoulder.

Mason: She didn't deserve what happened to her.

(Y/n): I just hope nobody ever figures out that I'm him.

Mason: Me neither. But your secret is safe with me. Are you hungry (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah, a little bit.

He went into his house, and came out with a large sub sandwich. He cut it into two halves, and gave you one of them.

(Y/n): Thank you.

Mason: Sure thing buddy. And after some thought, I think I have another reason on why I help you.

Intrigued, you raised an eyebrow.

Mason: I think it helps me, knowing that my training and knowledge won't go to waste. Knowing that I'm still helping this world, even if it isn't on the field.

(Y/n): Speaking of which, would you mind telling me another story of what it was like being in the service?

With a hearty chuckle, he replied,

Mason: It'd be my pleasure.

You took a bite out of the sandwich, and listened as he began to tell another story...

Present Time, 2019...

Although Madison was quick, she was beginning to run out of breath. On top of that, she had a hard time reading your moves. You had also given her some protective headgear, to ensure that you didn't accidentally hurt her. You debated whether or not you should teach her takedowns.

Yeah, because she totally needs to be breaking peoples' arms and legs, You thought.

She called for a quick break, and you grabbed a water bottle for her. She took it, and sat down as you spoke.

(Y/n): You did pretty good for someone who's never been in a fight.

Madison: How would you know?- Oh, yeah.

(Y/n): How are you feeling?

Madison: Pretty tired. How long have we been training?

(Y/n): A little over an hour. Do you want to keep going or call it a day?

Madison took a sip of the water. It was cold and very refreshing. She thought for a moment, before saying,

Madison: I can go for a little longer.

(Y/n): Ok. First, go ahead and take a break. I'll have some of the girls come in here, and show you what they've learned.

You left the room, and came back a few minutes later with Jane and Clockwork.

(Y/n): Girls, I would like for you to show Maddie what sparring looks like. Think you can do that?

With a grin, Clockwork asked,

Clockwork: What's in it for me?

You laughed, and quickly shot her a wink, still debating that earlier thought in your mind. Madison seemed confused, but Clockwork got the message, and ushered Jane into the ring.

Clockwork: Well, c'mon Jane! We wouldn't want to keep (Y/n) waiting!

Jane giggled.

(Y/n): Are both of you ready?

They nodded.

(Y/n): Then you may begin.

Jane: Keep it clean.

Clockwork: Everything about me is clean!

As they circled the ring, Jane whispered,

Jane: Except for your thoughts.

Clockwork took one swing at Jane, and she ducked, before attempting to sweep her legs. Clockwork's legs were swept from beneath her, and she fell to the ground.

Before Jane could attack, she rolled away, giving herself time to recover. Jane didn't wait for her to get up, and threw numerous hits as Clockwork brought herself to her feet.

She took 2 of the hits, and countered the third. She caught Jane's hand and twisted her wrist and came in close, hitting her in the face with her elbow.

Jane kicked Clockwork's ankle, and caused her to stumble. From there, she grabbed one of her arms, and spun around, pressing her back against Clockwork's chest. She leaned forward, and used her momentum to Judo throw Clockwork onto the ground.

She quickly shot you a smile before focusing on her. As Jane went to pin her to the ground, Clockwork threw her legs in the air, and wrapped them around Jane's neck and one of her arms.

Both you and Jane were surprised, while Madison sat still, taking light sips from her water bottle and observing. She was trying to take in as much as possible, in hopes that she herself would be able to perform a move like that.

(Y/n): A triangle chokehold...

You didn't recall teaching that to Clockwork, which led you to believe that she must have been studying on various fighting techniques. You were proud to say the least.

Jane began to hit her hips and her side, but each hit didn't do much. Eventually, she tapped out, and as Clockwork let her go and theatrically blew kisses to the nonexistent crowd, Jane sighed and caught her breath. You came to her side of the ring and said,

(Y/n): Hey, don't beat yourself up over losing. That's a hard hold to escape. How about I personally train you sometime soon?

Jane: You mean it?

(Y/n): Of course. When I taught you girls how to fight, the point was that you'd learn. Sparring is great and all, but what matters is that you know what you're doing. And from what I've seen, I'd say both of you are doing a great job.

She smiled, and gave you a kiss. Clockwork was enthusiastically speaking to Madison.

Clockwork: So, that last minute chokehold was pretty sweet, huh?

Madison: Yeah! Where did you learn how to do that?

Clockwork: I've done my fair share of research. One day, I hope to beat (Y/n) in this ring.

Madison: I know you can do it!

Clockwork sat next to Madison.

Clockwork: So, how would you feel facing one of us?

Madison: I'm still new to this, so I don't think I'm ready yet.

Clockwork: Don't worry, with (Y/n) teaching you, I'm sure you'll be ready in no time.

Madison only nodded, as she suddenly felt a pain in her head. It was like she had a migraine, but much worse. She took another drink from her bottle, convinced that she was just dehydrated.

However, the pain spread from her head to the rest of her body. Clockwork sat next to her, and noticed that she was bleeding.

Clockwork: Hey Maddie, are you sure (Y/n) didn't hit you too hard?

Madison: I was wearing some sort of headgear. Why do you ask?

Clockwork: You're bleeding, from somewhere on your head.

Madison brought her hand to the top of her head, and sure enough, blood was beginning to seep out from somewhere. You overheard their conversation, and walked to them.

(Y/n): Did you say she was bleeding?

Clockwork: Yeah, look.

You examined her, and the source of the blood was what looked like a fresh wound. Your heart sank when you recognized what kind of wound it was. It was a bullet hole, and the blood kept flowing from it.


Stripes watched as Zalga said a few words in an unfamiliar language. She raised her fist while doing so, and once she finished speaking, her eyes lost the crimson red glow. She lowered her hand as Stripes asked,

Stripes: What did you do?

Zalga: I've taken Madison's vitality away from her.

Stripes: What?!

Zalga: She doesn't have long to live. An excruciating pain will slowly spread throughout her entire body, and then she'll die.

Stripes: But why make her suffer?

Zalga: I want to see (Y/n) break down. I want to see his mental health deteriorate, knowing that there's nothing he can do to help his dear sister.

Stripes was at a loss for words, and only left the throne room. Zalga leaned back, and began to cackle.

Zalga: Clock's ticking, your move Nightstalker.

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